Key Benefits:
Law 14.110
BUENOS AIRES, September 30, 1951
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
gathered in Congress, etc.
Article 1.- Approve the Convention on Argentine-Paraguay Trade and Financial Regime, which was signed in Buenos Aires on 20 December 1949.
Art. 2.- Contact the Executive.
TEISAIRE - Real - CAMPORA - Zavalla Carbó
Annex A: Convention on Argentine Trade and Financial Regime signed in Buenos Aires on December 20, 1949-
Product exchange
Art. 1.- The High Contracting Parties declare that it is their firm purpose to strengthen and increase trade relations between the two countries, seeking to promote and intensify the exchange of their products by ensuring permanent markets, in accordance with their respective national needs.
Art. 2.- The Argentine Government agrees to facilitate, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this field, the export to the Republic of Paraguay of the Argentine goods detailed in Planilla A, and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay agree to grant all the necessary facilities for the importation in the Republic of Paraguay of such goods.
Art. 3.- The Government of the Republic of Paraguay agrees to facilitate, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this field, the exports to the Argentine Republic of Paraguayan goods detailed in Planilla B, and the Argentine Government agrees to grant all the necessary facilities for the importation in the Argentine Republic of those goods.
Art. 4.- Taking into account the declaration made in art. 1, High Contracting Parties agree that tables A and B are not limited. In this regard, the exchange of other products may be made, where there are no restrictions in the Republic of Paraguay for export and in the Argentine Republic for import, and, inter alia, where there are no restrictions in the Argentine Republic for export and in the Republic of Paraguay for import.
Financial arrangements
Art. 5.- Payments of any kind, corresponding to direct operations between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Paraguay, shall be carried out in Argentine pesos through the accounts that the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will open on behalf of the Bank of Paraguay or of the accounts that banks or institutions authorized to operate in changes, of both countries, keep between themselves. The latter accounts shall be governed by the same provisions as those set out in this Convention for the accounts of the Bank of Paraguay in the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
Art. 6.- For the purpose envisaged in the previous article, from the date on which the present Convention enters into force, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will open two accounts, in Argentine pesos, which will be called "Banco del Paraguay-Cuenta Especial Exportaciones", and "Banco del Paraguay - Cuenta Transferible".
Art. 7.- In the account "Banco del Paraguay - Special Account Exports" will debit the value F.O.B. Argentine port of exports to Paraguay and will be credited the value cost, and freight, Argentine port, of imports of Paraguayan products, and also the amount of transfers of the account "Banco del Paraguay - Account Transferible" In the case of imports of Paraguayan goods, transported on Argentine ships and that the freight corresponds to be paid in Argentine pesos in the Argentine Republic, the credit will be made by the F.O.B. Paraguayan port.
Art. 8.- Payments and collections between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Paraguay that do not respond to the operations mentioned in art. 7 will be debited or credited as appropriate in the account "Banco de Paraguay - Account Transferable"
Art. 9.- Debits and credits in the accounts referred to in art. 6 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions governing the operation of this type of account in Argentina, but the balances that exist in favour of Paraguay shall not be used for the administration of foreign exchange or for payment for operations with third countries, unless agreed, in each case, by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of Paraguay.
Art. 10.- The accounts referred to in arts. 5 and 6 may be credited with the proceeds of foreign exchange negotiation agreed by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of Paraguay.
Art. 11.- Argentine capital investments in the Republic of Paraguay shall enjoy the protection and protection agreed upon by the respective laws and the facilities, favours or privileges granted to the capitals of another origin. The Government of Paraguay undertakes to provide the necessary currency so that the benefits, incomes, dividends or interests that the Argentine capitals may be transferred to the Argentine Republic.
Art. 12.- The Argentine Government will facilitate the investment of Argentine private capitals in Paraguay for the promotion of new activities or the promotion of existing ones that tend to intensify and increase the Argentine-Paraguayan trade. To this end, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of Paraguay, on behalf of their respective Governments, shall take the measures to achieve this purpose.
Art. 13.- The Argentine Republic, through the Central Bank, will empower the important Argentines of Paraguayan products to finance their suppliers by transferring the value of the goods they buy before they are shipped to them and the Paraguayan Government through the Bank of Paraguay, ensures that it will provide the Paraguayan exporter the necessary currency for such funds to be returned within the time limit established by the provisions in force in the Argentine Republic, if not for this type of operation.
Art. 14.- Goods originating from third countries that one of the Contracting Parties acquires in the other, may not be paid through the accounts provided for in this Convention, unless otherwise agreed by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Bank of Paraguay.
Art. 15.- The Government of the Argentine Republic authorizes its Central Bank and the Government of Paraguay to empower the Bank of Paraguay to ensure that the above institutions: (a) Continue to contact to monitor compliance with this Convention (b) Enter the technical or procedural modifications that might be necessary for the better development of the operations between the two countries.
Insurance provisions
Art. 16.-(1) The Argentine Government reserves the right to ensure in Argentine companies the Argentine goods that are exported to Paraguay, and the Paraguayan products that are imported into Argentina when the transport risks are taken into account by the seller or buyer, respectively. (2) The Government of Paraguay reserves the right to ensure in companies based in Paraguay the goods that are exported to Argentina, and the Argentine products that are imported in Paraguay when the risks of transport are taken into account by the seller or buyer, respectively.
Art. 17.- To the extent that their respective laws give it advice, both countries will adopt the provisions to ensure that reinsurance operations that companies based in one of the two countries must conclude with the foreigner are carried out preferably in the other.
Art. 18.- Without prejudice to its timely ratification, the present Convention shall begin to govern the fifteenth day of its signature and shall remain in force for the term of three years, from the date of its entry into force, and shall be extended annually by tacit reconduction, provided that one of the High Contracting Parties does not report it three months in advance of the expiry of any year of its validity. This Convention shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedure of each High Contracting Party and the exchange of ratifications shall be made in Buenos Aires as soon as possible. In faith of which two copies of the same tenor are signed in Buenos Aires, on the twentieth day of the month of December, nine hundred and forty-nine.
Annex B: Table A-
Vacuum win standing. Lana. Estearina. Dairy products. Trigo.
Fresh fruits. Garlic and onions. Malta. Seeds in general. Common salt. Fish products. Condiments. Wines. Cola for carpenter. Trusts. Paints and pigments for them.
knitting. Cotton fabrics. Wool to knit. Leather Manufactures. Cutters. Insecticides. Printing ink.
Chemicals and pharmacists. Gross and powdered marble.
Books and magazines.
Annex C: Table B-
Bananas. Fariña. Ananás. Lemons. Fresh fruits (fruits and sticks). Mates in general. Oranges and mandarins. Yerba mate courted or branched. Honey spider in helmets or ladyjuanas of more than 50 centesimales. Honey spider in helmets or ladyjuanas of less than 50 centesimales. No cigars. Tobacco on sheet. Tobacco rope. Tobacco depalillado and picadura. Carpincho cubes. Boars of boar. Crocodile leathers. Snake pits. Pieces of cat ounce and cute. River wolf feet.
Pieces of otter. Junk or palm. Palm hats.
Palm screens. Cedar wood in rolls. Cedar woods in beams. Cedar wood in boards or boards, without brushing.
South American hardwoods in rolls. South American hardwood in beams. South American hardwoods in boards or boards, without brushing. Hardwoods for licking, in poles, post media or stacons. Timber in boards or boards, without brushing. Timber in rolls. Timber in beams. Palm wood. Palm posts from Paraguay for wired. South American hardwood, in rods, for wax.
Hardwood. Tacuaras. Fiber caraguatá e ybirá. Ethyl alcohol. Essence of petit-grain. Stage of citronella. Stage of a holy stick. Rubber or other hardwood. Orange and lemon shell. Poultry feathers. Garg feathers. Coconut and palm oil. Refractory land. Caolin for industry.
I added. Fire bricks, infusable or refractory. High cotton yarns. Castor oil.