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image start infoleg site The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Law 27530


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.


Chapter I

Scope of Application and Required Subjects

Article 1 °-Scope of application. This law will govern the entire territory of the Argentine Nation.

Article 2-Obligation. Institute the obligation to install the national homeland in:

a) The positions of access and egress of the Argentine State;

(b) Public repartitions, military garrisons, national educational agencies, as well as diplomatic and consular representations abroad;

(c) the concessionary undertakings of public services;

(d) Mixed enterprises with a state share of more than 50% (50%) of their capital.

Article 3-Definitions. The following are considered posts of access and egress of the Argentine State:

(a) sea or river ports, with a customs dependency;

(b) Airports;

(c) Border crossings and border centres;

(d) International Bridges;

e) Terminals of passenger car transport with customs dependency.

Art. 4 °-Forced subjects. The authorities responsible for the entities referred to in Article 2 shall be required to comply with this law.

Chapter II

Special Provisions

Art. 5 °-Methodology and Dimensions of the Fatherland. In the positions of access and egress of the Argentine State they will be installed in a visible and ostensible place, masts of at least twenty-five (25) meters of height to raise the teaching homeland.

The dimensions of the teaching homeland except for the region of Patagonia defined by law 23.272 may not be less than four and a half (4.5) meters by seven and a half meters (7, 5) meters. The dimensions of the teaching fatherland in the Region of Patagonia may not be less than three (3) meters and four and a half (4.5) meters.

In all other areas described in Article 2, they shall be installed in a visible and ostensible place, masts or supports for the teaching fatherland in accordance with the size of the establishment.

The dimensions of the teaching fatherland may not be less than one and a half (1.5) meters by two and a half meters (2.5) meters.

Art. 6 °-High and Low of the Fatherland. The authorities who are obliged to comply with this law shall, by means of a document worked out in a book for this purpose, record the date of discharge of the fatherland which corresponds to the date of their first (i)

Similarly, they will have to be included in the discharge, in turn, in the minutes, the reasons for the replacement.

Art. 7 °-Plazos and Protocol of Replacement. The fatherland must be replaced when it presents wear, deterioration, dirt or two (2) years since its first hoisting. The replacement of a fatherland will be done at a later stage, in a respectful and solemn manner, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the rules.

Chapter III

Implementing Authority, Procedures and Sanctions

Art. 8 °-Authority of National and Local Enforcement. It shall be the authority of application of this law to be determined by the national executive branch. The provincial governments and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will act as local enforcement authorities exercising control and supervision over compliance with this law and its regulatory norms regarding the facts submitted to it. jurisdiction. The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in exercise of their powers, may delegate their functions to agencies of their dependence or to municipal governments.

Article 9-Faculties and Privileges of the Application Authority. The Authority of Implementation, without prejudice to its specific functions and the status of enforcement authority of this law, shall have the following powers and powers:

(a) Propose the rule of law and establish policies to comply with this rule;

(b) to receive and to address the concerns and complaints of individuals;

(c) Dispose the implementation of audits and inspections linked to the application of this law;

d) To fulfill the other manifest duties in this law.

Article 10.-Acts in the event of an infringement. The implementing authority shall initiate the relevant action, its regulatory rules and resolutions which are in consequence of its consequence.

It shall carry out inspections, for the purposes of determining compliance with this law, and in the event of any alleged infringement, a record shall be worked and the person responsible for the verified infringement shall be notified, that within the maximum period of thirty (30) days the manifest duty is fulfilled, under the warning of considering its omission a cause of aggravation of the fault. In the case of the subjects referred to in Article 2 (c), the tax domicile shall be taken as its domicile before the Federal Administration of Public Revenue.

Art. 11.-Incompliance.

I. Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this law, as well as the failure to regularise the intimate infringement and/or its repeated non-compliance, the employee or public officer, shall cause the substantiation of summary administrative, for the purpose of verifying the existence and seriousness of the misconduct and the corresponding penalty, in accordance with the following scale:

(a) Aperception;

(b) Suspension without the provision of services or the perception of a holding, up to thirty (30) days;

(c) Criminal law in the terms of Article 249 of the Criminal Code for failure to comply with the duties of a public official, solely and exclusively, for cases in which it is omitted, shall refuse or delay compliance with this standard.

II. Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this law, as well as the lack of regularisation of the intimate infringement and/or its repeated failure by persons or undertakings outside the public employment, shall cause the substance to be substantiated. of an administrative investigation, for the purpose of verifying the existence and seriousness of the misconduct and the corresponding penalty, in accordance with the following scale:

(a) Multa whose gradation shall be determined by the rules and whose amount may never be less than the equivalent of five vital and mobile minimum wages.

(b) Criminal law in the terms of Article 239 of the Criminal Code, to which the compliance with this law shall be resisted or disobeyed.

The provinces shall dictate the rules relating to the action of the local administrative authorities by establishing a procedure in a manner compatible with that of their respective constitutions.

Art. 12.-Reporting of individuals. Any resident of the Republic of Argentina may make the complaint for failure to comply with this law before the municipal or communal authority of the place of the event, which must give immediate intervention to the implementing authority. corresponding.

Chapter IV

Final Provisions.

Art. 13. The National Executive Branch shall regulate this law within one hundred and eighty (180) days of its publication in the Official Gazette, and shall be mandatory from the eighth day of its publication in the Official Gazette. of the regulations.

Art. 14.-Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the present regime.

Article 15-Repeal. Repeal of Law 25,173 and its amendments.

Art. 16.-Commune to the national executive branch.



MARTA G. MICHELETTI-EMILIO MONZO-Eugenio Inchausti-Juan P. Tunessi

City of Buenos Aires, 19/12/2019

Under the provisions of Article 80 of the National Constitution, I certify that Law No. 27,530 (IF-2019- 105635369-APN-DSGA#SLYT) sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION on November 20, 2019, has been enacted in fact December 12, 2019.

For your publication to the National Directorate of the Official Register, please copy to the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION and, for your knowledge and other effects, refer to the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR. Compliment, file. Vilma Lidia Ibarra

e. 20/12/2019 N ° 99082/19 v. 20/12/2019