Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies
of the Argentine Nation gathered
in Congress, etc.
forcefully sanctioned
ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the agreement by CANJE of news between the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the ITALIAN REPUBLIC on the ESTABLISHMENT OF A " LOCAL TECHNICAL UNITY", signed in Buenos Aires by Notes of 18 January and 11 February 2005, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.DADA IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE ONCE DAYS OF THE APRIL YEAR DOS MIL SIETE.
ALBERTO BALESTRINI. . JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
Ludosciatore dè´¸Italy in Argentina
Buenos Aires, 18 Gen 2005
I have the honour to address V.E. with reference to the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic signed in Rome on 30 September 1986 and in force since 3 December 1987.
In order to strengthen the coordination of the cooperation activities of the Italian Government, I propose to you, as a supplementary agreement to the Convention, to adopt the following text:
1. The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Argentine Republic agree that the General Directorate for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, use in the city of Buenos Aires a "Local Technical Unit" (UTL), henceforth called "office", which will assume responsibility for the coordination of all technical cooperation projects developed in accordance with the above-mentioned Convention, in order to ensure their efficient management and avoid duplication.
2. The office will have the following functions:
(a) To coordinate all cooperation programmes under the Convention;
(b) Monitoring technical cooperation activities in the country where the DGCS is directly or indirectly involved;
(c) execute the technical cooperation actions entrusted to it by the DGCS.
3. Commitments assumed by the Italian Government:
(a) To assume all office installation and operation costs;
(b) To cover the costs of specialists sent on mission to carry out the tasks of the office, as well as for local specialists recruited for the office.
4. Commitments assumed by the Government of the Argentine Republic:
(a) To exempt the material supplied for the office on behalf of the Government of the Italian Republic of consular duties, import and export duties and other charges, and to ensure that the material passes by customs without delay;
(b) To apply, for the purchase of materials and location or contracting of services by the office, and related to the development of programmes or to the operation of the office, exemptions established by law 23.905, Title X, or in which it replaces or complements it;
(c) To grant specialists and experts sent to work in the office, and family members living with them all the rights agreed to in the Technical Cooperation Convention of 30 September 1986.
5. The material supplied or purchased for the office, including vehicles, will be owned by the Local Technical Unit (UTL).
6. The present Agreement shall be valid for three years and shall be automatically extended for the same period unless it is reported in writing by one of the Parties six months before the end of the period.
If the above is acceptable to the Government of the Argentine Republic, this note and the reply of Your Excellency, in which you agree to the Government, shall constitute an Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last of the notifications by which the parties shall report, by diplomatic means, the performance of the respective internal procedures for this purpose.
I find the opportunity to greet you with my highest and most distinguished consideration.
Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship
Buenos Aires, 11/2/2005
A S.E. Mr. Ambassador of the Italian Republic
Roberto NIGIDO
Good men.Mr. Ambassador:
I have the honour to address you with reference to your Note of 18 January 2005, which reads:
"Mr. Minister:
I have the honour to address V.E. with reference to the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic signed in Rome on 30 September 1986 and in force since 3 December 1987.
In order to strengthen the coordination of the cooperation activities of the Italian Government, I propose to you, as a supplementary agreement to the Convention, to adopt the following text:
1. The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Argentine Republic agree that the General Directorate for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, use in the city of Buenos Aires a "Local Technical Unit" (UTL), henceforth called "office", which will assume responsibility for the coordination of all technical cooperation projects developed in accordance with the above-mentioned Convention, in order to ensure their efficient management and avoid duplication.
2. The office will have the following functions:
(a) To coordinate all technical cooperation programmes under the Convention;
(b) Monitoring technical cooperation activities in the country in which DGCS is directly or indirectly involved;
(c) to execute technical cooperation actions entrusted to it by the DGCS
3. Commitments assumed by the Italian Government:
(a) To assume all office installation and operation costs;
(b) To cover the costs of specialists sent on mission to carry out the tasks of the office, as well as for local specialists recruited for the office.
4. Commitments assumed by the Government of the Argentine Republic:
(a) To exempt the material supplied for the office on behalf of the Government of the Italian Republic of consular duties, import and export duties and other charges, and to ensure that the material passes by customs without delay;
(b) To apply, for the purchase of materials and location or contracting of services by the office, and related to the development of programmes or to the operation of the office, exemptions established by law 23.905, Title X, or in which it replaces or complements it;
(c) To grant specialists and experts sent to work in the office, and family members living with them all the rights agreed to in the Technical Cooperation Convention of 30 September 1986.
5. The material supplied or purchased for the office, including vehicles, will be owned by the Local Technical Unit (UTL).
6. The present Agreement shall be valid for three years and shall be automatically extended for the same period unless it is reported in writing by one of the Parties six months before the end of the period.
If the above is acceptable to the Government of the Argentine Republic, this Note and the reply of Your Excellency, in which you agree to the Government, shall constitute an Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last of the notifications by which the parties shall report, by diplomatic means, the performance of the respective internal procedures for this purpose. "
In this regard, I have the honour to express the conformity of the Argentine Government with the earlier transcribing and agree that the Note by V.E. and the present constitute an agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, which will enter into force on the date of receipt of the last of the notifications by which the Parties communicate through diplomatic channels, the fulfilment of their necessary internal requirements for their entry into force.
I greet you with my highest consideration.