The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 — Incorporate the medals "To the artistic merit", "To the scientific merit" and "to the technical merit" to singularize the value of the overcoming of the arts in their different manifestations, the research or cultivation of the sciences and the progress of the technique respectively.
ARTICLE 2° — Such medals will be imposed by the president of the Nation on the artists, men of science and technicians who according to the postulates of the National Doctrine, are distinguished by their contribution to the cultural work of the community or by their contributions to the scientific and technical capital of New Argentina.
ARTICLE 3° — The award of the medal will also entail the delivery of a cash prize, the amount of which will be determined by the executive branch within the overall amount established by the general budget of expenses.
ARTICLE 4° — The executive branch, within the purposes of this Act, shall regulate the form of awards instituted.
ARTICLE 5° — The expenditure resulting from the enforcement of this law shall be covered by general incomes with charge to it.
ARTICLE 6° — Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the nine days of the month of December of the year a thousand nine hundred and fifty-three.
Alberto H. Reales Eduardo T. Oliver
- Registered under No. 14.293 -