Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: October 24, 2001.
Cast: November 19, 2001.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Adopt the Convention on CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGAINST THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC DE VIETNAM, signed in Buenos Aires on 7 December 2000, which consists of VEINTIUN (21) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE VEINTICUATRO DIAS OF THE MONTH OF OCTOBER OF DOS MIL UNO.
# 25,492 EL
PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Roberto C. Marafioti. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.
Convention on Cultural and Educational Cooperation between the Argentine Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The Argentine Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, henceforth called "the Parties";
Convinced that the development of culture and education is a fundamental element! For the integral progress of peoples;
Encouraged by a common desire to strengthen cultural and educational relations between the two countries in order to promote a deeper understanding in each of the respective countries of the culture, history, institutions and general form of life of the other country;
They agree:
Article I
Each Party shall stimulate the knowledge of the culture of the other and endeavour to facilitate the action of institutions dedicated to the dissemination of their cultural, artistic and educational values.
Article II
The Parties shall endeavour to grant, in accordance with their respective internal legal orders, the facilities necessary for the establishment in their territory of cultural or educational institutions created or sponsored by the other Party.
Article III
Both Parties shall promote the organization and production of joint cultural and educational activities for promotion in third States.
Article IV
The Parties shall support their respective National Libraries for the establishment of the sections of these relating to the other State.
Article V
The Parties shall facilitate the exchange of books, newspapers, magazines and publications of a cultural and educational nature; musical scores; documentary, artistic and educational films; radio and television programmes, other audiovisual material and other media, in accordance with the laws of each State.
Article VI
Each Party shall encourage the development of activities and exchange in the field of historical research and the compilation of bibliographic and informative material from its respective museums and archives.
Article VII
Each Party shall support the dissemination, through all mass media, of the cultural, artistic and educational values of the other.
Article VIII
The Parties will encourage the production of films under the co-production regime. They will also promote the exchange of experiences and training among the cinematographic institutions of each of them.
Article IX
Each Party shall promote periodic exhibitions of art, books and popular crafts, as well as any other artistic manifestation originated and sponsored by the other Party.
Article X
Each Party will promote the performance in its territory of artists, orchestras and musical, lyric, dance and theatre ensembles. The sponsorship of the other Party.
Article XI
Each Party shall protect in its territory, in accordance with its domestic legislation and with the international treaties to which it is a Party or become a Party in the future, the intellectual property rights to which the original works of the other Party may result.
Article XII
The Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of education. To that end, they will facilitate the ongoing exchange of information, publications and updated documentation on the characteristics of the respective educational systems.
Article XIII
The Parties shall promote cooperation for the development of Technological Education and Vocational Technical Training, promoting the exchange of experiences that link educational systems with the world of work and production.
Article XIV
The Parties shall endeavour to grant, on the basis of reciprocity, postgraduate grants to professionals or specialists selected by the other Party for further development studies.
Article XV
Each Party shall, at its educational establishments at the various levels, promote specialization courses, postgraduate courses or specific chairs for the further dissemination of the cultural and social characteristics of the other.
Article XVI
The Parties shall promote direct cooperation between their institutions of higher education and research.
Article XVII
The Parties will encourage the exchange of university professors, members of research projects from their respective universities and researchers from their academies.
Article XVIII
The Parties shall encourage the participation of university teachers and teachers from other higher education establishments in conferences, seminars or symposiums at each of them.
Article XIX
Each Party shall, in accordance with its domestic legal system, facilitate the entry and departure of its territory from educational materials and of all objects which, coming from the territory of the other Party, contribute to the effective development of the activities undertaken under this Convention.
Article XX
1. For the implementation of this Convention, the Parties establish the Executive Joint Commission, which shall be composed of representatives designated by the Parties.
2. The functions of the Commission shall be as follows:
(a) Design Executive Programmes; and
(b) regularly evaluate such programmes.
3. The Executive Joint Commission will meet in Buenos Aires and Hanoi alternately, at any time at the request of one of the Parties. Such a request shall be made by diplomatic means.
Article XXI
This Convention shall enter into force at thirty (30) days of the date of exchange of the respective instruments of ratification. It shall have a duration of five (5) years and shall be automatically extended for each period of equal duration, unless a Party notifies the other in writing, with a anticipation not less than six (6) months, its intention to denounce it. Its termination will not affect the implementation of the activities under implementation, unless otherwise agreed.
Made in Buenos Aires, on December 7, 2000, in two (2) originals in the Spanish and Vietnamese languages, both texts being equally authentic.