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Cooperation Agreements On Antartic (Peru) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS COOPERACION EN MATERIA ANTARTICA (PERU) - Texto completo de la norma

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ACUERDOS Law 25.617 Approve the Antarctic Cooperation Agreement signed with the Government of the Republic of Peru. Sanctioned: July 17 of 2002 Cast: August 9 of 2002

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 COOPERATION AGREEMENT IN ANARTIC MATERIA FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC DEL PERU, signed in Lima .REPUBLICA DEL PERU. on March 1, 2001, which consists of SEIS (6) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law.

ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.


# 25,617 EL

EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.






The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Peru,

Reaffirming its willingness to strengthen its proverbial bilateral ties and to promote the full implementation of the Antarctic Treaty:

Agree to the following:


Both Governments will consult through their Ministries of Foreign Affairs on issues of common interest in the political, legal, scientific or other fields that are held in the context of the Antarctic Treaty System.

Consequently, they will seek to coordinate their positions in the various international forums dealing with Antarctic issues, respecting their legitimate interests in the Antarctic, in accordance with the Antarctic Treaty.


Both Governments undertake to act together in order to use the possibilities of international cooperation provided for in the Antarctic Treaty System, in particular in the scientific, technological, logistical and environmental fields, in order to achieve a more complete knowledge of the Antarctic continent and its maritime and atmospheric areas adjacent to the south of the 60 degrees south latitude.


Both Governments express their interest in coordinating their efforts in Antarctica through joint projects and cooperation in scientific, technological, logistical and environmental areas.


The two national technical bodies competent for the Antarctic activity, Nacionalla Dirección Nacional del Antártico, de la República Argentina, y la Comisión Nacional de Asuntos Antárticos, de la República del Perú,, will endeavour to promote joint and cooperation programmes in those areas where feasible, based on the national regulations in force; in particular, scientific and technological cooperation can be carried out through:

s participation of scientists and technicians from one country in the Antarctic campaigns carried out with logistical means of the national programme of the other country;

de exchange of scientific and technical staff between institutions of the two countries, mainly between scientific bases in Antarctica and other national institutions;

s Scientific meetings and joint research on previously agreed topics and projects;

s joint use of scientific research facilities and laboratories in Antarctica and elsewhere to develop programs related to the disciplines relevant to Antarctica;

; training and development for scientific and support staff;

s intensification of bibliographic exchange and editing of joint scientific publications;

s joint use of logistical means in order to streamline costs and minimize the impact on the Antarctic environment and its associated ecosystems;

de promotion of the exchange of technology in logistics and installation and equipment of bases;

s transport, on board an icebreaker or other appropriate Argentinean flag vessels assigned to the Argentine Antarctic Programme, and on the request of the National Commission for Antarctic Affairs, of Peruvian personnel and cargo to the Antarctic, according to the available space and the compensation of costs established;

s Air transport of passengers and cargo on aircraft of the Argentine Air Force and the Peruvian Air Force, which carry out flights to Antarctica, at the request of the National Antarctic Affairs Commission and the National Antarctic Directorate, respectively, according to the available space and the compensation of costs established;

de undertaking the necessary steps to facilitate the stay in Argentine ports of the vessels used by the National Commission for Antarctic Affairs in its Antarctic activity, as well as to logistical support, transport of Peruvian personnel and materials in the Argentine territory;

. resupply of fuel and supplies for Peruvian ships in Argentine ports.

The cost that eventually extends access to the cooperation of one Party in favour of the other shall be borne by the Party that uses such services in accordance with an amount to be determined in common agreement.


The National Antarctic Directorate and the National Antarctic Affairs Commission, in consultation with the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs, will agree in the second quarter of each year, the plan of actions to be followed as well as joint projects of scientific, technological, logistical and environmental cooperation, defining the modalities and activities for next year.


This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of exchange of the respective instruments of ratification. It shall have a duration of three (3) years, automatically renewed for periods of equal extension, unless one Party notify the other by diplomatic means, its intention to terminate it, with a minimum advance of three months at the end of each period.

The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the activities envisaged or implemented in accordance with this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed.

Made in Lima, March 1, 2001, in two original copies in Spanish, both equally authentic.