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Adressregisterverordnung 2016 - 2016 Adrregv

Original Language Title: Adressregisterverordnung 2016 – AdrRegV 2016

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51. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economics on the content and structure of the address register's data (Address Register Regulation 2016-AdrRegV 2016)

On the basis of § 9a (4) of the Vermessungsgesetz-VermG, BGBl. No. 306/1968, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. No 129/2013, and in agreement with the Federal Chancellor and with regard to § 1 (1) (8) and (2) (8) and (Z) 9 in agreement with the Federal Minister for the Interior, the following is prescribed:

§ 1. (1) The geocoded (space-related) addresses are those in § 9a para. 2 of the Vermessungsgesetz-VermG, BGBl. No. 306/1968, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I No 129/2013, as defined. The contents and characteristics listed in the table below are components of this information.

Address Information

Content and characteristics

Competent authority

Z 1

Name of the municipality

Official Common Name


Common name abbreviated

Municipality-Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (BEV)

Municipal code number (GKZ)

Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich (STAT)

Z 2

Name of the locality

Official location name


LocationName abbreviated


Locality index (OKZ)


Z 3

Name of adjacent road, if available

Within the municipality of unique street names; if necessary, add the location name to the extent that this is necessary to ensure clarity


Street Name abbreviated


Street Passing (SKZ)


Z 4

Orientation number (house number, conscription number ua.)

Orientation number (ON); in the absence of such a land number


Orientation Number abbreviated


Z 5

Catastral community and land number (s) to which the address relates

Catastral community name


Catastral communal number (KGNR)


Land Number (GNR)


Z 6

Representative coordinate in the system of national surveying as a spatial reference of the address

The reference point should be in a direct close relationship to the address-giving street or locality. If there are buildings on this address, the reference point should be located within a building (building complex).


Type of destination


Whether the address is inside or outside a building represented in the Digital Katastralmappe (DKM)


Z 7

Postal code, place of delivery and any other names for easier identification of the address, such as Vulgo-and court names

Postal code (ZIP code)


Place of delivery-basically a common name;

if there are a number of identical street names in a municipality, then the place of delivery can be the place name or it can be composed of municipality and locality names (eligible for the municipality)


Vulgoname, court name or other common name of agricultural farmed farmed farmed


Count SprengelName (ZSP)


Count Spreng Number (ZSPNR)


Z 8

Suitability for residential purposes

Address suitable for residential purposes: yes/no


Z 9

Other information provided by the municipality

Address keys used in the municipality so far and other explanatory information


Z 10

Address code passed by the address register

Austria-wide unequivocal, not systematically built-up key for each address (ADRCD)


(2) The names officially awarded in paragraph 1 (1) (1) to (4) with the words "abbreviated" shall be reduced to a maximum of 38 characters in order to cover the municipality and/or the community. Locality names, street names and orientation numbers with the usual print size in the windows of the envelopes are to be made visible in their entirety.

(3) In the column "Competent Body" means:


Municipality: the local municipality


Municipality-BEV: proposed by the Federal Office for Eich-and Vermessungswesen (BEV), by the local authority.

§ 2. In the case of buildings, the information specified in Section 9a (3) of the German Commercial Law (VermG) shall be entered in the The contents and characteristics listed in the table below are components of this information.

Building evidence

Content and characteristics

Competent authority

Z 1

Address data of the building in the form of a closer, in particular numerical designation regarding the individual house, the staircases, a pavilion of ua.

Object number (OBJNR)


If several buildings are located on an address, the buildings must be described in more detail so that they can be distinguished from each other.






Store row;








Building additional name: does not correspond to the specified standardized building designation to the actual conditions, a free text can be used in exceptional cases (eg workshop)


Numerical description and further description of the building abbreviated


Z 2

Representative coordinate in the system of national surveying as a spatial reference of the building

The reference point should come to lie within the building (building complex).


Type of destination


Whether the address is inside or outside of a building represented in the DKM


Z 3

Any other addresses given by the municipality for this building

J-Main address

N-identical address

For each building, only one main address is allowed.


Z 4

Any property as a building within the meaning of § 2 Z 2 GWR-Gesetz, BGBl. I n ° 9/2004, as last amended by BGBl. No 125/2009

An allocation to the EU building classification is calculated on the basis of the predominant area data of the use units:

building with an apartment;

Buildings with two or more apartments;

Residential building for communities;

Hotels and similar buildings;

office building;

Large-scale and retail buildings;

buildings of transport and communications;

Industrial and warehouse buildings;

Buildings for cultural and leisure purposes, as well as education and health care;

Other Baualities


Z 5

Function (s) of the building


Central Operations/Rescue Service;


Fire brigade;

Municipal Office;


gas station;


did not process;

at the moment no function is assigned (multiple options are possible)


Z 6

If necessary, use of the building according to the specifications of the municipality

Free text


Z 7

Other information provided by the municipality as far as it does not fall under Z 8 or 9

The building key previously used by the municipality


Z 8

Suitability for residential purposes

Building address suitable for residential use: yes/no


Z 9

Further information for the reporting system

More information on the reporting system

Federal Ministry of the Interior

Z 10

Address number assigned by the address register for the building

Address number; is composed of address code and subcode (ADRNR)


Address code according to § 9a Abs. 2 Z 10 VermG (ADRCD)


A counter (subcode) is given for each building on an address (SUBCD).


§ 3. If an addressing contains elements listed below, it shall be deemed to be legally valid.


Street names or street names abbreviated (according to § 1 (1) (1) (3)),


in addition, the orientation number or the orientation number is abbreviated (according to § 1 paragraph 1 Z 4) and the address data of the building or the address data of the building abbreviated (according to § 2 Z 1),


including the zip code and


in addition to the place of delivery (in each case according to § 1 paragraph 1 Z 7).

§ 4. This Regulation shall enter into force at the end of the day of its presentation in the Federal Law Gazans. At the same time, the regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour on the contents and structure of the data of the address register and on the cost turnover for queries and excerpts from the address register (Address Register Regulation-AdrRegV), BGBl. II No 218/2005, in the version BGBl. II No 57/2009.
