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School Libraries National School Library System And Educational Information Units - Full Text Of The Standard


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Law 26.917

National System of School Libraries and Educational Information Units.

Sanctioned: November 27, 2013

Enacted: January 9, 2014

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force


National System of School Libraries and Educational Information Units.

ARTICLE 1 — This Act aims to create the National System of School Libraries and Educational Information Units within the framework of the provisions of the National Education Act 26,206.

ARTICLE 2° — The Federal Council of Education will establish the integration of the System, having to be formed by the networks of School Libraries, School Archives, Documentation and Educational Information Centers, Pedagogical Libraries and School Museums, units dedicated to the management of information and knowledge and to the preservation of school heritage, within the educational system at their different levels and modalities, of state and private management, of all the provinces and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

ARTICLE 3° — The Ministry of Education of the Nation, through the National Library of Teachers Directorate, will be the authority to apply the present one with the coordination and articulation of the System, in accordance with existing jurisdictional agreements.

The coordination and articulation functions of the System will be carried out by the National Library of Teachers Directorate and will be the training and updating, technical assistance, monitoring and evaluation, and the development of technologies for the standardization and standardization of the System.

The national executive branch shall assign to the National Library of Teachers Directorate the necessary budgetary allocations for proper compliance with this law.

ARTICLE 4° — The purpose of the System is to generate actions for the integration of information units into properly managed networks in a cooperative framework of work, to guarantee to the actors of the educational community the equal opportunities and possibilities of access to information and the production of knowledge, in consensus with jurisdictional education policies.

These are the objectives of the System:

a. Establish and ensure the implementation of strategic policies and plans on information and knowledge management in the education system, framed within public policies and federal plans for economic, cultural, technical and scientific development to contribute to its strengthening.

b. Promote, together with jurisdictions, actions aimed at integrating the various information units into networks and subnets at the local, regional and national levels, to expand their resources through the exchange of productions and cooperative services.

c. Promote the integration, systematization, conservation, legal protection, defence and dissemination of educational heritage.

d. Promote, promote and optimize the ongoing development of library, archivist, museum and information services, in response to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the different communities that make up the educational system.

e. Promote institutional action lines aimed at encouraging critical and reflective reading in the information units of each educational community, as a way of understanding their past and present reality at the individual, social and cultural levels, in coordination with national and jurisdictional reading plans.

f. Generate actions aimed at broadening and deepening the competencies for the search, use, knowledge, evaluation and production of information in different formats and supports, as well as the ability to understand integral readership.

g. Promote the gradual professionalization and continuous training of the educational actors involved in the management of the above-mentioned information units.

h. Promote and promote sustainable policies for the formation of analogue and digital acquis with collections relevant to each information unit.

I. To promote the standardization of technical processing of materials in accordance with national and international standards and norms, which will allow the integration into federal, regional and international networks of the information units mentioned in this Act.

j. Preserve and organize qualitative, quantitative and legal, national and foreign educational documentation to meet the requirements of a specialized service of documentary advice to agencies responsible for the conduct and research of education at different levels.

ARTICLE 6° — The establishment or promotion of the information units referred to in this Act shall provide for the following conditions for their better functioning:

a. Possess a successful documentary relevant to its institutional specificity.

b. Organize funds according to the characteristics of the services and users of each information unit.

c. To have mechanisms to disseminate products, services and activities according to the needs and regulations of each of the networks and the educational information units that make them.

d. To have its own, adequate space, relevant furnishings, technological equipment and connectivity, according to the particularities of each information unit and the needs of each jurisdiction.

e. To have professional, technical and auxiliary personnel in line with the objectives to be met by each information unit.

ARTICLE 7° — The school libraries shall have the following conditions for proper functioning, according to the modality, the level, the enrolment and the number of sections of the school establishment to which they serve:

a. Possess bibliographic and special materials selected according to their specificity and institutional dimension.

b. Have school librarians and professional and technical staff.

c. Provide an adequate space for individual and group work, which allows the organization and sectorization of its various functions and services and the conduct of activities around reading, training of users, research and outreach to the community.

d. To have appropriate technological equipment and connectivity, to serve as a tool for the technical processing of the documentary fund through relevant software, as well as for the search, selection, evaluation and production of knowledge by the users of the educational community.

e. To be open to the educational community in every turn or day of the establishment covering the school hours.

ARTICLE 8° — The school archives must have the following conditions for proper functioning, according to the modality, the level, the enrolment and the number of sections of the school establishment to which they serve:

a. Have a documentary fund to recover the diversity and complexity of the educational memory of your school establishment.

b. To have specialized archives and technical and auxiliary personnel, in accordance with the objectives to be met by the school archives.

c. Provide an adequate space for the development of the various functions, activities and services of the archive.

d. To have appropriate technological equipment and connectivity, to serve as a tool for the technical processing of the documentary fund through relevant software, as well as for the search, description, selection, evaluation and production of knowledge by the users of the educational community.

e. Generate a dissemination service based on the needs of users and the community of the education system.

ARTICLE 9° — School museums should have the following conditions for proper functioning:

a. Count with historical material - pedagogical selected according to the institutional specificity.

b. To have professional staff specialized, technical and auxiliary according to the objectives to be met by school museums.

c. Have adequate and accessible spaces for consultation, teaching, research and exposure of your funds.

d. To have appropriate technological equipment and connectivity, to serve as a tool for the technical processing of the documentary fund through relevant software, as well as for the search, description, selection, evaluation and production of knowledge by the users of the educational community.

e. To be open to the community at appropriate times to the school.

f. Generate a dissemination service based on the needs of users and the community of the education system.

ARTICLE 10. - The documentation and educational information centres should have the following conditions for their proper functioning:

a. To have funds containing documentation and qualitative and quantitative information produced by the ministries of judicial education.

b. To have documentaries and technical and auxiliary staff in line with the objectives to be met by the documentation and educational information centres.

c. To have an adequate space with the infrastructure appropriate to the needs of its operation.

d. To have appropriate technological equipment and connectivity, to serve as a tool for the technical processing of the documentary fund through relevant software, as well as for the search, description, selection, evaluation and production of knowledge by the users of the educational community.

e. Generate a dissemination service based on the needs of users and the community of the education system.

ARTICLE 11. - The Pedagogical Libraries must have the following conditions for proper functioning:

a. Provide specialized materials to meet the training and updating needs of each educational community.

b. To have specialized librarians and technical and auxiliary staff in line with the objectives to be met by educational libraries.

c. Provide adequate space for the development of the various functions, activities and services.

d. Have appropriate technological equipment and connectivity to facilitate research and knowledge production processes.

ARTICLE 12. - Contact the Executive.



LOVE BOUDOU. - JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. — Juan H. Estrada. - Gervasio Bozzano.