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Agreements And University Degrees (Brasil And Others) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS TITULOS Y GRADOS UNIVERSITARIOS (BRASIL Y OTROS) - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
ACUERDOS Ley 25.521 Aprébase un Acuerdo de Admission de Degrees y Grados Universitarios para el Exercise de actividades Académicas en los Estados Partes del Mercosur, subscribeo con las Repúblicas Feder del Brasil, Paraguay y Oriental del Uruguay.

Sanctioned: November 27, 2001.

Enacted: January 7, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Approved the Agreement for the Advancing of Persons and UNIVERSITY GROUPS for the Execution of ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES in the States Parties of MERCOSUR, signed by the ARPUBLIC_ GENTINA, the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL, the REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY and the ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY, in Asunción .REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY el on 14 June 1999, which consists of TRECE (13) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Juan C. Oyarzún.


The Governments of the Argentine Republic, the Federal Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, henceforth referred to as "States Parties", under the principles, purposes and objectives of the Treaty of Asuncion, signed on 26 March 1991, CONSIDERING:

That education has a central role for the regional integration process to be consolidated;

That the promotion of the harmonious development of the Region, in the scientific-technological field, is essential to respond to the challenges imposed by the new socio-economic reality of the continent;

That the exchange of scholars among the institutions of higher education of the Region is an effective mechanism for the improvement of scientific, technological and cultural training and training, and for the modernization of States Parties;

That of the Act of the Tenth Meeting of Ministers of Education of the Signatory Countries of the Treaty of the Common Market of the South, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on June 20, one hundred and ninety-six, there is a recommendation to prepare a protocol on admission of degrees and university degrees for the exercise of academic activities in the university institutions of the Region;

That the formation of regional proposals in that area should be guided by the constant concern in safeguarding the quality patterns in force in each country, and by the search for mechanisms capable of assimilating the dynamics that characterize the educational systems of the Countries of the Region, and that respond to their continuous improvement;


Article 1

The States Parties shall, through their competent bodies, admit, for the sole purpose of the exercise of teaching and research activities in the Higher Education Institutions in Brazil, in the Universities and Higher Institutes in Paraguay, in the University Institutions in Argentina and Uruguay, the degree and postgraduate degrees recognized and accredited in the States Parties, in accordance with the procedures and criteria to be established for the implementation of this Agreement.

Article II

For the purposes provided for in this Agreement, grades are considered for those obtained in courses with a minimum duration of four years and two thousand seven hundred hours, and postgraduate degrees for both specialization courses with an hourly charge not less than three hundred sixty hours, as well as for academic degrees of mastery and PhD.

Third Article

Grade and postgraduate degrees referred to in the previous article should be duly validated by the legislation in force in States Parties.

Article 4

For the purposes set forth in Article One, the applicants of the States Parties to Mercosur shall be subject to the same requirements as those of the State party in which they intend to exercise academic activities.

Article Fifth

The admission granted under Article 1 of this Agreement shall confer only the right to the exercise of teaching and research activities in the institutions concerned. Recognition of titles for any other effect other than that established there shall be governed by the specific rules of the States Parties.

Article Sixth

Anyone interested in applying for admission in the terms provided for in Article 1 must submit all documentation that proves the conditions required in this Agreement. In order to identify, in the country granting admission, to which degree or degree corresponds the denomination contained in the diploma, supplementary documentation may be required, duly legalized in the terms of the regulation referred to in Article 1.

Seventh Article

Each State Party undertakes to keep the others informed about the institutions with their respective recognized and accredited careers. The Mercosur Information and Communication System will provide information on country accreditation agencies, evaluation criteria, and accredited careers.

Article Octavo

In the event of existence among States Parties of bilateral agreements or agreements with more favourable provisions on the subject, they may invoke the application of such terms as they deem most advantageous.

Article Noveno

This Agreement, concluded under the Treaty of Assumption, shall enter into force for the first two States to ratify it, thirty days after the deposit of the second instrument of ratification and, for the other signatories, the thirty days of the respective deposit and in the order in which the ratifications were deposited.

Article Tenth

This Agreement may be revised in common, on the proposal of one of the States Parties.

Eleventh Article

The Government of the Republic of Paraguay shall be the depositary of this Agreement, as well as of the instruments of ratification, and shall send duly authenticated copies thereof to the Governments of the other States Parties. It shall also notify them of the date of deposit of the instruments of ratification and the entry into force of this Agreement.

Article Twelfth

The Meeting of Ministers of Education will issue general recommendations for the implementation of this Agreement.

Article Tenth Third

This Agreement replaces the "Protocol of Admission of Degrees and University Degrees for the Exercise of Academic Activities in the States Parties of MERCOSUR", signed on 11 June 1997 in Asunción and its annex, signed on 15 December 1997 in Montevideo.

Made in the city of Asunción, capital of the Republic of Paraguay, on the fourteenth day of the month of June of the year thousand nine hundred and nine, in three originals in Spanish and one in Portuguese language being the equally authentic texts.