Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the COOPERATION FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT IN THE CHANGE OF SPACE ACTIVITIES TO ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND REPUBLIC DEL PERU, subscribed in Lima, REPUBLIC OF PERU, on 1 September 2006, consisting of CATORCE (14) articles, whose photocopy authenticated in Spanish is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE ONCE DAYS OF THE MARCH OF THE YEAR DOS MIL NEW.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
The Argentine Republic and the Republic of Peru, henceforth called "the Parties";
Taking into account the provisions of the "Basic Convention on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Peru" of 31 May 1974.
Wishing to give impetus to cooperation in the area of high technology and space between the two countries and recognizing their advantages and benefits.
Bearing in mind the terms of the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies", of 27 January 1967, to which both countries are party.
Article 1
The Parties shall promote cooperation in areas of mutual interest in the peaceful exploitation and use of outer space, in accordance with their respective existing laws and regulations and in the framework of the principles and norms developed by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
The Parties express the need to work in coordination with a view to the convergence of objectives in their respective space plans and recognize to that end the need to consider the possibility of establishing a Regional Space Agency.
Article 2
Cooperation under this Agreement shall cover the following areas:
1. Space science, space technology, Earth remote sensing using remote sensors and other space applications.
2. Development, construction and use of reception, monitoring, telemetry and remote sensing satellite control stations.
3. Development and integration of information exchange networks of space origin.
4. Development of joint satellite missions.
5. Launch services.
6. Training, training and exchange of scientific and technical staff in the area of space technology.
7. Participation in regional projects developed within the scope of the Institute of High Space Studies Mario Gulich, located at the Teofilo Tabanera Space Centre of the National Commission for Space Activities of the Argentine Republic (CONAE) in the province of Córdoba, Argentina.
8. Other areas to be agreed by Parties.
Article 3
The institutions responsible for the implementation of this Agreement are:
Regarding the Argentine Republic: the National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE)
Regarding the Republic of Peru: the National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development (CONIDA).
Article 4
The Main Execution Institutions shall identify, taking into account the areas of cooperation specified in Article 2, the topics of mutual interest and shall be responsible for the development of joint programmes or projects in the peaceful use of the ultrtaterrestrial space, using the available means and facilities.
Article 5
1. Each of the projects and programmes of space cooperation referred to in Article 4 shall be implemented through the signing of a specific Memorandum of Understanding among the Main Execution Institutions, in accordance with their specific competencies and those granted by this framework agreement and in accordance with the provisions of the respective national legislations. These Specific Memoranda of Understanding will detail the objectives, procedures for implementation and the individual and joint responsibilities of the Main Execution Institutions and other specific institutions to which the Memorandum is implemented for each project or programme.
2. The Main Execution Institutions shall be responsible for the costs of their activities in the implementation of the cooperation projects and programmes developed under this agreement. The Specific Understanding Memoranda mentioned in paragraph 1 may include financial agreements related to the implementation of a cooperation project.
3. For the implementation of the programmes or projects envisaged under the present Agreement, each Party shall confer on the other, in the event that it is not in a position to comply with its obligations on the grounds that it does not have the necessary equipment and services, the first option for the acquisition of goods and services, in accordance with the required standards in space and at market-related costs.
Article 6
1. The protection of intellectual property shall be governed by the laws and regulations of each Party, taking into account its obligations under the relevant international agreements, to which the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Peru are party.
2. Each Memorandum of Understanding may detail this protection, in the light of each project or programme developed under this Agreement.
Article 7
This Agreement shall not interfere with cooperation activities or with the fulfilment by any Party of obligations arising from agreements with other States or international agencies.
Article 8
The Parties, in accordance with their legislation, shall promote the entry and retention of experts from the other Party and shall make every effort to facilitate and accelerate the import and export of goods necessary for the implementation of cooperation programmes.
Article 9
Any dispute concerning the interpretation and/or implementation of this Agreement arising from its implementation shall be resolved by diplomatic means through consultation between the Parties.
Article 10
Any modification shall be made by mutual consent of the Parties, through diplomatic channels, which shall be consistent with the objectives of the Agreement.
Article 11
Data and technical information obtained through cooperation shall be shared by Parties and shall not be disclosed or transferred without the written consent of the other Party.
Article 12
This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of receipt of the last written notification in which one Party shall communicate to the other, by diplomatic means, the fulfilment of the respective requirements required by its respective domestic legal systems necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement.
Article 13
This Agreement shall last for five (05) years. From that time on, it will be automatically extended for annual periods, unless denounced by one of the Parties.
Article 14
This Agreement may be denounced by any Party through diplomatic notification. Its effects will cease six (06) months after the receipt of the said notification. The complaint shall not affect the programmes and projects under implementation, except when the Parties agree otherwise.
Made in the City of Lima, the first day of September 2006, in two original copies in Spanish, both being equally authentic.