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International Treaties Additional Protocol To The Trade Agreement Of 3 June 1933 Between Argentina And Chile - Full Text Of The Norm


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LEY N.o 12.634

Adopting the text of the Additional Protocol to the Trade Agreement of 3 June 1933, which is in force between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile.


The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force


Article 1. - Approve the text of the Additional Protocol to the Trade Agreement of 3 June 1933, which is in force between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile, signed in this Capital on 18 February 1938.

Art. 2. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, August 8, 1940.

Gustavo Figueroa
L. Zavalla Carbó

Registered under the No. 12.634

Buenos Aires, August 14, 1940.



Please enter the Official Gazette and register with the National Register.



To the Trade Agreement of 3 June 1933, in force between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile.

The President of the Argentine Republic and the President of the Repubica of Chile, encouraged by the desire to consolidate the traditional bonds of friendship and good-neighbourliness that exist between their respective countries, through the promotion of their trade and transport relations within the broadest spirit of cooperation, equality and reciprocity of interests, and, in order to complete and comply with the provisions of February 2, 1933 in the Act of Mendoza, on March 29,

His Excellency Mr. President of the Argentine Republic, Mr. Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship; and

His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic of Chile, Mr. Dr. Luis Barros Borgoño, his Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in the Argentine Republic; who, having exchanged their Plenum Powers, which were found in good and proper form, have agreed on the following provisions:


Both Governments agree with each other to agree on the unconditional and unlimited treatment of the most-favoured-nation nation for all matters relating to customs duties and all accessory rights, the mode of their perception, as well as for the regulatory provisions, formalities and any kind of cargo and charges to which customs operations are or may be subject.


The Government of the Republic of Chile grants the following customs treatment to the following Argentine products:

(a) Void

The cattle for slaughter in slaughterhouses will be held free of customs duties and additional by the railroad tracks Trasandino by Juncal and the loots of the Cordillera de Los Andes during the period from 1 July to 31 December each year and up to 60,000 heads.

The cattle that do not comply with the requirements set out in the preceding paragraph may be boarded by paying as the sole duty of customs, excluding any additional, as follows:

Free of rights if the harmonic average price of live kilogram of cattle, controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile, at trade fairs in Santiago, is more than $1.80 Chilean ordinary currency.

Right of $ 60.- ordinary currency for every ten cents or fraction, which lowers the harmonic price of $1.80 Chilean ordinary currency.

The scale would therefore be:

Average harmonic price higher than m$ch. 1,80 kilogram alive, free of rights;

Average harmonious price between m$ch. 1,71 and 1,80 kilogram alive, $ 60.- m/cte. per head;

Average harmonious price between m$ch. 1,61 and 1,70 kilogram alive, $ 120.- m/cte. per head, and so on.

The rights will be set by bimestres, taking the average price term in the month immediately prior to each bimestre.

(b) Livestock:

The current regime for the release of import duties for the sheep from Argentina that intervenes for the consumption of the territories of Aysen and Magallanes is consolidated.

(c) Winner :

The placement in Chile of pedigree cattle from Argentina will be free of customs rights, subject to the rules that, in common agreement and with the approval of both Governments, set the National Society of Agriculture of Chile and the Argentine Rural Society.

(d) Books:

All customs and additional duties and statistical rights shall be released in Chile:

1.o Unspecified books, pamphlets, printed or manuscripts, scientific, legal, industrial, historical and didactic journals, as well as magazines dedicated exclusively to fashion, without limitation of quantity;

2. The newspapers and magazines other than those already mentioned, recorded in bookstores to non-commercial individuals, in packages containing a single copy of each edition and not intended to be sold, and

3.o The commercial brochures and catalogues concerning articles of Argentine manufacture, which are intended to describe the goods, give indications about the use or indicate prices, even if such brochures and catalogues contain notices of reclaim.


The Government of the Argentine Republic grants the following customs treatment to the following Chilean products:

(a) Dry vegetables

Porotos, chickpeas, peas and lentils in grain and peel, of Chilean origin, will pay the specific rights set out below, without surcharge or additional:

Per kilo
$ o/s
Vessels and lentils in grains and peeled...............

(b) Wood:

Raulí woods, aerce, laurel, araucaria, maniú, ciprés, patagua, lingüe and coihué, in beams and boards and boards, will pay the specific rights listed below, without surcharge or additional:

Right $ o/s.
per m2.
In beams or rolls..............................
In boards or boards, without brushing....................................

In beams or rolls.................................
In boards or boards, without brushing....................................

Araucaria, maniú, ciprés, laurel, patagua, lingüe and cohiué:
In beams or rolls...
In boards or boards without brushing.....................................

Ready for the manufacture of duelas for helmets, raulí or
They will have a discount of 60% on liquidated rights, including the additional 10% in force or the tax that substitutes it.

(c) Ajos:
Garlics will pay a specific right of $ 0.0182 o/s.
kilo, no surcharge or extra.

(d) Sulphur:
The sulfur obtained by the Frasch system and similar (part 69 B) will pay a specific right, without surcharge of $ 0.002304 o/s. per kilo.

Note. - This tax shall be without prejudice to the additional 10% in force or to which it is replaced.

(e) Yodo:
Buy item number 3.131 bis; First raw Yode
sublimation up to 99.5 % purity:

Aforo: $ o/s. 3 per kilo, plus 60%. Rights: rights free and additional.

(f) Natural salitre, allumina sulfate to the natural state and gross talcum:
Free of rights and additional.

(g) Magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium sulfide and sodium hyposulfite:
Consolidate the customs and additional rights currently in force.


The Contracting Parties agree that the placement in one of the countries of the products of the other, particularly mentioned, and its circulation in the territory of the former, shall not be subject to any measures, fees, customs duties and additional liquidated, greater than those resulting from the application of the current Trade Agreement, which is subscribed in 1933, and of this Protocol, agreeing not to apply to such products other internal treatment, in the matter of tax, regulations and other regulations.


The provisions of Article 3 of the Trade Agreement dated 3 June 1933 shall apply to customs and additional rights established in this Additional Protocol.


If the relationship between the currencies of the two existing countries at the time when the advantages referred to in this Protocol have been agreed, it would have a fundamental variation, which, in the opinion of either of the two Governments, would alter the basis on which the latter had been agreed, it was stipulated that negotiations could be initiated with the purpose of realigning such facilities.


Both Governments undertake to provide all possible facilities to ensure that currency availability from the exchange between the two countries is used without restriction in the payment of the goods purchased by the other Contracting Party.


It is the purpose of both Governments to avoid the implementation of the exchange between the two countries, of measures such as export premiums or any other kind of sales compensation, which means an artificial price determination.


Both Governments undertake to enter into negotiations to conclude a Convention on Animal and Vegetal Health Police and another Convention on Transit and Tourism, which the Contracting Parties agree to implement within the shortest possible time.


The present Protocol shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedure of each High Contracting Party, shall have the same duration as the Trade Agreement of 3 June 1933 and shall be extended or denounced simultaneously and in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 13.

In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries mentioned above sign and seal the present Protocol, made in two copies of the same tenor that make equally faith, in the city of Buenos Aires, at the eighteen days of the month of February of the year thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight.