Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: September 30-1949
Promulgated: October 15-1949
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress sanction with the strength of LEY: ARTICLE 1 los Amend articles 1o, 2o and 3o of Law 12,253 as follows:"Article 1 . Please refer to the National Bureau of Grains and Elevators, which will operate under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and will have the powers, powers and duties that Law No. 12,253 and the provisions issued accordingly conferred on the National Commission of Grains and Elevators.
Art. 2 La The National Bureau of Grains and Elevators will be headed by the National Director of Grains and Elevators, who will act with a consultative council of four members. All will be native Argentines and designated by the Executive.
The members of the Advisory Council shall be appointed preferably among the permanent staff of the division.
Art. 3o actividades None of the members of the National Bureau of Grains and Elevators will be able to carry out activities that relate directly and indirectly to trade, storage, conditioning and grain transport. It is not covered by this prohibition that sells exclusively its own production."
ARTICLE 2 Section 4 (m) and (n) of Act No. 12,253 are repealed. Article 3 . In all articles of Law No. 12,253 using the word "the Commission" or "The National Commission of Grains and Distribution, please note that the National Directorate or the National Directorate of Grains and Elevators should be read. ARTICLE 4o O Contact the Executive.Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on September 30, nine hundred and forty-nine.
Alberto H. Reales | L. Zavalla Carbó |
Registered under No. 13.650 el