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Heritage Of Cultural And Tourist Interest Route Of The Murals - Declaration - Full Text Of The Norm


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PATRIMONIO DE INTERES CULTURAL AND TURISTIC Law 25.648 Determine of heritage value and of cultural and tourist interest the set of plastic works known as the Route of the Murals, of the city of Corrientes. Sanctioned: August 28, 2002. Partially promulgated: September 18, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Determine of heritage value and of cultural and tourist interest the set of plastic works of the city of Corrientes, capital of the homonymous province, known as the Route of the Murals and composed of:

- The Mural of the correntinity, engraved on the walls of the General Belgrano interprovincial bridge, which looks at the Arazaty tip.

- The Great Wall, engraved on the external walls of the Convent of San Francisco, in line with Italy Square.

- The Mural of the captives, engraved on the side walls of the Mitre tip.

- The Salesian Evocation and the fiestas of San Baltasar, engraved on the walls of the Salesian College.

- The mural Güemes and the border defense, engraved on the outer walls of the 48th National Gendarmerie Squadron.

- The mural The four stations, engraved on access to the Higher Institute of Musical Education.

- The San Francisco murals and the ecology, Jesús Maestro, San Francisco and Clara, Jerusalem 3000, Saint Lucia throwing light, Saint Vincent and Francis with wolf and dove, engraved on the walls of the Church of Our Lady of Pompeya, the College of Saint Joseph, the Church of Merced, the district of Apipé, the neighborhood of San Marcelo, the School of the Third Order, respectively.

- The mural El Juramento de Hipócrates, engraved on the vestibular walls of the Faculty of Medicine under the National University of the Northeast.

- The San Martín murals and the correntinity and San Martín at the crossroads of the Andes, located at the roundabout of the Virgin and the Commissariat 1a, respectively, and that of Belgrano and teaches it, at the School No. 1 "Manuel Belgrano".

- The mural of the Perennity (home to Lebanon) engraved on the walls of the Lebanese Society.

- The murals The Grandparents, of the House of Elders; the march of silence, of the House of the Doctrine; Tribute to life, of the firehouse; Cotidiano, of the Municipal Market; Tribute to the municipal worker, of the Public Works Offices of the Municipality; Maternity, of the Children's Garden "Mom Margarita"; Festival of the Chamamé, of the Anfiteatro Tránsito Cocomarola Creation;

- The mural Homenaje a Corrientes from Mexico, made by Mexican artists in Punta Tacuara.

ARTICLE 2 The Secretariat for Culture and Communication shall take appropriate measures to preserve the cultural heritage of the murals mentioned in the preceding article. Article 3 The Secretariat of Tourism of the Nation will be responsible the value and promotion of the murals mentioned as an expression of tourist interest. ARTICLE 4 Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . MARCELO E. LOPEZ ARIAS. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.

. NOTE: The bold texts were observed. Decree 1857/2002

Bs. As., 18/9/2002

VISTO the Bill registered under No. 25,648, sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION on 28 August 2002 and


That the aforementioned Bill aims to declare the collection of plastic works of the City of CORRIENTES, the capital of the homonymous province, known as the route of the Murals and composed of the works mentioned in its article 1o.

That article 2 of the Draft Law prescribes that the SECRETARIAT OF PRESIDENCE CULTURE DE LA NATION will take the necessary measures to preserve the cultural heritage of the murals mentioned in it.

That the sanctioned rule would not respond to a previous national inventory of goods of similar characteristics, which determine priorities in the national order.

That the categorization carried out by the Draft Law does not respond to the provisions of Law No. 12,665, in terms of the qualification of the property, without allowing, then, to establish the scope of the declaration and, consequently, the obligations of the SECRETARIAT OF CULTURA of the PRESIDENCE OF THE NATIONAL AND of its dependent organism, the NACIONAL COMMISSION OF MUSETORICOS AND LUGA

That the attention of the obligations arising from the Bill would involve expenses that do not have budgetary provisions.

Article 3 provides that the SECRETARIAT OF TURISM AND DEPORTS OF PRESIDENCE OF THE NATION, you will be responsible for the "position in value" and promotion of the mentioned murals, as an expression of "tourist interest".

That within the diversity of situations covered by the sanctioned rule, it is appropriate to examine such legal provision in the light of the Decree No. 111 of 28 December 2001, in which the SECRETARIAT OF TOURISM and DEPORTE was established within the scope of the NATION PRESIDENCE, giving it the competence and structure that arises from its text.

That none of the units that make up the Secretariat has the competence to carry out the "value" of the murals mentioned, which is why the legal mandate is impossible to comply.

That the observation proposed does not alter the spirit or unity of the Draft Law sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION.

That the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER is entitled to dictate the present, pursuant to article 80 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.




Article 1 Note article 2 of the Bill registered under No. 25,648. Art. 2o Note in article 3 of the Bill registered under No. 25,648, the words "... put in value and...". Art. 3o With the salvedades set out in the preceding articles, please fill in, promute and tengase by National Law the Bill registered under No. 25,648. Art. 4o Note the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION. Art. 5o Communicate, publish, give to the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION and archvese. . DUHALDE. . Alfredo N. Atanasof. . María N. Doga. . Graciela Giannettasio . José H. Jaunarena. . Juan J. Alvarez. . Jorge R. Matzkin. . Roberto Lavagna. . Graciela Camaño. . Ginés M. González García.