Key Benefits:
21. Federal Law, which amends the University Law 2002 and the Higher Education Law 2005
The National Council has decided:
Article 1
Federal Law, which amends the University Law 2002
The University Law 2002, BGBl. I No 120/2002, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 45/2014, as follows:
1. The contents of the contents of the 2a. Subsection of the 1st section of the I. Parts with the exception of the 14h line.
2. The contents are the heading for the third subsection of the second section of the I. Parts. "Special provisions for the clinical areas of medical universities and/or the universities in which a medical faculties are established”.
3. The index is in the second section of the VIII. Part of the § 123a line:
§ 123a. and § 123b. Transitional provisions for the establishment of a medical faculties" |
4. The contents of the table are set out in the 5th section of the VIII. Add the following lines:
"5a. Section | |
Association of universities | |
§ | 140a. Legal succession |
§ | 140b. Transitional provisions for the Statute, the Organisation and Development Plan |
§ | 140c. Transfer of rental rights to real estate, buildings and premises |
§ | 140d. Transfer of staff |
§ | 140e. Transitional provisions for employee representatives |
§ | 140f. Transitional provisions |
§ | 140g. and § 140h. Other provisions” |
5. § 2 replaces the point at the end of the Z 12 by a bar point and adds the following 13:
"13. | Reconciliation of studies or profession with care obligations for children and dependent relatives. “ |
6. In § 9, "§ 10" by reference "§ 10. 1" replaced.
7. Paragraph 10 of the paragraph "(1)" The following paragraph will be advanced. 2 added:
"(2) Each university is also entitled to attract other assets, without prejudice to Articles 26 and 27, in particular in the form of donations, gifts and sponsorship. “
8. The § 14h is the following paragraph. 8:
"(8) In the studies covered by the fields of study referred to in paragraph 2, a study start-up and orientation phase is in accordance with § 66. 1, 1a and 1b as part of the study in question. If the selection of students is a semester after approval, it is § 66. 1, 1a and 1b to apply the selection procedure as part of the study entry and guidance phase. “
9. In § 15 paragraphs. 6 is the quotation "§ 10" by reference "§ 10. 1" replaced.
10. § 19(2). 2 Z 6 is:
“6. | Women's Promotion Plan and Gender Equality Plan (§ 20b); “ |
11. According to § 19(2), the following paragraph will be made. 2a inserted:
"(2a) In particular, the Statute may also include provisions relating to measures relating to plagiates or other prejudices of scientific achievements in the framework of written seminar and audit work, bachelor's work, diploma and Master's work, artistic diploma and master's work, as well as doctorates. In addition, the Rectorate may decide on a decision on a decision to exclude from the study of a maximum of two semesters in the event of serious and intentional circumgiance or serious and intentional other prejudices of scientific achievements in the context of completion work (bachelorry, diploma and master work, artistic diploma and Master's work, and doctorates). “
12. § 20(2). 5 first sentence is:
“The head or head of an organisational unit with research and teaching tasks or tasks of the development and development of the arts and teaching of the art is to be appointed by the Rectorate on a proposal from university professors of the organisation concerned by a qualified person with an up-to-date relationship with the Federal Government, which is assigned to the university for the service, or a continuous working relationship with the University. “
13. In accordance with Section 20, the following sections 20a and 20b and headings are inserted:
"Deteriorating composition of college bodies
§ 20a. (1) § 20a applies to all the college bodies set up under this federal law as well as by the organisation plan and the Statute of the University, unless otherwise specified in this federal law. Audit Commissions are excluded from the application of this provision.
(2) Any collegiate body pursuant to paragraph 1 have listened to at least 50 vH women. In colleges with an unradical number of members, the calculation is made by the number of members to be computerized to reduce a member and to determine the required proportion of women.
(3) Both the Senate and the Federal Government have the choice or the Appointment of the members of the University Council in paragraph 2.
(4) Preparation of the list of candidates as part of the electoral proposals for the representatives of the groups to be elected in accordance with Section 25(2). 4 Z 1, 2 and 3 have to be done in such a way that at least 50 vH women are selected. This also applies to the replacement members to choose. The second sentence must be applied. No objections to the lack of choice proposals in accordance with Section 42(2). 8d, the Senate elected on the basis of these electoral proposals shall at any time apply with regard to paragraph 2. 2 as well.
Women's Promotion Plan and Gender Equality Plan
§ 20b. (1) The Women's Promotion Plan and the Equality Plan are part of the Statute (§ 19(2)). 2 Z 6). The right to a proposal from the Women's Promotion Plan and the Gender Equality Plan, as well as the right to propose a change in the Women's Promotion Plan and the Gender Equality Plan to the Rector (§ 44). The Rectorate is only possible on the basis of a proposal from the Working Party on Equal Treatment by the Rectory, which is based on the Working Party on Equal Treatment. A decision is to be taken within six months of the proposal of the Rectorate from the Senate.
(2) The Women's Promotion Plan and the Equality Plan are designed to implement the constitutional requirements for effective equality according to Art. 7(2) and 3 B-VG as well as the Federal Law on equal treatment in the area of the Federal (B-GlBG), with regard to universities and the provisions of this federal law on equality and equal treatment between women and men. In addition to the Women's Promotion Plan pursuant to § 11a B-GlBG, in a separate gender equality plan, in particular the areas of compatibility (§ 2 Z 13) and anti-discrimination (2nd main piece of I. Part B-GlBG). “
14. In § 21, paragraph 1, 13, the word and the muscles "The annual report has a report on the activities of the gender equality work group in the context of the gender equality composition of the university colleges (a sense of application of § 11(2). 2 Z 3 of the Federal Equal Treatment Act - B-GlBG, BGBl. No 100/1993)" by the word and the form "The annual report has a report on the measures relating to the gender-fair composition of the university colleges in accordance with § 20a" replaced.
15. § 25(2). 3 is:
"(3) The Senate is composed of representatives of university professors, including heads of organisations with research and teaching tasks or tasks of the development and development of arts and teaching of the art, which are not university professors, who are in § 94. 2 Z 2 and Z 3 groups, the general university staff and students. “
16. § 25(2). 4 Z 2 and 3 are:
"2. | Representatives of the Representatives of the Representatives of the 2 Z 2 and 3 groups mentioned are to be elected by all university students (§ 122(2)) as well as scientific and artistic staff in research, art and teaching (§ 100) and physicians in specialist training (§ 96). At the universities referred to in Section 6 Z 1 to 15, at least one person with teaching powers (venia docendi) must be appointed. | |||||||||
3. | The representatives of the general university staff must be elected by all members of the general university staff. “ |
17. In § 26(1), the first sentence is based on the following words: "Working at the University" the words "Incompetence and" inserted.
18. § 27 paragraphs. 1 Z 1 is:
"1. | to acquire assets and rights through free legal transactions and donations and sponsorship; “ |
19. § 27 paragraphs. 1 Z 3 is:
"3. | to invest funds for carrying out scientific or artistic work, as well as for investigations and findings on behalf of third parties and to conclude related contracts, insofar as they serve scientific research or the development and development of the arts; “ |
20. In § 29, paragraph 5, second sentence, the word and the muscles "§ 94. 1 Z 4 in medical or dental use" by the word and the form "94(2). 1 Z 4 in medical or dental use with the exception of doctors in specialist training in accordance with Section 94. 2 Z 3" replaced.
21. § 30(2). 2 is:
"(2) In any case, the Ethics Commissions have the requirements of § 8c. 1 to 5 and 7 KAKuG. In derogation from § 8c. 4 KAKuG have listened to the ethics committees at least 50 vH women (§ 20a). “
22. In accordance with Section 30, the following § 30a and heading is inserted:
"Contract and use of death data for
Scientific purposes
§ 30a. (1) For the purpose of medical research and first-rate-related analyses, the Federal Institute of Statistics Austria may transmit the date of death and the cause of death of data subjects, in accordance with the agreement of the specific fields of application and a reasonable cost replacement. The scientific bodies and their members are subject to confidentiality requirements in accordance with § 17(1). 3 Federal Statistical Law 2000, BGBl. I No 163/1999, and can use this data exclusively for scientific purposes.
(2) At medical universities or universities in which a medical college is established, it is before the conclusion of the agreement pursuant to paragraph 1. 1 to deal with the Ethics Commission in accordance with Section 30. Another scientific institution is to deal with an ethics committee in accordance with § 8c KAKuG or a similar ethics committee. “
23. § 32. 1st sentence is:
“Cur Head or Head of an Organisation Unit or a Clinical Department of a Medical University or a Medical Faculty, which simultaneously functions as a health department or an equivalent body of a public health institution (§ 7 paragraph). 4, § 7a. 1 and § 7b. 1 and 2 KAKuG) is to order, on a proposal from the university professors of the organisation concerned, an appropriately qualified person with an up-to-date service relationship to the Federal Government assigned to the University of the Service, or an up-to-date working relationship to the University with relevant specialist or dental powers. “
24. § 42. 8a to paragraph 8f are:
"(8a) The relevant college has to inform the working party on equal treatment without delay of its composition. If the proportion of women is at least 50 vH according to § 20a. In the absence of sufficient safeguards, the working party on equal treatment issues may, within four weeks, bring the statement of incorrect composition to the arbitration commission. There is no objection to the incorrect composition if there are objective reasons. If the collegiate body is inaccurate, and the working party for equal treatment matters, the decisions of the College are not mutually exclusive. If the work group on equal treatment issues does not, in time, correct the statement of the incorrect composition, the College shall apply with regard to § 20a. 2 as well.
(8b) The Senate has immediately over the outcome of the election of the members of the University Council in accordance with Article 21(2). 6 Z 1. In case of breach of § 20a. 3, the working party on equal treatment questions may, within four weeks, collect the address of the incorrect composition of the university council to the arbitration commission. There is no objection to the incorrect composition if there are objective reasons.
(8c) The Identification Commission and the Senate have to submit their respective proposal for the appointment of the Rector or the Rector to the Working Party on Equal Treatment. If there is a suspicion of discrimination on the basis of the sex of a candidate, the working party for equal treatment has to bring a complaint to the arbitration commission within a week.
(8d) All electoral proposals approved by the Electoral Commission for the elections to the Senate, including the proposals for the replacement members, are to be selected in accordance with Section 20a. 4 to submit questions of equal treatment to the working party. This has to decide within a week whether the proposal for a choice § 20a. 4. If the work group on equal treatment matters that are not sufficiently women included in the electoral proposal, he has to raise the objections of the lack of choice to the arbitration commission. The speech has to be rejected if there are objective reasons. If the Arbitration Commission decides that the speech was right, the Electoral Commission recalled the proposal to the electoral group to improve it.
(8e) The working party on equal treatment issues must immediately inform the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister if he:
1. | a statement of the incorrect composition of a college to the arbitration commission pursuant to paragraph 8a, | |||||||||
2. | a speech on the incorrect composition of the University Council in accordance with paragraph. 8b, | |||||||||
3. | a complaint concerning discrimination in connection with the choice of the Rector or the Rector according to paragraph. 8c or | |||||||||
4. | a speech on the lack of a proposal for a choice in accordance with paragraph 8d | |||||||||
. |
(8f) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister, in an appropriate form, has to publish, on the website of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, a presentation made on the basis of the reports of the University Councils, of the implementation of the gender fair composition of college bodies in accordance with Section 20a at all universities. “
25. The following paragraph is set out in Section 42. 11:
"(11) The Rectorate has to provide the working party on equal treatment issues with the human and physical resources necessary to carry out its tasks, as well as the necessary areas according to the budgetary possibilities. “
26. § 43. 9 last sentence is:
"Vom Senate, the University Council and the Working Party on Equal Treatment are a female and a male replacement member. “
27. § 44 with heading:
"Application of the Federal Equal Treatment Act
§ 44. The B-GlBG, with the exception of the third and fourth sections of the first main piece of the second part of the second part and of the § 12 and 12a, applies to all candidates for admission to a working relationship with the university as a service and as a central unit (section 2(1) and 2 B-GlBG) and fulfils the obligation to perform damages in accordance with Articles 17 to 19b B-GlBG. The right to make a proposal for the Women's Promotion Plan (§ 11a. 1 B-GlBG) is the working group on equal treatment."
28. In § 45(1), the quote will be "§ 10" by reference "§ 10. 1" replaced.
29. The following C 31 and 32 are added to § 51(2):
"31. | A Plagiat is clear when texts, contents or ideas are taken over and spent as their own. This includes, in particular, the expropriation and use of text passports, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by direct, paraphrasised or translated takeover without proper identification and clarification of the source and the author or the author. | |||||||||
32. | In any case, if it is used for "hostwriting" or if data and results are invented or counterfeited. “ |
30. § 54(2). 6d is:
"(6d) For studies for the teaching office in schools or Professional activities at basic educational institutions, provided that they are not established at a university in accordance with Section 6 Z 16 to 21 and, if not, in accordance with § 63(2). 1 Z 5 is a study entry and guidance phase according to § 66. 1, 1a and 1b as part of the study in question. If the selection of students is a semester after approval, it is § 66. 1, 1a and 1b to apply the selection procedure as part of the study entry and guidance phase. “
31. § 54(2). 9a receives the sales title "9b"; before paragraph 9b is replaced by 9a inserted:
"(9a) School studies (studies for the School of Education in schools and schools) together with educational institutions Professional activities at basic educational institutions) must be defined in the curriculum to be adopted in the same way, which are subject to the provisions of the study law of the UG or the Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I No 30/2006. The provisions of Section 91(1) and (2) shall at least apply. The admission to a collaborative study may only take place in one of the educational institutions involved. “
32. § 60. 5 first sentence is:
"An applicant or an applicant who has not yet been admitted to a university or a higher education institution, the university has been assigned a mate number on the occasion of the first authorisation. “
33. § 63(2). 9 Z 1 is:
"1. | provides for the curriculum of a study set up in conjunction with another university or educational college; “ |
34. According to § 64, paragraph 1, the following Z 2a is inserted:
"2a. | other Austrian certificate on the recognition of diplomacy under the Higher Education Law, BGBl. I No 71/2008, for the studies of teaching officials set up jointly with educational institutions (studies for the School of Education and Training at basic educational institutions); “ |
35. In § 64a, paragraph 11, the word will be "studies" by the word "Study group" replaced.
36. § 67(2). 1 is:
"(1) The universities have to determine that, on request for a maximum of two semesters, in particular due to the withdrawal of a presence or civil service, due to longer-lasting illness, pregnancy, due to child care obligations or dependencies, or due to the withdrawal of a voluntary social year. More details are to be found in the Statute. The leave is to be applied for up to long time at the end of each semester. “
37. In § 87, paragraph 5, "External".
38. In § 88(2). 1a will the word "loans" by the word "loans" replaced.
39. In § 91, paragraph 2, the word sequence will be According to § 1 of the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Science and Transport on the establishment of categories of persons in the event of admission to ordinary studies (Personengruppe Regulation), BGBl. II No 211/1997, as amended by Regulation BGBl. II No 15/1998," by the words According to § 1 passenger group regulation 2014 – PersGV 2014, BGBl. II No 340/2013," replaced.
40. § 91. 3 is:
“(3) students who have been admitted to several studies, including several universities, have to pay the study. This also applies to students who have been admitted to a university course, which is set up together with a educational college. Students according to paragraph 2 first sentence, approved at a higher education institution, have to pay a study contribution of €363.36 for a study at a university. “
41. § 94. 2 and 3 are:
“(2) The scientific and artistic university staff are:
1. | university professors; | |||||||||
2. | university lecturers as well as scientific and artistic staff in research, arts and teaching; | |||||||||
3. | doctors in specialist training. |
(3) The general university staff are:
1. | administrative staff; | |||||||||
2. | the technical staff; | |||||||||
3. | the library staff; | |||||||||
4. | nurses; | |||||||||
5. | physicians for the exclusive performance of tasks within a public health institution. “ |
42. § 96 and heading:
Medical doctors in specialist training
§ 96. Medical doctors in training for specialist or specialist doctors are in a temporary education relationship with the university. Their tasks result from the medical training rules and the fulfilment of tasks in close contact with scientific research and teaching. Medical doctors in specialist training are entitled to perform tasks in research and teaching, as long as specialist training is not affected. “
43. According to § 118, the following sections 118a and 118b and headings are inserted:
"Building Plan
§ 118a. (1) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister has a general Austrian planning plan, which can be divided into up to three separate planning regions, as a planning tool for the realization of university-owned projects. The construction guide plan is to be published.
(2) The construction guide plan has all the real estate projects of universities, in particular new buildings, conversions, (general) reorganisations, adaptations and rents, each with the corresponding investment costs, including initial equipment, or to include new facilities and other one-off costs and all subsequent costs.
(3) Projects whose financial importance does not exceed the value of the project regulation, BGBl. II No 22/2013, which would be agreed with the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister for Finance.
(4) The universities have announced their medium-term planned real estate projects of the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister. Each real estate project is to be evaluated financially by the relevant university using the basis of calculation to be disclosed in the project description.
(5) On the inclusion of a real estate project in the construction plan, the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister will decide on a project description by the relevant university. Real estate projects have to be prioritised, taking into account high-level education priorities and the needs of universities, including across planning regions. To this end, the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister invited the universities of a planning region to come together with a proposal. These priorities are regularly updated, at least three years away.
Real estate management of universities
§ 118b. (1) The implementation or financing of real estate projects is to be agreed between the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister and the relevant University.
(2) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister may grant the liberalisation of individual projects in accordance with the current budgetary room for manoeuvre, the priorities of the construction plan, the adequacy of financial assessments, high-level education and the general economic situation.
(3) In agreement with the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister for Finance, the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister for Finance can regulate the project planning and settlement procedure by regulation, in particular rules on the individual procedural steps to be taken in the project description (Article 118a(4)), the inclusion in the planning plan, the establishment of a space and function programme, the planning release, the construction release and reporting obligations of the relevant university.
(4) Projects referred to in § 118a. 3 not to be included in the construction guide plan, are excluded from the application of paragraph 3. The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister may approve exceptions to the procedure provided for in paragraph 3 for real estate projects whose costs are fully covered by third parties. “
44. § 124. 15 first sentence:
"Ordensic students who carry out doctoral studies with a working effort of at least 120 ECTS credits before the entry into force of Section 54(2). 4 as amended by Federal Law BGBl. I No 74/2006 are entitled to have these studies up to 30. to conclude these rules on 15 November 2017. “
45. The § 125 is the following paragraph. 15 am added:
"(15) Should a universitydozentin or a university lecturer be added to a working relationship as a university professor or university professor in accordance with § 97 ff, the application of Section 160 BDG 1979 is permitted. In the case of the granting of an exemption under the retention of the salaries, the employment relationship pays due to the continuous provision of excess services. “
46. In § 135, paragraph 3, second sentence, the quote will be "§ 94. 3 Z 5 and Z 6" by reference "§ 94. 3 Z 5" replaced.
47. The § 143 is the following paragraph. 36:
"(36) College bodies and bodies, In March 2015, it is considered to be compliant until the end of its term of function with regard to § 20a. “
48. § 21 (2) 6a, § 22(2). 3a, § 25(2). 4a and § 25(2). 7a enter into force.
Article 2
Federal Law amending the Higher Education Law 2005
Law 2005 (HG), BGBl. I No 30/2006, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No. 124/2013 and the Federal Law-Novelle 2014, BGBl. I No 11/2014, is amended as follows:
1. In the index, the following line will be inserted after the line referred to in Section 10:
"§ 10a. Studies legislation in collaborative studies" |
2. The contents of the table are as follows:
"§ 17. College of Higher Education" |
3. The contents of the table are as follows:
§ 19. Rectorate Director or Rectorate Director and other administrative staff" |
4. The contents of the contents in the version BGBl. I No 124/2013 are the following:
"§ 57. Recognition as a bachelor's work |
5. Under Section 10, the following § 10a and heading is inserted:
‘Research law provisions in collaborative studies’
§ 10a. (1) In collaborative studies within the meaning of Section 35 Z 4a, participation by other than the educational institutions referred to in Section 1 in the curriculum will determine which provisions will be placed under the responsibility of students in the design of the jointly established study. This may differ from the provisions of the second main piece, but with the exception of the in paragraph. 2 of these provisions, which are to be declared to be applicable to national educational institutions involved. This also applies to the implementing provisions of the regulations adopted under the relevant legislation. In general, the impact of the study-seekers is on their merits. to provide study professionals or students with more favourable educational provisions. In fact justified exceptions are to be presented in the curriculum.
(2) The following provisions of the 2. In any case, the main piece of studies must be applied to students in joint studies: § 41 as regards the mandatory implementation of the study entry and orientation phase in the first student, § 48, § 48a, § 49, § 50. 1 and 1. 3 to 7, § 51. 1 and 1. 2a to 3, § 59. 1, 2 Z 1, 2, 6 and 8 and paragraphs. 3, § 65 and the provisions of the 6.
(3) The provisions of the second main piece, the definitions, type and structure of studies set up at educational establishments, the evidence of the general university maturity, the Regulation of Curricula, the admission periods, the award of Matrikel numbers, the certificate of study, and the certificate of study, inscription, the student status as ordinary or extraordinary students, the study of students with disabilities, the abolition of tests and the annulment of assessments, the issue of diplomas, the certificate and the supplementation of the diploma, the academic, academic name and the qualification, the qualification, and the revocation of the quality of the study, and the qualification of the qualification.
(4) The admission to a collaborative study may only take place in one of the educational institutions involved. “
6. § 11(2). 1 is:
"(1) The institutions of the Higher Education School are the Higher Education Council, the Rector, the Rector or the Rector and the University College. “
7. The § 11 is the following paragraph. 3 added:
"(3) Taking into account the objectives and projects set out in the Objective and Performance Plan
1. | the Higher Education Council, within the meaning of advice and control, shall carry out tasks in accordance with § 12. 9, | |||||||||
2. | the Rectorate, in the sense of strategic orientation and planning, as well as operational management of the School of Education, the tasks referred to in Section 15(2). 3, | |||||||||
3. | the Rector or the Rector in the sense of the management of the School of Education and the representation of the same outside, according to § 13(2). 1 and 1 | |||||||||
4. | the university college, within the meaning of the interaction of representatives of teachers and students, and of the administrative staff, the tasks referred to in Section 17(2). 1 | |||||||||
to do. “ |
8. In § 12(1) and (2) Z 2, § 74a. 1, 2, 6 and 8, as well as in § 79 Z 1a and 2, each of which will be declared "Sub-direction, art and culture" by denial "Education and Women" replaced.
9. § 12. 5 is:
"(5) A member of the Council of Higher Education may, before the end of the period of function, be recruited by the appointed body with a decision of its function due to
1. | a serious infringement, | |||||||||
2. | a criminal conviction, | |||||||||
3. | Lack of health fitness. “ |
10. In § 12. 8 will deny "The Commission of Studies" by denial "The College of Higher Education" and denial “The representation of students” by denial "The high-level student and high-education the Higher Education Office replaced.
11. § 12. 9 is:
"(9) The Higher Education Council has the following tasks:
1. | tendering of the functions of the Rector or the Rector and the Vice-President, as well as the implementation of the selection procedure and the creation of a maturation proposal by all candidates for the appointment by the competent government member, | |||||||||
2. | consulting the Rectorates in essential strategic matters of higher education; | |||||||||
3. | Opinion on the drafts of Curricula, | |||||||||
4. | decision-making on the draft organisational plan and submission to the competent government member, | |||||||||
5. | approval of the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the Higher Education Council, | |||||||||
6. | decision-making on the draft target and performance plan and the submission to the competent government member, | |||||||||
7. | decision-making on the draft annual resource plan and the submission to the competent government member, | |||||||||
8. | reporting to the competent government member in case of serious infringements of higher education institutions, as well as risks of serious economic damage; | |||||||||
9. | Opinion on the decommissioning of the Rector or the Rector or a Vice-President or a Vice-President by the competent government member, | |||||||||
10. | Opinion on the intended entrustment with the management of an Institute of the School of Education in accordance with Section 16, | |||||||||
11. | Opinion on the concept of the School of Education on quality control as regards achieving internal objectives in accordance with § 15(2). 3 Z 17." |
12. § 13(2). 2 and 3 are:
"(2) For the Rector or Rector, only one person with
1. | a completed higher education study and a scientific qualification corresponding to the profile of tasks; | |||||||||
2. | the ability to organise and economic management of a School of Education, | |||||||||
3. | More years of experience in teaching and research and knowledge of the Austrian and international research and education landscape and | |||||||||
4. | Experience in international education cooperation | |||||||||
are ordered. |
(3) The tendering of the function of the Rector or the Rector and the implementation of the selection procedure are subject to the Higher Education Council. Applications have included a concept to further develop the School of Education. The applications received are to be submitted to the College of Higher Education and to the Working Party on Equal Treatment, in accordance with the Federal Staff Representation Act, BGBl. No 133/1967. They have the right to submit a reasoned opinion within three weeks. The Higher Education Council has a proposal for a maturation with all candidates for the appointment of the Rector or applicant. to submit comments to the Rector, as well as from the competent bodies of staff representatives (en), the college and the working party on equal treatment. The order is made by the responsible member of the Government for a five-year period of study, with the first year of study for an order before 1 October. “
13. In the first sentence of § 13(1). 6 will be sent after the cancellation "special contractual relationship with the Federal Government" the words "as required by § 36 of the Act of Contract Agent 1948, BGBl. No. 86/1948" inserted.
14. The § 13 is the following paragraph. 7:
"(7) The responsible member of the Government may, in view of a serious infringement, a criminal conviction or, if the Rector or the Rector proves to be unsuitable for the performance of the tasks of the service, take off early from his or her function. The Higher Education Council, the Higher Education College, the bodies of the Staff Representation(s) and the Working Party on Equal Treatment, in accordance with the Federal Staff Protection Act, are given the opportunity to submit an opinion. “
15. § 14 is:
"§ 14. (1) At the School of Education is a Deputy Deputy or a Vice-President or, in the light of the inner structure of the School of Higher Education, are also two Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents. to appoint Vice-Presidents. The or the Vice-President(s) or Vice-President(s) are members of the Rectorate and have been represented by the Rector or Rector in the event of prevention, to support the tasks assigned to them in the Organisation Plan and in the event of early departure of the Rector or the Rector to perform his or her duties until the appointment of a new Rector or a new Rector. These areas of responsibility do not expressly have a Deputy or Vice-President. a Vice-President is assigned a consensual approach.
(2) In selecting the Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents, attention should be paid to ensuring that the competences of the Rectorate cover:
1. | teaching and research, | |||||||||
2. | Law of study and organisation, | |||||||||
3. | School development and | |||||||||
4. | higher education (human and organisational development). |
(3) The tendering of the function of the Vice-President or the Vice-President and the implementation of the selection procedure are subject to the Higher Education Council. The tendering of the function of the Vice-President or the Vice-President may take place without the indication of the areas under consideration of paragraph 2. The applications received will be submitted to the bodies of the Staff Representation(s), the College of Higher Education and the Working Party on Equal Treatment. They have the right to submit a reasoned opinion within three weeks. The Higher Education Council has a proposal for a maturation with all candidates for the appointment as a Vice-President or candidate. to submit to the Vice-President, as well as the opinions received from the bodies of the Staff Representation (en), the College of Higher Education and the Working Party on Equal Treatment. The (designed) Rector or the (designed) Rector is entitled to submit an opinion to the competent government member. The order is made by the responsible member of the Government for a five-year period of study, with the first year of study for an order before 1 October.
(4) § 13(2). 4 and 5 apply.
(5) The Vice-Presidents or the Vice-Presidents are in a temporary, special contractual relationship with the Federal Government in accordance with § 36 of the Act of Employment of the Treaty 1948, BGBl. No. 86/1948. The inclusion in this service is done by the competent government member. If a person is appointed to the Vice-President or to the Vice-Chancellor who is already in a service relationship with the Federal Government, he is entitled to leave for the duration of the exercise of the function in the existing service relationship under the deduction of the remuneration.
(6) The responsible member of the Government may be a Deputy Deputy or Vice-President for a serious infringement, a criminal conviction or, if the Vice-President or Vice-President prove inappropriate for the performance of the service tasks as a health issue, prematurely disqualified from his or her function. The Rector or Rector, the Higher Education Council, the Higher Education College, the bodies of the Staff Representation (en) and the Working Party on Equal Treatment, responsible for the Federal Staff Regulations, are given the opportunity to submit an opinion. “
16. In § 15(3) Z 12, the following words will be "Objectives and Performance Plans" the words "Proposal of a" advanced.
17. In § 15, paragraph 3, 13, the word sequence will be Annual Resource Plans the words "Proposal of a" advanced.
18. In § 15, paragraph 3, paragraph 14, the word sequence will be "internal budget allocation" the words Budget planning and advanced.
19. In § 15 paragraphs. 3 will replace the point at the end of the Z 15 by an indent and add the following 16 to 19:
"16. | staff planning and development at the School of Education, | |||||||||
17. | quality control of achieving internal objectives, | |||||||||
18. | Provisional definition of responsibilities of the Deputy or Vice-Presidents until the entry into force of a new organisational plan and | |||||||||
19. | Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Rectorate. “ |
20. § 15 paragraphs. 5 is:
"(5) The Rectorate decides with majority of votes, with the condition of a valid decision of the voice of the Rector or the Rector. The voice of the Rector or the Rector is equal to votes. The Rules of Procedure set out in paragraph 6 can provide for the requirement of unanimity. “
21. In § 15 paragraphs. 6 first sentence "The approval of the Higher Education Council is necessary and".
22. In § 15, paragraph 6, second sentence, "In the Rules of Procedure" the words "in accordance with the organisational plan" inserted.
23. In § 16(1), the following words will be "Teachers or teachers" by the term "Teachers" replaced.
24. In § 16 paragraphs. 1a will each name "Teaching" by the term "Teachers" replaced.
25. § 16 paragraphs. 2 is:
“(2) entrustments in accordance with paragraph 1 will take place for a maximum period of five years of study. New entrustments are permitted. In the event of a change in the organisational plan leading to a change in the division of the Institute, a new entrustment of the institutions concerned has to be made. “
26. § 17 and heading:
"High-school college
§ 17. (1) In addition to the decision-making powers conferred by other legal provisions, there are the following tasks to the college:
1. | Opinions on the development of internal organisation and communication (organisation plan, statute), | |||||||||
2. | Opinion in the framework of the selection procedure for the appointment of the Rector or the Rector and the Vice-President or Vice-President, | |||||||||
3. | Opinion on the decommissioning of the Rector or the Rector or the Vice-President, | |||||||||
4. | the adoption of the curriculum and the audit order; | |||||||||
5. | advice on educational issues and quality assurance measures; | |||||||||
6. | Opinion on complaints and antitrust rulings pursuant to Article 14 of the Administrative Court’s Law – VwGVG, BGBl. I No. 33/2013, in the case of complaints in the event of submission to the Administrative Court of the complaint, | |||||||||
7. | preparation of evaluation and quality assurance of study offers; | |||||||||
8. | Establishment of a working group on equal treatment issues and | |||||||||
9. | Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the College of Higher Education. |
(2) The university college consists of eleven members:
1. | six representatives or Representatives of teachers from the circle of teachers according to § 18(2). 1 Z 1 and 2, also in the function of Heads of Organisational Units of the School of Education, | |||||||||
2. | Three representatives or Representatives of high-education and higher education institutions | |||||||||
3. | two representatives or Representatives of the administrative staff of the School of Education. |
(3) At the University of Agriculture and Environment Education Vienna, the University of Higher Education is one of the in paragraph. 2 members to be appointed by the Federal Minister or by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management.
(4) The term of the university college is three years of study. Representatives in accordance with paragraph 2 Z 1 to 3 are appointed as follows:
1. | the representatives or Teachers are represented by all teachers in accordance with § 18(2). 1 Z 1 and 2 to choose, | |||||||||
2. | the representatives or Representatives of high-level students and students the higher education representation must be dispatched by the high-education and high-level education institution, | |||||||||
3. | the representatives or representatives of the administrative staff must be elected by all members of the administrative staff. |
(5) Representatives in accordance with paragraph 2 Z 1 and 3 are to be elected in the same, immediate, secret and personal proportional choice. At the same time, a corresponding number of alternates or Deputys should be chosen. The result of the elections is to be made immediately and in an appropriate manner in the School of Education.
(6) Election of representatives in accordance with paragraph 2 Z 1 and 3 will be required in time to ensure full continuity of business through the newly appointed university college. After the end of the period of operation or after all the early withdrawal of all elected members of the college, as well as their Deputy or Deputy, the members of the college have or have to continue business until the newly appointed university college is established.
(7) Each member of the College of Higher Education has a voting voice. The abstention is inadmissible. The Rector or the Rector and the Vice-Presidents or the Vice-Presidents have the right to participate in the meetings of the college with a consultative voice. A majority decision excludes the participation of the members of the Rector to individual agenda points. If necessary, other persons can be brought to the attention of experts with a consultative voice and Commissions (in particular for the planned study offers). The College of Higher Education can also use qualified persons who are not members of the college for recruiting the Commission.
(8) For the adoption and modification of the Curricula pursuant to Section 42, decision-making officers of Curricular Commissions will be used. Each Curricular Commission is composed of six representatives or Representatives of the teacher of the School of Education and three representatives and representatives of students. The Curricular Commission is able to decide if more than half of the members and at least two members are present in the field of teaching staff and a member from the field of students. The Curricular Commissions are to be set up for the duration of the term of the university college. The Curricular Commissions are bound by the directives of the College of Higher Education, their decisions need to be approved by the College of Higher Education.
(9) The university college is able to decide if more than half of the members and at least two members are present in the field of teaching staff and one member of the student and administrative staff. The university college decides with majority voting. In the event of equal votes, the Chairperson or the Chairperson shall decide. Meetings of the college are not public.
(10) The College of Higher Education has to adopt a Rules of Procedure to define the more detailed provisions on the management, the guidelines for the Commission and the choice of the Chairperson and their representation. “
27. § 18(2). 1 Z 1 is:
"1. | Higher education and higher education students (train staff)," |
28. In § 18(2) and § 20(2). 1 will each follow the word "Federal Teachers or Federal Teachers and Federal Contracting Teachers Federal Contracting Teachers" by the words "High-level teaching and contracting students" replaced.
29. § 19 with heading:
"RektoratDirector or RectorateDirector and other administrative staff
§ 19. (1) The Rectorate Director or the Rectorate Director and the other administrative staff have supported the institutions of the School of Higher Education, in particular in the following areas:
1. | study and audit management, | |||||||||
2. | personal management, | |||||||||
3. | budgetary and financial management, | |||||||||
4. | building and technical services, | |||||||||
5. | procurement, inventory and material management, | |||||||||
6. | Legal matters, | |||||||||
7. | information, events, | |||||||||
8. | third-party matters, | |||||||||
9. | planning preparation and | |||||||||
10. | General administrative matters. | |||||||||
The Rector or the Rector can entrust the Rectorate Director or the Rectorate Director with the independent execution of certain matters, in accordance with the size and tasks of the School. This or it is also subject to all reasonable instructions from the Rector or the Rector. |
(2) The occupation of jobs for the Rectoral Director or for the Rectorate Director and other administrative staff is carried out by the competent government member in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, with a right of consultation with the Rector or the Rector. “
30. In § 20(2) Z 4, the word sequence will be "from the Higher Education Council" by the words "in the organisational plan" replaced.
31. § 21(2). 1 and 2 are:
"(1) All the institutions of the School of Education have an active role to play in achieving a balanced balance between women and men working in all areas of work. The achievement of this goal is to be pursued through appropriate measures, in particular through the adoption and implementation of a Women's Promotion Plan.
(2) Each higher education institution is to set up a working group on equal treatment issues, whose task is to counteract discrimination by the institutions of the educational college on the grounds of sex, ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation, and to advise and support the families and institutions of the educational college in these matters. “
32. In § 21(2). 7 will replace the point at the end of the Z 3 by an indent and add the following C 4 to:
"4. | Information about the imminent convening of a member of the Rectorate. “ |
33. § 21(2). 9 is:
"(9) If the working party on equal treatment matters is based on the assumption that a decision of a higher education institution constitutes discrimination against persons on the basis of their sex or on the grounds of ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation, it is entitled to call on the Higher Education Council or the competent government member within two weeks. “
34. In § 25(2), the second sentence will be the following: "The Commission of Studies" by the words "The University College" replaced.
35. In § 25(2) last sentence and in § 51. 1 will each follow the word "The Commission of Studies" by the words "The College of Higher Education" replaced.
36. In § 27(2), § 36. 2, § 42. 1, 4 and 6, § 43. 1 as well as in § 47, each of the words will be the following: "The Commission of Studies" by the words "The University College" replaced.
37. § 28(2). 2 Z 1 is:
"1. | Elections for the members of the teaching and administrative staff in the university college," |
38. In § 28(3), the first sentence is replaced by the following two sentences:
"The Statute is to be adopted or amended by the Rectorate to give the University College an opportunity to comment. The adoption of the Statute as well as any amendment to the Statute requires their effectiveness by the Higher Education Council. “
39. In § 29, the first two sentences are replaced by the following two sentences:
"The Rectorate has to prepare a draft organisational plan to submit its opinion to the College and to be decided by the Higher Education Council. The draft organisational plan is to be presented to the competent government member together with an opinion of the college for approval. “
40. § 30 is:
"§ 30. (1) The Rectorate has to draw up a draft of the target and performance plan for three years, in the context of austerity, efficiency and usefulness, as well as in the framework of the framework conditions to be prescribed by the competent government member. The inclusion of the offers of bachelor and master studies to obtain a teaching office in the Objective and Performance Plan sets out the examination and positive opinion of the Quality Assurance Council in accordance with § 74a. 1 Z 3 and 4.
(2) Content of the target and performance plan are in particular:
1. | strategic objectives, priorities, profiling, | |||||||||
2. | to achieve the objectives or objectives. Priorities need to be taken as well as to provide services in qualitative and quantitative terms. |
(3) The Higher Education Council has to decide on the design of the target and performance plan within four weeks and to submit it to the competent government member. “
41. § 31 paragraph. 1 to 3 are:
"(1) The Rectorate has once a year to submit a draft Resource Plan for the next year to the Higher Education Council.
(2) The Resource Plan has to contain the personnel, space, plant and effort required to achieve the objectives and delivery of the services. In addition, information on the target and performance plan
1. | to the extent of the objectives, | |||||||||
2. | the success of the measures or necessary adjustments and | |||||||||
3. | to offer services | |||||||||
to be added. Similarly, the Resource Plan has to contain a balance of resources, including a clearance of accounts for the activities of the School of Education within the framework of its own legal personality, for the past year, and a presentation of the expected development of the offer of services and the resources to be used for the next three years. The Resource Plan also includes operational and financial and output-oriented indicators. |
(3) The Council of Higher Education has to submit the draft to the responsible member of the Government after decision-making. “
42. § 36. 1 second sentence is:
"It is made of winter winter and part-time, including the time-free. “
43. In § 38a. 1a will the term "Bachelorwork" by the term "Bachelorwork" replaced.
44. In § 42(2) Z 4, the term "Bachelor Reviews" by the words “Bachelor and Master Work” replaced.
45. § 43. 2 Z 2 is:
"2. | the order of persons entrusted with the conduct of tests and the assessment of Master's work, with the possibility of choice for students according to the organisational circumstances," |
46. § 48. 1 is:
"(1) In bachelor's studies, one or more bachelor's work is to be carried out during courses. More detailed provisions on bachelor's work should be defined in the respective curriculum. “
47. § 49. 1 in version BGBl. I No. 124/2013:
“(1) graduates and graduates of a Master’s degree according to § 35 Z 1a have to publish, before the award of the academic degree, the positive appraised Master’s work by handing a full copy to the Library of the School of Education, where the academic degree is given. The scientific work or its parts, which are not accessible to mass reproduction, are excluded from the obligation to publish. “
48. In § 49(2) as amended BGBl. I No. 124/2013 "as well as the Austrian National Library".
49. § 51. 2 Z 2 is:
"2. | Approving studies in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, BGBl. I No 71/2008, or relevant study qualification under § 64a of the University Law 2002, BGBl. I No 120/2002 as amended BGBl. I No 81/2009," |
50. § 51. 3 is:
"(3) The identification of aptitude must take into account scientific criteria. Information on professional requirements and self-promotion tools is available on the website. Information on the identification of fitness must be made available at the latest four weeks before the start of registration on the website, but at the latest six months before the start of the study year. The closer provisions on admission conditions, admission procedures, including the determination of aptitude to bachelor's studies and the conditions for studying (university) courses, are to be defined by the regulation of the competent member of the Government, as well as by the requirements of Curricula by the Regulation of the College of Higher Education. “
51. In § 52 as amended BGBl. I No. 124/2013 "The Commission of Studies" by denial "The College of Higher Education" replaced.
52. § 53. 1 is:
"(1) An applicant or an applicant who has not yet been admitted to any national educational institution or university, has given a Matrikel number on the occasion of the first admission to study. This is to be maintained for all further study authorisations of the or the students concerned. The more detailed provisions on the education and award of Matrikel numbers are to be made by the regulation of the competent government member. “
53. The heading of § 57 as amended BGBl. I No. 124/2013 is:
"recognition as a bachelor's work"
54. In § 57 as amended BGBl. I No. 124/2013, in the last half-step, "or masterwork".
55. In § 59, paragraphs 2 Z 3 to 5, each of the parenthes printed.
56. § 59(2). 2 Z 6, 7 and 8 as amended BGBl. I No. 124/2013:
“6. | the proportions of educational and practical studies assessed in the semesters after a unique repetition, but twice as negative; a reference from the practical school is equal to a negative semester assessment; | |||||||||
7. | has also been negatively evaluated in the last repetition when a mandatory study start-up and orientation phase has been examined. | |||||||||
8. | the bachelor's studies for secondary education (revocation) with the fields of dual vocational training, technology and industry from the service relationship. “ |
57. In the final part of § 59(2). 2 is the last sentence.
58. The § 59 is the following paragraph. 3 added:
"(3) The new authorisation to be granted in accordance with paragraph 2 Z 1 or 2, or according to comparable educational regulations of other post-secondary education institutions, early completed studies are allowed without any indication of reasons. However, in early-ended studies, and unsuccessfully consumed audit applications are within the meaning of the paragraph. 2 Z 3 to 7 insofar as they are no longer available in recent studies. The new authorisation to be granted in accordance with paragraph 2 Z 3 to 7 or, according to comparable educational requirements of other post-secondary education institutions, early completion of studies is only recommended by the Rector if there are special reasons not taken into account and not in the sphere of the applicant or the applicator. “
59. According to § 65, paragraph 5, the following paragraph shall be made. 5a inserted:
"(5a) In collaborative studies within the meaning of § 35 Z 4a, the allowable post-secondary education institution has to give the academic degree, allowing for the designation of the other educational institutions involved in the course of the course of the study. “
60. § 69. 3 is:
"(3) For several studies, including several educational institutions and universities, the study contribution is to be paid only a time. In joint studies within the meaning of Section 35 Z 4a, the study contribution will be increased by the allowable educational institution. “
61. In § 74a, 1, 2, 6 and 8, and in § 79 Z 1a, each of them will be declared Science and Research by denial Science, Research and Economics replaced.
62. In § 74a, paragraph 5, second sentence, the term in the parenthes print "Study Commissions" by the term “High school colleges” replaced.
63. The following paragraph will be added to the § 80(8). 9:
"(9) The following provisions of this federal law as amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 21/2015 enter into force as follows:
1. | the contents of the § 10a, § 10a and heading, § 11(2). 1 and 3, § 12. 5, 8 and 9, § 13(2). 2, 3, 6 and 7, § 14, § 15. 3, 5 and 6, § 16, § 18. 1 Z 1 and paragraphs. 2, § 20(2). 1 and 2, § 21(2). 1, 2, 7 and 9, § 25(2). 2, § 28(2). 2 and 3, § 29 to 31, § 36. 1, § 38a(1)a, § 42. 2 Z 4, § 43. 2 Z 2, § 48. 1, § 51. 2 Z 2 and paragraphs. 3, § 53. 1, § 59. 2 Z 3 to 5 and paragraphs. 3, § 65. 5a and § 69. 3 enter into force at the end of the day of the customer presentation in the Bundesgesetzblatt; | |||||||||
2. | the contents of the table concerning § 57, § 49, § 52, § 57 and heading, and § 59(2). 2 Z 6 to 8 as amended by Federal Law BGBl. I No. 124/2013 enter into force at the end of the day of the customer presentation in the Bundesgesetzblatt; | |||||||||
3. | the contents of the contents of the tables 17 and 19 as well as the sections 17 and 19 and headings with 1. October 2015. “ |