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Organic Law Of Political Parties Law 23298 - Modification - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: LEY ORGANICA DE LOS PARTIDOS POLITICOS LEY 23298 - MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 25.611 Amendment of Law No. 23.298. Sanctioned: June 19, 2002. Partially promulgated: July 3, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Amend article 5 of Act No. 23,298 to read as follows:

Article 5. This law is of public order and applies to parties involved in the election of national authorities.

ARTICLE 2 The following texts shall be incorporated as the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 10 of Law 23,298:

Article 10. When applying for their recognition, the alliances will have to present an agreement signed by the parties that make up the way in which public contributions for the financing of the parties and the campaigns will be distributed. The lack of submission of the agreement will imply the rejection of the application for recognition.

The federal judge with intervening electoral competence will register the agreement and forward a certified copy to the Ministry of the Interior.

ARTICLE 3 Amend article 29 of Law 23,298 to read as follows:

Article 29. The elections for party authorities and to elect candidates for elective positions, except for the office of president and vice president of the nation and national legislators, shall be governed by the organic letter, subsidiarily by this law and, as applicable, by electoral law. Elections for candidates for president, vice president and national legislators shall be governed by the provisions of this law and, subsidiaryly, by electoral legislation.

ARTICLE 4 Incorporate as article 29 bis of Law 23,298 the following:

Article 29 bis. In national political parties or electoral alliances the election of candidates for president and vice president, as well as that of candidates for national senators and deputies will be carried out through open internals. The date of the election shall be communicated by the federal court with electoral competence of each district.

The electoral campaign for the open internal election may begin thirty (30) days before and shall end forty-eight (48) hours before the date set for the election.

The broadcast, in television media, of advertising spaces intended to capture the suffrage will be limited to ten (10) days prior to the date set for the election.

The federal court with electoral competence of each district shall design and hand over to political parties or alliances the pattern to be used in the election which shall include, for each case, members of the party or of the parties members of the alliance and citizens who have no party affiliation.

The vote will be secret and not compulsory. Citizens may vote in the open internal election of only one party or alliance. The issuance of the vote will be recorded in the civic document used, using a uniform stamp whose model will be determined by the National Electoral Chamber.

The election of candidates for president and vice president shall be made by formula and the nomination of the presidential formula that has obtained the simple majority of valid affirmative votes issued shall be proclaimed.

The proclamation of candidates for national senators and deputies shall be in accordance with the electoral system adopted by each party or alliance.

ARTICLE 5° . Defrost article 50 (c) of Law 23.298. ARTICLE 6 Political parties shall adapt their organic letter to the provisions of this law, within 90 days of the entry into force of the present law. ARTICLE 7 The obligation to perform open internal affairs under article 4 of this law, which shall be simultaneous for all political parties or electoral alliances, shall be governed for the first time for the presidential election and legislative renewal to be held in 2003. ARTICLE 8 Contact the Executive.



NOTE: The bold texts were observed. EDUARDO. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.

(Note Infoleg: by art. 7 of the Act No. 25,684 B.O. 3/1/2003, the application of Act No. 25,611 is suspended, with the exception of articles 2nd and 5th, for the elections of renewal of mandates of President, Vice-President and National Legislators, which expire during the year 2003. )