Key Benefits:
Law 26,963
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. Approval. Sanctioned: August 6, 2014 Enacted: August 11, 2014
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1 °-Approve the Convention of Collaboration and Cooperation for the restoration, transfer and placement of the monument to Christopher Columbus, celebrated between the national State, represented by the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers accountant D. Jorge Milton Capitanich and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, represented by the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Mr. Horacio Antonio Rodríguez Larreta, signed on March 26, 2014, consisting of nine (9) clauses, whose copy authenticated form part of this law.
ARTICLE 2 °-Commune to the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese. -Gerardo Zamora.
COLLABORATION AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT Between the National State, represented by the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Presidency of the Nation, Cdor. Jorge Milton Capitanich, with legal domicile in Balcarce Street Nº 50 of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on the one hand, "the PEN", and the GOVERNMENT OF THE AUTONOMOUS CITY OF BUENOS AIRES, represented in this act by the Lord Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, Lic. Horacio Antonio Rodríguez Larreta, with legal address in Avenida de Mayo 525 of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, hereinafter "the GCABA", agree to conclude the present agreement of collaboration and cooperation, henceforth "THE CONVENTION" in accordance with the following clauses: FIRST: This Convention aims at the collaboration and cooperation for the restoration, transfer and placement of the monument to Christopher Columbus located in the Christopher Columbus Park, bounded by the Avenue de la Rabida (North), Engineer Huergo and Avenida de la Rabida (South) linder westward with Casa Rosada, home of the National Executive Branch in the area of the City of Buenos Aires.
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SECOND: The PEN and the GCABA will carry out joint and duly coordinated actions for the relocation of the monument mentioned in the previous clause, giving intervention to the National Commission of Museums and Monuments and Historic Places and to the Directorate General of Heritage and Historical Institute of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. THIRD: The expenses of the transfer, restoration and site of the monument will be carried out by the PEN. The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Nation will facilitate and deliver without costs to the GCABA all the documentation and technical studies carried out by specialists for the restoration and recovery of the monument. The GCABA is exempt from liability for damages that may be caused by subordinates or third parties contracted by the PEN for the performance of the tasks provided for in this Section. FOURTH: The PEN will present to the GCABA a study of the state of the monument at the moment of reception by the GCABA who to this end will appoint a notary through the General Directorate of the General Staff of the City of Buenos Aires (a) to work on the relevant notarial act of finding, who shall request in case of relevant technical advice. QUINTA: The GCABA is responsible for defining the site of the new site assuming responsibility for the integral maintenance and general custody of the monument in order to preserve the same in good conservation status once fulfilled and accepted the above in the Fourth Clause. SIXTH: The parties agree that any divergence on the application, interpretation and/or any dispute arising out of the present will be resolved amicably between them and that in the event of the discrepancy, the He will be headed to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. SEVENTH: This cooperation and cooperation agreement will enter into force ad referendum of the approval by the respective legislative bodies of both jurisdictions. EIGHTH: The GCABA will provide intervention to the competent areas of the Administration that correspond to the effects of the implementation of the provisions of this Convention. NOVENA: For all the effects arising from the present Convention of Cooperation and Cooperation, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires establishes its domicile in the street Uruguay Nº 458 Departamento Cedulas and Judicial Trades in attention to the provisions of the Decree No 804/09, and for its part the PEN sets its legal domicile in the one indicated in the heading. In accordance with the foregoing clauses, this agreement is formalized and THREE (3) copies of the same tenor and one effect are signed, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires at 24 days of the month of March 2014.
Date of publication: 12/08/2014
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