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Resolution Of The President Concerning The Woman Promotion Plan Of The Office Of The President

Original Language Title: Entschließung des Bundespräsidenten betreffend den Frauenförderungsplan der Präsidentschaftskanzlei

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37. Resolution of the Federal President on the Women's Development Plan of the Presidential Chancellery

According to § 11a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), BGBl. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 65/2015, I order:

Women's promotion plan of the presidential chancellery


§ 1. (1) The presidential office is committed to an active equal treatment and gender equality policy to ensure equal opportunities for women and men. The objectives of the implementation of the women's support plan are as follows:


The promotion of the recognition of women as equal and equal partners in the professional world and the promotion of a positive attitude towards the professional activities of women at all levels of the hierarchy.


The promotion of consensus on the equivalence of the work of women and men.


The promotion of the professional identity and self-awareness of women in order to increase their willingness to influence, to help shape, to make decisions and to take responsibility.


The reduction of the disadvantages of women, which are defined by existing socio-political conditions and which work into the working life.


Improving the reconciliation of work and private life for women and men.


The promotion of the use of parental leave and part-time employment by men through appropriate measures and their acceptance by all employees.


The increase in the proportion of women in the use and pay groups in which women are under-represented, particularly in management functions.

Measures to achieve objectives

§ 2. (1) The conditions for equal participation of women in decision-making structures in proportion to their share in employment should be created.

(2) The Federal Employment Equality Act (B-GlBG), in particular the Women's Development Plan, is to be brought to the attention of all, including newly entering employees, in a suitable manner.

(3) All staff members shall be informed of the function and duties of the Equal Treatment Officer.

(4) All employees shall participate in information events of the to enable equal treatment to be carried out within the framework of the service possibilities within the service period.

Elimination of inequalities

§ 3. Differences in the working conditions for women and men, as well as structural conditions that lead to gender discrimination, should be eliminated.

Women's Promotion

§ 4. The superiors have to support and implement the measures to be taken to promote women and to eliminate existing gender gaps. The the equal treatment officer shall be involved in an appropriate manner.

Linguistic equality

§ 5. Documents in general personnel matters addressed to staff members shall contain names of persons in female and male or gender-neutral form. For documents in individual personnel matters, the wording corresponding to the respective sex shall be used.

Protection of dignity at work

§ 6. (1) The dignity of employees in the workplace must be protected. Behaviour which violates human dignity, in particular a degrading expression and approach, bullying, gender-related and sexual harassment are to be subdued. Any form of discriminatory action or behaviour towards employees must be immediately countered.

(2) Where appropriate, appropriate measures should be taken to raise awareness of this matter. In particular, managers also have to pay attention to a working atmosphere that has been carried out by mutual respect.

(3) Employees should be given the opportunity to take full advantage of the legal and other means of combating bullying, sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, to be fully committed to: Information (Intranet, brochures, occupational medicine and occupational psychology, etc.). In these matters, the Office of the President of the Commission has to support the staff accordingly.


§ 7. (1) All tender texts according to the tendering law and internal tenders shall be drawn up in a gender-neutral form.

(2) Requirement profiles for functions must be formulated in such a way that they do not directly or indirectly discriminate against women, in particular.

(3) In invitations to tender for posts of a particular use (grading) or of certain functions, if the proportion of women in such use or function is less than 50%, the indication that applications should be submitted by Women are particularly desirable for this site or function.

(4) Where the proportion of women in a particular use (classification) or a specific function is less than 50%, the invitation to tender shall also include a notice indicating that women are equally qualified in the cases of § § 11b and 11c B-GlBG should be given priority in accordance with the Frauenförderungsplanes (§ 7 para. 3 B-GlBG).

Representation in commissions

§ 8. (1) In the case of the composition of commissions provided for in the rules of service, which are called for the preparation of decisions or decisions on personnel matters, the members to be appointed by the service provider shall be: At least one member is female and one member is male.

(2) The the Equal Treatment Officer shall be verifiably informed of any new appointments made in the above-mentioned Commissions.

Other measures

§ 9. (1) The task of the immediate superiors is to inform their employees on the basis of their choice of available education offers in time, to encourage them to participate and to propose concrete training steps. The information has been shown to be (e.g. B. within the framework of the staff Employee interviews).

(2) According to § 11d B-GlBG, women are to be allowed to participate in training and further education measures, which qualify for the acquisition of higher-value uses (functions), in accordance with the guidelines of the women's subsidy plan.

(3) Participation in educational activities shall also be made possible for part-time workers. The hours worked are to be calculated on the service obligation.

(4) The service provider shall ensure that personnel responsible and all staff performing a pre-legislative function through the B-GlBG, the related issues of the promotion of women and equal treatment, and the The Women's Development Plan of the Presidential Chancellery is informed. In the course of their training, managers are particularly aware of their obligation to promote women.

(5) After the return of female service workers from the maternity protection or In the case of the transfer of tasks (work organisation), special attention should be paid to the responsibilities of these staff, in particular in the division of services, in the case of the transfer of tasks (work organisation). Applications for change of use to facilitate the reconciliation of work, family and nursing are to be taken into account, unless there is an important service interest.

Career and career planning

§ 10. (1) The service provider must ensure that a family break does not adversely affect the career and career planning of women and men.

(2) In The Staff Employee interviews are also to be explicitly addressed in the area of working time design.

(3) It is the responsibility of the superiors to motivate employees to take over managerial positions and to train them, and to promote them through the transfer of tasks to their own responsibility.

Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family life
Child care obligations and/or part-time employment

§ 11. (1) For women and men with care obligations, individual arrangements of their working time and their division of work should be made possible in the context of the possibilities of the service, if necessary.

(2) Applications pursuant to § § 50a and 75 Officials of the Officials of the Civil Service Act (BDG) shall be in accordance with the situation of the persons concerned, as far as possible, in accordance with the circumstances. In the case of contract staff, it is appropriate to proceed accordingly.

(3) It is the responsibility of the superiors to make provision, within the framework of the work planning of an organizational unit, to ensure that the tasks of the individual employees are generally in the normal working hours, including the stipulated Overtime flat-rate or of the temporal multi-performance part of the system. Part-time employment or The reduced weekly service period shall be duly taken into account.

(4) In the definition of meeting dates, consideration should be given to the working time of part-time employees and persons with child-care obligations in the context of the service possibilities. In any case, the dates are to be announced in a timely way by the staff.

(5) In the case of staff members, part-time employment, reduced weekly service and/or caring duties shall not result in an objectively unjustified disadvantage.

Referral to other federal laws

§ 12. Insofar as provisions of federal laws are referred to in this announcement, these are to be applied in the respectively applicable version.

entry into force

§ 13. This resolution will enter into force on 1 March 2016.
