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Cultural Cooperation Agreements (Espa?A) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS COOPERACION CULTURAL (ESPA?A) - Texto completo de la norma

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ACUERDOS Law 25.604 Approve the Agreement by Song of Notes signed with the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, regarding the modification of Article 2 of the Convention on Cultural Cooperation of 1971. Sanctioned: June 12, 2002. Cast: July 8, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Approve the agreement of the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the SPAIN KING FOR THE MODIFICATION OF ARTICLE 2 CONVENTION OF CULTURAL COOPERATION DE 1971, signed in Buenos Aires by Notes of 16 January 2001 and 6 March 2001, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.

Buenos Aires, 16 January 2001

Mr. Dr.

Don Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini

Minister for Foreign Affairs,

International Trade and Worship

Buenos Aires

Mr. Minister:

I have the honour to address you in connection with the Convention on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Spanish State and the Government of the Argentine Republic, signed in Buenos Aires on 23 March 1971.

In this regard, I am pleased to propose to you the amendment to article 2 of the above-mentioned Convention on Cultural Cooperation of 1971:

"The Parties shall, in accordance with their domestic legislation, recognize the certificates of formal studies and qualifications that prove the completion of secondary education, obtained by their respective nationals.

The official qualifications of higher education, or which enable the legal exercise of a profession, obtained in the academic centres of one Party by nationals of any of them, shall be recognized by the competent authorities of the other, in accordance with their own legislation.

Such recognition shall be provided that such qualifications are equivalent to the academic level, duration of studies and subjects established as compulsory in the education plans in force in the Party granting recognition.

Recognition will produce the academic and professional effects that each Party confers on its own official qualifications, without prejudice to the non-formal requirements required by the respective laws for the legal exercise of professions. Such requirements in no case may amount to discrimination on the basis of nationality or the country of issuance of the title.

If the above is acceptable to the Argentine Government, this Note and its concurrence will constitute an Agreement between our two Governments, which will enter into force on the date of the second notification communicating compliance with the internal requirements for approval. "

For this reason, I greet you with my most distinguished consideration.

Buenos Aires, 6 MAR 2001

Mr. Ambassador:

I have the honour to address you with regard to Mr. Chargé d ' affaires a.i. of 16 January 2001, which reads:

"Mr. Minister:

I have the honour to address you in connection with the Convention on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Spanish State and the Government of the Argentine Republic, signed in Buenos Aires on 23 March 1971.

In this regard, I am pleased to propose to you the amendment to article 2 of the above-mentioned Convention on Cultural Cooperation of 1971:

"The Parties shall, in accordance with their domestic legislation, recognize the certificates of formal studies and qualifications that prove the completion of secondary education, obtained by their respective nationals.

The official qualifications of higher education, or which enable the legal exercise of a profession, obtained in the academic centres of one Party by nationals of any of them, shall be recognized by the competent authorities of the other, in accordance with their own legislation. Such recognition shall be provided that such qualifications are equivalent to the academic level, duration of studies and subjects established as compulsory in the education plans in force in the Party granting recognition.

To His Excellency

Mr. Ambassador of Spain


Good men.

Recognition will produce the academic and professional effects that each Party confers on its own official qualifications, without prejudice to the non-formal requirements required by the respective laws for the legal exercise of professions. Such requirements in no case may amount to discrimination on the basis of nationality or the country of issuance of the title.

If the above is acceptable to the Argentine Government, this Note and its concurrence will constitute an Agreement between our two Governments, which will enter into force on the date of the second notification communicating compliance with the internal requirements for approval.

For this reason, I greet you with my most distinguished consideration."

In this regard, I have the honour to express the conformity of the Argentine Government with the above and agree that the Note transcribes and this constitutes an Agreement between our two Governments, which will enter into force on the date of the last notification by which the Parties communicate the fulfilment of their necessary internal requirements for their entry into force.

I greet you with my highest consideration.