Law 27197
Fight Against Sedentarism.
Sanctioned: October 07, 2015
Enacted in Fact: November 12, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
ARTICLE 1- The purpose of this law is to promote health through physical activity, with a holistic view, in the framework of public policies on the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases and all other ones that help total welfare of the person.
ARTICLE 2- For the purposes of this law it is understood by:
(a) Physical activity: any bodily practice resulting from muscle contraction that increases the expenditure of energy above the rest levels, whether in work, transport or in the free time of the person, as in the exercise physical and sport;
(b) Physical fitness for health: physiological state of well-being, which allows the tasks of daily life, exercise or recreational activity to be carried out with effect and optimal evolutionary performance, and without excessive fatigue;
(c) Insufficient physical activity: level of physical activity which does not permit the achievement of the goals mentioned in physical fitness for health;
d) Sedentarism: behavior by which time is spent in a sedative position, or recostado, in waking hours.
ARTICLE 3- The promotion of health through physical activity in the framework of the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases and of all others that help to the total well-being of the person has the following objectives:
(a) Develop, increase and preserve adequate levels of physical activity in order to achieve a healthy physical fitness;
b) Disencouraging sedentary behaviors that pose a risk to comprehensive health;
c) Promote knowledge about the importance and integral benefits of physical activity, as a means to enjoy an optimal quality of life; and
d) To promote actions that develop practices of physical activity aimed at the achievement and preservation of health, the total well-being of the person and the national productive capacity.
ARTICLE 4 °- The enforcement authority of this law is exercised jointly by the ministries of health, education and social development.
ARTICLE 5- The application authority has the following functions:
a) Promote the application of this law in the field of the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, within the framework of the Federal Health Council (COFESA), of the Federal Council of Education -C.F.E.-and of the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies;
b) Formulate, plan and manage public policies for the promotion of physical activity and the reduction of sedentarism and other threats to the total well-being of the person;
c) Develop and support initiatives that increase and make accessible in an equitable way the environments that favor physical activity, considering the multidimensionality of the being, as well as the contextual and environmental aspects in which each citizen develops his life;
(d) Promote, from continuing education, initiatives to stimulate physical activity and decrease sedentary lifestyle in places of work, study, daily life and leisure time;
e) Incentives for the adoption of active lifestyles throughout the population;
f) Monitor the levels of physical activity and physical fitness in the population, with emphasis on vulnerable groups such as children, adolescents, older people and people with disabilities;
(g) Promote scientific research in the field of physical activity and physical fitness for health;
(h) Promote the application of this law in the framework of judicial coordination by providing technical assistance to jurisdictions;
i) Promote the increase in quantity and diversity of spaces suitable for physical activity;
j) Monitor the prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases, conditions and health events that may be influenced by physical activity;
(k) to point out the predominance of determinants of physical activity;
(l) Promote physical activity as a right and content of the quality of life of the entire population.
ARTICLE 6- Create the Advisory Commission on Physical Activity and Integral Health, chaired by the Minister of Health or who is appointed and composed of one (1) representative with an ad honorem character for each of the following bodies: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development, COFESA, CFE, National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies, National Network of Physical Activity and Human Development (RedAF), National Inter-University Council (FIVE) and Council of Rectors of Private Universities -CRUP- of universities with careers related to physical activity, Council of Rectors of Higher Institutes of Physical Education -CRISEF-, Association of Medical Sciences Faculties of the Argentine Republic -AFACIMERA- and presidents or those who appoint with specialty in the topic of scientific entities that investigate the thematic.
ARTICLE 7- Functions of the Advisory Commission. The Advisory Commission on Physical Activity and Integral Health will have the following functions:
a) To analyze the national epidemiological situation, assessing the levels of physical activity, sedentarism and physical fitness of the population;
b) Proposing lines of action in national policies;
c) Propose recommendations on physical activity and health for the general population and particular groups;
(d) Meeting the needs, interests and expectations of the population in relation to physical activity;
e) Propose monitoring, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms;
f) Promote continuous training, research and information among the human resources involved in the area of physical activity.
ARTICLE 8- In the framework of education on physical activity and comprehensive health established for educational establishments, the implementing authority should promote the following actions:
a) Promote advice to jurisdictions on physical activity and comprehensive health, sedentarism, prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases and those that help the total well-being of the person, from childhood and adolescence;
b) Promote specific actions so that in the moments of recreation they consider actions that involve the physical activity of any one, in favor of the health;
c) Promote training spaces for managers and teachers with an emphasis on the fight against sedentarism;
d) Promote the organization of events where physical activity is carried out with joint participation of the entire educational community;
(e) to encourage the use of school facilities for physical activity outside school hours; and
f) To promote the inclusion of content on physical activity and health in the areas of undergraduate and graduate degree in which it is relevant to the authorities concerned.
ARTICLE 9- For the purposes of ensuring the access and dissemination of the objectives of this law to the entire population, the implementing authority should carry out the following actions:
(a) Promote awareness of physical activity, nutrition and healthy habits from the family and the community;
(b) Develop communication and dissemination strategies that include the social, material and cultural aspects of physical activity and health in health centers, gyms, children's, educational, work, and community facilities, public bodies and in any other Community institution for public access and civil society;
(c) To promote spaces for the training of health personnel in the promotion of physical activity and health and their contribution to primary and secondary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases;
(d) Encourage the participation of the population in events in which the benefits of physical activity and healthy food for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases should be made public;
(e) Evaluate the national epidemiological situation related to physical activity by means of the monitoring and control tools to be established.
ARTICLE 10.- For the purposes of incorporating the promotion of physical activity for health in the framework of work and national productive capacity, the implementing authority should promote the following actions:
a) Encourage the incorporation of strategies that avoid prolonged situations of sedentary time;
b) Promote the generation of spaces for physical activity in the workplace;
(c) to stimulate active transport to and from the workplace by creating the conditions conducive to this;
(d) Promote the advice of work organisations on physical activity and comprehensive health, sedentarism and prevention of occupational diseases and non-communicable chronic diseases;
e) Promote training spaces in the different organizations and sectors of the labor areas with an emphasis on the fight against sedentarism and its effects on health and productive capacity;
(f) Promote specific actions to reduce occupational accidents and occupational diseases in support of comprehensive health;
(g) Encourage the organisation of events where physical activity is carried out to enable other benefits linked to workers 'and workers' welfare to be achieved; and
(h) to stimulate the systemic practice of physical activity as a determining factor within collective labour agreements.
ARTICLE 11- The provisions of this law must include programmes which, for the purpose of the implementation, the implementing authority and the expenditure resulting from its implementation, shall be taken into account with the items which the general budget of the Commission shall allocate for the year in question. public administration for the Ministry of Health, Education and Social Development, respectively.
ARTICLE 12.- Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to or adapt their legislation to this law.
ARTICLE 13.- The Executive Branch must regulate this law within the ninety (90) days of its enactment.
ARTICLE 14.- Contact the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.