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Law No. 20.655. Modification.

Original Language Title: Ley N° 20.655. Modificación.

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Law 27202

Law No 20,655. Amendment. Sanctioned: October 28, 2015 Enacted: November 03, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:

ARTICLE 1-Substitute Chapter I of Law 20,655 and its Modifiers, by the following:


General principles

Article 1 °: The State shall address sport and physical activity in its various manifestations, considering as a fundamental objective: (a) The universalisation of sport and physical activity as a right of the population and as a contributing factor to the integral training of people, both within the framework of the education system and in other aspects of social life; use of sport and physical activity as factors of the integral health of the population, with a holistic vision; c) The promotion of the practice of sports competitions in order to reach the highest levels of the same, ensuring that the representations of the Argentine sport at international level express the cultural hierarchy and (d) Establish harmonious relations between educational, social and community sports; at work, university, military, federated, high-performance and adapted, as well as among all the ways in which it is Council Regulation (EC) No 731/ of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 on the protection of the environment and the protection of the environment and the protection of the environment of sport and physical activity and the implementation of conditions allowing for access to their practice to every human being, offering special opportunities to young people, children, girls and adolescents, older adults and people with disabilities, considering sociocultural animation as (f) Equal opportunities in terms of gender to participate and to intervene at all levels of decision-making in sport and in physical activity; g) The diversity of the social dimension of the European Union and its role in the field of social integration; sport and physical activity, as a basic characteristic of its value and attractiveness and

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the protection and promotion of the traditional games and sports of Aboriginal people and indigenous communities, including in their modern and new forms, as an expression of the cultural heritage of the country; structure of administration, coordination and support to sport and physical activity; in the provincial, to achieve a harmonious realization of efforts aimed at the achievement of such a structure; in the municipal, to support the satisfaction of the needs that the the community cannot concretize, and, in the private, secure the advice and support that it is Coordination with public and private bodies in training programmes at all levels, in the fields of competence and the management and control of resources in sport.

Article 2: The State will develop its activities by directing, promoting, assisting, ordering and supervising the physical and sports activities developed in the country, in accordance with the plans, programs and projects to be developed.

Article 3: For the purposes of the promotion of physical and sporting activities in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles, the State shall, through its competent bodies: (a) Ensure the development of measures to enable the practice of sport and physical activity throughout the population, with priority attention in the persons referred to in Article 1 (e), encouraging the implementation of appropriate programmes to (b) To ensure that any comprehensive education system gives physical education and sport the place and importance necessary to establish the balance between the two and the other elements of education, strengthening their links; for the staff to take on the professional responsibility for physical education and sport have appropriate competence and training; (d) Promote the training of medical practitioners in sport and of professionals specialising in the sciences applied to sport and physical activity, and encourage the creation of centres of research and comprehensive evaluation in the field, with the aim of promoting the progress of sport in all its forms and contributing to improve the health, quality of life and safety of the participants; and) Coordinate measures among governments national, provincial, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and municipalities and entities (a) to ensure that school and after-school programmes of physical activity, physical education and sport have adequate facilities and adequate equipment and materials in sufficient quantity to facilitate a (f) Coordinate between the national, provincial, municipal governments, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the competent private entities, the establishment and the optimal use of the facilities, the equipment and materials for sport and physical activity in general; To promote competitions in the various sports specialties, encouraging the participation of athletes in national and international competitions; h) to stimulate the creation of entities dedicated to educational, social and In the field of work, university and adapted and with its activities contribute to the integral development of the human being through sport and physical activity; i) Coordinate among the national, provincial, municipal, The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the competent private entities, which in the urban planning and rural planning are the long-term needs in terms of facilities, equipment and equipment for sport and physical activity, taking into account the possibilities offered by the environment; and (j) Velar for safety and correction of sporting events, with the security forces and the local authorities involved, providing information on the subject matter requested by the

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implementation of this law and the implementing bodies of the acceding provinces.

ARTICLE 2-Substitute Chapter II of Law 20,655 and its Modifiers, by the following:


Body of application

Article 4 °: The National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity, as a body of the Ministry of Social Development, is created as a decentralized and autarquic body as a body for the application of this law.

Article 5: The National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity has full legal capacity to act in the fields of public and private law and its assets will be constituted by the assets transferred to it and those acquired in the future by any title. It will have its main headquarters in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will have to establish eight (8) delegations, one for each of the sports regions.

Article 6 °: The National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity shall continue, for all purposes and in accordance with this law, of the Ministry of Sports of the Nation under the Ministry of Social Development.

Article 7 °: The driving and administration of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity will be carried out by one (1) directory made up of nine (9) members and eight (8) regional coordinators appointed by the Executive Branch. The directory will be made up of a (1) president, who will have the rank of secretary of state, and three (3) directors who will serve as vice president, secretary general and executive director/to be appointed by the government. Executive; two (2) directors on a proposal from the Argentine Olympic Committee; two (2) directors on a proposal from the Argentine Confederation of Sports and a (1) director/a proposal from the National Council for Sport and Physical Activity that does not carry out in the public service, under the conditions laid down in the rules of this law. The eight (8) Regional coordinators will be in charge of each of the Regional Councils of Sport and Physical Activity. The members of the board will last in their posts four (4) years and may be re-elected for one (1) period according to the regulations established by the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity. Persons who are members of the Board may only be removed from their posts for non-compliance or poor performance of their duties. The removal must be approved by the two thirds (2/ 3) of the total members of the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity, by means of a procedure in which the right of defense has been guaranteed in a wide way, Resolution adopted in this respect shall be duly founded on the grounds previously provided for. The President of the Board is the legal representative of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity, being in charge of presiding and convening the meetings of the board, according to the regulations dictated by the implementing authority in use of their faculties. The votes will be by a simple majority.

Article 8 °: For the purposes set out in this Law, the implementing body has the following powers:

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(a) to pay for the costs arising from its operation; (b) to allocate the public benefits as provided for in this law, laying down the conditions to which the subjects of such resources must conform; (c) Orienting, coordinating, programming, promoting, assist, order and supervise the allocation of funds granted to civil sports associations that play sports in the country in all its forms; (d) Approve and implement the multi-annual plans to be drawn up by the National Sports Council and the Physical Activity; e) Velar for the realization of the Social and Sports Program -Games National Evita-provided for in Law 26.462, in the entire territory of the Nation, in coordination with national, provincial, municipal, municipal, and private institutions of the City of Buenos Aires and private institutions; public and private in the aspects relating to the application of this law and the fulfilment of the objectives of the sporting activity which they develop; (g) to declare the nullity of the administrative acts for which the public benefits referred to in point (b) of this Article, where it has not been given compliance with the conditions laid down for its granting; (h) Proceed in the case provided for in paragraph (g) of this Article, the disablement of the subsidised subject to obtain new resources for the term of three (3) months to four months (4) years; (i) Understanding the other competencies assigned by the laws to the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity and the bodies that preceded it; and (j) Understand the other competencies assigned to it by the Executive Branch.

Article 9 °: The implementing body shall propose to the Executive Branch the rules requiring the implementation of this law, its regulation and the creation of the necessary bodies for its operation.

ARTICLE 3-Substitute Chapter III of Law 20,655 and its Modifiers, by the following:


National Council of Sport and Physical Activity

Article 10: Create in the field of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity, which will be composed of: a (1) coordinator/interjurisdictional of national public administration appointed by the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, a (1) representative of the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity, two (2) members of each Regional Council of Sport and Physical Activity, representing the associations Provincial sports civil servants called confederations, un/a (1) representative of each provincial government and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, a (1) representative of the civil sports associations, of national representation of educational sport, a (1) representative of the civil sports associations National representation of social and community sport, a/a (1) representative of sports civil associations representing national sports representation for older adults, a (1) representative of civil associations sports of national representation of sport of work, a/a (1) representative of the national sports associations of national representation of university sport, two (2) representatives of the sports civil associations of national representation of sport adapted, a/a (1) person appointed to the proposal of the National Advisory Committee for the Integration of Persons with

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Disability of the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies of the Presidency of the Nation and one (1) person on the proposal of the Argentine Paralympic Committee, two (2) representatives of the first-degree civil sports associations of the Republic Argentina, un/a (1) representative of associations of health sciences applied to sport and physical activity, a/a (1) representative of the Argentine Federation of Sports Journalists, a (1) representative of the sport Military, a (1) representative of civil associations representing sportspersons, a (1) representative of civil associations representing sports technical directors and a representative of civil associations representing arbitrators. The council shall meet at least one (1) time per quarter and elect a (1) president/a, a (1) vice-president/a and a (1) secretary-general, elected among its members by simple majority. The persons who are members of the council will last in their mandates four (4) years with the possibility of reelection for the same period of time. The quorum shall be in accordance with both ordinary and extraordinary calls with the absolute majority of the total of its members. The expenses incurred by the representatives of the Regional Councils of Sport and Physical Activity representing the provincial State shall be in charge of those jurisdictions. In the case of representatives of the sporting organisations, the costs shall be borne by the body of application of this law.

Article 11: The role of the National Council for Sport and Physical Activity: a) Suggest the National High Performance Sports Ente, on the planning of multi-annual high performance sports policies; b) Suggest in the planning of the multi-annual policies for the promotion of social and community sport; for older adults, at work, university, military, federated and adapted, ensuring that in the plans they are offered: special opportunities for young people, including children, girls and adolescents, older adults and children persons with disabilities, equal opportunities for women and special opportunities for women traditional games and sports of Aboriginal and indigenous indigenous communities; c) Articule with national agencies, projects to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of this law; d) to intervene with the Federal Council of Education, in the planning of the curricular content of physical education and sport of the national education system; and) Participate with the entities that regulate the professional exercise of physical education and sport, in the (f) To participate with the national universities, in the promotion of activities of specific scientific and professional training in sports medicine and science applied to sport and physical activity; g) Participate with the competent bodies of the national public sector, governments provincial, municipal and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the promotion of medical centers of sport and sciences applied to sport and physical activity, which have as their object the research and the integral evaluation; annually to the directory of the implementing authority for the purpose of receiving a detailed report (i) to advise the implementing authority on the matter and to propose the adoption of measures for the implementation of these measures; (j) to extend the relations of the Argentine Republic to the Ibero-American Council of Sport, the Council South American Sport and international bodies on sport and physical activity to which the Nation adheres; and k) To dictate its rules of procedure.

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ARTICLE 4 °-Substitute Chapter IV of Law 20,655 and its Amending, by the following:


Regional Councils of Sport and Physical Activity

Article 12: Create the Regional Councils of Sport and Physical Activity of Region I, formed by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Region II, formed by the province of Buenos Aires, Region III, formed by the provinces of La Pampa, Neuquén and Río Negro, of Region IV, formed by the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis, of Region V, formed by the provinces of Cordoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, of Region VI, formed by the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja and Santiago del Estero, in Region VII, formed by the provinces of Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa and Misiones and Region VIII, formed by the provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Islands of the South Atlantic, each of which will be composed of a coordinator/a representative of the body of application of this law with rank and hierarchy equivalent to director/national, which is natural of one of the provinces of the region or has two (2) years of immediate residence in it, the holders of the provincial bodies competent in the field of sport and physical activity in the region and two (2) representatives of each of the Civil society associations of provincial representation called confederations.

Article 13: The role of the Regional Councils of Sport and Physical Activity: a) To intervene in the planning of regional policies for the promotion of social and community sport; for older adults, at work, university, and high performance and adapted, ensuring that in the plans are offered: special opportunities for young people, including children, girls and adolescents, older adults and people with disabilities, equal opportunities for women and special opportunities for women. games and traditional sports of Aboriginal people and indigenous communities (b) Articular with the provincial public bodies and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, projects that facilitate the orientation, promotion, assistance, management and supervision of physical and sports activities; To participate with the provincial entities that regulate the professional exercise of physical education and sport, in the elaboration of the norms on the subject; d) Participate with the national universities of each region, in the promotion of activities of specific scientific and professional training in sport and science medicine applied to sport and physical activity and advice to civil sports associations in the preparation of documentation for their proper functioning; and) to participate with the competent bodies of the provincial governments, municipal and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the promotion of medical centers of sport and sciences applied to sport and physical activity, which have as their object the research and the integral evaluation; f) Participate in the mechanisms promotion and sports cooperation between the provinces and municipalities, introducing new disciplines and stimulating the practice of those that are of local and regional preference; g) Coassist with the body of application of this law and the National High Performance Sports in the detection of sports talents of the regions, for insertion into national programmes;

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h) Coassist with the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity in the structuring and operation of the Sports Information System; and i) Understand in the promotion and promotion of regional and international sports games.

ARTICLE 5-Substitute Chapter V of Law 20,655 and its Modifiers, by the following:


Municipal Councils of Sport and Physical Activity

Article 14: Create the Municipal Councils of Sport and Physical Activity, which will function as a legal person governed by public, non-state, decentralized and autarquical public administration and will be integrated by a (1) a directory composed of at least three (3) representatives of the competent municipal bodies in the field of sport and physical activity and three (3) representatives of the sporting civil associations having their registered office. social in the district and find themselves registered in the sports information system, In all cases, the same proportionality of representation in executive positions should be retained, and both sectors should be alternated in all council positions every four (4) years. They are the functions of the Municipal Councils of Sport and Physical Activity: a) Intervening in the planning of the multi-annual municipal policies for the promotion of social and community sport; for older adults, at work, university, federated, high performance and adapted, ensuring that in the plans are offered: special opportunities for young people, children, girls and adolescents, older adults and people with disabilities, equal opportunities for women and special opportunities for games and sports traditional of Aboriginal and indigenous communities originating; b) Articular with the different areas of municipal administration, projects that facilitate the orientation, promotion, assistance, management and supervision of physical and sports activities; c) Intervening in the establishment and optimal use of the installations, equipment and materials intended for sport and physical activity in general; (d) Vellar for the application of the standards referred to in the assessment of medical fitness of persons engaged in sport and physical activity; with the deliberative councils and the competent bodies of the municipality in the exercise of the police power of sporting events held in municipal jurisdiction; and f) Coassist with the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity in the structuring and operation of the Sports Information System and Physical Activity.

ARTICLE 6-Substitute Chapter VI of Law 20,655 and its Modifiers, by the following:


Public resources and benefits for Sport and Physical Activity

Article 15: To contribute to the attention of the expenditure that irroguen the provisions of this law shall apply: a) The budget of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity; b) A percentage of the liquid benefit that the operation of casinos, in accordance with the provisions

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of Articles 10 (b) and 12 of Law 18.226 and Article 1 of Decree 600 of 4 June 1999; (c) Funds derived from the Sports Forecast Competition instituted by law 25.295; (d) Any contribution arising from other provisions created or created. If the specific affectation resources provided for in points (b), (c) and (d) of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity are increased beyond the current budgetary estimate, the Chief of Staff of the Ministers to extend this budget to the amounts actually collected. With the exception of these resources, the contribution of thirty-five per cent (35%), as laid down in Article 9 (2) of the Law 26,546. The remaining resources received by such concepts, which are verified at the end of each fiscal year, will be transferred to the next financial year with the same expenditure destination.

Article 16: The resources provided for in Article 15 of this Law shall be used for the construction, extension and maintenance of sports facilities, for the assistance of sport in general, for the training, preparation and training of athletes, technicians and trainers, professionals specialised in sports medicine and professionals specialising in the sciences applied to sport and physical activity and the promotion of national and national sporting competitions " The subjects of such resources may be the civil sports associations provided for in this law, the neighborhood and village clubs provided for in law 27,098, the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the municipal councils sports and athletes, technicians and trainers provided for in this law, who in all cases meet the formal and substantial requirements laid down in the respective legal provisions. The resources are granted through the following public benefits: (a) Subsidies: it is understood by means of subsidies for the purposes of this law, to all those allocations and extraordinary or permanent expenditures, with a charge of accountability, received by the persons covered by this Article, founded on grounds of merit or opportunity, without compensation, or economic consideration or other kind, or which, where they exist, are manifestly insufficient or disproportionate to the benefit received. (b) Grants: grants to contributions in non-remunerative money that under this law are assigned by one or more times or on a regular basis to athletes, as support for their training and preparation, and to technicians and trainers of the national representation teams, acting in the field of national civil sports associations, without prejudice to the remuneration that the latter agents receive from the respective entities, which are solely responsible for the performance of the work obligations, Tax and pre-visionaries that are in charge of you.

Article 17: Persons who carry out managerial and audit positions in civil sports associations shall have personal and solidarity responsibility for the performance of the accounts of the resources provided for in Article 15 of this Regulation. law, as well as for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were granted the same.

Article 18: The arrangements for the allocation and distribution of the resources provided for in the preceding Articles are excluded from the provisions of Decree Law 17.502/67 and Articles 1 and 2 of Law 11.672, Supplementary and Permanent Budget (ordered text 2014).

ARTICLE 7 °-Substitute Chapter VII of Law 20,655 and its Amending, by the following:

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Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity

Article 19: For the purposes of this law, it is understood by the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity to the set of civil sports associations, intermediate and higher associative structures and norms and organizational processes that interact in a coordinated manner in order to contribute to the practice, development, support, organization and representation of sport and physical activity. They may be subject only to the measures of promotion, assistance and ordering of physical and sporting activities and of the tax and financial benefits provided for in this law, in law 26,573 and in the rules of that matter, Civil sports associations that make up the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity.

Article 19a: Sports civil associations are considered to be members of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity, to those legal persons provided for in Article 168 of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, which have as the purpose of the practice, development, maintenance, organisation or representation of sport and physical activity, in accordance with the general principles set out in Chapter I of this Law and meet the characteristics set out in the Articles 20 and 20a.

Article 20: The Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity is structured with first-degree, second-degree, national representation, and senior civil sports associations. First-degree civil sports associations are entities called clubs or other forms compatible with their quality, they are integrated by natural persons, they have as essential purpose the practice, development, support or organization of the sport and physical activity and are classified, according to the object to which their actions are addressed, in civil sports associations of educational, social and community sport; sport for the elderly, sport in the field of work, University sport, of a federal sport, of a military sport, of a high sport performance, or adapted sport. Second-degree civil sports associations are entities called federations, unions, leagues, circles or other form compatible with their quality, they are integrated by other civil sports associations, they have as essential purpose the organisation and representation of sport and physical activity and do not meet the minimum representation thresholds referred to in the following paragraph; they are classified according to the geographical scope in which they are carried out, in civil partnerships sports of municipal or communal representation, of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, regional representation or regional representation and, according to the object to which their actions are addressed, in civil sport associations of second degree of social and community sport; of sport for older adults, of sport of scope (i) work, university sport, sport, military sport, sport of high performance or adapted sport. National sporting civil associations are entities called national federations, national confederations or other forms compatible with their quality, are integrated by other civil sports associations, have as essential purpose the organisation and representation of sport and physical activity, within a geographical scope comprising a minimum of five (5) provinces and three (3) of the sporting regions provided for in this Act, except sports Winter, which may include a lower threshold. They are classified according to the object to which their actions are directed, in civil sports associations of national representation of educational sport, of sport

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social and community sport; sport for the elderly, sport in the field of work, university sport, sport, military sport, sport of high performance, or sport adapted. The implementing body may provide for derogations from the minimum representation thresholds referred to in this paragraph, where the characteristics of the case so advise. The higher civil sports associations are the Argentine Confederation of Sports, composed of the civil associations of municipal or communal representation, national representation and the civil sports associations of Provincial representation called confederations, the Argentine Olympic Committee, consisting of the national sports associations of national representation, included in the Olympic movement and also, the Argentine Paralympic Committee, integrated for civil sports associations for Paralympic sports. The autonomy of the civil sports associations members of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity in the free exercise of their functions is recognized.

Article 20a: The lists to be submitted for the election of the members of the Commission in the first-degree civil sports associations of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity must be among the candidates for the posts to be elected, a minimum of 20% (20%), together, of women and young people between eighteen (18) and twenty-nine (29) years of age, who meet the conditions of the position for which they are nominated and are not included in any of the statutory disabilities. Such a proportion should be maintained when partial renewals of the headline posts occur. The electoral system of the first-degree sports civil associations of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity must assign one (1) or more posts in the Directive Commission, for the first minority, provided it gathers as minimum, a number representing 25% (25%) of the votes cast, if the statutes do not set a lower proportion. The national sports associations of national representation of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity must provide in their statutes one (1) category of associates composed of associations of athletes, who wish to participate entity; one (1) category of associates composed of associations of technicians and coaches, who wish to participate of the entity and one (1) category of associates composed of associations of arbitrators, who wish to participate of the entity, that in all the cases comply with the social obligations and will have the right to choose a vocal (1) each, in the Commission Directive. The lists to be submitted for the election of the members of the Board of Directors of the second-degree sports civil associations and the national sports associations representing national representation and their electoral regimes, should comply with the conditions for women, young people between eighteen (18) and twenty-nine (29) years of age and the first minority, referred to in the preceding paragraph. The removal of the chosen vowels by categories must be done by the special assembly of its members. If the elections by category fail, either because there are no partners to make it, there is no quorum or because the vote cannot be defined, the members of the Board of Directors of the civil sports associations of second grade and of the national sports associations of national representation may be designated by the regime of the ordinary assembly, respecting the requirements of the majority and the quorum provided for it and the quotas indicated in this article.

Article 21: The presidents of the first and second-degree sports civil associations, the national sports associations representing national and superior sports associations of the Institutional System of Sport and the Physical Activity, will have a maximum duration of four (4) years in his terms, and a maximum of one (1) immediate reelection.

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Article 21a: Entities that do not integrate the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity may be subject to the measures of promotion, assistance and ordering of physical and sports activities, provided for in this law, only where they carry out activities within the objectives set out in Article 1 (e) and meet the formal and substantial requirements laid down in the laws and regulations in force.

ARTICLE 8-Substitute Chapter VIII of Law 20,655 and its Amending, by the following:


Arrangements for the accession of the provinces

Article 22: The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires may be incorporated in the objectives and benefits set out in this law by way of accession.

Article 23: The incorporation into the regime of this law will entitle the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to integrate the bodies that are created and to be subject to public resources and benefits for sport and activity. physical.

ARTICLE 9 °-Incorporate as Chapter X of Law 20,655 and its modifications, the following:


Sports Information System

Article 29: Create as a decentralized and autarchic agency in the field of the Ministry of Social Development, the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity that will be continuous, for all purposes and in accordance with the present law of the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity created in time by decree 125/2014 of the Executive Branch.

Article 30: The National Sports and Physical Activity Observatory shall have full legal capacity to act in the fields of private public law and its assets shall consist of the assets transferred to it and those it acquires in the future by any title. It will have its main headquarters in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Article 31: The management and administration of the National Sports Observatory and Physical Activity will be carried out by a (1) directory composed of nine (9) members appointed by the Executive Branch. The directory will be made up of a (1) president, with a rank of secretary of state, and three (3) directors who will serve as vice president, secretary general and executive director/to be appointed by the executive branch. (2) directors on a proposal from the Argentine Olympic Committee; two (2) directors on a proposal from the Argentine Confederation of Sports and a (1) director/a proposal from the National Council for Sport and Physical Activity that do not perform in the public function, under the conditions laid down by the rules. The people who integrate the directory will last in their posts four (4) years and may be re-elected by

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one (1) period according to the regulations established by the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity. People who integrate the directory can only be removed from their posts for non-compliance or poor performance of their duties. The removal must be approved by the two thirds (2/ 3) of the total of the members of the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity, by means of a procedure in which the right of defense has been guaranteed in a wide way, Resolution adopted in this respect shall be duly founded on the grounds previously provided for. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity, being in charge of presiding and convening the board meetings, according to the regulations dictated by the implementing authority in use of their powers. The votes will be by a simple majority.

Article 32: Create the Sports Information System and Physical Activity, which aims to unify the statistical activities on athletes, referees, technicians and coaches, civil sports associations, persons commissions and public or private sports facilities in order to have accurate and timely statistical information for decision-making, contributing to the functioning of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity and develop a planning of sports facilities appropriate to the needs.

Article 33: The Sports Information System and Physical Activity consists of: a) A (1) accreditation subsystem of the sports civil associations members of the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity; b) One (1) registration (c) The census of federal athletes, umpires, technicians and coaches, and trainers/as; d) One (1) permanent registration of federal records; and) The census of public and private facilities for sport and physical activity.

Article 34: The accreditation subsystem of civil sports associations is the process by which it is assessed whether a civil sports association meets the characteristics set out in Articles 19 to 20a of this Law and is gives formal recognition of its integration into the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity. The accredited civil sports associations and the members of their commissions shall be incorporated in the permanent register of the Institutional System of Sport and the Physical Activity provided for in Article 33 (b) of this Law.

Article 35: The census of federal athletes, umpires, technicians and trainers consists of a set of statistical activities, coordinated between the competent bodies and the civil sports associations, aimed at ensuring a permanent register of the athletes linked through a federative card with the referees, technicians and coaches who are related to civil sports associations that make up the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity. The federal records shall be incorporated in the permanent register provided for in Article 34 (d) of this Law, with the exception of professional sports contracts, which shall be governed by the rules of the common law or those governing that law. sports activity.

Article 36: The census of facilities for sport and physical activity consists of a descriptive and systematic inventory of the existing sports equipment in the Argentine Republic, according to its location, age, geographical distribution, typology, owners, conservation status,

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sports or activities to which they are intended, ancillary facilities and other data to be established by virtue of the functions provided for in this Law.

Article 37: The structuring and operation of the Sports Information System will be carried out by the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity.

Article 38: These are the functions of the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity: a) To promote integrated systems of planning, projects, management and supervision of the works of sports infrastructure, in accordance with the political guidelines established by the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity and the (b) Evaluate projects of other institutions which, due to their relevance and importance to national policies, deserve to be assisted in their technical, material or financial aspects; conservation and general operation of services in all sports facilities, which be found in premises under the jurisdiction of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity; (d) Plan, promote and coordinate the statistical tasks of the regional and municipal councils of sport and physical activity; the annual programme of statistics and censuses of the Sports Information System and Physical Activity; (f) Establish methodological standards and programmes for the implementation of statistics to be included in the programme, structure and conditions (i) the technical nature of the data, the extent and disaggregation of the information and the mechanics of (g) Requiring the necessary information to the public bodies and the civil sports associations, which must evacuate the requirements within the period of forty-five (45) days; (h) Distribute, between the Councils Regional and Municipal Sports and Physical Activity, detailed tasks in the annual program of statistics and censuses of the Sports Information System and Physical Activity; i) Promote the proper dissemination of sports information; j) Conduct research, of a methodological and statistical nature, to raise the level of (k) To conclude statistical agreements or conventions, with public and private entities and to promote them with foreign and international bodies; (l) To conduct courses in the field of sport and to promote technical training, with the collaboration of international, national and private bodies; (m) Organize and carry the subsystems and registers established in Article 33 of this Law, supervising and approving the estate and institutional of civil sports associations for the allocation of State funds (n) Revocar or suspend all or part of the accreditations or inscriptions in case of non-compliance with the relevant rules; n) Celebrate agreements with public and private entities to promote, participate and organize the development of educational institutions for the purpose of training and updating the human, professional, technical and voluntary resources of the sport; or) Celebrating agreements with public and private entities to create and participate in the organization, promotion and development (p) Any other function which contributes to the economic resources of sport; compliance with the objectives set out in Article 32 of this Law.

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ARTICLE 10. -It is incorporated as Chapter XI of Law 20,655 and its modifications, the following:


Promotion of Sport and Physical Activity

Article 39: May be subject to the promotional scheme provided for in this Chapter, the civil sports associations which make up the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity, established in Chapter VII and the agents of sport and physical activity.

Article 40: For the purposes of this law, agents of sport and physical activity are understood to be persons athletes, coaches and coaches, umpires and drivers of sports activities, defined according to the following: characters: a) Athlete: is any person who participates in a sport under the authority of a sports organization, subject to the requirements imposed by the regulations and sports morality; b) Technicians and trainers: are the persons involved In the process of training for which the athlete is going through, technical and pedagogically direct the process of preparation and competence of the athlete or the teams, they make decisions, prepare physics, technique, tactics and psychologically to the athletes, help to achieve the highest level of their performance, develop the Athletes ' talent for achieving successful results nationally and internationally, apply the methodology of sports training and plan and evaluate the work of the athlete. Such persons shall have an enabling title recognised by the Ministry of Education of the Nation or the second-degree sports civil associations or higher entities of sport within the meaning of Article 20 of this Law; Referees: are the persons responsible for the control and impartial management of sports meetings and for deciding on the sanctions on the ground. Such persons shall have an enabling title recognised by the Ministry of Education of the Nation or the second-degree sports civil associations or higher entities of sport within the meaning of Article 20 of this Law; They are drivers of sports activities: I) teachers of physical education, and II) instructors, who conduct the practice of sports or the realization of physical activities or sociocultural animation for the associates or users of Civil sports associations. The instructors must have an enabling title recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Nation or higher entities of sport within the meaning of Article 20 of this Law. Regulation shall implement the correct application of the promotional benefits referred to in this Chapter.

Article 41: Athletes who receive the scholarships provided for in Chapter VI of this Law shall, for the purposes of the Integrated Retirement and Pensions System, be the category of small contributor attached to the Simplified System for Small Taxpayers approved by Article 1 of Law 24,977 and its amendments, which provides for Article 39 of the said regime and shall be listed in the Argentine Contingency System (SIPA), by means of the contribution referred to in points (a) and (b) of the Article 39 of Law 24,977 and its amendments, the payment of which shall be borne by the respective bodies (a) subsidies, with the exception of those athletes who receive scholarships granted by the National High Performance Sports (ENARD), who must enter it in a direct manner, as

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(a) and (b) of Article 39 of Law 24,977 and their amendments, exempting them from the income of the tax component of the scheme. Non-scholarship athletes who are related to civil sports associations that integrate the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity, through a federal record, that are not included in a convention collective work or a special social security or health system and participate in Argentine championships, qualifying championships for Argentine championships, in the divisions or higher categories of the regular annual championships of sports per team or in the divisions or categories of promotions of these championships, by choice, for the purposes of the Integrated Retirement and Pensions System, the category provided for in the preceding paragraph and shall enter the contribution provided therein, except in the case of remuneration exceeding the simplified scheme for Small Taxpayers, in which case the category of self-employed persons shall be covered by the obligations under that scheme. The payment of the contributions provided for in points (a) and (b) of Article 39 of Law 24,977 and its modifications shall be borne by the athletes themselves, with the exception of the tax component. For the purposes of this Law, a federal token is defined as the instrument that accredits the registrant's ownership of a first-degree civil sports association to a second-degree sports civil association or a civil association. National representation, in respect of an athlete, in order for him to participate in a given official competence, in the name and representation of that entity.

Article 42: Technical/s and coaches, umpires and drivers of sports activities having a relationship or contract of employment registered with civil sports associations that integrate the Institutional System of Sport and the Physical activity and not included in a collective working convention or a special health or social security system shall be understood, without prejudice to the nature of the link by which they perform their tasks, in the Integrated System Pensions and Pensions and subject to the provisions on affiliation established by law 24.241 and its regulatory standards and shall be entitled to the benefits provided for in the National Health Insurance System, instituted by laws 23,660 and 23,661, shall have the same treatment as the persons athletes included in the first paragraph of Article 41 of this Law, except that they receive remuneration in excess of the Simplified Scheme for Small Contributors, in which case they shall be part of the general scheme. The payment of the contributions provided for in points (a) and (b) of Article 39 of Law 24,977 shall be borne by the agents of the sport and the physical activity indicated in this article, with the option of making the contribution provided for in point (c) of the Article 39 of Law 24,977. The Secretariat of Social Security of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the Undersecretary of Public Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance will establish the categories of the Simplified for Small Contributors and Autonomos, in which the contributions of the agents of sport and physical activity included in this article shall be made.

Article 43: The civil sports associations which make up the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity, for each of the agents of sport and physical activity referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 40 of this Regulation the law and which make up the payroll of staff, as well as those who have a relationship or contract of employment not registered within three (3) years prior to the entry into force of this law and incorporate them in the future, together with the new additions, will enjoy a reduction of the employer contributions established in the General regime, for the social security subsystems of the Argentine Social Welfare System-laws 24.241 and 26.425-, of the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners-Law 19,032 and its amendments-the National Employment Fund, -Law 24,013 and its amendments-and

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The National System of Family Allowances-Law 24,714 and its modifications-as indicated in the scale provided for in the article. Contributions and contributions shall not be paid by the staff member who is recognized as being up to three (3) years old in the preceding paragraph. These benefits shall be maintained by the end of one (1) year from the entry into force of this law. The reductions shall not affect the financing of social security or the rights conferred on workers by social security schemes. The Executive Branch shall adopt the necessary budgetary revenue to compensate for the application of the said benefit. The contributions provided for in Law 23,660 and its amendments, for the purposes of social works, and also the contributions to the insurance companies for occupational risks, are not included within the provisions of this Article. provided for in Law 24,557 and its amendments.

Article 44: In accordance with Article 40 (b), (c) and (d) of this Law, a reduction scale of 25% (25%) shall be set at 100% (100%) of the employer's contributions to the general scheme of civil partnerships sports according to the coefficient established by the regulations of this law.

Article 45: When the civil sports associations provided for in the fourth paragraph of Article 20 of this Law, receive sums of money in collection, transfer of athletes and television, two percent (2%) of the total Such concepts shall apply to the cancellation of contributions and contributions referred to in Article 44 of this Law, resulting from application to that effect, the provisions of Decree 1.212 of May 19, 2003.

Article 46: State within the provisions of Article 20 (f) of the Law on Income Tax, text ordered by decree 649/97 and its amendments and complementary, to all civil and sports associations physical activity, included in point (m) of Law 20,628 and which make up the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity, with the exception of those achieved by Decree 1.212 of 19 May 2003 and which carry out care activities and protection of children, old age, disability and disability within their sporting programmes, Article 81 (1) of the Law on Income Tax, text ordered by decree 649/97 and its amendments and complementary. The performance of these activities will be certified by the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity, prior to granting the benefit. Companies that make donations, which are destined entirely to sports infrastructure, after approval of the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity, will be included in the terms and provisions of the law. 22.317, in respect of sixty-five percent (65%) of the donation made.

ARTICLE 11. -It is incorporated as Chapter XII of Law 20,655 and its modifications, the following:


Sport in the field of education

Article 47: Creation in the field of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity, the Commission

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National of Sport and Physical Activity in the Educational Field whose objective is to coordinate, coordinate, design and implement the programming and planning of national sports policy at all levels of education, ensuring unity and articulation of the National Educational System and the sports system, favoring the use of real and potential resources, materials and symbolic, that ensure a sports practice of quality and with equity.

Article 48: The National Commission for Sport and Physical Activity in the Educational Field shall be composed of the President/the President of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity, who shall preside over the commission; a (1) secretary-general appointed by the Federal Council of Education, and five (5) more members, who will be appointed by the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity on the proposal of the Argentine Olympic Committee, of the Argentine Paralympic Committee, of the Confederation Argentina de Deportes, of the Federation of Argentine University Sports, and of the associations linked to the student centres reached by law 26,877.

Article 49: The role of the National Commission for Sport and Physical Activity in Education: a) Ensure in all levels of systematic education, dissemination, development and proper practice of the various sports within the physical education classes; b) Participate in regional and international sports events (c) Plan and organize the National School Sports Games for all levels of the educational system, according to the sports regions, ensuring the municipal, provincial, regional and national stages. They will be carried out in coordination with the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, through their respective educational bodies and sports, provincial and national federations; in international competition organized by the International Federation of School Sport; e) Establish programs that guarantee the right of all girls, boys and adolescents to recreation, recreation, recreational games and sports, ensuring specific programmes for those with special capabilities; Ensure strict compliance with the provisions of Law 20.596, Special License Sports, and its amendments; (g) Jurisdictions that adhere to this law shall grant special or extraordinary licenses with a view to (a) the teaching staff who, as a result of the actions emanating from it, are called by the National Commission for Sport and Physical Activity in the Educational Field for their intervention as follows: groups, team members, juez/a, jury/a, director/technical/a, or coach, competition or sports meeting of municipal, provincial, national or international jurisdiction, for the time when their intervention is required in the event; h) to promote the promotion and accompaniment of the students to the sports system, compliance with their families and respecting the rights, interests and possibilities of children and adolescents; and i) Promote the development, maintenance and renovation of sports facilities and materials in all education systems systematic.

Article 50: The students of the educational system who are part of the sports team

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National representation may request the exception of the practice of school physical education, while remaining affected by the preparation and competence of those selected.

ARTICLE 12. -The costs arising from the operation of the National Institute of Sport and Physical Activity and the National Observatory of Sport and Physical Activity will be charged to the programmatic game corresponding to the General Budget of the National Public Administration. To this end, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be empowered to make the necessary budgetary changes.

ARTICLE 13. -Article 8 of Law 20,596; Decree 382/1992 and Decree 125/2014.

Transitional provisions

ARTICLE 14. -establish a period of one (1) year, starting from the enactment of this law, for the adequacy of the civil associations in activity, which wish to join the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity. The national implementing body and the implementing bodies of the acceding provinces may grant extensions of a general nature, up to a further (1) year, where the characteristics of the case so advise. Civil associations entering the Institutional System of Sport and Physical Activity after the expiration of the periods indicated in the preceding paragraph, may be subject to the measures of promotion of physical and sporting activities, provided for in this Law and in Law 26,573 and for the tax and financial benefits provided for in Chapter XI of this Law and in the rules of that matter, after three (3) years of such expiration.

ARTICLE 15. -For the only time he/the president, the vice president and the secretary general of the National Council of Sport and Physical Activity will be appointed by the Executive Branch for the purposes of their organization.

ARTICLE 16. -The Executive Branch will regulate this law within thirty (30) days of its publication in the Official Gazette.

ARTICLE 17. -Contact the national executive branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.

Date of publication: 04/11/2015

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