Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: November 27, 2001.
Enacted: January 7, 2002.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 The FUNDATION ACT OF THE IBERO-AMERICAN ORGANIZATION OF JUVENTUD (O.I.J.), signed in Buenos Aires on 1 August 1996, consists of TEN (10) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the National Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, THE VEINTSIETE OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL ONE.
# 25.535 EL
RAFAEL PASCUAL . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Juan C. Oyarzún.
I. _
The plenipotentiary representatives of the Argentine Republic, the Republic of Bolivia, the Federal Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Colombia, the Republic of Costa Rica, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Republic of Ecuador, the Republic of El Salvador, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of Honduras, the United Mexican States, the Republic of Nicaragua, the Republic of Panama, the Republic of Paraguay, the Republic of Peru,
1. de Since 1985, proclaimed the International Year of Youth by the United Nations system, the Official Youth Agencies of the Ibero-American countries, have been holding successive intergovernmental working meetings and conferences on the development programmes of the young sector of the population, including the seven intergovernmental conferences on youth, which have taken place in Madrid (1987); Buenos Aires (1988); San José90 (1994);
2. s That in these meetings the permanent interest of governments was expressed for the themes related to international cooperation and the development of common policies aimed at favoring the new generations of Ibero-Americans;
3. s That the conferences of Seville and Punta del Este were convened under the denomination of Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Youthand brought together the ministers responsible for the youth affairs of the Ibero-American countries, aborting important agreements on youth policies in Ibero-America;
4. . That the official delegations of the Ibero-American countries participating in the VI Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Youth, held in Seville, from 14 to 19 September 1992, expressed the intention to initiate a process of institutionalization of this forum for dialogue, concertation and cooperation in the field of youth, for which the President of the Conference signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Secretary General of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture.
5. ; That, as a result of this Agreement and acting in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2.2, 4.11 and 41.11 of the Organic Regulations of the O.E.I., the Ibero-American Youth Organization (O.I.J.) was established as an international agency associated with the O.E.I., but with full organizational, functional and financial autonomy;
6. . That the 64th meeting of the Board of Directors of the O.E.I., held in Bogotá on 5 November 1992, ratified the decision of the Secretary-General regarding the O.I.J.;
7. . That for its part the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Youth Organization (Lisboa, 4-6 February 1993), decided to establish the official headquarters of the O.I.J in Madrid, Spain, at the same headquarters of the O.E.I.;
8. de That the Seventh Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Youth (Punta del Este, 20-22 April 1994), approved the Statutes of the O.I.J., which set the rules of operation of this Organization;
9. . That the Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of the Organization of Ibero-American States (Buenos Aires, 26-28 October 1994), on the basis of Article 8.2 of the Statutes and Articles 10 and 19 of the Organic Rules, decided to recognize the Ibero-American Youth Organization as an entity associated with the O.E.I., to ratify the actions of the Secretary-General and empower him to deepen the collaboration between the O.
10. de That the III Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government (of Salvador de Bahia, June 1993) entrusted the Ibero-American Youth Organization with the design of a Regional Programme of Actions for the Development of Youth in Latin America, and that the IV Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government (of Cartagena de Indias, July 1994) entrusted the implementation of the aforementioned Regional Programme to the O.I.J.;
11. de That, during the Fifth Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government (San Carlos de Bariloche, October 1995), a Cooperation Convention within the framework of the Ibero-American Conference;
12. s That, without prejudice to the institutional support that the O.E.I. lends to the O.I.J. and the important tasks and mandates that the latter carries out in the topics related to the Ibero-American cooperation in the field of youth, the Ibero-American Youth Organization currently lacks sufficient legal recognition, and that they proceed in international law, of part of the Ibero-American States that participate in its activities and decisions, that allow it so much more effective
Article One. . Establish the Ibero-American Youth Organization (O.I.J.) as an international body dedicated to dialogue, concertation and cooperation in youth, within the Ibero-American context defined by the Ibero-American Conference of Heads of State and Government.
Article II. Los The general and specific purposes of the Organization are:
(a) To promote and promote the efforts of Member States to improve the quality of life of young people in the region.
(b) Facilitate and promote cooperation among States, as well as with international agencies, non-governmental organizations, youth associations and all entities that are involved in youth-related matters.
(c) Promote the strengthening of government youth structures and inter-agency and cross-sectoral coordination for comprehensive youth policies.
(d) Formulate and implement plans, programmes, projects and activities in accordance with the requirements of Member States in order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of their youth development policies.
(e) To act as a consultative body for the implementation and administration of programmes and projects in the youth sector, national or international agencies or entities.
(f) To act as a permanent mechanism for consultation and coordination for the adoption of common positions and strategies on youth issues, both in international agencies and forums and in third countries and groupings of countries.
Third Article. . The Ibero-American Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth and the Board of Directors are established as organs of the OIJ. The Conference may establish such bodies as it deems necessary.
Article 4 La The Ibero-American Youth Organization will be funded by voluntary contributions from Member States and other contributions.
Article Fifth. La The Ibero-American Youth Organization will enjoy the legal capacity that is necessary for the exercise of its functions and the realization of its purposes.
Article Sixth. . Spanish and Portuguese will be the official languages of the Organization.
Seventh Article. . The reforms to this Act will be approved by the Ibero-American Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, requiring a two-thirds majority of Member States.
Article Octavo. La This Act shall be ratified by the signatory States in the shortest possible time.
Article Ninth. La This Act will be open for signature by all Member States of the Ibero-American Conference of Heads of State and Government until 30 June 1998.
Article Tenth. . The instruments of ratification will be deposited with the Executive Secretary of the Ibero-American Youth Organization.
Final provision. La This Act shall enter into force thirty days after the deposit of instruments of ratification by at least two countries. Without prejudice to the above, this Act shall have provisional application from its signature. For the record, they sign in the city of Buenos Aires, on August 1, nine hundred and ninety-six.
(1) interpretative declaration of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
By signing the Foundation Act of the Ibero-American Youth Organization, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Contador Samuel Lichtensztejn, on behalf of his Government, declares that with regard to the Final Provision of the Act, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay is deemed bound by the aforementioned international instrument following the implementation of the relevant constitutional provisions (articles 85, paragraph 7 and 168, paragraph 20).