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Registration Of Civil Status And Capacity Of Persons Of Origin, Alteration Or Modification Of The Civil Status And Capacity Of Persons - Updated Text Of The Norm


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REGISTRATION OF THE CIVIL STATE AND CAPACITY OF PERSONS Law 26.413 Please note that all acts or acts of origin, alteration or modification of the civil state and the capacity of persons must be registered in the corresponding registers of the provinces, the Nation and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Sanctioned: September, 10 of 2008. Promulgated of Fact: October, 1st 2008.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:


General provisions

ARTICLE 1 All acts or acts of origin, alteration or modification of the civil state and the capacity of the persons must be registered in the corresponding registers of the provinces, the Nation and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

It corresponds to the Civil Status Registry and Capacity of Persons, to provide the necessary data for the development of vital statistics, relating to births and deaths, deaths of children under one year, fetal deaths, marriages, divorces, affiliations and adoptions.

ARTICLE 2 The Registry of Civil Status and Capacity of Persons will be organized by the provincial governments and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will be in charge of a general director, who will have the title of attorney.

Article 3 In the centres where there are no public officials in charge of registration, the general management will assign such a character to the local officials and/or create mobile offices, which will be responsible for the registration of the acts and acts committed by this agency.

ARTICLE 4 When, in order to comply with the emerging obligations of this Act, the assistance of the public force must be required, the public registrar is empowered to require it.


Registration systems

ARTICLE 5o The Register will be carried by a seat in a book that can be made up of numbered single folios that safeguard the security requirements, from which a copy will be taken either in manual form, micro- film, computer file or other similar system. This copy must be subscribed by the public official. The original and the copy thus obtained shall be of public instrument, as well as the photocopies to items issued on the basis of such original seats or copies thereof. The items shall be authenticated by competent authority. Births, marriages, death or incapacity shall be recorded in separate books, without prejudice to the fact that, by administrative means, others are available for the seat of events whose registration is necessary.

ARTICLE 6 Registrations will be recorded in books with printed texts, and the pages will be fixed and numbered correlatively. Of each volume, an alphabetical index shall be made in which all the inscriptions shall be recorded, taking for effect the first letter of the surname of the inscribed; in the marriages the surname of each spouse separately; and in the deaths of a married woman, the maiden name.

ARTICLE 7 The last working day of each year, or the last day of the year on the birth, marriage or death guards, the registration books will be closed, certifying the corresponding public official, at the end of them the number of inscriptions and useful and unused pages they contain. They will be copied in the form set out in Article 5. The original must remain in the general direction and copy it in a different place.

ARTICLE 8 If the original copy or copy referred to in Article 5 is lost or destroyed in whole or in part, the general address will immediately provide a copy of the backup of the computer file or the copy that remains as appropriate, by signing the registration by the competent public official. If the two copies are extracted or destroyed in whole or in part, the general director shall immediately give an account of the fact to the competent judge, without prejudice to which he shall have all the measures for the reconstruction of the destroyed or lost registrations, using the evidence to be recorded in public or private distributions. The dates for the destroyed or lost copies will also be published, so that the interested parties or their beneficiaries can collaborate in the task of reconstruction by providing the data they work in their possession.

Article 9 The books, microfilms, computer files or other similar system adopted may not be delivered to any person. A legitimate interest must be credited to third parties. The competent authority responsible for its custody shall be responsible for the destruction or loss of the same, if it is attributable to it.



ARTICLE 10. Registrations shall be registered, one after the other, in numerical and chronological order, and must be subscribed by the public official and the intervening, after reading their text to the legitimately concerned and display, if requested. If any of the summons does not know or cannot sign, another person must do so on his behalf, leaving proper record. In this case, identity shall be credited as set out in article 18, subject to the printing of the right thumb of the person at the foot of the record.

ARTICLE 11. Inscriptions may be used abbreviations and gloves with the exception of essential data, which should be disclosed in full.

ARTICLE 12. No scratches can be made and the amendments, tested and between lines will be saved before signing, by fist and letter, by the public officer involved.

ARTICLE 13. Inscriptions may not include inappropriate or undeclared statements under the law.

ARTICLE 14. Public officials may not authorize registrations relating to their relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity. They shall be replaced by the Legal Subrogant and, in the absence of the latter, by a designated official.

ARTICLE 15. Registered an inscription, it may not be modified except by resolution or provision of competent authority.

ARTICLE 16. In order to register registrations on behalf of another person, the person ' s office must be credited by an appropriate document, the characteristics of which will be determined by each general address, which will be signed by the public official and signed by the representative.

ARTICLE 17. When a registration is suspended, the cause of the suspension will be expressed and a new reference notes will be made to continue.

ARTICLE 18. Inscriptions should include the name, surname, address and national identity card number of any interested party.

If any of them lack the latter one will be recorded by adding their age and nationality, having to sign the registration DOS (2) witnesses who possess it and testify about the identity of the latter. The printing of the right thumb of the undocumented will also be recorded.

ARTICLE 19. Where the public official is not able to register an inscription, for failing to meet the legal requirements, the person concerned shall be given a record of the submission and the relevant consultation with the general address for its final resolution shall be formulated immediately.

ARTICLE 20. If the public official were aware of the existence of an act that must have been registered and was not within the legal term, he would immediately inform the general direction, for the purposes provided for in articles 87 and 89 of this Act.

ARTICLE 21. Any document that serves as the basis for registering or modifying a registration must be filed under the registration number.

ARTICLE 22. The documentation that has served as the basis for registration must be kept in full. The one that is not essential for its validity may be destroyed by a resolution or provision of the general direction; the time of its conservation shall be fixed by the regulation not being able to be this less than CINCO (5) years.



ARTICLE 23. The testimonies, copies, certificates, family booklets or any other documents issued by the general address and/or its units corresponding to registrations registered in their books or copies referred to in Article 5, and which bear the signature of the public official and stamp of the respective office, are public instruments and create the legal presumption of the truth of their content in the terms prescribed by the Civil Code. This documentation may not be retained by judicial or administrative authority or by private entities or persons, having to be limited to registering or certifying, by any means, the content thereof, for the purposes to which it may take place. The only exception to this provision shall be the reference to the act of identification, in which the birth certificate may be retained by the National Register of Persons to establish the individual registration of the person identified.

ARTICLE 24. No record extracted from another record, except for the documents issued by the National Register of Persons, in exercise of their powers, of the civil status and capacity of persons, shall be valid in the trial.


Reference notes

ARTICLE 25. Any modification of the contents of the registrations shall be subscribed by the public official, and shall be recorded by reference note, correlating it with its background. The relevant communications should be made to the general, provincial and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, where the seat of origin is registered within the period of VEINTE (20) working days.


Family Books

ARTICLE 26. The Register of Civil Status and Capacity of Persons where the marriage origin of the family concerned has been celebrated or registered, shall issue numbered family books of which there shall be only one type, without distinction of categories. Its text will be established by the general direction, and the marriage seat, the birth of the children of the marriage and the death of the children must be included in its content. No notebooks will be delivered in which the marriage of their holders has not been established.



ARTICLE 27. They will register for birth books:

a. All that occur in the territory of the Nation. Such registration shall be registered with the public official corresponding to the place of birth;

b. Those whose registration is ordered by a competent judge;

c. Those that occur on Argentine flagships or aircraft before the public official of the first Argentinian port or airport of arrival. Those occurring in places under national jurisdiction;

d. New registrations as a result of adoption;

e. Recognition.

Once the birth is registered in the Registry of the Civil Status and Capacity of Persons, it must be informed by the competent registration authority to the National Register of Persons (RENAPER) within the maximum period of seven (7) days.

(Article replaced by Article 14 of the Act No. 27,611 B.O. 15/01/2021)

ARTICLE 28. The registration of births with parental intervention shall be carried out within the maximum period of CUARENTA (40) days from the day of birth. Once the deadline has expired, you will register on your own within the maximum period of VEINTE (20) days. In the event of births occurring outside medical-administrative establishments without medical intervention, the general direction may, by reasoned disposition or resolution, admit registration when there are causes that are justified in a fruitful manner, up to the maximum period of UN (1) year, after the intervention of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

ARTICLE 29. s Once the deadlines set out in article 28 have expired, the registration may be effected by an administrative decision, for which the following orders must be fulfilled:

a. Negative birth registration certificate issued by the Civil Registry of the place of birth;

b. Certificate issued by official doctor determining age and alleged date of birth;

c. Report of the National Register of Persons where the person whose birth is intended to be registered is identified, registered or enrolada, determining by which instrument his birth was justified; or, where appropriate, a certificate of pre-identification, in which it is stated that with the data provided by the person and the biometric information obtained, they do not record registration in the said body; and

d. Statement under oath of two (2) witnesses regarding the place and date of birth, and the name and surname with which the person is publicly known.

In the event of the failure to meet the precautions set out in the preceding paragraphs, or if the request for registration has been refused at administrative headquarters, the request must be made through a court ruling. In such cases, the judge or the judge may avail himself of other evidence which he deems appropriate to require on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of registration of minors, the Public Prosecutor ' s Office of the jurisdiction concerned shall be given prior intervention.

(Article replaced by Article 15 of the Act No. 27,611 B.O. 15/01/2021)

ARTICLE 30. They are obliged to notify the birth immediately, referring to the place ' s civil registry the birth certificate, with the characteristics provided for in articles 33 and 34:

(a) Directors, administrators, or person designated by competent authority of the care facility, hospices, prisons or other similar public or private management establishments, with respect to births occurring therein;

(b) The authority responsible for keeping the record of the events that occurred on board, referred to in article 27 (c), by means of certified copy of aborting book that must be submitted to the civil record of the first Argentinian port or airport of arrival, within the CINCO (5) business days.

ARTICLE 31. They are required to apply for birth registration:

(a) The father and/or the mother;

(b) In the absence of them, direct relatives of the mother or spouse in the first degree ascending or collateral;

(c) The Public Prosecutor ' s Office for Children in the case of newborns who had been exposed.

ARTICLE 32. The fact of birth will be proved:

(a) Births occurring in public or private medical care facilities, with a medical certificate containing the characteristics of articles 33 and 34 of this law, which is signed by the doctor, obstetrician or health officer authorized for the purpose of childbirth;

(b) Births occurring outside medical care, with medical care, in the same way as the previous one;

(c) Births occurring outside medical care establishment, without medical care, with medical certificate issued by public medical care establishment with determination of presumed age and sex, and, where appropriate, a medical certificate of the mother ' s puerperal status and the evidence that the local authority determines. In addition, the DOS declaration (2) witnesses that prove the place of birth in the jurisdiction in question, the state of gravitation of the mother and have seen the newborn alive, those who will sign the birth certificate.

ARTICLE 33. For the purpose of completing the identification described in the previous article, the general addresses must implement a form, prenumerated, called "Medical Birth Certificate" in which it will consist:

(a) Mother's name; surname, type and number of national identity card, age, nationality, domicile, right thumb print;

(b) The newborn: name with which it will be registered, sex, gestational age, birth weight and right plant print if the birth has been alive;

(c) Type of delivery: simple, double or multiple;

(d) Name, surname, signature, seal and registration of the medical or obstetrician professional or the authorized health officer attending the birth;

(e) Date, time and place of birth and preparation of the form;

(f) Data from the medical care facility: full name and address;

(g) Observations.

ARTICLE 34. Local governments will provide to the general civil registry directorates the forms of medical birth certificates, pre-numbered and compiling in their structure and printing the safety requirements that guarantee their inviolability, for referral to civil records. General addresses will take control of their use.

ARTICLE 35. If at the time of childbirth the mother will not present a document that proves her identity, she will have to do so when she is discharged. If you do not submit it at that time, you must register it in the medical certificate form.

ARTICLE 36. The registration must include:

(a) The name, surname and sex of the newborn;

(b) Locality and province, time, day, month and year of birth;

(c) The name and surname of the father and the mother or, in the case of children of same-sex marriages, the name and surname of the mother and her spouse, and type and number of the respective identity documents. In the event that the latter are lacking, age and nationality shall be recorded, a circumstance to be credited with the statement of DOS (2) witnesses of knowledge, duly identified who will sign the record; (Incision replaced by art. 36 of the Act No. 26,618 B.O. 22/7/2010)

(d) Name, surname, document and address of the declarant;

(e) The number of the national identity document of the inscription will be recorded.

ARTICLE 37. In the case provided for in article 31 (c), birth registration shall be registered by a court order, with the place of birth in which it was found and as the date on which the forensic medical report is determined.

ARTICLE 38. If it is an extramarital child, there will be no mention of the father unless he recognizes him before the public official.

ARTICLE 39. If more than one living child is born from the same birth, the births will be recorded in separate and correlative inscriptions, with each showing that other creatures were born from that birth.

ARTICLE 40. If the medical certificate arises that it is a fetal death, the inscription in the book of death shall be recorded; if it arises that it is born with life, even if it dies immediately, both facts shall be recorded in the books of births and deaths, respectively.



ARTICLE 41. Any recognition shall be recorded in a record, in a special book, with the requirements prescribed in Article 36, with reference notes in the same and in the birth certificate. Recognition may be registered at the place where the recognisant is located.

ARTICLE 42. If the birth is not registered, the public official shall communicate the recognition within TEN (10) working days to the general address, for the purposes of the registration of office or of article 81 if applicable.

ARTICLE 43. The public instruments containing recognitions of children will be forwarded to the general address, within the time of TEN (10) working days for registration.

ARTICLE 44. In the case of article 286 of the Civil Code, the public official shall communicate the certificate of recognition to the competent bodies established by Law 26.061.

ARTICLE 45. Successful recognitions of the same person may not be registered, for alleged same-sex parents.

Where more than one civil registration has been made of the same person ' s certificate of recognition, for alleged same-sex parents in the birth books where the minor is registered, only the first recognition shall be registered, with the competent judicial authority being intervened and the decision adopted by the parties concerned shall be informed.

ARTICLE 46. Recognition may not be recorded in isolation unless requested by a competent authority. A record of correlation with the birth certificate shall be granted if requested by the person who credits legitimate interest.



ARTICLE 47. Simple adoptions as well as their annulments and revocations shall be inscribed by reference note regarding birth registrations, transcribing the operative part of the judgement, place, date, intervening court and document card.

ARTICLE 48. In cases of full adoptions, the original birth certificate will be immobilized by marginal note and a new birth registration will be carried out in the respective books with all the data collected from article 36.

In the original seat, the provision or trade ordering the new registration, in accordance with the regulations in force in each jurisdiction, is recorded the birth by the adopters, if possible.

ARTICLE 49. The registration referred to in the previous article shall be made in the registry in which the original birth registration is found. Once completed, the new seat may be registered at the place of the residence of the adopters, adding to the office that orders it, copy of the original registration immobilized and with transcription of the car that orders the new registration.

ARTICLE 50. The testimony of the adoption decision, in order to guarantee the identity and identification of the minor, must contain the following:

(a) Name and name of origin and sex of the adopted;

(b) Place, day, hour, month and year of birth;

(c) Name, surname and address of the adopters and the number of their respective identity documents;

(d) Number of minutes or registration, folio, book, place and year, including the birth of the adopted person and the number of the national identity document;

(e) Name and surname of the adopted person;

(f) Names and surnames of the adopted parents;

(g) Indication on whether adoption is full or simple.



ARTICLE 51. Marriage books will be registered:

(a) All matters before the competent authority in the territory of the Nation;

(b) Those whose registration is ordered by a competent judge;

(c) Decisions on nullity, personal separation, divorce and judicially communicated reconciliations. Such inscriptions shall be made by reference note in the respective marriage record;

(d) Those held by judicial officials in the case of article 196, part two of the Civil Code;

(e) The celebrated in extremis carried out by captains of the ships and aircraft of Argentine flag, settling before the public official of the first Argentine port or airport of arrival.

ARTICLE 52. The matrimonium will be held in the form set out in the Civil Code, and the contras must be provided with the necessary documentation before the competent authority to hold it, in advance of the respective regulations. If the previous marriage has been dissolved by divorce to link, nullity or in the case provided for in article 213 (2) of the Civil Code, the nuptial ability must be credited with testimony of the duly referenced record. If any of the spouses were widowed, or their spouse had been declared absent for presumption of death, or for enforced disappearance, he or she must accompany the testimony of the death record or the sentence handed down in respect of his or her previous spouse, as well as a marriage certificate.


Distance marriage section

ARTICLE 53. Write a book or record of "Reception of Consent for Distance Marriage" in which the consent to be received shall be disclosed in accordance with article 173 of the Civil Code. These books shall contain printed texts and shall be governed by articles 5, 6, 8 and 9 of this Act.

ARTICLE 54. The registration referred to in the preceding article shall contain:

(a) Place and date of granting;

(b) In respect of the applicant: name, surname and national identity card number, if he has been, age, nationality, domicile and place of birth, profession, names and surnames of his parents; his nationalities, if he has been or has not been married before, and if so the name and surname of his former spouse, the place of marriage and the cause of its dissolution;

(c) With regard to the person with whom he or she is to marry, equal data to those required in subparagraph (b) of this article;

(d) The venue for the marriage;

(e) The cause that prevents him from personal concurrence to the act of marriage, which must be faithfully proven by the record;

(f) The full and free statement that it wishes to take by husband or wife the person referred to in subparagraph (c);

(g) The term of validity; of the record that certifies the consent of the absentee is NOVENTA (90) days from the date of its granting.

ARTICLE 55. Where, in the opinion of the public official, the person who intends to grant the consent to enter into a distant marriage may be covered by the impediments set out in article 166, paragraphs 5, 8 and 9 of the Civil Code, the civil servant shall refuse to receive the consent, giving the person concerned the refusal to appeal to the competent judge.

ARTICLE 56. When the future contracting person does not have the legal age to marry, he must present the corresponding testimony of the legal dispensation of age, which must be recorded in the record referred to in article 54, adding to the myth certified copy of that testimony and filing the original.

ARTICLE 57. Where the future is a minor, it shall comply with the act by which it consents with the provisions of article 187 (2) of the Civil Code, unless it states that it shall do so at the time of the marriage, of which the public official shall record in the record referred to in article 54 of this Act.

ARTICLE 58. Where a marriage is to be held in accordance with article 174 of the Civil Code, the future of the civil law shall present the documentation that proves the consent of the absentee referred to in article 173 of the aforementioned rule, and the public official must verify that the submission is made in the legal time provided for by the same and meets the formal requirements and that the persons concerned are not affected by the legal impediments to the marriage, in which case the competent court shall be responsible.



ARTICLE 59. Inscribed on death books:

(a) All that occur in the territory of the Nation;

(b) All those whose registration is ordered by competent judge;

(c) Judgements of absence with presumption of death;

(d) Sentences declaring the enforced disappearance of persons;

(e) Those that occur on Argentine flag ships or aircraft, before the public official of the first Argentine port or airport of arrival;

(f) Whatever happens in places under national jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 60. Within the DOS (2) working days of death, registration must be made to the public official corresponding to the place where the death occurred. After this period and up to the maximum time limit of SESENTA (60) days may be authorized by a decision or provision of the general direction, when there are substantial grounds. The registration period must be ordered in court.

ARTICLE 61. They are required to apply for death registration:

(a) The spouse of the deceased, his descendants, his or her ascendants, his or her relatives, and in default of them, any person who has seen the body or in whose domicile the death occurred;

(b) Hospital administrators, prisons, or any other public or private establishment, with respect to the deaths occurring therein;

(c) The authority responsible for keeping the record of the events that occurred on board referred to in article 59, subparagraph (e), by copying the registration to be made within the DOS (2) business days after arrival at the first Argentine port or airport.

ARTICLE 62. The fact of the death shall be proved by the death certificate extended by the doctor who had assisted the deceased in his last illness and, in the absence of him, by another doctor or health officer authorized to do so, who personally has found the death and its causes and that of the obstetrics in the case of article 40.

The death certificate issued by a health officer shall be certified by the health authority of the respective jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 63. The registration must contain as far as possible:

(a) First name, last name, sex, nationality, royal residence, type and number of identity documents of the deceased. In the absence of the submission of this document, it shall proceed as provided for in article 46 of Law 17.671. ;

(b) Place, day, hour, month and year in which the death and cause of death occurred;

(c) Name and surname of parents;

(d) Place and date of birth;

(e) Name and surname and registration number of the professional who issued the death certificate.

ARTICLE 64. The medical death certificate must be extended from fist and letter, signed and sealed by the intervening professional, with an indication of the public or private establishment where the death occurred if applicable.

As far as possible it must contain:

(a) The name and surname of the deceased;

(b) Place and date of birth;

(c) Sex;

(d) Nationality;

(e) Royal residence;

(f) Type and number of national identity documents of the deceased.

It should be indicated whether these circumstances consist of their own or third-party knowledge.

The professional will also certify the immediate, mediate and original cause of death, or its impossibility for lack of knowledge, place, day, time, month and year in which the death occurred, stating the name, surname and registration number of the professional who subscribes it and place, date and time of issuance of the certificate.

If the professional has the impossibility of knowing the original cause of death, this circumstance must be expressly stated in the certificate.

If the identity of the deceased is unknown, the medical certificate must contain the largest number of data leading to its identification.

ARTICLE 65. The medical certificate must meet in its structure and printing the safety requirements that guarantee its inviolability, and must be provided by local governments. The general address should create and keep an update of signatures of registered doctors or health agents enabled to extend death certificates.

ARTICLE 66. If the identity of the deceased and the competent judicial authority are ignored, it shall be subsequently checked, communicated to the general direction for a supplementary registration, with reference notes in one and another.

ARTICLE 67. The license of inhumation or cremation shall be issued by the public official of the Civil Registry, having before it the act of death, unless otherwise issued by competent authority.

ARTICLE 68. In order to authorize the burial or cremation of a body the owner of the cemetery or crematorium in his case, he shall require a licence of inhumation or cremation issued by the authority of the Civil Registry of the locality where the death occurred. In the same way it will be done when the transfer of bodies to another location is required for inhumation or cremation.

ARTICLE 69. When they measure reasons of urgency or practical impossibility to register a death, the corresponding license shall be extended provided that the death certificate has been certified. Registration will be registered within the DOS (2) business days following the granting of the license.

ARTICLE 70. When the death has occurred on a traumatic basis, the competent judicial authority shall take action, which shall have the temporary or final destination of the remains, and must communicate this circumstance by means of office with transcription of the order, to the Civil Registry for the subsequent issuance of the corresponding license.

ARTICLE 71. If the medical certificate or other circumstances arise suspicion that the death would have occurred as a result of an unlawful act, the public official shall notify the judicial or police authority and shall not issue the respective licence until the competent judicial authority has issued it.

ARTICLE 72. When the death is the result of illness that concerns the state of health, the public official shall immediately notify the competent authority of this circumstance by granting the inhumation leave.


Document of strange jurisdiction

ARTICLE 73. The strange jurisdiction exceeds the territorial scope of the general direction to which the document is intended to be registered.

ARTICLE 74. Inscriptions of documents of strange jurisdiction shall be recorded in special books that, to that end, enable the general direction, conferring all the data they contain. No documents that are not properly legalized by competent authority shall be registered.

ARTICLE 75. Registrations in the books of strange jurisdiction may not be modified without previously being in their jurisdiction of origin.

ARTICLE 76. If the document to be registered was written in a foreign language, it should be accompanied by its corresponding translation into the national language, which should be done by a properly registered public translator.

ARTICLE 77. Marriage certificates and their dissolution judgements in other countries may be registered, provided that they conform to the legal provisions in force, both in respect of their extrinsic formalities and intrinsic validity. This registration shall be ordered by a competent judge, subject to the general address.


Judicial resolutions

ARTICLE 78. All court decisions that give rise to, alter or modify the civil status or capacity of persons shall be referred to the Registry of origin of registration for registration. In all cases, the judges, before sentencing, must be brought to the appropriate general direction. Civil registries shall not take account of the court rulings which only declare identi- give of person without ruling on the true name and/or surname thereof.

ARTICLE 79. When these relate to already registered inscriptions, the offices or testimonies shall contain the operative part of the resolution, specifying full names, office, book, year, folio and record of the inscription to which they are referred. It shall be taken note of it, conferring on the relevant part of the judicial resolution, date, petitions, court and secretariat in which they have processed.

ARTICLE 80. Where the court ruling relates to acts or acts in the civil status of persons, which are not registered, the operative part of the court shall be recorded in the form of registration, with all the requirements that the latter must contain, with the date, the orders, the court and the secretariat in which they have processed.

ARTICLE 81. For the purposes of registration of birth outside of term and of the preparation of the respective record, the judge shall communicate by office the corresponding registry, with transcription of the ordering of the measure the data set forth in article 35 of the present, as soon as possible.

ARTICLE 82. The sentence declaring absence with presumption of death shall be recorded in the death books in the form set out in article 63. Those who declare the appearance of the absentee are noted as a reference note to those.


Registration rate

ARTICLE 83. The general address shall examine the legality of the extrinsic forms of documents whose registration is requested or ordered, regardless of their origin, taking into account what results from them and from the respective seats, rejecting those who suffer from vices that could determine the sanction of absolute nullity and manifesting or formulating the observations that the documentation merits, setting a time limit for its termination, at the place of origin.


Modification of registrations

ARTICLE 84. Inscriptions may only be amended by court order, except for exceptions provided for in this Act. In all cases, before issuing a ruling, the judges must give the appropriate general direction. In the respective proceedings the competent judge shall determine the local jurisdiction of the petitioner ' s home or the place where the original registration is located. The procedure will be summary with the intervention of the Public Prosecutor ' s Office.

ARTICLE 85. The general direction when it checks the existence of omissions or material errors in the inscriptions of its books, which are evident from the text itself or from its collection with other public instruments, may, on his or her own initiative or at the request of the interested party, order the modification of such inscriptions prior to legal opinion and through a well-founded decision or provision.

ARTICLE 86. In all cases where judicial intervention is necessary to register registrations or to modify those existing in the registry books, the general management is empowered to promote the corresponding actions.

ARTICLE 87. When the Director-General provides for the initiation of judicial proceedings to annul an inscription, he or she shall order that a copy of it is not issued in the future and until the final resolution, except by court order, and a reference note should be placed in the inscription.


Inscriptions of incapacity

ARTICLE 88. A special book will be registered in the general direction of any act or legal act that modifies the capacity of individuals.

ARTICLE 89. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Nation ' s substantive laws, the acts referred to in this chapter will not have any effect on third parties but from the date of registration.


Registration of emancipations by age empowerment.

ARTICLE 90. Public instruments and judicial offices relating to age-enabled emancipation shall be inscribed in a special book that will in effect lead the general direction.


Sanctions - Responsibilities

ARTICLE 91. Any person who does not commit a crime contravenes this law by doing what it prohibits, omitting what orders or preventing another from complying with its precepts, shall be punished with a fine whose amount, authority of application and procedure, establishes local regulation.

ARTICLE 92. Public officials are civilly responsible for the damages caused to third parties for breach of the provisions of this Act, without prejudice to the criminal or disciplinary liability.


Coordinating Agency

ARTICLE 93. Créase the Federal Council for Civil Status Registers and Capacity of Persons of the Argentine Republic, which will be composed of the general directors of all provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and by a representative of the National Register of Persons.

It will aim:

(a) Link the functional relationship of all civil records in the country;

(b) To promote the exchange of experiences among all general directions;

(c) Establish and unify criteria for the interpretation and implementation of the legislation in force in the field of registration;

(d) To act as a link in relations with the National Register of Persons and national and international agencies that are linked to their activity;

(e) To promote the creation of the civil registrar’s career

Mechanisms for the organization, functioning, administration and designation of authorities, among others, will be determined by the majority of its members in general assembly.

ARTICLE 94. Expenditures resulting from the operation of the Federal Council for the Registry of Civil Status and Capacity of Persons of the Argentine Republic shall be financed by the National Register of Persons.

ARTICLE 95. Default of Decree Law 8204/63.

ARTICLE 96. Contact the Executive.



JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.