Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Please note, for the sole time and exceptionally, on 28 June 2009 as the date for the elections of national deputies for the period 2009-2013 and, in the appropriate districts, for the elections of national senators for the period 2009-2015. ARTICLE 2 The national executive branch shall make the call to the electorate of the Argentine Nation for, at the date specified in article 1 of the Constitution, to elect national deputies and senators as appropriate to each district under article 54 of the National Electoral Code, approved by Law 19.945 (t.o. by Decree 2135 of 18 August 1983), its amendments and in accordance with this law. Article 3 The elections of national deputies and senators shall be held in accordance with the electoral system established in Title VII, Chapters II and III of the National Electoral Code, approved by Act No. 19.945 (t. by Decree No. 2135 of 18 August 1983), its amendments and this law, in accordance with the schedule that, as Annex I, is part of the present.For the purposes of the completion of the timetable, the national executive branch shall take the necessary measures for the organization and conduct of the elections at the established date.
ARTICLE 4 Invite the provinces whose constitutions permit, the convocation of provincial elections simultaneously with the nationals, for the purpose of shortening the campaigns and of lowering the respective costs. ARTICLE 5o Replace, for the only time, the provisions of article 53 last paragraph of the National Electoral Code, adopted by Law 19.945 (t.o. by Decree 2135 of 18 August 1983) and its amendments, for the election of deputies and national senators to be held on 28 June 2009. ARTICLE 6 For this one time, the application of the time limit provided for in article 26 of the National Electoral Code, approved by Law 19.945 (t.o. by Decree 2135 of 18 August 1983) and its amendments, replacing it with the timetable of Annex I. ARTICLE 7 This law shall govern from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. ARTICLE 8 Contact the national executive branch.DADA IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTISEIS DIAS OF THE MESSAGE OF THE YEAR DOS MIL NEW.
JULY C. C. COBOS. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
Annex I
Registration of voters (convocation 28 March) | 30 December 2008 | Art. 25 CEN |
Distribution and display of provisional lists | 14 April 2009 | This Law |
End term of claim of voters | 29 April 2009 | Art. 27 CEN |
End-of-term partnership | 28 April 2009 | Art. 10 of Law 23,298 |
Home Electoral Campaign Deputies and Senators | 29 April 2009 | Art. 64 bis CEN |
Deadline for the registration of candidates and the formalization of lists | 9 May 2009 | Art. 60 CEN |
Home media campaign | 27 May 2009 | Art. 64 ter CEN |
Distribution and display of pads | 29 May 2009 | Art. 29 CEN |
Presentation of ballots for officialization | 29 May 2009 | Art. 62 CEN |
Limit for the designation and location of tables | 29 May 2009 | Art. 77 CEN |
Limit for the designation of Board Authorities | 8 June 2009 | Art. 75 CEN |
Restriction advertising acts of government | 21 June 2009 | Art. 64 quater CEN |
Election Day | 28 June 2009 | This Law |