OCULAR PROFILACTIVE INSTILATION LEY 13.586 Newborns are declared compulsory throughout the country. Sanctioned: September 29-1949
Promulgated: October 11-1949
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 — The ocular prophylactic instilation of newborns by the method that, in the opinion of the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation, should be declared compulsory throughout the territory of the Nation, leaving safe the extraordinary cases that will determine the regulation.
ARTICLE 2° — The professional who attends the birth shall extend the proof for the purposes of the registration of the newborn in the Civil Registry.
Where there are no professionals or authorized personnel, the chiefs of civil registration shall register children without the need for the presentation of the certificate referred to in the preceding paragraph.
ARTICLE 3° — Those who contravene such provisions will be liable to a fine of $50 to $100, according to the cases, by the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation, and a month of suspension in the professional exercise in case of recidivism.
ARTICLE 4° — What is collected for fines will be allocated to the funds of the National Board of Blinds, created by law 9.339.
ARTICLE 5° — The Ministry of Public Health will organize a continuous dissemination of knowledge.
ARTICLE 6° — Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the twenty-nineth of September, nine hundred and forty-nine.
Alberto H. Reales L. Zavalla Carbó
- Registered under No. 13.586 -