Key Benefits:
LEY No. 13.273
Sanctioned: September 25-1948.
Promulgated: September 30-1948.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., strongly sanction LEY: ARTICLE 1 Declaring the defense, improvement and expansion of forests of public interest.The exercise of the rights on privately owned or publicly owned forest and land, its fruits and products, is subject to the restrictions and limitations set out in this Act.
ARTICLE 2 ∙ Take into the forest, for the purposes of this law, any woody, natural or artificial formation, which by its content or function is declared in the respective regulations as subject to the regime of this law.Seize for forest land, for the same purposes, that which by its natural conditions, location or constitution, climate, topography, quality and economic conveniences, is declared inadequate for agricultural crops or grazing and susceptible instead of afforestation, and also those necessary for the fulfillment of this law.
Determine public utility and subject to expropriation, regardless of location, forests classified as protectors and/or permanents and the necessary properties for afforestation and reforestation works, for the best use of the land. Expropriation shall be ordered in each case by the Executive Branch, at any time it deems appropriate, subject to relevant reports and compliance with the other requirements set out in the expropriation Act.
Article 3 s They are subject to the provisions of this law:(a) Forests and forest lands located in federal jurisdiction;
(b) Private or public-owned forests and forest lands located in the provinces that are governed by this law;
(c) Protective forests and forest lands that respond to some of the conditions specified in Article 8, located in the provincial territory, provided that the effects of this quality influence on interests within the sphere of competence of the federal government, be it because they affect the general well-being, the progress and prosperity of two or more provinces or a province and federal territory or national defence.
ARTICLE 4 Las The provinces that are governed by this law shall enjoy the following benefits:(a) Participation in federal aid, affected by afforestation and reforestation;
(b) Mortgage or special agrarian credit for afforestation and reforestation in provincial or communal forests.
ARTICLE 5o de The accommodation to the regime of this law, correlates the following obligations:(a) Establishment of a provincial body responsible for the implementation of this Act;
(b) Creation of a provincial forest fund, based on taxes that seriously the fruits and natural forest products and others from the overall budget of the province;
(c) Extend the federal forest regime to provincial jurisdiction or manage its forests subject to it;
(d) Grant the tax exemptions provided for in articles 57 and 58;
(e) Coordinate the functions and services of the provincial and communal bodies responsible for forest conservation and development with those of the federal forest authority;
(f) Coordinate with the federal forest authority the afforestation and reforestation plans and the exploitation of the fiscal, provincial or communal forests, especially with regard to opportunities for the implementation of them, the amount of capacity or exploitation rights;
(g) Adopt in its jurisdiction the regime of chapter V of this law for fiscal forests.
ARTICLE 6 Los Forests and forest lands located in areas of security and military areas are subject to the provisions set out in this Act to specific ones because of their location.II
Article 7 Classification los Click on the forests:(a) Protectors;
(b) Permanent;
(c) Experimental;
(d) Special mountains;
(e) Production.
ARTICLE 8 es Protective forests tell those that by their location serve, jointly or separately to:(a) National defence;
(b) Protect the soil, roads, sea coasts, riverbanks and lake shores, lagoons, islands and prevent erosion of plains and lands in decline;
(c) Protect and regulate the water regime;
(d) Fix dunes and dunes;
(e) Ensuring public health conditions;
(f) Defense against the action of the elements, winds, alludes and floods;
(g) Hostel and protection of flora and fauna species whose existence is declared necessary.
Article 9 todos Tell permanent forests all those who by their destiny, constitution of their alboreda and/or formation of their soil should be maintained, such as:(a) National, provincial or municipal parks and reserves;
(b) Those in which species exist whose conservation is deemed necessary;
(c) Those that are reserved for public parks or forests,
The trees of the roads and the annexed beautification mountains will enjoy the legal regime of the permanent forests.
ARTICLE 10. They will be considered experimental forests:(a) Those designated for forest studies of indigenous species;
(b) The artificial ones destined to studies of accommodation, acclimatization and naturalization of indigenous or exotic species.
ARTICLE 11. . They will be understood by "special lifts", those of private property created for the protection or ornamentation of agricultural extensions, cattle or mixed. ARTICLE 12. . The natural or artificial forests of which it is possible to periodically extract forest products or by-products of economic value through rational exploitations will be considered.III
Common forest system ARTICLE 13. . The devastation of forests and forest lands and the irrational use of forest products is prohibited. ARTICLE 14. . Owners, tenants, usufructuaries or holders of any forest title may not initiate exploitation of them without the conformity of the competent forest authority, which they must request to accompany the work plan.No authorization will be required for the detachment or deforestation work that is carried out within the maximum surface limits and in the areas that determine the regulations, provided that it is not protective, permanent or experimental forests, nor is there a danger that it will occur or favor, erosion, where such work is necessary to: (a) Expand the cultivable area if the land where the forest is located is at risk and/or other farms.
ARTICLE 15. . The authorizations or approvals referred to in the previous article shall be granted or denied within thirty days of the submission of the order and shall be tacitly agreed upon after fifteen days from the date of renewal of the request. ARTICLE 16. . Any natural or legal person who, on his or her own account, dedicates himself to the cutting, processing, extraction, industrialization or trade of forest products or the collection and sale of forest seeds and plants or afforestation and reforestation works, or those who habitually make administrative arrangements on behalf of third parties, must register in the corresponding records and is obliged to carry out and display the books and documentation that determine the respective regulations. ARTICLE 17. . If a forest considered to be of production is not subject to rational exploitation, after its owner's hearing, it may be encouraged to submit the plan and carry out the respective work. The decision to be made shall be subject to hierarchical recourse to the Ministry of Agriculture within 30 days of its notification. If the owner does not present the plan and/or perform the exploitation of the forest within the time limits set, his or her usufruct may be expropriated and will be carried out in accordance with Chapter V. ARTICLE 18. . The transport of forest products outside of the tax property cannot be carried out without being marked or individualized and without the corresponding partial guides issued by competent authority. These guides will be made by triplicate and specified in them; quantity, species, weight, origin and destination of the transported product.Transport companies may not accept loads of forest products that are not accompanied by the respective guide, subject to a fine equal to the value transported.
The triplicate of the guides should be sent simultaneously to the national agricultural statistics section.
Prevention and control of fire ARTICLE 19. . Anyone who is aware of any forest fire is obliged to immediately file a complaint with the nearest authority. The telephone, telegraphic and public or private radio offices shall transmit without payment and as a matter of urgency the complaints made. ARTICLE 20. . In case of forest fire, civilian and military authorities should provide elements, means of transport and personnel to extinguish it. ARTICLE 21. La The forest authority or the nearest one may summon all the physically empowered inhabitants between the ages of 15 and 50, who live or transit within a radius of 40 kilometers of the sinister place, to contribute with their personal services to the extinction of forest fires and to provide usable elements, which will be compensated in case of deterioration.These obligations are public burdens.
ARTICLE 22. . Each time a fire occurs in a border zone, with danger of propagation to the bordering country, the authorities will immediately give account to the corresponding nearest area that might be affected. The executive branch will manage international reciprocity. ARTICLE 23. . In the interior of the forests and in a surrounding area, the extent to which the regulations will be set, fire can only be carried or lit in such a way that there is no danger of fire and under the conditions to be determined by regulation, the manufacture of coal, friction and cleaning burns without administrative authorization is prohibited. ARTICLE 24. . The installation, without prior administrative authorization, of sawmills, lime kilns, plaster, bricks, cement or any other establishment that can cause fires inside the forests and in a surrounding area sufficiently wide to prevent its spread is prohibited. Forestry and reforestation. ARTICLE 25. The afforestation and reforestation plans will be approved by the forest authority on the basis of the respective economic t technical studies, and the resolution will be notified to the data subject when the address is known, or in its absence it will be notified by edicts or appropriate advertising, and the interested parties may lodge a hierarchical remedy within thirty days. After such a period of time, without comment, the resolution adopted will be final. ARTICLE 26. . Afforestation and reforestation work in protective forests will be carried out by the State with the consent of the owner of or directly by the forest land, with the technical supervision of the forest authority. Otherwise, or if necessary, the previous expropriation of the property will be carried out. ARTICLE 27. Toda Any area of forest condition located in the areas specified in Article 8, which is abandoned or unexploited by a minimum term of 10 years, is subject to or afforestation or reforestation, and the State may do so without the need for expropriation, proceeding in accordance with Articles 17 and 25. If the owner alienates the land or exploits the forest, the amount of work carried out by the State shall be refunded to the forest fund. ARTICLE 28. Los The afforestation or reforestation work carried out by the State in forest lands, outside the protective forest areas, with the consent of the owner, will be at the expense of the forest. ARTICLE 29. . The formation and conservation of artificial mountains will be encouraged in the properties affected to the agricultural exploitation of livestock, as well as the planting and conservation of trees in the margins of springs, rivers, roads, streams, lakes, lagoons, reservoirs, islands, acequias and water courses and the setting of médanos in the quantity, timelines and other conditions, which according to the modalities of each region, If the concessionaire, in the case of tax land, fails to comply with such obligations within the end of the site, they may be executed at their expense. ARTICLE 30. La The competent national, provincial or municipal authority may declare mandatory for its location, age, or for reasons of scientific, aesthetic or historical nature, the conservation of certain trees by compensation, if required.IV
Special forest system ARTICULO 31. The procedure for registration of protective forests shall be initiated on an informal basis or at the request of the interested party. The respective declaration shall be made on the basis of the technical plans and studies and shall be notified to the person concerned when his or her home is known and, in the absence, published and registered.Notified the initiation of the procedure, it cannot be innovated in the state of the forest without administrative authorization, until it relapses resolution.
It shall be subject to reconsideration and hierarchical remedies within three months of its notification or publication.
The same procedure will be followed by the demand to exclude the registration of protective forests.
ARTICLE 32. La The declaration of protective forests carries the following charges and restrictions on the property:(a) Account in case of sale or change in the regime of the same;
(b) Conserve and repopulate the forest in the technical conditions required, provided that repopulation is motivated by exploitation or destruction attributable to the owner;
(c) Perform potential exploitation subject to the technical standards approved by the applicant;
(d) Collect prior authorization for grazing in the forest or for any kind of work on the ground or subsoil affecting its existence;
(e) Allowing forest authority to undertake afforestation and reforestation work.
ARTICLE 33. The rules contained in the two preceding articles apply to permanent forests.Owners of protective or permanent privately owned forests may seek compensation that will be administratively fixed if any agreement exists, and will pay in annual quotas, susceptible to readjustment, for the actual decrease in the income of the forest that was a direct and immediate consequence of the application of the special forest regime, within the maximum profitability limit produced by a rational exploitation. In order to graduate the compensation, the greatest value resulting from the work performed and/or the measures taken by the administration as well as all the benefits provided by the said regime shall be computed to the owners of the home without prejudice to the administration ' s right to choose the expropriation of the property, setting the compensation in accordance with the specified bases and to which the law of expropriation determines.
Regime of fiscal forests ARTICLE 34. . The forests and forest lands specified in Article 2 that form the private domain of the State are inalienable, except those lands which, on the basis of social interest and prior technical studies, are deemed necessary for the colonization or formation of peoples in accordance with the respective laws. ARTICLE 35. . Protective, permanent and experimental forests of the Nation, adhering provinces, municipalities and autocarchic entities are subject to the common forest regime, as long as they are not incompatible with the special forest regime and the provisions of this chapter. ARTICLE 36. . The forests of production and forest lands of the Nation, adhering provinces, municipalities and auto-archic entities are subject to the provisions of the common forest regime and those that are part of this chapter. ARTICLE 37. . Protective and permanent forests can only be subjected to improved farms. The exploitation of the forests of experimentation is conditioned on the purposes of study or research to which they are affected. ARTICLE 38. . Exploitation of the production tax forests may not be authorized until its forest relay has been previously implemented, approval of the democratic plan and the decriminalization, messure and maiming of the land, as circumstances permit. ARTICLE 39. Forest exploitation shall be carried out by concession, after award in public tendering, by administration or through joint ventures.The Executive Power shall determine, on the basis of the results of the technical and economic studies, the deadlines, maximum surfaces, regularity and other forms of the farms, requirements to be met by the awardees, in no case could the concessions exceed 10 years of time or 10,000 hectares per natural or legal person, with the exception of those forests whose economic performance is determined by concessions of greater extent and up to a maximum of 20,000 hectares, or by greater duration.
ARTICLE 40. . Forest concessions and permits force the owner to perform the exploitation under his direct dependence and responsibility. They are intransferable, without prior administrative authorization, under the penalty of expiry. ARTICLE 41. . Forestry may be agreed on by direct award or private tendering on surfaces of up to 1,000 hectares, by natural or legal person, when it comes to sawmills or evolved forest industries, whether or not they are based in forest areas.The surfaces will be determined according to the capacity to produce and the existence of raw materials.
ARTICLE 42. . Can be agreed directly on permits for the extraction of forest products, up to the maximum of 1,000 tons or cubic meters per person and per year on delimited plots or on surfaces of up to 100 hectares with operating rules similar to those of the major concessions. ARTICLE 43. . The exploitation of fiscal forests is subject to the payment of a fixed, mobile or mixed capacity. Your amount will be established taking into account:(a) The species, quality and final application of the products;
(b) The various determinants of the cost of production;
(c) Sales prices;
(d) The promotion of industrialization of Argentine woods.
Mobile capacity will play when the social economic circumstances and conditions have changed in relation to the time the contract was concluded.
ARTICLE 44. . People without resources, limited and free permits for harvesting fruits and forest products may be agreed upon. ARTICLE 45. . Exceptionally, permissions may be agreed under the terms of Article 42 for the extraction of wood and wood free of payment or special for public distributions and charities or social assistance, conditioned on the use of forest products for the needs of the holder and with the prohibition of commercialization. ARTICLE 46. . The occupation of and grazing of fiscal forests is prohibited without permission from the forest authority. The intruders shall be expelled by the same location and with the assistance of the public force, if necessary.The mere occupation of forests or forest land will not serve as a preferred title for its concession.
Hunting and fishing in fiscal forests will only be allowed in regulatory times, after authorization and in accordance with the relevant laws.
Forestry Fund ARTICLE 47. el Consider the forest fund, of a cumulative nature, which will be formed from the promulgation of this law, affected exclusively to cost the costs required by compliance and integrated with the following resources:(a) The amounts allocated annually for the care of the forest service in the general budget of the Nation or in the special laws and balances of the special accounts affected therein;
(b) The production of the rights, additional and rates created by this law and the efforts for the exploitation of national tax forests, fines, confiscations, compensation, inspection rights, permits, expertise and technical services in forests and forest lands whose rates will determine the regulations;
(c) The production of inspection rights to the exploitation of national, provincial or communal fiscal forests in the adhering provinces, and to the extraction of products from particular forests and/or the extension of guides for their transport whose rate is set by regulations, which may not exceed one peso per tonne or cubic meter of extracted wood;
(d) The one produced by the sale of forest products and by-products, plants, seeds, stakes, maps, collections, publications, notices, guides, photographs, samples, sale or rental of cinematographic films and entrances to exhibitions and similar ones to be made by the forest authority;
(e) Voluntary contributions from enterprises, societies, institutions, and individuals interested in forest conservation, and donations and legacies upon acceptance of the Executive Branch;
(f) The income of titles and interests of the capitals that make up the forest fund.
ARTICLE 48. . Afforestation and reforestation services will be affected by the rights covered by this concept in accordance with Article 52 and 50 % of the production of customs and additional duties perceived by the export or import of forest products with more the sum of the annual remnant of the forest fund that is especially intended for that purpose.Of the total number entering the forest fund, 10 per cent will be reserved at a minimum, which will be allocated for the acquisition of already exploited forests, protective forests and forest lands.
ARTICLE 49. . Of the funds allocated annually for afforestation and reforestation can only be invested up to 10% in administrative expenses. ARTICLE 50. The importation of woods, raw forest products, semi-processed or processed and items and devices in all or part of that material with appropriate substitutes in the production or processing of the country may be taxed on the proposal of the forest authority with an additional promotion or defence. ARTICLE 51. . It is subject to the payment of a customs duty of up to 30% on the sale value the export of Tanic woods, and up to 10% the export of brittle extract. The export of non-cut or tightened leathers is subject to the payment of a customs duty of up to 5% on the value of sale, according to the species.The executive branch may, according to technical studies, temporarily suspend the application of these rights.
ARTICLE 52. . The exploitation of national, provincial and communal forests in the adhering provinces, subject to the provisions of this law, shall be encumbered by the reforestation rights set by the regulations, the amount of which may not exceed 10% of the capacity.When the exploitation is not subject to the payment of aphor, the right to reforestation will be computed on the basis of the average capacity of the species extracted from the forests of the area.
ARTICLE 53. . Any false declaration, act or omission relating to the payment of forest fees, rights or aphor, shall be liable to a fine of up to ten times the amount of the sum that has been ceased to pay or purported to elude.Delay in the payment of forest fees, rights or aphor shall accrue the interests established by the regulations.
ARTICLE 54. El The executive branch shall determine, in agreements, prior to the respective reports, the amount of federal aid to each of the adhering provinces, which shall be covered by forest fund resources. ARTICLE 55. . Authorize the Executive Branch to hand over to the Ministry of Agriculture for the afforestation and reforestation of the Republic, the sum of forty million pesos national currency ($ 40,000), and for the execution of the forest map the sum of six million pesos national currency ($ 60,000,000), which will be taken from the production of titles authorizing the laws in force, in any case requesting the collaboration of official entities. ARTICLE 56. La The forestry authority may convert the executive branch ad referendum with national, provincial and communal public distributions to the perception of the various contributions that make up the forest fund.For the purposes of taxation, fees, adjustments and other charges, third parties may be accorded the quality of retention agents with the obligations and responsibilities of the passive subject of the tax obligation.
Cash and arrears, as well as reimbursement for afforestation and reforestation costs, will be charged by executive.
Promotion ARTICLE 57. . Tell yourselves free of taxes the forests and artificial mountains, and their existence will not be computed for the determination of the imponible value of the land for the purposes of payment of the real estate contribution. ARTICLE 58. . Lands with protective or permanent forests and forest land located in the areas specified in Article 8 subject to afforestation or reforestation work shall be exempt from the payment of the real estate contribution in the relevant part and under the conditions specified by the regulation if they are located in national jurisdiction, and 50% or the amount specified by the respective laws, if they belong to the jurisdiction of the provinces. ARTICLE 59. El The Banco de la Nación Argentina and the Banco de la Nación Industrial will agree on special credits for afforestation and reforestation, industrialization and marketing of forest products, adapting to the respective needs the terms and types of interest. ARTICLE 60. . The profits that are invested in new forest plantations and forestry improvements in general will be released from the tax on revenues. ARTICLE 61. . Periodically and in accordance with the regulations issued, awards and incentives for technical, scientific and promotional forest activities and industrialization of new products and by-products may be awarded.The executive branch will arbitrate the means so that the transport of seeds, stakes and forest plants is carried out at reduced rates.
ARTICLE 62. al Facultase the Executive to:(a) Creating forest product concentration markets to facilitate operations, characterize quality and size, identify provenance and meet consumption needs at reasonable prices;
(b) Regulate the trafficking of forest products in such a way that, as far as possible, they have the greatest industrial development in the production area;
(c) To promote and install drying and sawmills of woods in different regions of the country, as well as unfamiliar or non-existent industries for the use of natural forest products, and thus to form mixed societies;
(d) Create research and training establishments for leather tans with the collaboration of the respective entities;
(e) Implant forest fire insurance;
(f) To promote and encourage investment in forestry companies from reserves of social insurance institutes and insurance companies;
(g) Distribute free seeds, stakes and plants.
ARTICLE 63. . Disclaimed from customs duties equipment, useful, drugs, seeds, forest stakes and other elements necessary for the afforestation and reforestation of the country, and research work to introduce the forest authority.The benefit of this article in favour of individuals is conditioned upon prior approval of the respective plans.
Penalties ARTICLE 64. : Forest contractions:(a) Carrying or lighting fire inside forests and adjacent areas in violation of the respective regulations;
(b) Removing, abating, injuring trees and extracting sap or resin in violation of the respective regulations;
(c) Destroy, remove or delete signals or indicators placed by the forest authority;
(d) Any violation of the approved exploitation plan;
(e) Disobey orders issued in enforcement of legal or regulatory rules;
(f) Pronunciate falsely in statements or reports;
(g) To omit the complaint under article 19;
(h) Any violation of this law and of the decrees, resolutions, provisions or instructions that are issued accordingly;
(i) Introduce livestock in violation of forest and forest land regulations.
ARTICLE 65. . The contraventions specified in the previous article shall be liable to a fine of $10 to $10,000; in the case of repeated or re-offending, the minimum and maximum basis for which the application of the criminal law is doubled or tripled. ARTICLE 66. . When the infringement is committed with the appropriation of forest products and/or by-products, they will be confiscated where they are, and whoever has or has misused them will be liable to the penalties applicable to the offender if it was proved that he knew or had reason to know their origin. ARTICLE 67. . The suspension of up to three years or the deletion of the records set out in article 16 may be applied as a principal or accessory sanction in accordance with the circumstances of the case. After five years, rehabilitation of the elimination penalty may be sought before the same authority as it imposed.The effects of the suspension or elimination are disqualification in order to obtain concessions, permits or franchises during the period of the concessions, which will be computed when they have the character of accessory, from the date of compliance with the main sanction.
ARTICLE 68. The time limit for the statute of limitations is five years. ARTICLE 69. . When the forest contract has been committed by representative agents of a legal person, association or society, without prejudice to their personal responsibility, they may also be held accountable to the legal person, association or society. ARTICLE 70 procedure. Fines up to three thousand pesos ($ 3,000) and suspension up to one year for violating the provisions of this law shall be applied directly by the forest authority.Against these resolutions, it may be appealed within 30 days, in relation to and before the competent judge.
ARTICLE 71. In all cases of alleged infringement, public, national, provincial or municipal officials shall report the act to the nearest authority and in the case of forest employees immediately take the necessary measures to ensure the evidence of the facts that set it up and to prevent the continuation of the violation. Within 24 hours they should also report to the nearest forest office, forwarding the proceedings produced. ARTICLE 72. . Received the proceedings, if the commission of the offence could not have been documented by a record, the investigation of the case shall be carried out. The designated investigating officer shall have the authority to require the appearance of witnesses, the provision of abductions, the appointment of depositary, the collection of court orders and the assistance of the public force in the performance of the proceedings of the court.Executed the necessary precautionary and investigation measures, the summary authority shall be aware of the actions taken against the alleged or alleged perpetrators for the period of 15 days to take action in the cars.
ARTICLE 73. . Closing the case, and not being the case of article 70, will be raised to the competent judge on the basis of the place of the commission of the act, who will continue the relevant procedure according to the state of the case, subject to the respective procedural law.X
Application bodies ARTICLE 74. The Executive Branch, through the National Forests Administration established by this Act as a unit of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation, shall be responsible for the full implementation of the Act. ARTICLE 75. La The National Forest Administration will consist of a general administrator, a Board of Directors and other bodies, officials and agents that require forest services.The Board of Directors will be chaired by the general administrator as the senior official of the division, and constituted by the director of the National Centre for Agricultural Research, a representative of the National Tax Land Administration, a representative of the adhered provinces, a representative of the national territories, a representative of the armed forces and a representative of the General Administration of National Parks and Tourism.
The appointment and competence of individual single and collegiate bodies shall be determined by the Executive in the regulations.
ARTICLE 76. de They constitute the object and purpose of the National Forests Administration:(a) To comply with and enforce this law and its regulations;
(b) Manage the forest fund and the assets and facilities assigned to it, in accordance with the laws and regulations.
(c) Develop and update the forest map in accordance with article 55;
(d) Conduct technical and forest economy studies of forests, forest lands, their products and by-products for the defence, improvement, expansion and rational exploitation of forest, fiscal and private heritage, and of a technological and economic nature for the marketing and industrial application of forest products and by-products;
(e) Fix afforestation and reforestation plans, by administration or by third parties in public tendering;
(f) To encourage and propose to the Executive the creation of forest and mixed colonies, consortiums for the prevention and fight against fires and pests of forests and/or reforestation and forest cooperatives aimed at rooting and improving the living conditions of forest dwellers;
(g) To encourage the study of forest problems, the implementation of work in defence, improvement and expansion of forests and to disseminate forest education through the organization of exhibitions, conferences, appropriate courses and publications and to propose the creation of prizes and incentives;
(h) Install and maintain forest nurseries and experimental and demonstration stations and forest assistant schools, where appropriate;
(i) Conduct special studies on adaptation and expansion of indigenous and exotic species and plan the formation of three forest curtains from North to South of the country, namely: 1) Precordillerana, 2) Central, and 3) Atlantic, with species and varieties appropriate to the conditions of climate and soil;
(j) Distribute free of charge or at promotional prices, seeds, stakes and forest plants;
(k) To exercise, in accordance with this law and its regulations, the administration of forests and forest lands of the Federal State and of the provinces, municipalities and autocarchic entities that are conferred upon it and also those of private property, whose use is expropriated;
(l) Propose to the Executive the formal declarations on forests, forest lands and forest aptitude lands to be subject to the law enforcement regime, as well as the payroll to be offered for exploitation;
(ll) Take the necessary measures to prevent, combat and circumscribe forest fires and all those leading to forest health;
(m) Propose the expenditure budget, regulation of the law and issue internal regulations;
(n) To carry complete forest statistics, which must be published periodically.
ARTICLE 77. . Créase una Comisión Nacional de Bosques de carácter honorario, que tiene su sede en la Capital Federal y será compos por unlega por cada provincia adherida al régimen de esta ley y uno por cada organismo siguiente: Dirección General de Investigaciones; Dirección General de la Energía; Administración Nacional de Tierras; Dirección General de Agricultura; Banco de la Nación Argentina; un representante de las Fuerzas Armadas; Instituto Argentino de Promoción de, Intercambio; Facultad Agroroads nacionales; ARTICLE 78. . The members of the commission will last four years in their functions, can be reelected and will be renewed by half every two years and by lot the first time. Those designated in each vacancy case shall complete the period. The commission shall designate a chairman and a vice-president, a secretary and a pro-secretary, without prejudice to the provision of indispensable staff by the National Forest Administration. ARTICLE 79. El The executive branch will demarcate the territorial jurisdiction of the National Forest Administration in relation to that of the agencies that administer the tax lands, or that are dedicated to the agrarian colonization.XI
Transitional provisions ARTICLE 81. . For the purpose of initiating immediate compliance with the provisions of this law, authorise the Executive Branch to hand over to the National Forest Administration the sum of six million pesos national currency ($ 60,000), which will take on general income. It shall not be computed within this amount as normally appropriate by budget, as set out in article 47 (a). ARTICLE 82. . The staff, budget, assets and everything affected to the current General Directorate of Forests will become part of the National Forests Administration. ARTICLE 83. Toda Any forested surface that has been transferred or reserved for another Ministry other than that of Agriculture and which is not intended for its specific purpose will automatically return to the latter. ARTICLE 84. El The Executive Power shall take the measures to gradually incorporate all State allocations, with its staff, equipment, assets and funds from the budget or special laws, into the National Forests Administration, provided that similar or concurrent activities are carried out in this Act. This forecast will be met within one year. ARTICLE 85. . The forests placed under the jurisdiction of the General Administration of National Parks and Tourism will only depend on this law as they relate to the obligation to present the plans for forest exploitation and reforestation, taking into account in all cases the basic needs to which they are dedicated. ARTICLE 86. . Prove the provisions of Laws 4.167, 12.103 and 12.636 as soon as they object to the present, which will be applied to the sixty days of its publication. ARTICLE 87. Contact the Executive.J. H. QUIJANO | H. J. CAMPORA |
Alberto H. Reales | L. Zavalla Carbó |