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Vi World Conference On Women Action Plan. Commission Ad-Hoc - Creation - Full Text Of The Norm


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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos


Decree No.1013/95

Consider an Ad-Hoc Commission for the Follow-up to the Action Plan of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing.

Bs. As., 28/12/95

VISTO is proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and CULTO, and


That by Decree No. 1370 of 5 July 1993, a NATIONAL COORDINATION CENTRE was established within the framework of the MINISTERY OF FOREIGN INTERNATIONAL AND CULTOBER RELATIONS, with competence to organize and coordinate the activities for the IV WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE WOMEN OF THE UNITED NATIONS, to be carried out in the current year in the city of Beijing.

That by the same Decree the Undersecretary for Human Rights and Women of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was appointed, INTERNATIONAL TRADE And CULTO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Da. Zelmira Mireya Emilse REGAZZOLI, as Chair of the NATIONAL COORDINATION CENTRE.

That the IV WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE WOMEN OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNDIAS, with an outstanding performance by the Argentine delegation, should follow up on the Plan of Action adopted therein.

That, therefore, it is necessary to establish an AD-HOC COMMISSION in the field of MINISTERY OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS, INTERNATIONAL TRADE And CULTO and composed of a representative of each Ministry and Secretariat of State, of the Presidential Unit of the Nation and of the Women's Area of the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires.

It is considered appropriate to invite the COURT SUPREME OF JUSTICE OF NATION, the HONORABLE CAMARA OF SENADORS OF NATION, the HONORABLE CAMARA OF DIPUTADOS DE LA NATION and the governments of the provinces to designate themselves as representatives to integrate the Commission.

That, in order to cover the full spectrum of such important topics, it is necessary to empower the Chair of the AD-HOC COMMISSION to invite non-governmental organizations and the Academic Thought to designate their own representatives to integrate the Commission created by this act.

That compliance with this Decree shall not incur any expense.

That the powers to issue this Decree are derived from article 99, paragraph 1 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.




Article 1.- Consider, within the scope of the MINISTERIO DE RELATIONS EXTERIORS, INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND CULTO, an AD-HOC COMMISSION for the follow-up to the Plan of Action that emerged from the IV WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, held in Beijing - REPUBLICA POPULA CHINA-, during the month of September 1995.

Article 2: The Commission established by article 1 of the Constitution, consisting of a representative of each Ministry and Secretariat of State, of the Presidential Unit of the Nation and of the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires, shall be presided by the Under-Secretary of Human Rights and Women of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, INTERNATIONAL TRADE And CULTO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Da. Zelmira Mireya Emilse REGAZZOLLI.

Art. 3. Invite the COURT SUPREMA DE JUSTICIA DE LA NATION, the HONORABLE CAMARA DE SENADORS DE LA NATION, the HONORABLE CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS DE LA NATION and the governors of Provinces to designate representatives to integrate the AD-HOC COMMISSION established by this Decree.

Art. 4°- Please refer to the Chairperson of the AD-HOC COMMISSION, created by article 1 of the present, to invite the various non-governmental organizations as well as the Academic Thought sector, interested in the problem of Argentine women, to designate their own representatives to integrate it.

Art. 5°- Contact, post, give to the National Directorate of the Official Register and archvese.- MENEM.- Guido Di Tella.