Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the Agreement for ECONOMIC AND TRADE COOPERATION ENTRE OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE POPULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC DE LAOS, signed in Bangkok .REINO DE TAILANDIA. on December 11, 2002, which consists of OCHO (8) articles, whose photocopies authenticated in Spanish and English form part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTISEIES OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL TRES.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . MARCELO G. LOPEZ ARIAS. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.
NOTE: The English language text is not published.
The Argentine Republic and the Laos People ' s Democratic Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),
Taking into account the friendly relations between the two countries,
Wishing to strengthen and promote trade and economic cooperation on the basis of equal and reciprocal benefits, and
Recognizing the benefit of such comprehensive cooperation,
They agreed on the following:
The Parties shall take appropriate measures within their respective legislation to develop trade relations and promote economic cooperation between the two countries.
The implementation of Agreements establishing the details and procedures of specific cooperation activities under this Agreement may be established between Parties or their agencies through diplomatic channels.
The cooperation referred to in this Agreement specifically shall include the following activities:
(a) Exchange of goods and services;
(b) Bank and financial operations;
(c) Transport;
(d) communication;
(e) Industrial and agricultural production, especially participation in the construction of new industrial plants as well as in the expansion or modernization of existing ones;
(f) Establishment of joint ventures for the production and sale of products of mutual interest;
(g) Exchange of business and economic experiences and information;
(h) granting patents and licences and application and improvement of technology; and
(i) any other activity agreed upon between the Parties.
The Parties shall grant all necessary permits to import or export goods directly from the territory of the other Party in accordance with the legislation in force in their respective countries.
1. To coordinate activities in order to achieve the objectives of this Agreement and to ensure the optimal conditions for its implementation, the Parties establish a Joint Argentine-Laosian Commission composed of the representatives they designate.
2. The functions of the Joint Commission shall include in particular the following:
(a) To review all matters concerning the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) To consider possibilities for increasing and diversifying economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and to formulate, where necessary, specific programmes and projects for this purpose; and
(c) To submit and consider proposals to suggest to the Parties measures for the expansion of economic and commercial cooperation.
3. The Mixed Commission will meet alternatively in the Argentine Republic and the Laos People ' s Democratic Republic on the dates agreed through diplomatic channels.
4. The Joint Commission may, where both Parties deem it necessary, allocate working groups and convene experts, advisers and entrepreneurs from the public and private sectors.
Any dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation and application of the present Agreement shall be settled by direct negotiation between them.
1. This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement between the Parties.
2. Any modification to this Agreement shall enter into force through the procedure specified in Article 8.1.
1. This Agreement shall be ratified and entered into force on the date of the exchange of the respective instruments of ratification.
2. It shall have a duration of five (5) years, automatically renewable for successive periods of equal duration, unless one Party expresses its decision to denounce it by diplomatic means and six (6) months in advance.
3. Any changes that may be made to this Agreement or its denunciation shall not affect the rights and obligations acquired prior to the entry into force of such amendments or their denunciation.
HECHO in Bangkok, December 11, 2002, in two originals in Spanish, Laosian and English, both equally authentic. In case of differences in interpretation, the English version will prevail.
For the Argentine Republic | For the People ' s Democratic Republic of Laos |
CARLOS F.GARCIA Ambassador | Bounkeut Sangsomsak Vice Chancellor |