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LEY No. 13.019

Decree No. 29.493

Buenos Aires, September 25, 1947


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress

etc., sanction with force of LEY:

Article 1 - Approve the following general plan of sanitary constructions, the location of which will be established by the corresponding agency.

I - Attendance system

Finality Beds Cost m$n.

1. General hospitals and health centres

Rural; urban assistance centres

specialized (cardiology,

gastroenterology, diseases

non-tuberculosis lungs, institutes

surgery, etc.); units

urban health centres,

workers' hospitals, centers of

trauma and work accidents,

et cetera 25,000 125,000.000

2. Maternity and childhood:

Obstetrics, 40% 6,000------

Childhood, 20% 3,000...

Lactation, 20% 3,000...

Gynecology, 20% 3,000 75.000.00

3. Mental relief, neuropsychiatry,

endocrinology, drug and chronic:

Aguments: 6,200 30,000.000

Chronicles 24.200 120,000.000

(To be distributed throughout the country, by

provinces and territories);

4. Tuberculosis 10,000 60,000

5. Leprosy 3,000 15,000.000

Total 83,400 425,000.000


To deduct existing credits-------- 48,000.000



II. Research and treatment institutes

Finality Beds Cost m$n.

1.- Institute of Public Hygiene - - 10,000.000

2.- Institute of Industrial Hygiene and

Labour Medicine -- 5,000.000

3.- Blood banks (central organization)

hemotherapy and industrial plant

(a) -- 4,000.000

4.- Institute of Pharmacology and Controller

Pharmaceutical -- 4,000.000

5.- State medicalpharmaceutical industrial plants:

(a) Instrumental and material plant

hospitals -- 6,000.000

(b) Manufacturing plant

medicines -- 5,000.000

(c) Penicillin and sulfamide plant -- 6,000,000

6.- Central Drogueria -- 2,000,000

7.- Central and four sub-deposit

regional -- 10,000.000

8.- Institute of Social Hygiene (consisting

character of venéreocomio, fight against

prostitution and syphilis in all their

periods) and their units, with beds

distribution in the provinces and

territories 800 18.000.000

9.- Social Medical Institute

Invalid rehabilitation 500 8,000.000

10.- National Institute of Kinesiology -- 4,000.000

11.- Institute of Tropical Diseases

and Paludism (uprising the struggle

anti-malarial and regional endemics)

12.- Pro-longevity Institute (Organization)

Preventive medicine centre) - 8,000.000

13.- Institute of Medical Recognition - 6,000.000

14.- Institute of Hygiene and School Medicine -- 6,000.000

15.- Institute of Sports Physiopathology 100 4,000.000

16.- Popular food (organization)

under the direction of the Institute

National Nutrition for the Fight

against under-feeding and

(a) -- 80,000

17.- Public Health Building -- 12,000.000

18.- Hospitals and health stations

observation and isolation

borders and ports (distributed in

all country) 400 6,000.000

19.- Technical School of Public Health

(Samaritan training, nurses,

visiting, social and

other health assistants,

improvement of graduates, etc.) -- 5,000.000

20. Instituto Higiotécnico y de

Meteoropathology (cameras)

microclimatics) -- 4,000.000

21.- Thermal Climate Hospitals

and other conditions

500 6,000.000

22.- Institute of Allergy Diseases 70 1,000,000

23.- Instituto de Tracoma y Oftalmías

Infectious in Santiago del Estero 50 2.000.000

24. Research Institute and

Treatment of Bocio in San Juan 150 3,000.000

25.- Anticancer centers inside

of the Republic -- 10,000.000

26.- Construction, installation and

Enabling the twenty-three (23)

buildings for delegations headquarters

and sectional inspections

provinces and territories -- 9,000 000


TOTAL 86.870 192,000.000

Article 2 - Distinct the amount of fifty million pesos national currency ($ 50,000.000) for the organization of the semi-socialization of medicine.

Art. 3 - Distinct the amount of thirteen million pesos national currency (weights 130,000) for the acquisition of airplanes and sanitary ships.

Article 4 - The expenses that demand compliance with this law, for a period of five years, shall be met with the common funds of the five-year government plan or with its extraordinary resources, up to the sum of one billion pesos national currency ($ 10,000.000).

Art. 5th - The amount referred to in the previous article shall be applied: part in the implementation of the plan ($ 632,000,000 m/n.) and the rest ($ 368,000,000 m/n.), in the establishment, operation, maintenance and repair of hospitals and institutes; in supplementary or unforeseen works and for the gradual extension of services and expansion of items, if necessary.

The excess of the ceilings calculated for investment will enter the National Public Health and Social Assistance Fund.

Article 6 - Faccinate the Executive Power to readjust the amounts budgeted in Article 1 as the costs of construction and the provision of services, according to the fluctuation of the prices of materials and labor.

Art. 7 - The five-year period referred to in Article 4 is due, the costs that demand the operation, maintenance and repair of the hospitals and institutes mentioned in Article 1 shall be covered by the National Public Health and Social Assistance Fund.

Art. 8o - The National Council for Sanitary Constructions, a delegate from the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation, a delegate from the Ministry of Labour and Security Secretariat, a delegate from the Ministry of Industry and Trade Secretariat, a delegate from Sanitary Works of the Nation, the Director General of Administration of the Ministry of Public Health of the last Nation, a public health secretary and a medical adviser -this.

This Council shall be chaired by the Secretary of Public Health or by the delegate designated for this purpose and shall have as an executive body the General Directorate of Construction and Sanitary Engineering of the Ministry of Public Health.

The Ministry of Finance will highlight a delegation of the National Accounts for the purposes of the appropriate control.

The General Director of Construction and Sanitary Engineering of the Ministry of Public Health will be the secretary of the National Council for Sanitary Constructions.

The Council may acquire, bid, hire the execution, execute and command to execute all the buildings, habilitations, materials, sanitary and urban works linked to the specific branch of the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation.

Art. 9o - The Executive will regulate the functioning of the Sanitary Construction Council.

Art. 10. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the Sala de Sesiones of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on September 18th, nine hundred and forty-seven.

Alberto Tesaire Ricardo C. Guard

Alberto H. Real L. Zaballa Carbó


Please follow the law of the Nation, fill in, report, publish, give to the General Directorate of the National Registry and archvese.