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Economic Repairment Regime For The


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image start infoleg site The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Law 27452

General Provisions.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.



General provisions

Article 1-Object. Create the Economic Repair Regime for girls, boys, and adolescents when:

a) Your parent and/or parent has been prosecuted and/or convicted as an author, co-author, instigator or accomplice of the crime of homicide of your parent;

(b) the criminal action against his parent and/or parent in the criminal case where the homicide of his parent is investigated has been declared to be extinguished by death;

(c) Any of his or her parents and/or parent parents have died of domestic and/or gender-based violence.

Article 2 °-Recipients. Persons under 21 years of age or persons with disabilities who meet the following requirements are the recipients and recipients of the Economic Repair:

(a) to be a child of the deceased parent as provided for in Article 1 of this Law;

b) Being a child of a deceased parent due to domestic and/or gender-based violence;

c) To be Argentine or resident in accordance with Article 22 and 23 of Law 25,871.


Of the Economic Repair

Article 3 °-Monto. Payment. Retroactivity. The economic repair established in this law, must be paid by the National State monthly, for a value equivalent to a minimum retirement, with its mobile increments established in law 26,417. The same is inembargable and is paid for each person under twenty-one (21) years or with a disability being retroactive to the time of committing the crime, even though he himself had committed himself before the sanction of the law.

Article 4 °-Extinction. The perception of the economic repair is only extinguished in case of the dismissal or the absolution of the progenitor/a or progenitor/a afin processed/a as author/a, coauthor/a, instigator/a or accomplice of the crime of homicide with respect to the progenitor and/or parent to the children in common. In such cases, the implementing authority may not claim the refund of the amounts received. For the addressees referred to in Article 2 (c) of this Law, the uninterrupted and continuous absence for more than two (2) years of the territory shall expire the benefit.

Article 5-Compatibility. The economic repair is compatible with the Universal Allowance by Son, with the Family Allowance regime, with the pensions of which the girls, boys and adolescents are beneficiaries, with the food regime that they perceive of their parent and/or parent or other family member, and/or any other provision of which they are addressed.

Article 6 °-Entitlement. Collection. Repair holders are persons under the age of twenty-one (21) years or persons with disabilities, recipients of the benefit and this must be perceived by the person in their care, be a keeper, guardian, conservator, or adopter. When they are 18 (18) years old, the holders of the benefit receive it directly.

For no reason can the benefit be perceived by those who have been prosecuted and/or convicted as an author, co-author, instigator or accomplice of the crime of homicide committed against any of the parents and/or parents related to girls, boys and girls. adolescents who are recipients of the same.

Article 7 °-Administration. In order to make the financial compensation effective, the persons who administer the benefit must prove to the Application Authority that the child, child or adolescent is in charge.

In the case of persons with disabilities, they must present the single certificate of disability issued by competent authority.


From the financing

Article 8 °-Resources. The resources required to comply with this law must be incorporated into the corresponding national administration general budget items.

The National Executive Branch is authorized to make the relevant budgetary allocations and modifications in the General Budget of Resources and Resources to make compliance with this law effective.


From comprehensive health coverage and comprehensive care

Article 9 °-Comprehensive health coverage. Persons under the age of twenty-one (21) years of age or persons with disabilities are entitled to have a comprehensive health coverage assigned to them by the State, which should cover all the health care needs and psychic.

Those persons under 21 years of age or persons with disabilities who have comprehensive health coverage of pre-paid or social works continue to receive it in the terms of laws 23,660 and 26,682.

Article 10.-Comprehensive care. The National State must urgently implement all necessary measures to ensure that the full attention of the recipients of the Regime instituted by this law is given priority. The official or official who fails to comply with the actions aimed at ensuring the economic repair here is considered/incourse/an in the penal type of non-compliance with the duties of public official.


Of the implementing authority

Article 11.-Definition. The National Executive Branch must determine the Application Authority for the purpose of guaranteeing the objectives set by this law.

Article 12.-Monitoring and monitoring. The national executive branch through the enforcement authority is responsible for the monitoring and control of this law. To this end, the competent bodies may intervene in the comprehensive protection of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents in accordance with the provisions of Law 26.061


Final provisions

Article 13.-Vigency. This law enters into force from its publication in the Official Gazette and the Executive Branch must regulate it within thirty (30) days of its publication.

Article 14.-Commune to the national executive branch.



MARTA G. MICHELETTI-EMILIO MONZO-Eugenio Inchausti-Juan P. Tunessi

e. 26 /07/2018 N ° 54082/18 v. 26/07/2018