Key Benefits:
Law 27285
Objectives and Actions. Structure and Organization.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1 °-The National Cancer Institute (INC), created by Decree 1286/10, will be governed by the terms of this law, as a decentralized body of the National Public Administration with its own legal status, and with a system of functional, administrative, economic and financial autarquia, in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Nation.
Objectives and Actions
ARTICLE 2-The National Cancer Institute will have as its main objectives: a) To promote, support and coordinate research projects on cancer that will carry out universities, hospitals, research foundations and companies of the Republic of Argentina, by means of grants and cooperation agreements. b) Support the training and training of researchers in all areas related to cancer study. c) Promote a model of comprehensive and continuous care of the population regarding tumor diseases that includes prevention, cancer treatment and palliative care. d) Develop a human resources training strategy at all levels of care to improve the quality of people's care in terms of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. e) Provide the means for the detailed knowledge of the incidence and geographical location of the different tumors and the effectiveness of their diagnosis and treatment. f) Promote the articulation of the work of the care, academic or research institutions dedicated to cancer. g) To agree with the provincial health authorities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the implementation in their respective areas, of programs and actions in accordance with the aims of the
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present law and the objectives identified in the Federal Health Plan. (h) To advise the Ministry of Health on matters related to the matter, and to provide a rational distribution of the resources necessary for the prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of neoplastic diseases, as well as rehabilitation of patients suffering from the disease. i) Promote the subscription of agreements, at national or international level with governmental or private entities, for the development of tasks related to the control of cancer. (j) Conduct an active and culturally appropriate communication on cancer, disseminating and informing society about the importance of cancer, its prevention, early detection and treatment.
Structure and Organization
Article 3-The National Cancer Institute will be in charge of a National Director, appointed by the Executive Branch on a proposal from the Ministry of Health, who will be subject to the incompatibilities set by the law for public officials. In order to cover this charge, a proven academic and professional background in oncology diseases should be established.
ARTICLE 4 °-The Director of the National Cancer Institute shall have the following duties and duties: (a) to exercise the general administrative and technical direction of the Institute; (b) to present legally, to conclude contracts and to issue all acts or documents necessary for the purpose of the Institute's objectives and actions; to provide mandates to represent the body before the judicial and/or administrative authorities; (c) to direct and promote specialized studies and research and to provide for the dissemination of its results; Institute, and where appropriate, to sign agreements with public, private organizations, (e) To convene the Executive Council at least once every two months and to submit to its consideration the respective issues; (f) to prepare the draft of the Annual Expenditure and Resources Budget; and (g) To prepare the draft of the Multiannual Strategic Plan and submit it to the Executive Council; (h) To prepare the draft Annual Operational Plan and submit it to the Executive Council; i) Raise the Annual Report to the Minister of Health, on the results obtained by the application of annual plans, after intervention by the Executive Council; (j) Confecting the rules necessary for the best functioning of the Institute; (k) Chair of the jury in opposition and/or antecedents. (l) Dictate the administrative acts necessary for: 1.1 The designation of administrative and master staff. 1.2 Manage the appointment and promotion of professional and technical staff. 1.3 Manage the recruitment of national or foreign experts to carry out studies, research and statistical tasks. 1.4 Recruitment of staff for extraordinary, special or transitional tasks, laying down working conditions and their remuneration in accordance with the administrative provisions in force. (m) Manage the resources from the National Budget and the assets of the agency.
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Article 5 °-The Director of the Institute will be assisted by an Executive Council composed of five (5) members appointed by the Executive Branch on a proposal from the Ministry of Health.
ARTICLE 6-The Executive Council shall have the following powers: (a) Approve the draft Annual Expenditure and Resources Budget drawn up by the Director of the Institute; (b) Approve the Multiannual Strategic Plan drawn up by the Director of the Institute; (c) Approve the Annual Operational Plan prepared by the Director of the Institute; (d) Promote and manage the procurement of public and private resources and funds for the achievement of the objectives of the Institute; (e) All other functions which in the scope of its powers is entrusted to it by the Director of the Institute.
ARTICLE 7 °-In case of vacancy of the post, impediment or temporary absence of the Director of the Institute, the performance of his duties will be temporarily performed by one of the vowels of the Executive Council. Such a replacement does not imply any alteration of the powers and will cease as soon as the cause which has been motivated by it ceases.
ARTICLE 8 °-The Director of the Institute and the Executive Council will be assisted by an Advisory Council, which will be composed of personalities with outstanding academic and professional career in areas of interest for the control of cancer. be invited by the Director of the Institute to integrate the Council for the development of the themes and tasks referred to in Article 10.
ARTICLE 9-The members of the Advisory Board shall perform their duties on an ad honorem basis.
ARTICLE 10. -The functions of the Advisory Council: a) Attend in the definition of the Strategic Plan for Institutional Development of the Institute; b) Participate in all matters concerning the best management of the body, in the specific themes that may be required by the Director of the Institute; (c) Collaborate on strengthening institutional relations.
ARTICLE 11. -The scientific and technical areas of the National Cancer Institute will be in charge of general managers or equivalent position in the structure, which must have proven suitability and enjoy recognized moral solvency. They will be functionally dependent on the Director of the Institute. They are responsible for compliance with the provisions, regulations and instructions issued by the Director of the Institute. They shall also keep the Director of the institute informed of the progress of the body.
Budget: resources
ARTICLE 12. -The National Cancer Institute will count for the performance of its functions with the following resources:
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(a) the resources to be determined by the general law of the nation's budget; b) the resources from the sale of its publications, investigations, records and services for third parties; c) Contributions, contributions and subsidies from provinces; (d) resources from donations and legacies to be allocated to the National Cancer Institute; (e) Other resources: (d) resources from donations and legacies to be allocated to the National Cancer Institute; (e) Other resources specific to the National Cancer Institute.
ARTICLE 13. -The National Cancer Institute shall be subject to the arrangements established for the entities listed in Article 8 (a) of Law 24.156.
Transitional rules
ARTICLE 14. -Within one hundred and eighty (180) days of this law, the National Cancer Institute will propose to the Executive Branch its own organic-functional structure, establishing the areas of competence of each of the addresses that the integrated.
ARTICLE 15. -Contact the national executive branch.
EMILIO MONZO. -FEDERICO PINEDO. -Eugenio Inchausti. -Juan P. Tunessi.
Buenos Aires, 28 October 2016 Under the terms of Article 80 of the National Constitution, I certify that Law No. 27.285 (IF-2016-02675776-APN-SLYT) sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION on September 28, 2016, has The date of the date of the date of the For your publication to the National Directorate of the Official Register, please copy to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION and, for your knowledge and other effects, refer to the MINISTRY OF HEALTH and the MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND PUBLIC FINANCES. Compliment, file. -Pablo Clusellas.
Date of publication: 01/11/2016
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