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General Budget Of The National Administration Years 1951 And 1952- Its Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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Sanctioned: August 4-1950

Promulgated: August 4-1950


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force


ARTICLE 1 - Note in the amounts indicated below, according to the detail contained in annexed tables, the general budget of the Nation - central administration and decentralized agencies - to govern for the periods of 1951 and 1952:












The executive branch is also empowered to issue public debt securities to the extent necessary to provide definitive funding to open credits for the army, aviation, marine and public works, pursuant to decrees issued in the period 4 June 1943 to 4 June 1946, and to the credits agreed upon by the application of Decree Law 14.583/46 (ratified by Law 13.895), provided that in all such cases the funds were authorized to be issued.

Art. 6th. - Note in the sum of a thousand seven hundred million pesos national currency ($ 1.700.000.000) the plan of investments in works and/or acquisitions of the General Directorate of State Telephones to be implemented from the 1950 period, including.

Annually, the executive branch shall incorporate into the general budget of the Nation, the amounts required for the development of such a plan, being empowered to carry out the financial operations it deems most appropriate for the purpose of its financing.

Art. 7o- Authorize the Executive Branch to facilitate, in the conditions determined in a timely manner, the province of San Juan, up to the sum of 12 million eight hundred thousand pesos national currency ($ 12.8 million), to cover the shortfall of the financial period for the year 1949, subject to verification of the reference amount through the Ministry of Finance of the Nation, to which effect the Executive Power is authorized to carry out the credit operations deemed necessary.

Article 8 - Increase in thirty million pesos national currency ($ 30,000.000) the amounts authorized to invest by articles 33 of the orderly text of laws 12.931 and 12.932; 12 of Law 13.072 and 27 of Law 13.215. The executive branch may grant loans subject to the regulations established by the executive branch, to professional associations of workers who enjoy union status in accordance with article 8 and following of Decree 23.852/45 - Law 12.421 - for the purposes of which such associations are being pursued.

Art. 9o - Authorize the executive branch to invest to the sum of ten million pesos national currency (weights 10,000.000) in order to meet the emerging needs of the realization of the Pan American games to be held in the Argentine Republic in 1951. Such investment shall be in the form of a full or partial refund, to which effect the Executive Power is authorized to determine, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance, the conditions under which the relevant cancellations shall be made. For the purpose of the attention of the previous expenditure, the Executive Power is empowered to make use of the financial means it deems most appropriate, according to the possibilities of the National Treasury and/or the nature of the investments.

Art. 10. - The deficit resulting in the exploitation of services by the companies that make up the Argentine Airlines, National Railway Belgrano and General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, during the financial periods of 1951 and 1952, will be solved by the National Treasury as a returnable advance to the extent and opportunity that the resources of such services permit it. The Executive Power is empowered to carry out the necessary credit operations for the purposes of this Article.

Art. 11. - Authorize the Executive Branch to make use of the short-term credit to meet the eventual needs of Treasury, for an amount of up to one billion pesos national currency ($1,000,000,000) in each of the financial periods of 1951 and 1952.

Art. 12. - Within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the start of the exercise, the executive branch shall proceed to distribute among the budget credits the global reductions that in the various annexes are set for the various headings of Chapter I, Central Administration, A) expenses to finance with general income resources, being entitled to offset the amount allocated for each of these items. The executive branch may reduce or suppress the reductions of credits and investment savings provided for in this Act when compelling reasons for services so demand and to the extent of financial possibilities.

Until the distribution of the reductions referred to in the first part of the previous paragraph is available, the National Account shall proceed to deduction of ten (10) per cent on each of the credits in the annexes affected by such a reduction. This preventive measure will not imply that investments are in line with the twelfth remaining credit, in cases of items that include estimates calculated on the basis of constant monthly investments.

Art. 13.-Join the Executive Branch to anticipate sums or extend loans to the social works of the respective ministries or national divisions during the years 1951 and 1952, under the conditions specified by it.

Art. 14.- The Executive Power is empowered, in each of the financial periods of 1951 and 1952, to adjust the amount allocated for such exercises by this law, for the execution of public work, to the maximum amount that is definitively authorized in the previous one, for which purpose, in accordance with Article 4 of Act No. 12.961, shall extend the respective categories of resources and erogations. The preceding authorization applies exclusively to those concepts that have had allocations in the distribution of investments for 1950 and 1951.

Art. 15. - Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budget - in compliance with the rules contained in Article 4 of Law 12.961-, the resources and erogations relating to the special accounts services operating outside the general budget, provisionally authorized Article 17 of Law 13.072.

The resources of special accounts shall be entered into the General Treasury of the Nation. The Executive Power may, however, authorize the responsible agencies to administer such resources directly, provided that the nature of the respective service warrants the decentralization of funds from the General Treasury. In such cases, a state will be forwarded monthly to the General Account of the Nation by indicating the income and incomes recorded.

The resources of unencumbered special accounts at the end of the year shall be transferred to general income, except those that expressly determine their destination for other purposes under existing special provisions. The Executive Power may agree on the partial or total availability of such resources when the nature of the service warrants the reservation.

Art. 16. - The Executive Power shall hand over to the Financial Aid Institute for the Payment of Retirements and Military Pensions, the revenues included in the present for the payment of differences by the National Treasury, the retirement and pension assets referred to in articles 20 and 26 of Decree 13.6341/46, Act No. 12.913. The above-mentioned agency shall report directly to the National Account for the investment of such funds.

Art. 17. - The Executive Power may perform within the totals assigned by this Law for Chapter I. Central Administration, A) expenses to finance with general income resources, restructures of credits required to meet in the course of the implementation of this law, needs of a strictly imposterable nature of the services. The presidents of both Houses of Congress will have the same faculty. The Executive Branch is also empowered to introduce into the budget and calculation of resources of special accounts services, modifications, reductions or extensions that advise or make the normal functioning of such services indispensable. For decentralized agencies, they shall govern the rules set out in article 18 of Act No. 13,558, first paragraph.

Art. 18. - Extensive to the emerging needs of the implementation of Decree 2.245/50, the provisions of Article 18 of Law 13.558, being empowered by the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budget of the 1950 exercise, in accordance with Article 4 of Law 12.961, the necessary credits that could not be arbitrated through the procedure to which the provision relates, as well as to reintegrate the Argentine Institute for the Promotion of the Exchange the sums.

Art. 19. The Executive Branch shall proceed to incorporate into the budget of the various ministries and decentralized agencies through internal adjustments of credits, the necessary items to address, starting in the year 1951, inclusive, the payment of retributive rates of services and contributions of improvements to the provinces and municipalities.

Art. 20. - Incorporate into law 11.672 permanent supplementary budget, the following provision:

"Release the presidents of both Houses of the Congress of the Nation to have the leftovers of their own budgets and collections to strengthen games and meet unforeseen or extraordinary demands."

This provision will also be applied in respect of surpluses resulting in the financial period 1950.

Art. 21. - Decentralized agencies and special accounts services in whose budgets include grants, scholarships, accessions and the like, shall not be used without the prior authorization of the executive branch by decree issued with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance. The overall forecasts that exist for these purposes in the budgets of the aforementioned services can only be applied after distribution by decree of the Executive Power with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance.

The Executive Power in duly justified special situations may authorize exceptions to the regime provided for in this article.

Art. 22. - The positions of teachers and cellular teachers who establish the budget in annex 5, Ministry of Education for the years 1951/52 (subparagraph 1 (a), main heading 8, part 1), shall be distributed by the executive branch in the jurisdictions and/or activities set out in section 21 of Act 13.558, without limitation within them. Please refer to the Ministry of Education for teachers ' departures from schools under the General Directorate of Primary Education to affect up to nine hundred (900) posts for teachers who, while retaining their moral and intellectual abilities and having a minimum of ten years of service, are declared auxiliary teachers in accordance with the provisions in force, are temporarily or definitively in a state of physical incapacity for the exercise of physical incapacity.

Art. 23. - The Executive Power is authorized to enter general incomes up to the sum of six hundred million pesos national currency ($600,000) of the Benefit of Change Fund in each of the financial periods of 1951 and 1952.

Art. 24. - Extensive to the expenses of the Central Administration for the period 1949, the provisions of law 13.654.

Art. 25. - Please note that the bonuses referred to in Act No. 12,914(1)(d) relate from the date of its sanction to teachers in the status of availability established by Article 3 of the Decree of 23 March 1932.

Art. 26. - Provide the Executive Branch with a view to adapting, through such modifications as it deems necessary, the organizational provisions governing the functioning of the decentralized entities where, on the basis of their activities, it is appropriate to organize them as "State employees" in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 13.653.

Art. 27. - Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budget for the financial periods of 1950 and 1951 - with the exception of those that review the character of "for one time" whose purpose has been satisfied - as well as those that are required to attend to the vegetative growth of the scaling regimes and additional by antiquity of the staff of the administration and the automatic increments that result from the impact of the Additional Credit in the aforementioned periods of 1950 and 1951, (12 months).

The Executive Power is also empowered to incorporate into annex 23 of any modifications and/or extensions that require the normal attention of interest services, amortizations and other public debt expenditures, during the period 1952.

The provisions of this article shall be applied only in cases where the solution of the needs referred to therein cannot be addressed under the regime provided for in article 17 of this Act.

Art. 28. - Default of Article 9 of Law 13.558.

Art. 29. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on 4 August of the Year of Libertador General San Martín, 1950


Alberto H. Reales

Rafael V. González

- Registered under number 13.922 -