GENERAL BUDGET OF NATION FOR YEARS 1953 AND 1954 Central Administration and Decentralized Agencies
LEY 14.158 Sanctioned: September 29 - 1952 promulgated: October 13 − 1953 WHY:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, assembled in Congress, are strongly sanctioned by LEY: ARTICLE 1 Please note in the following amounts, in accordance with the details contained in annexed tables, the general budget of the Nation, central administration and decentralized agencies, to govern for the years 1953 and 1954.
I - CENTRAL A ADMINISTRATION Expenditure to finance with general income resources
(b) Expenditure to be financed from independent general income resources 1. With the production of l to negotiation of titles 2. Special account resources
II ORGANISMOS DESCENTRALIZED A) General Services (To finance with own resources; contributions from Chapter I - Central Administration and other income)
(B) Auxiliary Services (To finance the amounts transferred from their budgetary authorizations, the agency of which these services are part of compensating their benefits
ARTICLE 2 Please provide the following amounts, in accordance with the details set out in annexed tables, for the Central Administration and Decentralized Agencies to finance the budget to govern for the periods 1953 and 1954 authorizing Article 1 of this Act: I - CENTRAL A ADMINISTRATION
(B) Independent general income resources
II (A) General Service resources (properties, contributions from Chapter I - Central Administration and other income)
B) Resources of the auxiliary services The resources of the Assistant Services of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation for the financing of the expenses of various services authorized by art. 1 , chapter II . B) of the present Law are integrated with the amounts transferred to it by the agency mentioned, from its budgetary authorizations and plans of works, for the services provided to it. ARTICLE 3 ! The resources provided for in article 2 of this Act, chapter II A of the present Law, affected by the financing of the budgets for the National Social Security Institute (central body), of the Ordinary Loans Section, and with the Royal Guarantee and General Services to govern during the periods of 1953 and 1954, shall be composed of the contributions that, from their own funds, must make in each of these institutes the dependent sections.
ARTICLE 4 ∙ Authorize the Executive Power to issue public debt securities in sufficient quantities to meet the following requirements in the years 1953 and 1954, as set out in the annexes below:
The executive branch is also authorized to issue public debt securities for the amounts required during the periods of 1953 and 1954, in order to provide financing for investments that, within the amount allocated in Annex 25, National Defence, Special Credits, and 26, Public Works, Civil Works, or which are ultimately authorized by the application of the provisions of Article 6 of Law 12.961, and 18 years of this Law, are covered in the existence of depletion, ARTICLE 5 Note in the sum of one billion pesos national currency ($ per year, the maximum limit referred to in article 25 of the Accounting Act 12.961. ARTICLE 6 Please inform the Executive Branch that, where reasons related to the normal development of services require, the distribution of the amount of the savings provided for in this Act, as well as its release in accordance with financial possibilities, should be modified. The executive branch is also authorized to carry out within the totals provided for in this Act, the restructures of necessary credits when strictly unenforceable demands of the services are required, the same faculty will have the presidents of both Houses of the National Congress regarding the budgetary credits of their respective jurisdictions, having to communicate to the executive branch the modifications available. The Executive Power may also introduce into the special accounts budgets, by means of adjustment or restructuring of receivables, the modifications, extensions or reductions that, in accordance with the needs of the services and within the financial possibilities of the same, were necessary for their normal development. ARTICLE 7 ∙ Authorize the Executive Power to incorporate into the budget in compliance with the rules contained in article 4 of Law 12.961 on the resources and erogations for special account services operating outside the general budget, provisionally authorized article 17 of Law 13.072. The resources of special accounts shall be entered into the General Treasury of the Nation. The Executive Power may, however, authorize the responsible agencies to administer such resources directly, provided that the nature of the respective service warrants the decentralization of funds from the General Treasury. In such cases, a state will be sent monthly to the General Accounts of the Nation, indicating loases of income and income recorded. The unencumbered special accounts resources at the end of the year shall be transferred to General Rents, except those which expressly determine their destination for other purposes under existing special provisions. The Executive Power may agree on the partial or total availability of such resources when the nature of the service warrants the reserves of the same. ARTICLE 8 Decentralized agencies and special accounts services in whose budgets include subsidy items may not be used without the prior authorization of the Executive Branch by decree issued with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance: The overall forecasts that exist for these purposes in the budgets of the aforementioned services may only be applied after distribution by decree of the Executive Power with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance. The Executive Power in duly justified special situations may authorize exceptions to the regime provided for in this article. ARTICLE 9 ! The Ministry of Education may, upon the authorization of the Executive Branch with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance, affect the teaching staff of the schools under the General Directorate of Primary Education, the number of positions strictly indispensable to the teachers who, while retaining their moral and intellectual abilities and having a minimum of 10 years of service, are declared auxiliary teachers according to the provisions in force, for being temporary or definitively in a condition of physical incapacity.ARTICLE 10. The executive power is authorized to enter General Rents the sum of five hundred million pesos national currency (weights 500,000.000) of the exchange margin produced in each of the periods of 1953 and 1954, which may be adjusted in the light of the possibilities of that fund. ARTICLE 11. Extensive to the costs of the 1951 and 1952 periods, the provisions of Act No. 13.654. ARTICLE 12. ∙ Authorize the Executive Branch, from the resources of the National Energy Fund, to agree to the companies under the National Energy Directorate (ENDE) as an advance to reintegrate with the production of the respective farms or as a contribution, the necessary amounts required by these companies for the financing of their needs. ARTICLE 13. Authorize the Executive Branch to set the budget for administrative expenses referred to in article 4 of Act No. 13.653, to the enterprises of the newly established State or which are constituted in accordance with the regime of the Act, and must give account of this to the Honorable National Congress. ARTICLE 14. ∙ All agencies of the State, industrial, commercial, financial or exploitation of public services, which obtain profits in their economic management, shall provide from such benefits the amounts determined by the executive branch, in order to cover the deficits of other exploitations and services of the state, in the proportion established by the respective regulations. Defrost any provision as soon as it opposes the provisions of this article. ARTICLE 15. Authorize the Executive Branch to reintegrate the Argentine Institute for the Promotion of the Sharing of Crashes that originate in the marketing of agricultural and livestock products in the domestic or international market, acquired to producers according to prices set by the Executive Branch, as well as the sums to defend agricultural production. The Executive Power is empowered to make use of the financial means it deems most appropriate for the purposes of this article. ARTICLE 16. Authorize the Executive to consolidate the credit balances of articles 1 and 3 of Act No. 12,865, and to use the resulting amount indistinctly for the works provided for in both articles. ARTICLE 17. Authorize the executive branch to establish, in accordance with the authority of Decree 14.583/46, ratified by Act No. 13,895, the existing balances as at 31 December 1951, of the provisions of Act No. 12,815, which are aggregated by aggregate amounts of subsections within each table. Without prejudice to this consolidation, each ministry or distribution to which the work is carried out shall record in independent accounts the investments for each work, in accordance with the distribution contained in the annual public work plans. ARTICLE 18. The Executive Power is empowered, in each financial period of 1953 and 1954, to adjust the amount allocated for such exercises by this law, for the execution of public work, to the maximum amount that is definitively authorized in the previous one, for which purpose, in accordance with article 4 of Act No. 12.961, shall extend the respective categories of resources and erogations. The preceding authorization applies exclusively to those concepts that have had allocations in the distribution of investments for 1952 and 19534. ARTICLE 19. Authorize the Executive to carry out the credit operations required for the following needs: (a) In order to finance the deficits imposed by the National Transport Companies and the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation, during the periods of 1953 and 1954, amounts to be refunded with the resources of those services to the extent and opportunity that they do. The executive branch shall determine to what extent and conditions the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires shall contribute with its financial means in the advances regime referred to in this section, in relation to the financing of the deficit of the Transports of the City of Buenos Aires; (b)To expand advances or to agree on new loans to the social works of the ministries or distributions dependent on the three powers, during the periods of 1953, and of 1954, and in 1954, and in 1954. ARTICLE 20. ∙ Include among the entities benefited by the provisions of articles 33 of the ordained text of Laws 12.931 and 12.932, 8th of Law 13.922, 1 of Law 14.030 and 1 Law 14.061, to the legally constituted municipalities. Provide the Executive Power to grant the entities referred to in the above-mentioned articles, loans in money up to one hundred per cent of the value assigned to the assets that constitute the security right, refundable in time of up to 54 years and which will accrue an interest not less than four per cent (4%) per year. The executive branch is empowered to carry out the credit operations it deems appropriate to comply with the provisions of this article. Defrost any provision that is contrary to the provisions of this article. The executive branch shall proceed with the regulation and regulation of the provisions of article 33 (ordered text) of the Acts 12.931 and 12.932, 8th of Law 13.922, 1st of Law 14.0230. 1st of Law 14.064 and the present Law. ARTICLE 21. ∙ Add the following provision to article 40 of Law 12.961: The Executive Power shall set the conditions under which the General Treasury of the Nation, prior to its final payment, may participate to the beneficiaries of the certificates of works and/or acquisitions up to eighty-five percent (85%) of its value. ARTICLE 22. ! The executive branch shall hand over to the Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retirements and Military Pensions, the amounts included in this law for the payment of differences by the National Treasury, of the retirement and pension assets referred to in articles 20 and 26 of Decree 13.641/46, Act No. 12.913. The above-mentioned agency shall report directly to the National Account for the investment of such funds. ARTICLE 23. Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budget for the periods of 1953, and of 1954, which approves the present law, the credits necessary to continue or initiate in such exercises, the compliance of special laws sanctioned during the years 1952 and 1953, except those that review the character of "for one time" whose purpose has been satisfied, as well as those that are required to meet the higher requirements that may result in an increase in the ageing of The Executive Power is also empowered to introduce to annex 24, the modifications and/or extensions that require the normal attention of the services of interest, amortizations and other expenditures relating to public debt during the period 1954. The provisions of this article shall be applied only in cases where the solution of the needs referred to therein cannot be addressed under the regime provided for in article 6 of this Act. ARTICLE 24. ! As of 1 January 1953, the total or partial exemption from the payment of the real estate contribution, corresponding to the properties indicated in article 25 of the law of real estate contribution, ordained in 1950, may only be agreed upon prior authorization from the National Congress. On 31 December 1952 all exemptions that have been authorized from the payment of such contribution shall expire in relation to the properties mentioned in the aforementioned article. Except the provisions of this article for the properties of the national State and those of the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires, as well as those belonging to the provinces if they are occupied by public establishments of the same. ARTICLE 25.Commune to the executive branch. Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, 20 September 1952. A. THISAIRE ─ H. J. Alberto H. Reales L. Zaballa Carbó ! Registered under No. 14.158