LEY No. 13.503
Sanctioned: September 30-1948.
Promulgated: October 15-1948.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 - Refer to article 33 of the Statute of the Professional Journalist, adopted by article 2 of Act No. 12,908.
ARTICLE 2 - Delete the third category of employers under article 53 (c) of the Statute of the Professional Journalist, as approved by article 2 of Act No. 12.908. Companies that are subject to the promulgation of this law in the deletion category shall automatically be transferred to the same article and law (b).
Article 3 - Increase by forty per cent (40 per cent) the salaries set out in subparagraph (a), and those of article 53 (b) of the Statute of the Professional Journalist approved by section 2 of Act 12,908 until the term "Secretary-General for Drafting", including. Employees who have higher salaries than readjusted basics at the present penalty shall benefit from an additional increase of twenty-five per cent (25 per cent) over the amount exceeding the basic remuneration.
ARTICLE 4 - Increase by forty per cent (40 per cent) the antiquity scales for the first and second categories set out in article 55 of the Statute of the Professional Journalist approved by section 2 of Law 12.908, deleting the third category of the article.
ARTICLE 5o - Replace article 54 of the Statute of the Professional Journalist, as approved by article 2 of Law 12.908, with the following:
"Out of the Federal Capital radius, the basic salaries shall be set by parity commissions established and presided by the administrative authority, establishing the scales for increments proportional to those set out in Article 53 for the different specialities of work in the Federal Capital, from a minimum wage of three hundred and fifty-eight pesos ($ 358) for the first-class and three hundred and thirty-six pesos ($336). For journalists who work in newspapers in the interior of the Republic and who practice the profession, as an accessory and not fundamental function, the wage fixation will be paid to the parity commissions. "
(Article Derogated by Article 2 of the Act No. 16.972 B.O. 21/12/1965) ARTICLE 7 - Increases and bonuses set out in this Act shall not apply to journalists who work in journals and magazines that have a strip of less than ten thousand copies. For journalists who work in newspapers and magazines that have a strip of less than ten thousand copies, the fixing of salaries and bonuses will be paid to the parity commissions. The parity commissions may not set salaries and bonuses below those currently in force. For the purpose of determining the tyranny, it will be taken into account that they have journals and journals at the date of the sanction of this law. This provision shall govern the whole territory of the Republic.
ARTICLE 8 - Defrost all provisions that are contrary to this law.
Article 9 - Contact the executive branch.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, in the thirtieth day of the month of September of the year thousand nine hundred forty-eight.
Alberto H. Reales | L. Zavalla Carbó |
-Registered under No. 13.503-