Key Benefits:
Law 27204
Law No 24,521. Amendment. Sanctioned: October 28, 2015 Enacted: November 09, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1-Substitute Article 1 of Law 24,521, of higher education, by the following:
Article 1: Universities and universities, state or private authorized universities and institutes of higher education of national, provincial or Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are included in this law. The National Education System, which is governed by Law 26.206-National Education Law, is part of the National Education System. The national state, the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, have the principal and indomitable responsibility for higher education, while education and knowledge are a public good and a personal and social human right in the framework of the provisions of Law 26.206.
ARTICLE 2-Substitute Article 2 of Law 24,521, by the following:
Article 2: The national state is responsible for providing the financing, supervision and oversight of national universities, as well as supervision and oversight of private universities. The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are responsible for providing the financing, supervision and supervision of the higher education institutes of state management and the provincial universities, if any, of their respective jurisdiction. The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are responsible for the supervision, supervision and, in the cases that correspond, the grant of the institutes of higher education of private management in the field of their respective jurisdiction. The main and indomitable responsibility of the national state, the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on higher education, implies: a) Ensuring equal opportunities and conditions in access, permanence, graduation and egress on the various alternatives and educational trajectories of the level for all those who require it and meet the legal conditions laid down in this law;
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(b) to provide equal grants, adequate infrastructure and technological resources for all persons suffering from verifiable economic deficiencies; (c) Promote policies for the development of the environment; (d) to establish the measures necessary to equip people with the opportunities and opportunities of persons with a view to the development of the cultural and cultural processes; permanent or temporary disabilities; and) Constituting mechanisms and processes (i) concrete links between the human, material, curricular and dissemination components of the level and with the rest of the national education system, as well as the effective international integration with other education systems, in particular with the (f) Promoting forms of organization and democratic processes; (g) Linking Practices and Knowledge from different social fields that enhance the construction and appropriation of knowledge in the resolution of problems associated with the needs of the population, as a constitutive condition of the (a) the scope of the national education law (Title VI, the quality of education, Chapter I, "General provisions", Article 84).
ARTICLE 3-Incorporate as Article 2 (a) of Law 24,521, the following:
Article 22a: Degree studies in higher education institutions of state management are free of charge and imply the prohibition of establishing on them any kind of tax, levy, tax, tariff, or direct or indirect tariff. Prohibit the institutions of higher education of state management from entering into agreements or agreements with other States, institutions or national and international public or private bodies, which involve offering education as a service The European Community has a very high level of
ARTICLE 4-Substitute Article 7 of Law 24,521, by the following:
Article 7: All persons who approve secondary education may enter in a free and unrestricted way to the level of education at the level of higher education. Exceptionally, the over twenty-five (25) years who do not meet this condition will be able to enter as long as they demonstrate, through the evaluations that the provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or the universities in their case establish, who have preparation or work experience according to the studies they intend to initiate, as well as sufficient skills and knowledge to successfully pursue them. This income must be supplemented by the processes of levelling and professional and vocational guidance that each institution of higher education must constitute, but which in no case must have an exclusive selective character or discriminator.
ARTICLE 5-Substitute Article 50 of Law 24,521, by the following:
Article 50: Each national university institution will dictate rules on regularity in studies that establish the academic conditions required.
ARTICLE 6-Substitute Article 58 of Law 24,521, as follows:
Article 58: The contribution of the State to the higher education institutions of the university
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State management cannot be diminished or replaced in any case by additional resources from other sources not covered by the general annual budget of the national public administration.
ARTICLE 7-Substitute Article 59 of Law 24,521, as follows:
Article 59: The national university institutions have economic and financial autarquia that they will exercise within the regime of Law 24.156, financial administration and control systems of the national public sector. In this context it is up to these institutions to: (a) Manage their assets and approve their budget. The unused resources at the end of each financial year shall be automatically transferred to the following; b) To fix their salary and staff management arrangements; c) They may lay down rules on the generation of additional resources for the National treasury, through the sale of goods, products, rights or services, subsidies, contributions, inheritances, rights or fees for the services they provide, as well as any other resource that may correspond to them for any title or activity. The additional resources which come from contributions shall be allocated as a priority to grants, loans, grants or other forms of student support and educational support; these additional resources may not be used to finance current expenditure. The system of grants, loans or other assistance will be primarily intended for students who, for economic reasons, cannot access or continue university studies, so that no one is unable to obtain the benefits. (d) Ensuring the normal development of their care units, assuring them of the decentralized management of the funds they generate, in accordance with the rules that dictate their higher and higher advice. (e) Constituency of legal persons governed by public or private law, or participating in They are not required to adopt a different legal form in order to gain access to the benefits of Law 23,877, to promote and promote technological innovation; (f) to apply the general arrangements for hiring, patrimonial and managerial responsibility of real estate, with the exceptions set out in the regulations. The rector and the members of the Board of Governors of the National University Institutions shall be responsible for their administration in accordance with their participation, and shall be responsible for the terms and scope provided for in Articles 130 and 131 of the Treaty. law 24,156. In no case will the national state answer for the obligations assumed by the university institutions that matter a disservice to the national treasury.
ARTICLE 8-Incorporate as Article 59a to Law 24,521, the following:
Article 59a: The external administrative control of the higher education institutions of state management is a direct and indomitable competence of the General Audit Office of the Nation that, for such purposes, will have a specific area with the human resources and materials suitable for carrying out this task. All higher education institutions of state management must generate internal audit mechanisms that ensure transparency in the use of assets and resources.
ARTICLE 9-Commune to the national executive branch.
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BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.
Date of publication: 11/11/2015
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