Key Benefits:
383. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Finance on the Women's Development Plan for the Federal Ministry of Finance
On the basis of § 11a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), BGBl. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 210/2013, shall be arranged:
The Federal Ministry of Finance's Women's Development Plan
The Federal Ministry of Finance is committed to an active equal treatment and gender equality policy in order to ensure equal opportunities for women and men.
§ 1. With the implementation of the Federal Ministry of Finance's Women's Development Plan, the following goals are to be achieved in particular:
1. |
Reduction of direct and indirect handicaps or favors due to the Merkmales "gender". |
2. |
The promotion of the recognition of women as equal and equal partners in the professional world and the promotion of a positive attitude towards the professional activities of women at all levels of the hierarchy in all functions and activities. |
3. |
To promote the concerns and support of measures for the advancement of women among the employees, especially among the managers. |
4. |
Increased integration of women's promotion into personnel planning and development. |
5. |
The promotion of the professional identity and self-awareness of women in order to increase their willingness to influence, to help shape, to make decisions and to take responsibility. |
6. |
The increase in the compatibility of professional and private-especially family-obligations for women and men. The creation of a non-discriminatory working environment by striving to reconcile work and family obligations . |
7. |
The increase in acceptance of family obligations (e.g. B. Väterkarenz) by men in the resort. |
8. |
The promotion of equal representation of women in all decision-making structures at least according to their share in employment, in commissions and in committees. |
9. |
The increase in the proportion of women according to the provisions of § § 11 ff B-GlBG in the use and pay groups in which women are under-represented (see Appendix 1 ). The urgency of the advancement of women is determined by the extent of the under-representation. In any case, an already achieved female quota in areas with a proportion of women of less than 50% is to be maintained. |
10. |
The increase in the number of women in management positions according to the provisions of § § 3 and 4. |
11. |
The strategy of gender mainstreaming-gender equality in all political and social matters-into all policies and policies, in the organisation and in the system of human resources planning and To integrate the human resources development of the Federal Ministry of Finance and to establish and implement as a consistent principle for equality between women and men in all areas of activity of the Federal Ministry of Finance. |
12. |
Ensuring effective protection of dignity in the workplace, in particular the crackdown on sexual harassment in the workplace. |
13. |
The active role of the financial department to represent the equal treatment topic in a model function to the outside and thus to have a positive impact on the social environment as an organization. |
Preferred recording according to § 11b B-GlBG
§ 2. In the case of under-representation of women according to § 11b para. 1 Z 1 and Z 2 B-GlBG, applicants who are equally suitable for the planned job as the best-suited competitor, according to § 11b B-GlBG are to be given priority. The proportion of women given at 31 December 2013 is not to be undershot in areas with a proportion of women below 50%.
Preference for career advancement according to § 11c B-GlBG
§ 3. (1) In the case of under-representation of women according to § 11c Z 1 and Z 2 B-GlBG, applicants who are equally suitable for the sought-after use (function) as the best-suited competitor, according to § 11c B-GlBG are to be ordered as a priority. The proportion of women given at 31 December 2013 is not to be undershot in areas with a proportion of women below 50%.
(2) In the absence of a women's application for a management function, appropriate measures must be taken by the service authority in order to qualify women for the take-over of management responsibility in the context of succession planning (e.g. For example by junior junior qualification programmes) and to motivate them.
§ 4. (1) For § § 2 and 3, the proportion of women tends to increase, taking into account possible subsequent occupancy. The following values are to be sought as the target of the financial portfolio according to the key figures according to Appendix 1 are to be collected.
(2) The controlling of the degree of achievement of the women's share is carried out-based on the efforts to unify the key figures and target values-on the definition of the number of indicators stored in the consolidation path of the 2014 Personnel Plan.
Service obligations
§ 5. (1) It belongs to the official duties of the representatives of the employer (§ 2 para. 4 B-GlBG), in accordance with the guidelines of the Women's Development Plan for the elimination of an existing under-representation of women in the total number of women. Employees and the functions, as well as the existing disadvantages of women in connection with the employment relationship (women's promotion bid). The objectives of gender equality and the promotion of women are to be included in all target agreements.
§ 6. (1) All tender texts in accordance with the 1989 Tendering Act (AusG), BGBl. No 85, and internal calls for tenders are to be drawn up in a female and male form.
(2) In invitations to tender for the planning of a particular use (grading) or of certain functions, where the proportion of women in the sphere of action of the respective service authority is less than 50%, the indication that the The respective service authority shall endeavour to increase the proportion of women in posts and in management functions and therefore should be strongly invited to apply for the application.
(3) As long as the requirements of § § 11b and 11c B-GlBG are not met and the proportion of women in a particular use (classification) or a specific function is less than 50%, all tenders for posts and of Expressly point out the functions in the tender text to the fact that applicants with the same suitability according to the requirements of § 11b B-GlBG are accepted as a priority and with the same suitability according to the requirements of § 11c B-GlBG applicants be ordered as a priority.
(4) The intended occupation of a workplace which is not subject to a tendering procedure shall be notified in an appropriate manner internally, so that the group of persons eligible for the function or the place of work shall be included in the employment contract. In any case, the Commission shall be informed of the
(5) Requirement profiles for functions must be clearly defined and correspond to the actual requirements of the function. They are to be formulated in such a way that they do not discriminate against women either directly or indirectly.
(6) Applications of carded staff should be considered in the same way as other applications.
(7) The Equal Treatment Offices shall be informed of intended function occupations. In accordance with the representative areas referred to in Appendix 2 In each case, a copy of the invitation to tender or the expression of interest shall be forwarded and the composition of the Commission shall be notified. Once the procedure has been completed, you will be informed how many men and how many women have applied and who has been assigned the role of the function.
Selection procedure
§ 7. (1) The selection criteria according to § 5 B-GlBG must be observed.
(2) Criteria catalogues for interviews shall be drawn up in such a way that they do not discriminate against women either directly or indirectly. Accordingly, in interviews, hearings and interviews, frauendent issues (such as: (b) to remain under the family planning system. In assessing the suitability of applicants, no selection and evaluation criteria should be used which are based on a discriminatory, role-stereotypical understanding of the sexes.
(3) In addition to the (new) admission and all interviews, and selection hearings, the responsible equal treatment officer or her deputy is to be invited with a consultative voice.
(4) In order to assess leadership qualities, criteria such as: B. social competence, whereby the skills and qualifications acquired in parental carence are to be commend in the course of the career assessment.
(5) The occupational interruptions of women and men should not be detrimental to the persons concerned.
Composition of Commissions, Advisory Councils and Working Groups
§ 8. (1) It is important to ensure that the composition of commissions provided for in the rules of service and the following commissions are represented by women within the meaning of § 10 B-GlBG.
(2) The Chair of the Working Party on Equal Treatment shall be informed in accordance with Section 10 B-GlBG of the Commission Chairman in a timely and timely way so that a staff member or a staff member may participate in the meetings with the advisory vote can be made in a consultative voice.
(3) In the case of the composition of other commissions, advisory boards, working parties or comparable decision-making bodies or advisory bodies whose members are not appointed by election, the service provider shall, when appoints members, have to strike a gender balance. In particular, it is also important to note that women are appointed as chairmen and full members.
Equal treatment and promotion of women as part of organisational and human resources development
§ 9. (1) Measures to promote women are to be set at all organisational and hierarchical levels. In order to achieve this objective, accompanying measures are needed to raise awareness among managers.
(2) Existing differences in working conditions for men and women must be eliminated. No discriminatory task assignments may be made in the determination of the service obligations for the service users.
(3) The managers as representatives of the service provider shall contribute the measures to be taken, to participate in the preparation and to assume the role of the role model function.
(4) In the context of the employee interview with the employees, it is the task of the managers to motivate women to actively shape their careers, and to offer support in doing so.
Reform measures/gender-saving occupation of working groups and project groups, delegations, committees or podiums
§ 10. (1) The Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions shall be notified of any change in the division of business and personnel.
(2) In working groups on administrative reform measures, personnel planning and personnel development, reorganization and future projects, an appropriate proportion of women with target values shall be added in accordance with § 4.
(3) In the composition of delegations, bodies and podiums by the Federal Ministry of Finance, a balanced gender ratio should be sought.
(4) In the case of structure and reorganisation programmes, consideration should be given to the promotion of women.
Protection of human dignity at work
§ 11. (1) The dignity of women and men in the workplace must be protected. Behavioural practices that violate, restrict or object to human dignity, in particular degrading or injuring statements and representations (posters, calendars, screensavers, etc.), bullying and sexual harassment, are to be found in: and must not be condoned by superiors. The service provider shall take appropriate measures to raise awareness, provide information and support services (e.g. B. contact persons) for victims.
(2) The employees are fully informed about the legal and other possibilities to fight against bullying, discrimination by gender and sexual harassment in the workplace (e.g. Intranet, brochures, occupational medicine, psychology, etc.).
(3) All employees, in particular those with managerial responsibilities, are responsible in their work area for the fact that sexually harassing behaviour is not carried out.
(4) Training on dealing with incidents of sexual harassment, gender discrimination and bullying are also to be offered to managers and to recommend their visit.
(5) It is particularly important for managers to pay attention to a working atmosphere, which is carried out by mutual respect.
Gender mainstreaming
§ 12. (1) The Federal Ministry of Finance shall permanently review all actions it has set on its possible gender-specific effects in order to avoid any form of gender-based discrimination. Gender studies should include the perspective of gender relations in all decision-making processes.
(2) In the case of material laws, an indication of the gender test that has been carried out shall be included in the presentation of the government in the preliminary sheet and in the general part of the explanations.
Linguistic equality
§ 13. (1) In all legislation, internal and external documents as well as publications of the resort, names of persons shall be used both in female and male or in gender neutral form.
(2) Women are to be made visible in the events, dispositions and correspondence of the financial department as well as on the office boards and door signs. All women ' s posts in question, as well as all official titles and designations of use of women, shall, in so far as it is linguistically possible, be used in the female form.
Secondary activity
§ 14. In the case of the transfer of secondary activities, which are carried out by employees, a gender-specific balance must be carried out with equivalent qualifications.
Support for equal treatment officers and women's representatives
§ 15. (1) The activities of the equal treatment officers, their alternates and the women's representatives according to the B-GlBG are part of their official duties. The service provider shall take particular care in this area of the administration for all service provisions. The role of the Equal Treatment Officer, her alternates and the Women's Representative must not be a professional disadvantage either during the exercise of her duties or after leaving the women's representative.
(2) In order to carry out their duties according to the B-GlBG, the Equal Treatment Offiders, their alternates and the women's representatives are to be supported. The equal treatment officers, their deputies and the women's representatives are entitled to use the existing property and human resources according to the principles of economic efficiency, expediency, economy and efficiency. .
(3) The section lines, as well as the lines of service authorities and bodies, shall ensure that the equal treatment officers, their alternates and the women's representative are required to carry out the activities necessary for the performance of their activities. Resources (IT, human resources, space and equipment, financial resources) are available and these activities are taken into account in the case of target agreements.
(4) The equal treatment officers, their alternates and the women's representatives shall be included in the business and personnel divisions of the service authorities and offices, as well as in the electronic telephone book, with this function.
(5) In accordance with § 31 B-GlBG, the Equal Treatment Officer and her alternate shall be provided with information and, upon request, all the information required for the performance of their duties.
(6) Travel movements in the performance of duties as equal treatment officers, their deputies or as women's representatives, such as visits by departments in the area of competence, participation in meetings or submissions at the Federal Equal Treatment Commission, are considered to be a business trip within the meaning of travel fee rule 1955 (RGV), BGBl. No. 133.
(7) The measures provided for in the Women's Development Plan are to be discussed and implemented in regular discussions between equal treatment officers and the management of the section and the service authorities.
Note on the B-GlBG
§ 16. (1) Executive officers of the financial department are to be made periodically aware of the B-GlBG by the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions.
(2) Issues that are relevant in the context of achieving the objectives of this promotion plan shall also be included in the meetings of management meetings. The Chair of the Working Group or an Equal Treatment Officer shall be invited to discuss this item of the agenda.
Start of professional activity
§ 17. At the beginning of the professional activity of one or one staff member, the competent equal treatment officer and the women's representative at the service centre shall be given sufficient opportunity to present himself and to discuss the B-GlBG and the Women's promotion plan to be informed.
Information of the employees
§ 18. (1) All employees shall be notified in an appropriate manner by the service provider of the women's support plan (e.g. Intranet). Information on equal treatment and the promotion of women must be provided on the intranet and in the publications of the resort.
(2) All staff members shall participate in information sessions of the equal treatment officers as well as the individual contact with the responsible equal treatment officer and the women's representative within of the service period.
(3) The report according to § 12 B-GlBG, which provides information on the state of implementation of equal treatment and the promotion of women in the Federal Service, is to be published on the intranet.
Reporting obligation
§ 19. (1) A written evaluation of the implementation and impact of the measures for the promotion of women in accordance with § § 2 to 4 shall be carried out by the employer of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions by 31 December 2008 at the latest. The report shall be forwarded to the Council. These data are to be used as a basis for decision-making in personnel matters, insofar as legal consequences are attached to them.
(2) The non-submission of the binding guidelines of the Women's Promotion Plan is to be commented on during the evaluation.
(3) This report shall be published in an appropriate manner (Intranet).
(4) The implementation of the measures referred to in this Regulation shall be one of the responsibilities of the management staff.
(5) The internal audit has to include compliance with the B-GlBG and the present regulation in its audit report.
Part-time employment and caring duties
§ 20. (1) The task of the superiors is to design the work planning of an organizational unit in such a way that it is taken into account as far as possible on individual-in particular familial-obligations of the staff members.
(2) In the case of staff members, part-time employment shall not result in any discrimination against any kind of work. For women and men with care obligations, individual regulations of their working time and their division of work are to be sought.
(3) In the case of the arrangement of service appointments-in particular in the case of the arrangement of additional services-consideration shall be given to the time requirements arising from care obligations. There must be no discrimination on the part of staff.
(4) Caring duties must be taken into account in the authorisation of telework.
(5) In the case of all employees of the department, the acceptance of the use of paternal carence and part-time work on the basis of child-care obligations by men must be promoted.
(6) Parents of mandatory children are to be able to take up sliding days to an increased extent during the holidays.
(7) Personnel planning and development shall take into account the possibility of a maternal or paternal carence in the career planning of both sexes.
Part-time employment and management responsibility
§ 21. (1) It is organisational to ensure that leading positions are also accessible to part-time workers as far as possible. In principle, part-time employment has no reason to be a management responsibility.
(2) Part-time employment is to be possible in all areas of work and at all skill levels.
Part-time employment and qualification
§ 22. Partial employment must not be used to reject an application for admission to the basic training period. The participation of part-time workers in education is to be ensured by the creation of appropriate framework conditions. It is necessary to examine whether seminars and training courses for part-time workers can be carried out to a greater extent. Part-time workers participating in training events shall be subject to the obligation to pay the hours worked there within the framework of the applicable employment level.
Information and admission to qualification measures
§ 23. (1) In the context of Section 11d B-GlBG, women are to be allowed to qualify for training and further training which qualifies for the acquisition of higher-value uses (functions). In the case of training and further education measures with a limited number of participants, at least as many places for women are to be reserved, as is the proportion of their share in the respective target group.
(2) The task of the immediate superiors is to encourage their employees to take part in the courses offered and to propose concrete training steps in time to participate in the selection of educational opportunities. The service staff shall ensure that all service workers, including part-time workers and carded persons, are responsible for continuing vocational training courses and training courses for Managers and managers ' growth are informed, and attention is drawn to the fact that women's applications are particularly welcome.
(3) The participation of female (including part-time) staff in management channels is to be encouraged, especially in those areas where women are under-represented in the functions.
(4) In personnel planning and development, the potential of women in particular is to be encouraged. Mentoring programmes for women must be integrated into the system of personnel planning and development. An essential task is to ensure equal participation of women in education and training, remuneration, advancement and the like.
(5) In the educational concept of the resort, gender-specific events should be provided and implemented.
(6) Employees are entitled to women-specific training. Special seminars for the advancement of women are to be offered within the scope of the training programme.
(7) In the organisation and timing of internal training and further education events, it is possible to take into account, as far as possible, an opportunity to participate in the participation of employees with care obligations.
(8) Information networks, in particular the extension of women's competence, should be encouraged.
§ 24. (1) In the training seminars for lectures, "Equal treatment and advancement of women" and "Gender Mainstreaming" are to be addressed.
(2) In training and training courses, there is a need to ensure a balanced relationship between male and female pretending.
(3) § 11c B-GlBG should be applied in the appropriate way in the selection of lectures for training courses.
(4) Have a knowledge of gender mainstreaming in the sense of § 1 Z 11 and the B-GlBG.
Training of managers
§ 25. (1) Personnel responsible and all staff members exercising the pre-legislative function have to inform themselves about the B-GlBG and related issues of the advancement of women and equal treatment. In the course of their training, managers are particularly aware of their obligation to promote women.
(2) In the Ressorts ' executive training courses, topics such as gender mainstreaming, the promotion of women, federal equality law, service law and the handling of employees are to be dealt with. Special attention is paid to the ability to delegate responsibility and team work.
(3) Women and men in managerial positions, equal treatment representatives, their representatives and women and men in problem situations is the participation in individual supervisions or in the case of women and men in professional situations. Coaching can be made possible.
Reconciliation of work and family life
§ 26. (1) In the light of the budgetary possibilities and the requirements of the service, women-and family-friendly organisational changes and facilities, such as flexible working hours, re-entry programmes for carded staff, are: Increased courses in the federal states or the creation of childcare facilities.
(2) Women and men with care obligations shall be able to offer suitable working models.
(3) The employee interview also covers topics concerning staff with care obligations, such as more flexible working time arrangements.
(4) Management positions must be designed in such a way that their acquisition can be reconciling with the responsibility for children and the family.
Childcare facilities
§ 27. Cooperation with childcare facilities in the vicinity of the respective department is to be examined.
Charted staff
§ 28. (1) On a voluntary basis, it is possible to allow the participation in service meetings or training courses in the leisure time. The career compass karenz is mentioned.
(2) Employees who are on a Karenz holiday are, on request, from the competent service authority on essential-the place of business or the respective department concerning-matters and on-and- Training opportunities to be informed. The staff concerned shall be informed of this possibility in a timely manner (at the latest when the date of entry into the Karenzurlaubes) by the staff responsible for the staff.
(3) This information shall be passed on by the respective department and shall include, in particular, organizational changes, changes in the field of activity or function announcements.
(4) Karenzised employees according to the Maternity Protection Act 1979 (MSchG), BGBl. No. 221 or Väter-Karenzgesetz (VKG), BGBl. No 651/1989, it is necessary, if requested and in the case of a given needs of the service authority, to provide for a small-scale service.
(5) Each and every member of staff returning from a leave-of-leave leave shall have a discussion of their future use (activities and development opportunities) at the latest four weeks before the date of the service, with the assistance of the future immediate superiors.
§ 29. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation on the Women's Development Plan BGBl. II No 19 /2013.