Key Benefits:
Law 26,967
Create the Seal "Argentine Food a Natural Choice" and the "Argentine Food" Award. Sanctioned: August 6, 2014 Enacted in Fact: August 27, 2014
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
ARTICLE 1 °-Create the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", established by Resolution No. 392/05 of the former Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, currently in the field of the SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, and whose design was in charge of that implementing authority and which are accompanied in the present.
ARTICLE 2 °-Create the "ARGENTINE FOOD" Award, established by Resolution No. 392/05 of the former Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, currently in the field of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES of the Nation, to distinguish those products to which the use of the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE" would have been granted, and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and to stand out for their quality, their highest levels of technological innovation, positioning in the markets and promotion of the social, cultural and natural aspects of production, processing and processing of Argentine food. Any natural or legal person who would cease the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and his English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", will be able to aspire that his product will obtain the distinction of the Prize that is created.
ARTICLE 3-The creation of the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and the "ARGENTINE FOOD" Award, have objectives: a) Promote and safeguard authenticity and the originality of Argentine food, due to the social, cultural and natural circumstances of production, processing and processing.
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b) To boost the incorporation of attributes of differential value in Argentine food. (c) Promote the differentiation of products voluntarily entering the system, in the marketing channels and at points of sale; and the immediate recognition by the consumer of a quality that satisfies an expectation or A specific taste for the standards set by the Argentine Food Code. (d) Provide customers and consumers with assurance that the products, which voluntarily enter into the system, have been manufactured in accordance with specific characteristics and/or conditions specially established in the respective protocols. (e) Grant a special distinctive feature to Argentine foods that present characteristic and constant value attributes, and which meet significant, objective, measurable and traceable criteria. (f) To disseminate and promote the assessment characteristics of products that are voluntarily entered into the system. g) Encourage the coordination of the actors involved in the agri-food chains.
ARTICLE 4 °-The SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, will determine which of its areas will be the enforcement authority of this law, with the administration of the Seal. and its constant adaptation to the advances that occur in the matter of differentiation and value added in food products, and will grant the cession of the use of the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE" and will award the "ARGENTINE FOODS" Award, through the (a)
ARTICLE 5 °-The seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and the "ARGENTINE FOOD" Award, will be given by the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHERIES AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHING of the Nation, natural or legal persons with the exclusive object of differentiating those authorized products that comply with the general and particular requirements established in that organism. The fulfilment of the same shall be the direct responsibility of the natural or legal persons involved and condition for the continuity of the transferred use.
ARTICLE 6-The right of temporary use without exclusivity of the Seal, will be transferred free of charge and for the period of two (2) years counted from the date of publication of the administrative act that grants it. Successive renewals shall be in the same character for the same period of time. The Prize will be awarded annually.
ARTICLE 7 °-The SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation will implement, through the agency or its designated areas, the registration of the transferee products of the said Seal.
ARTICLE 8-THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHERIES of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, by means of the Resolution mentioned, has prepared the creation of the COMMISSION ADVISORY OF ARGENTINE FOOD, which will be In charge of the tasks of advising, supporting and promoting the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and the "ARGENTINE FOOD" Award.
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The Commission shall be chaired by the Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the said Ministry, or by the person designated by him. To instruct the Secretariat to determine the formation of the said Commission, whose members will exercise their respective representations on an "ad honorem" basis. The following are the functions of this Commission: a) Recommend requirements and procedures for applicants to obtain the "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", their English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and the "ALIMARES" Award (b) To recommend the necessary modifications to the protocols to be established in order to maintain their permanent adaptation to the advances in the field. c) Evaluate the background and propose the candidates for the "ARGENTINE FOOD" Award. d) Encourage the coordination of joint actions to promote the incorporation of differentiating attributes in Argentine food and promote in the the marketing of products that voluntarily enter into the system.
ARTICLE 9 °-The natural and legal persons transferee of the Seal "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", and its English language version "ARGENTINE FOOD A NATURAL CHOICE", to whom it was granted the same according to Resolution 392/05, continue with such benefit until the expiration of the granting period. In addition to the rules of this law, the regulations of Resolution 392/05 and its amendments shall remain in force.
ARTICLE 10. -This law will not entail any tax costs, being regulated within one hundred and eighty (180) days of published in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 11. -Contact the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese. -Gerardo Zamora.
Date of publication: 01/09/2014
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