Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Without prejudice to the derogatory power of the national legislative branch, please refer to the national executive branch, starting on 24 August 2002 for the period of two (2) years and in accordance with the bases established by the national legislative branch, the entire legislative delegation on specific administrative matters or public emergency situations, issued prior to the constitutional reform of 1994, which had not been exhausted by its implementation. The national executive branch shall exercise its attribution under article 100, paragraph 12, of the National Constitution. ARTICLE 2 For the purposes of this law, certain administrative matters shall be considered, those that are linked to:a. The creation, organization and powers of institutional autocarchic entities and any other entity which, by constitutional provision, is in conformity with the National Legislative Power to create, organize and establish its powers. The mail, official banks, tax and customs entities, general and university education entities, as well as transport and colonization entities, are included in this paragraph;
b. The establishment of the Armed Forces and the dictation of the rules for their organization and government;
c. The organization and powers of the Chief of Staff and the Ministries;
d. The establishment, organization and powers of a federal tax agency in charge of the control and control of the implementation of the federal partnership regime;
e. The legislation on public services in respect of the Honorable Congress of the Nation;
f. Any other matter assigned by the National Constitution to the National Legislative Power related to the administration of the country.
ARTICLE 3 The entire delegated legislation issued under the relevant legislation pre-existing the constitutional reform of 1994. ARTICLE 4 The rules issued by the National Executive Power in the exercise of its own regulatory powers under article 99, paragraph 2, of the National Constitution are not met by the provisions of this Act. ARTICLE 5° This Act shall enter into force on 24 August 2002. ARTICLE 6 Contact the national executive branch.DADA IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, ON 21 AGO 2002.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . MARCELO E. LOPEZ ARIAS. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.