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Professional Exercise Of Scribe Regimen Legal - Updated Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: EJERCICIO PROFESIONAL DE ESCRIBANOS REGIMEN LEGAL - Texto actualizado de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
LEY 12.990 Professional Exercise of Writers Buenos Aires, June 19, 1947



See Background




Conditions to exercise the notary

ARTICLE 1 To exercise the notary is required:

(a) Being Argentine, native or naturalized, having in this last case, having ten (10) years of naturalization;

(b) Being older;

(c) To have a degree of scribe issued by national, provincial or private university, duly qualified in the case of the latter two, so that their granting requires complete studies of the pre-university secondary education, which shall cover the totality of the subjects and disciplines similar to those that are carried out for the career of law;

(d) Have completed two (2) years of notarial practice in the manner determined by regulation;

(e) Have intachable behavior, background and morals;

(f) Finding yourself enrolled in professional tuition.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). ARTICLE 2 The relevant ends of the previous article should be justified before the civil judge in the turn of the Federal Capital or legal judge of the respective jurisdiction in the national territories with fiscal intervention of the College of Writers, being the resolutions appealable to the Superintendency Court. ARTICLE 3 (Article Derogated by Article 5 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). ARTICLE 4 They cannot exercise notary functions:

(a) The blind, the deaf, the dumb, and those who suffer from physical and mental defects that disable them for professional exercise;

(b) The incompetent;

(c) Persons prosecuted for any offence, since pre-trial detention had been ordered, and as long as it lasted, provided that it was not motivated by involuntary or guilty acts;

(d) Convicted persons within or outside the country for offences that give rise to public action or for contravention of national criminal laws, with the exception of judgements for guilty or involuntary acts;

(e) Failed and unrehabilitated contested;

(f) Those who for inconduct or serious personal or professional reasons were disqualified for the performance of the notary;

(g) The scribes suspended in the exercise of their office in any jurisdiction of the Republic, for the term of suspension.

CHAPTER II Professional Enrolment and Domicile The College of Writers will take the professional tuition and enroll in it those who credit themselves in the conditions required in the previous articles and register their signature and professional seal. Enrolment in the College of Writers of the Federal Capital is compatible with the registration of any other notarial school.

Registration will be cancelled:

(a) At the request of the registered scribe;

(b) At the disposal of the Superintendency Court.

(Article replaced by Article 9 of the Law No. 21.212 B.O. 29/10/1975). ARTICLE 6 The scribes shall reside in the place where they exercise their functions or in a radius not exceeding forty kilometers of it, constituted before the Superintendency Court and the College of Writers, a special domicile for all the purposes provided for by this law. With the exception of instruments authorized by judicial delegation, they may only act within the territorial jurisdiction where they have established their domicile. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Decree-Law No. 12.599/56 B.O. 20/7/1956). CHAPTER III Of the incompatibility ARTICLE 7 The exercise of the notarized is incompatible:

(a) With the performance of any public or private function or employment, paid in any way.

(b) With the exercise of trade, on their own or others.

(c) With the exercise of any function or employment, not incompatible, that forces him to reside outside the place where he performs his notary functions.

(d) With the exercise of the law, the prosecution or any other liberal profession.

(e) With the exercise of the notary in another jurisdiction.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 8 Except for the provisions of the previous article, charges or jobs involving the performance of notary functions; those of an elective character; teachers; those of a purely scientific or artistic nature, dependent on academies, libraries, museums or other scientific or artistic institutions; the positions of directors or syndicates of anonymous companies and the character of shareholders of them. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 9 The incompatibility expressed in article 7 is to be understood for the simultaneous exercise of the notary with the functions and positions declared incompatible; but the College of Writers may, in special cases, grant licences not less than three months, so that the scribes may hold such positions, provided that notional functions of any kind are performed during their course. SECOND SECTION OF THE CHAPTER REGISTERS I Of Registry Writers ARTICULO 10. ! The registry scribe is the public official instituted to receive and write and give authenticity, in accordance with the laws and in the cases authorized by them, the acts and contracts entrusted to him. Only to him is the exercise of the notary. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 11. ! They are essential duties of registry scribes:

(a) The conservation and custody in perfect condition of the acts and contracts authorized, as well as of the respective protocols, while in their power.

(b) Send to interested parties testimonies, copies, certificates and extracts of the deeds granted in their registry.

(c) Maintain professional secrecy on acts involving the exercise of its function. The display of the protocols may only be made on the request of the grantors or their successors regarding the acts in which they had intervened and by other scribes in the cases and forms established by the regulations, or by court order.

(d) To intervene professionally in cases where it was required, when its intervention is authorized by law or is not impeded by other professional obligations of equal or greater urgency.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 12. ! Public deeds and other acts may be authorized by registration scribes. The following acts are also responsible for:

(a) To certify the authenticity of signatures or digital prints placed in private documents and in their presence;

(b) To certify the authenticity of signatures placed in private documents and in their presence by persons representing third parties;

(c) To conduct inventories, whether by private requirement or by judicial delegation;

(d) Acting as secretary of arbitral tribunal;

(e) Draft records of assemblies, meetings of commissions and similar acts;

(f) To file notoriety or protest to check facts and reserve rights;

(g) Draft any record of civil and commercial acts or contracts;

(h) Provide testimony on accounting seats and book records of anonymous companies, civil associations or individual societies or simple ones;

(i) To certify the sending of correspondence, taking charge of the delivery to the mail;

(j) Intervene in all acts, documents and contracts where professional intervention is required as advisers or notary experts;

(k) Collect background of titles;

(l) Request certifications for national, provincial or municipal public distributions.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). ARTICLE 13. ! Writers of records are civilly liable for damages caused to third parties for breach of the provisions of article 11, without prejudice to their criminal or disciplinary liability, if applicable. ARTICLE 14. ! Registration scribes are obliged to attend their office assiduously and may not be absent from their place of residence for more than eight days without authorization from the College of Writers. In the event of illness, absence or other temporary impediment, the registry scribe who does not have an adscript may propose to the Superintendency Court the appointment of an alternate, who shall act in his replacement under the responsibility of the proponent, in the cases provided for by art. 23, last paragraph. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 15. ! A subsidiary guarantee fund for liability for the exercise of the notarial function constituted by the contribution of the registry scribes, holders, subscribers and interims, and for the incomes that produce their investment in the restitutional financial systems of the State. (Note Infoleg: By art. 1 Decree No. 1909/1980 B.O. 19/9/1980, it is stated that the guarantee fund mentioned in this paragraph shall be called "subsidiary guarantee of liability for the exercise of the notarial function".

This fund will respond to the scribe ' s obligations in a subsidiary manner and after excussion of the principal debtor ' s assets, in the following cases:

(a) For damages caused on the basis of acts performed in the exercise of the notarial function, provided that there is a firm conviction and that the administering agency of the security fund has been cited as a third party; that agency shall be authorized to commit;

(b) Failure to comply with tax laws where they act as retention agents.

In the cases of the preceding subparagraphs, the rights of the creditor shall be subrogated and the corresponding refund shall be sought.

The guarantee fund shall not respond in any amount exceeding the total amount of the funds that comprise it.

Except in the cases provided for in this article, the guarantee fund will be unpaid.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). ARTICLE 15 bis. ! The regulation shall establish the administrative agency of the guarantee fund, the amount of the contributions, which shall be proportional to the professional development of the scribe, and the penalties that originate the delay or non-compliance in its payment. The administering agency will determine the form and date of payment of the contribution. This will be annual and in no case liable to refund.

Sanctions provided for in this article shall be restitutional of the capital, with its updates and interests, and may also apply the penalties provided for in article 52 (a) and (c).

(Article 2 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). (Note Infoleg: By art. 4 Decree No. 1909/1980 B.O. 19/9/1980, it is stated that the amount of contributions referred to in this article will be $100 per seal of protocol purchased by scribes per calendar year). ARTICLE 16. ! Register holders may not be separated from their position while their good conduct lasts. The suspension, removal or loss of the office of a scribe may only be declared for the reasons and in the manner provided for by this law. Chapter II of the records ! The establishment and cancellation of the registers and the designation and removal of their holders and subscribers in the manner and form established by this Act are the responsibility of the Executive. Notary records and protocols are State-owned. ARTICLE 18. ! (Article Derogated by Article 1 of the Decree No. 240/99 B.O. 23/3/1999). ARTICLE 19. ! (Article repealed by art. The Decree No. 240/99 B.O. 23/3/1999). ARTICLE 20. ! The records will carry a numbering that will be correlative from 1 onwards, keeping for the existing ones the current numbering. CHAPTER III. ! Each regent registry scribe may have up to two subscribed scribes, who will be appointed by the executive branch on the proposal of the holder, after report of the College of Writers on the professional morality of the aspirant. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 22. ! In order to be appointed, the requirements must be met and the conditions required by this law for the performance of the notary. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 23. ! The registered scribes, while retaining that character, shall act within the respective registry, with the same extension of powers as the holder and simultaneously and indistinctly with the same, but under their total dependence and responsibility, and shall replace their regent in cases of absence, disease or any other transient impediment.

The incumbent scribe is directly responsible for the procedure and preservation of the protocol and will respond to the acts of its subscribers as soon as they are susceptible to their appreciation and care.

ARTICLE 24. ! The subscribers shall only succeed the holder, by resignation, total incapacity or death of the holder, in the manner provided for in article 19. Until such time as the vacancy is provided, the highest-ranking adscript will be performed as regent. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 25. ! The holders may hold with their subscribers any kind of conventions to rule their rights in the common exercise of the professional activity, their participation in the production of the same and in the office expenses, mutual obligations and even their predictions for the death case, provided that such commitments do not exceed the five-year period of the death of any of them; but they are strictly prohibited and shall be subject to non-existing fees. All conventions between the holder and the subscriber must be considered without prejudice to the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 26. ! The College of Writers shall act as an arbitrator in all matters that are assumed between holder and seconded, and their rulings, pronounced by a majority of votes, shall be inapplicable. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). CHAPTER IV From the designations of scribes ARTICULO 27. ! Since the promulgation of this law, the designations of scribes for the distributions of the State, autonomous, autonomous or dependent of the Executive, official banks, municipalities and units thereof, be such designations of a definitive or transitional nature, may only be made by competition under the conditions established by each of these divisions or institutions. From the same date, the designations of scribes made by the judges of the Federal Capital or national territories will be carried out by lot of a list that will form the Federal, Civil, Commercial and Criminal Chambers annually, or Superintendence Courts, respectively, following for the formation of these lists the procedure that each of them establishes. SECCION TERCERA GOVERNMENT AND DISCIPLINA DEL NOTARIADO CAPITULO I Responsibility of the scribes ARTICULO 28. ! The responsibility of the scribes, for failing to perform their professional functions, is four classes:

(a) Administrative;

(b) Civil;

(c) Criminal;

(d) Professional.

ARTICLE 29. ! Administrative liability derives from the non-compliance of the tax laws and from it the courts which determine the respective laws shall directly understand. ARTICLE 30. ! The civil liability of the scribes results from the damages caused to third parties for breach of this law, or for failing to perform their functions, in accordance with the provisions of general laws. ARTICLE 31. ! Criminal liability emanates from the scribe ' s action as soon as it can be considered criminal, and from it the competent courts shall deal with the provisions of criminal law. ARTICLE 32. ! The professional responsibility arises from the failure of the scribes to comply with this law or the notarial regulation or the provisions that are issued for the best observance of these or the principles of professional ethics, as such violations affect the notarial institution, the services that are his own or the decorum of the body, and his knowledge is vested in the Superintendency and College of Writers. ARTICLE 33. ! None of the responsibilities set forth should be regarded as excluding others, and the scribe may be called to respond to each and every one of them simultaneously or successively. ARTICLE 34. ! In any action that is committed against a scribe, whether in the personal order or because of his professional functions, the College of Writers must be known, so that the latter, in turn, adopt or advise the measures it deems appropriate. To that end, judges, on their own motion or at the request of parties, shall notify the school of any action against a scribe, within ten days of initiation. CHAPTER II of the Superintendency Tribunal ARTICLE 35. ! The government and discipline of the notary corresponds to the Superintendence Court and the College of Writers. ARTICLE 36. ! The Superintendent Court will be composed of a president, who will be the president in turn of the appeal chambers in the civil of the Federal Capital in superintendence; two titular vows, that these chambers, assembled in full, will designate annually to simple plurality of votes; and two alternate vowels, which will replace the headlines if necessary, and will be appointed in the same manner as those.

In the national territories, the court will be composed of the judge of the jurisdiction and the secretary of the respective court of higher age.

ARTICLE 37. ! It is up to the Superintendence Court to exercise direction and vigilance over the scribes, College of Writers, archives and all that is related to the notary and to the fulfillment of this law; to which effect it will exercise its action through the College of Writers, without prejudice to its direct intervention whenever it deems it appropriate. ARTICLE 38. ! You will know in the sole instance, before summary and opinion of the College of Writers, matters relating to the professional responsibility of the scribes, when the minimum penalty applicable is suspension for more than one month. ARTICLE 39. ! He will generally know, as a court of appeal and at the request of a party, of all the rulings of the College of Writers and especially of the judgments that he pronounced in matters relating to the professional responsibility of the scribes when the penalty applied is suspension for a month or less. ARTICLE 40. ! The Superintendent Court will make its decisions by a simple majority of votes, including that of the President, and its members may excuse or be challenged for the same reasons as those of the Civil Appeals Chamber. ARTICLE 41. ! Elevoting the case, in the cases of article 38, in the conviction file, in those of article 39, the court shall immediately order the evidence and dismissal measures if it deems them appropriate and shall pronounce its judgment within 30 days of the date of entry of the case to the court. ARTICLE 42. ! Fiscal intervention in matters dealt with at the Superintendency Court shall be carried out by the College of Writers. Chapter III of the College of Writers ARTICLE 43. ! Without prejudice to the jurisdiction granted to the Superintendency Tribunal, the immediate direction and monitoring of the scribes of the Federal Capital and national territories, as well as all related to the application of this law, shall be vested in the College of Writers. ARTICLE 44. ! These are essential powers and duties of the College of Writers:

(a) To monitor the performance by the scribes of this law, as well as of any emerging provisions of the laws, decrees, regulations or decisions of the same school that have a bearing on the notary;

(b) Regularly inspect the registers and offices of the registered scribes, for the purpose of verifying strict compliance with all the notary obligations;

(c) Ensuring professional decorum, the effectiveness of notary services and the fulfilment of the principles of professional ethics;

(d) To submit to the approval of the Executive, the notarial regulation and the reform thereof; (Note Infoleg: By art. 1 Decree No. 240/99 B.O. 23/3/1999, the term "notary tariffs" of this subparagraph is repealed.

and the reform of the regulations;

(e) To issue general resolutions aimed at unifying the notary procedures and maintaining discipline and good correspondence among the scribes;

(f) Keep the registration permanently debugged and publish the registrations periodically; seal the protocol notebooks, carry the registration of rubric and legalize the notary documents;

(g) To organize and keep up with the professional and statistical records of notary acts;

(h) To take note of any trial or summary promoted against a scribe for the purpose of determining its background and responsibility;

(i) Instruction of a summary, ex officio or a complaint by third parties, of the procedures of the registered scribes, whether to judge them directly or to bring to that effect the proceedings to the Superintendency Court if so proceed, in accordance with articles 38 and 39;

(j) Organize the contests for the provision of records referred to in Article 19 and inform the Executive Branch of the background and merits of the applicant scribes to holders or subscribers to them.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 45. ! The College of Writers has the union representation of the scribes and in addition to the duties and powers that are obligatoryly assigned to it in the previous article, and of the powers that emanate from the notarial regulation and its own statute, also corresponds to the same:

(a) Collaborate with the authorities when it is required to do so, in the study of the draft laws, decrees, regulations or or ordinances; to sue for any resolution that is consistent with the notary or with the scribes in general and to evacuate the consultations that these same authorities, the scribes individually or the similar institutions think it appropriate to formulate them on notary matters.

(b) To resolve arbitrarily the issues raised among the scribes.

(c) Raise the executive branch ' s annual budget and balance sheets, and any other record necessary to justify the investment of funds collected.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 46. ! The College of Writers shall act by representation of its board of directors, which shall function in the manner and conditions determined by this law, the notarial regulation and its own statutes. ARTICLE 47. ! In exercise of its professional discipline function, the College of Writers will be able to impose to the scribes the penalties of prevention, notice, fine of Argentine pesos three hundred ($ to 300) to Argentine pesos three thousand ($ to 3000) and suspension up to one (1) month. In the event that the seriousness of the offence was, in his opinion, punishable by a higher penalty to the scribe, he would bring the proceedings to the Superintendency Court to the effect of the offence. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,896 B.O. 9/9/1983). CHAPTER IV Organization and operation of the College of Writers ARTICLE 48. ! For all the purposes provided for in this Act, the civil institution known as the College of Writers shall be recognized, which shall exercise the collegiate representation of the scribes of the Federal Capital and national territories and shall function with the character, rights and obligations of the legal persons. ARTICLE 49. ! Registration scribes, authorized and registered persons are considered as collegiate prior to 1 October 1975. The school shall be governed by the statute of the College of Writers in accordance with the provisions of this law and its regulation. In the assemblies of the College of Writers can participate with voice and vote only the collegiate scribes. (Article replaced by Article 10 of the Law No. 21.212 B.O. 29/10/1975). ARTICLE 50. ! The College of Writers will be led by a board of directors, constituted according to the following bases:

(a) It shall consist of one (1) president, one (1) vice president, one (1) secretary, one (1) record secretary, two (2) prosecretaries, one (1) treasurer, one (1) protesor, ten (10) titular vowels and five (5) alternates;

(b) To be elected president or vice president, an antiquity will be required in the schooling not less than ten years, and five years for the other posts of the Board of Directors. (Incision replaced by art. 11 of the Law No. 21.212 B.O. 29/10/1975).

(c) They shall be elected by direct, secret and compulsory vote, except duly justified impediment, by the collegiate scribes, to the simple plurality of votes, appointing authorities for two (2) years and renewing the board of directors for half each year, and may their members be reelected for a consecutive period;

(d) The positions of the board of directors will be "ad honorem" and obligatory for all scribes, except duly justified impediment or in the case of re-election.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,171 B.O. 29/2/1980). ARTICLE 51. ! The College of Writers will be maintained:

(a) With the one-time fee each scribe will pay when registering or re-registering.

(b) With the quota that each scribe will pay as the right to register for each opposition contest or background.

(c) With the monthly fee to be paid by each registered or collegiate scribe and with an additional monthly fee to be paid by each holder or registration subscriber.

(d) With the contribution that the scribes will pay for each writing they authorize.

(e) With funds from specific services that I will provide to your partners.

The amount of contributions and contributions set out in this article shall be fixed annually by the College of Writers.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951).

SECTION FOURTH OF DISCIPLINARY MEASURES . 52 ! The disciplinary penalties to which the registered scribes may be subjected are as follows:

(a) Appreciation;

(b) Fine Argentine pesos three hundred ($a 300) to Argentine pesos three thousand ($a 3000);

(c) Suspension from three (3) days to one (1) year;

(d) Suspension for undetermined time;

(e) Privation of the exercise of the profession;

(f) Destitution of office.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 22,896 B.O. 9/9/1983). ARTICLE 53. ! Denunciada o establece la irregularidad, el Colegio de Writenos will proceed to instruct a summary, with the intervention of the accused, taking to effect all the measures that they deem necessary, having to conclude the same within thirty days, being able to extend this period up to two more periods when the circumstances of the case require it. (Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 54. ! Once the summary has been completed, the College of Writers shall be issued within fifteen days thereafter; if the sentence applicable, in its opinion, is of receipt, fine or suspension up to one month, it shall issue the corresponding sentence, which shall be immediately known to the person concerned for the purpose of the appeal. The file of the proceedings shall be ordered if the charge is not produced or dismissed. If the offender appeals within five days of notice, the offender shall be brought to the Superintendency Court for its purposes. ARTICLE 55. ! If, after the completion of the summary, the penalty applicable to the Court of Writers ' judgment was greater than one month ' s suspension, it shall bring the proceedings to the Superintendence Court, which shall issue its judgement within thirty days of notification. If the suspension exceeds the three-month period, the College of Writers may apply for the preventive suspension of the accused scribe. ARTICLE 56. ! Disciplinary sanctions shall be applied in accordance with the following rules:

(a) The payment of the fines shall be made within 10 days of the notification, in response to the security granted by the scribe;

(b) Derogations shall be effected by setting the term during which the scribe may not act professionally;

(c) Derogation for undetermined time, deprivation of the exercise of the profession or dismissal of the charge, shall import cancellation of the registration and vacancy of the registration and abduction of the protocols, if it were a regent scribe.

ARTICLE 57. ! The scribe suspended for undetermined time may not be reintegrated into the profession within a period of less than five years from the date of the judgement. ARTICLE 58. ! Derogations for undetermined time, dismissal and deprivation of the profession must be made known to the National Executive. CHAPTER I ARTICLE 59. ! Within one hundred and eighty days of the date of the promulgation of this law, all registry scribes, holders and subscribers, shall proceed to renew their registration in the registration of registration, a requirement that they may comply with the sole justification of their character as registration scribe, without the formality of the oath. ARTICLE 60. ! Within the same time period of the previous article, the scribes who, already registered in the registry by the civil chambers of the Federal Capital, wish to continue to act as such, shall proceed to renew their registration, which they may do through the justification of being already registered, without the formality of the oath. ARTICLE 61. ! Upon expiration of the deadline set in the two previous articles, no scribe may register or renew its registration without prior compliance with all required requirements. ARTICLE 62. ! For the purposes of the re-registrations provided for in articles 59 and 60, the civil chambers shall issue to the scribes requesting the necessary certificates. ARTICLE 63. ! The College of Writers may, upon a summary, request from the Superintendence Court the cancellation of the registration of the registration of the scribes who are registered or rewritten in contravention of the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 64. ! A commission composed of six members, who shall be registered, appointed by halves by the National Executive and the College of Writers, under the chairmanship of the member appointed by the same commission, shall be responsible for the registration of the registration provided for in Article 5 and shall proceed to form once the subsequent decision, within the period specified in Article 59, a list of registered scribes, for the purpose of forming the next Board of Directors, ADVISORY CHAPTER A) From the creation of new records ARTICLE 65. ! The National Executive Power may, for one time, create new registers in the Federal Capital, so that with the existing ones they reach the maximum number of 500, which will be provided in accordance with the provisions of the following articles.

Vacancies arising in these records, as well as those already in place and those created outside of those set out in the preceding paragraph, shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of article 19 Authorize the National Executive Branch to review the authorisations of records granted prior to the present Act and proceed to the award of vacancies in accordance with article 19.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 66. ! A quarter of the new registers will be granted to the scribes who, being currently attached to a registry of the Federal Capital, had not been associated with their holder until 1 January 1945 for the common exercise of their professional activity, participating each of them of the benefits and expenses of the office, regardless of the proportion in which such participation has been established.

It is considered to be included in this article to the subscribers who grant a participation in the fees of the deeds to their holder without being found in the same condition as the author, provided that they are not linked to the same for kinship of consanguinity within the fourth grade.

ARTICLE 67. ! The other three quarters shall be granted, as the registers are being established, to the graduated scribes at the national university, who are domiciled in the Federal Capital, provided they meet the following conditions:

(a) Not covered by the incompatibility of articles 7 (c), (e) and (g);

(b) To be enrolled in the registration of the Federal Capital;

(c) Have practiced scribes for a period not less than two years after obtaining the title;

(d) Having an immediate residence in the Federal Capital, prior to 1 January 1945, not less than two years;

(e) Not having renounced the status of holder or registration prior to 1 January 1945.

The exceptions set out in article 8 are applicable to the case.

ARTICLE 68. ! The provision of the new registers referred to in article 65 shall be made in accordance with the order of preference which, after the relevant call for registration, shall make a qualifier court designated by the Executive Power in the manner established by the regulation. ARTICLE 69. ! The preference referred to in the previous article shall be established, exclusively, on the merit of the following background:

I. Antiquity in the active exercise of the profession, to be determined:

(a) By the date of registration in the professional registration;

(b) For the exercise of the notarial function, either as a subscriber or as an enclosed scribe to scribes of the Federal Capital, or as an employee of them.

II. Institutional action related to the profession, linking to notary institutions and publication of work.

III. Reports on capacity, morality and conduct, issued by scribes of the Federal Capital on the basis of the action of the person concerned.

ARTICLE 70. ! The designation of the holder of a register, of those created in accordance with article 65, shall be without prejudice to the provisions of articles 1o, 2o, 3o, 4o, 5o, 7o and 15 to which the candidate must conform and satisfy previously. ARTICLE 71. ! Records created in accordance with article 65 of this Act shall operate and be subject to all provisions of the Act. ARTICLE 72. ! (Article Derogated by Article 2 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 73. ! (Article Derogated by Article 2 of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951). ARTICLE 74. ! Since the enactment of this Act, the Executive Power shall not create new records that do not conform to the provisions of articles 18, 65 and below. ARTICLE 75. ! Within thirty days of the promulgation of this law, the executive branch shall, for fifteen days, call for registration for the provision of the records referred to in article 65. ARTICLE 76. ! The qualification commission shall be established within the same period, which shall be issued within thirty days of the end of the registration and shall elevate the proceedings to the national executive branch, in which it shall have the creation of the necessary records and shall provide the same within thirty days. B) From the National Pension and Retirement Fund of the Notariat ARTICLE 77. ! (Article replaced by art. 65 of the Law No. 18.038 B.O. 10/1/1969. Vigilance: 1 January 1969). ARTICLE 78. ! The relevant provisions of Acts 1893, 1532, 2662, their amendments and all those opposed to the present are repealed. ARTICLE 79. ! Contact the Executive. J. Hortensio Quijano . Ricardo C. Guardo . Alberto H. Reales . Zavalla Carbó.


! Article 77, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 16,594 B.O. 4/12/1964; Article 12, replaced by art. 1st Decree-Law No. 12.454/57 B.O. 17/10/1957; Article 3, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951; Article 5, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951; Article 6 replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951; Article 12, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951; Article 18, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951; Article 19, replaced by art. 1st of the Act No. 14054 B.O. 16/10/1951;