Key Benefits:
Law 27,080
Create in the area of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Directorate of Control and Assistance of Criminal Enforcement. Sanctioned: December 16, 2014 Enacted: January 27, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1 °-Create in the field of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, the Directorate of Control and Assistance of Criminal Enforcement, as auxiliary of the federal justice and national justice, whose supervision will be exercised by a Commission formed by the Presidents of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, of the National Chamber of Cassation in the Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital, of the National Chamber of Appeals in the Federal Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital, of the Chamber of Deputies National of Appeals in the Criminal and Correctional of the Federal Capital, and the National Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal of the Federal Capital.
ARTICLE 2 °-The Directorate shall be in charge of a Director or Director with the title of lawyer or specialists associated with the new prison and criminological races, appointed by public contest of antecedents and opposition, with the agreement of the Honorable Senate of the Nation, and will be advised by an Advisory Council, interdisciplinarily integrated by psychologists, social workers, social workers, doctors, lawyers and sociologists. Please approve the Annex I that forms part of the present, and create the charges that are detailed in it, corresponding to the organizational structure of the Directorate of Control and Assistance of Criminal Execution.
ARTICLE 3-The Directorate of Criminal Enforcement Control and Assistance shall have the following functions: (a) checking compliance with the conditions contained in the car for the release of any person who has obtained probation, where he shall act in collaboration with the magistrate in charge of the execution of the sentence; compliance with the rules of conduct imposed on any person to whom a conditional execution penalty has been imposed; (c) the monitoring and control of the rules of conduct imposed on any person who has been granted the suspension of (d) The inspection and surveillance of any person who is being held in detention or punishment with the Home accommodation modality; e) Providing effective social care for people who graduate from prison facilities
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by the programme of assisted freedom, probation or the exhaustion of penalties, generating actions to facilitate their social, family and work reintegration; (f) the monitoring and control of the implementation of any replacement penalty system at liberty. To intervene as a body for the assistance and supervision of the process, subject to the conditions of commitment laid down by the judge in the granting of release; g) to attend the release and his family group, facilitating the means for his or her return to home and work; managing the care of their needs in the first days of life at liberty; seeking to ensure access to education, health, housing and employment; and to verify the return of funds, documents and personal belongings to the egress. In the case where any of the persons admitted to the scheme provided for in this law does not have any evidence of identity or irregular status, the Directorate in coordination with the judge responsible for the execution of the sentence must to seek the processing of the same, acting in conjunction with the National Register of Persons.
ARTICLE 4 °-The Commission established pursuant to Article 1 shall regulate this law within 90 days of its promulgation, and shall adopt measures to ensure the continuity of the provision of the functions which up to the The Board of Liberates has entered into force of this law.
Article 5 °-The development of the activities of the Directorate must be financed with the resources that the General Budget of Expenditure and the Calculation of Resources of the National Administration will determine annually to the specific program that will be created for such effect. Accordingly, the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers is authorized to make the necessary budgetary adjustments for the duration of this law.
ARTICLE 6-Transitional clause. The provisions of this law may not in any way imply the loss of employment of those who are currently employed within the Board of Liberates. Likewise, the incorporation into the Directorate of Control and Assistance of Criminal Enforcement of such employees, will be done except for any public contest that requires the Judicial Branch of the Nation for its entry.
ARTICLE 7 °-Commune to the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -JUAN C. MARINO. -Lucas Chedrese. -Juan H. Estrada.
ANNEX 1 Structure of the Directorate of Control and Assistance for Criminal Enforcement 1.1. Professional Plant (Control Equipment)
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1.2. Professional Plant (Assistant Team)
2. Administrative plant
Administrative Secretary
Head of office 25
Officer Major 48
Write-in 7
Administrative Secretary 3
Head of office 25
Officer Major 48
Write-in 7
Administrative Secretary 1
Head of Dispatch 1
Officer Major 3
Officer 3
Write 4
Auxiliary write-in 4
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Date of publication: 09/02/2015
Official medium-term 2
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