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International Treaties France-Comercio - Full Text Of The Norm


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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos

Law 13.955


BUENOS AIRES, September 18, 1950

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.

Article 1.-Apply the protocol subscribed in Buenos Aires, on 1 September 1949, additional to the Franco-Argentine Convention of 23 July 1947.

Art. 2.- Contact the Executive.

WHOLE - CAMPORA - Zavalla Carbó.

Protocol signed in Buenos Aires on 1 September 1949, additional to the Franco-Argentine Convention of 23 July 1947.- 1947-

1.-According to the provisions of art. 24 of the trade and financial agreement of 23 July 1947, the credit opened to France by art. 21 of the Convention is extended until 31 August 1950.

2.-Within the forecasts contained in the Convention, the current trade between France and Argentina must strike a balance at the highest possible level.

3. - The aforementioned balance must be taken into account the degree of interest and common essentiality of the Argentine and French products that are exchanged.

4.- A Mixed Commission, based in Buenos Aires, will be responsible for monitoring that the forecasts for ensuring the above-mentioned balance are met and will propose the measures that are deemed necessary for that purpose.

5.- The Government of the French Republic shall take the necessary measures to facilitate the export to the Argentine Republic, for a period of twelve months that expires on 31 August 1950, of the items mentioned in circular No. 1106 of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (including agricultural materials and for viticulture: tractors and their spare parts and various materials for agriculture) for a value of 12,000,000,000 French francs. In addition, both Governments shall take the necessary measures to facilitate the export of Argentina and the import in France, respectively, for the same value as Argentine products, except as stipulated in item 7.

6.-In addition during the same period: (a) The Government of the Argentine Republic undertakes to sell through the Argentine Institute for the Promotion of Exchange or to provide export facilities, and the Government of the French Republic undertakes, on condition of conformity of prices and qualities, to buy and grant all the necessary facilities for the import in France for the domestic consumption of the products detailed in table number 1, annex: (b) The Argentine Government undertakes to agree on all the facilities necessary for the granting of import permits and changes for French products, as detailed in the annexed table number 2, with equal value to that of the products included in paragraph (a) and respecting approximately the proportions indicated in the table (c) Within the same category of operations, the French Government will seek to acquire Argentine products of similar characteristics, provided that as a counterpart the Argentine Government is prepared to agree on facilities for the importation of additional quantities of the French products included in Table 2.

7.- Up to a maximum value of one billion francs, the French government will grant facilities for the import of the products of Argentine origin detailed in Table 3. annex, and as this export takes place the Argentine Government will agree on an equivalent value for the import of the French products detailed in Table 4.

annex. The distribution of the aforementioned amount of one billion French francs, among the products included in the Nos tables. 3 and 4 shall be carried out by the Joint Commission to which reference is made in point 4 of this Protocol.

8.- Both Governments shall consult three months prior to the expiration of this Protocol for the purpose of establishing the tables for the following year. In faith of which two copies of the same tenor are signed, equally valid, in the Spanish and French languages, in Buenos Aires, on the first day of the month of September of a thousand nine hundred forty-nine.

Guillaume Gorges-Picot-Hiply Jesus Peace.-Ramón A. Cereijo. Roberto A. Ares.-Alfredo Gómez Morales,-José Constantino Barro.

PLANILLA number 1

Maize (cosecha 1947/48), 100,000 tons. Oleaginous Tortas and Expellers, 100,000 tons. Meat extract, opatropic products, industrial egg yolks, pigs and chrines and shark liver oil, 800 000.000 francs.


..............................50,0 Diesel industrial vehicles and passenger transport and their spare parts (**)............16,0 Metallic constructions, radiators and heating material..

3,0 Prefabricated hangars, bridges. Heating boilers and radiators. Cuchilleria and tools.. 2,0 Navajas, scissors for comb, kitchen knives, fine cutters, scissors for cutting birds, nail polishes, ordinary knives, knives with bakelita handle, shorts, scissors for vintage, knives horns, stainless knives for table, stainless knives for table type 900 to 950, tundidoras, mills for legumes). Pulverizers and zufradores on hand and for the back, support and socket for machines, closed-box breast drills, yunques, cutters, screwdrivers, mandriles, squads, axes and hachitas with and without ends, hammers with and without ends, punctures, guillotines, saw lockers and tacks. Chemical products and fertilizers. Paints and varnishes ......2,0 Alkaloids, common chloroform, cumarine essence, salts and mercury compounds, caustic soda to mercury, milk sugar, talc. Chemical fertilizers. Fine paints and varnishes for artists, secantes, can coating paint, cisterns and betunes and asphalt cubes. Abrasives.........2,0 Stones of grinder of special types, paper and emerald fabrics to the water. Printing material, machines and material of desks and papers ................15,0 Printing machines for size superior to double trade, typography matrices, cylinders for printing fabrics and fabrics.

Pens, typewriters, statistics, pneumatic sorters and pen drilling, piercing cards. Fine paper based on rags, paper for diaries without water stripes ordinary grey cardboard, wooden cardboard. Cork.........................2,0 Cork discs for crown caps. Precision instruments and watchmaking ..................2.0 Thermometers, calculation rules, compass, barometers, weather instruments, astronomy, topography, fine scales of precision, water gauges (more than 1 1/2 inch. Alarm clocks, watches, control, electric, time chronographs for surgery. Electric material and instrumental...................4,0 Electric motors under 1/4 HP, any kind. From 1/4 to 10 HP, continuous and monophasic current from 10 to 150 HP, continuous, synchronic and special current from more than 150 to 500 HP, any type. Disjunctor transformers (excluding those for air compressors), alternators, generators, high and low voltage cabinets, contactors, converter groups, rectifier groups, industrial fans, armored boards. Photography and cinematography (excluding the 6 x 9 appliances and the drawers) 2.0 B................................................50, 0 Tourist cars and their spare parts............................... Bicycles and spare parts.... Motorcycles and their spare parts.. Planes and their spare parts... 30,0 Fabrics...................15,0 Cotton Fabrics (less than 130 grams square meter). silk fabrics. Lightning and mixing fabrics. Linen and blend fabrics, linen and mixing joints. Upholstery fabrics of various materials. Tules and lace, tapes and pastry. Shaved hules. Rafia fabrics, sisal and similar fibers. Ceramics and sanitary loza for construction......... Porcelain and table loza.... Glass and glass items for table............... 5,0

PLANILLA number 3.

Meat flour. Dry blood. Honey. Fresh and dried fruits. Footwear and other leather manufactures. Cutters. PLANILLA number 4.

PLANILLA number 4

Olive oil. You keep food. Wines, champagnes, cognacs and other spirits. Hunting weapons. Pianos, discos and musical instruments. Artworks. Curtid (matter). Mechanical toys.