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National Parks National Park Nahuel Huapi - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: PARQUES NACIONALES PARQUE NACIONAL NAHUEL HUAPI - Texto completo de la norma

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NATIONAL PARKS Law 25.553 Amend the limits of Nahuel Huapi National Park.

Sanctioned: November 28, 2001.

Enacted: December 27, 2001.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Modify the limits of Nahuel Huapi National Park, to this end, the provisions of article 7 of Law 24,302, which shall be set as follows:

Nahuel Huapi National Park

Starting from the northeast corner of the lot XII of the western ensanche of the Colonia Maipú, it continues along the left bank of the river Pucará to the southeast corner of the lot XI of the western ensanche of the Colonia Maipú. From this point a line heading southeast to find the common corner at batches 1 and 2 of the XL section of the Neuquén province. From here the boundary continues to the west and south-west limit of lot 2 of section XL, south-west of lot 4 and 3 of section XXXIX and part of the south-west limit of section XXXVIII lot 3 to find the north corner of lot 4 of the section cited. From here by the northwest limits of lots 4 and 5, and northeast and northwest of lot 8, all pastoriles of the same section, to give with the coast of Lake Traful; from this point following the coast of the lake to the east side of the lake cited; continuing along the south margin of the same, heading west to the mouth of the middle moon stream (Pustus P. Lagos).

The course of this stream is followed by its eastern margin upstream, up to a distance of about a thousand meters (1,000 m) from the mouth.

From here a straight line to the top of Mount Golondrina. From this hill to the summit of Mount Lagunita and then southeast to the summit of Mount Cuyín Manzano East. From this hill heading southwest to the top of the Bayo hill and from there, a line to the top of the Gaucho hill. From this point and heading northwest a line to find the northeast corner of Lot 43 of the Colonia Pastoril Nahuel Huapi. From this corner the boundary continues along the north boundary of the lot 43, 42, 41, 40, 39 and 38 of the Pastoral Colony Nahuel Huapi, to the northwest corner of the lot 38 of that Colony. From this point a line heading northwest, until you find the northeast corner of the 18th lot, following the north boundary of the 18th lot to its northwest corner, then follow by the east boundary of the 16th lot and continue by its north boundary to the northeast corner of the 15th lot of the same Cologne. From here it continues along the northern edge of the 15th lot until you find the Río Bonito; from here the limit continues along the right bank of the river Bonito up to the mouth of the river Ujenco. From this point the boundary follows from the right margin of the Ujenco stream up to the meeting of a line that is born on the east side of the lot 13, to a thousand two hundred (1,200 m) north of the northwest corner of the lot 14 and with an internal angle of seventy and two (72°) reach that meeting. From the point found on the Ujenco stream, the limit continues along the newly described line until you find the eastern limit of the lot 13 at the point also described above. From here it continues along the east, north and west border of lot 13; north of lot 12; east and north of lot 11 to find the northwest corner of the aforementioned lot 11. From here on the north and east side of lot 9, to the northeast corner of this lot 9. From this point heading west and north side of lot 9 to find the east coast of Lake Correntoso. All the above lots belong to the Colonia Pastoril Nahuel Huapi. From this point the boundary continues on the east margin of Lake Correntoso heading south, towards the narrowness of Lake Correntoso with Lake Nahuel Huapi. From here follows the eastern and northern border of the pastoral lot 8 of the Nahuel Huapi Colony, until you find the common corner of the section 8 with lot 7. From here, south-east through the common limit to lots 7 and 8 until you find the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi, in the Ultima Esperanza arm. From here the boundary continues along the western margin of Nahuel Huapi Lake, including the arms of the Rincón and Machete until reaching the Millaqueo tip.

From this point crossing Nahuel Huapi Lake heading southwest to find the northwest corner of Villa Tacul.

From this one it continues along the edge of Lake Nahuel Huapi through the Llao Llao Peninsula and the arm of the Tristeza, to find the southwest corner of the municipal ejido of San Carlos de Bariloche. From here the boundary continues with a line heading south to the Black Hill (bound point 2000) and follows a line heading southeast to find the western corner of the 94 pastoral lot. From this point on he continues with a southeasterly line until he finds the northwest corner of the pastoral lot 102. From here it continues south along the west side of the aforementioned lot 102 to its south end, and from here a line heading southeast to the northeast head of Lake Mascardi. From this point along the eastern margin of Lake Mascardi heading south, to find the northwest corner of the 25th lot of the Villa Mascardi, from here the limit continues by the western limit of the 25th and 26th lot (from the same Villa), until you find the 26th lot corner. From here it continues along the southern edge of the lots 26, 28 and 30 until you find the southeast corner of the lot 30. From here it continues southbound along the western edge of the 34 and 35 lot to the southwest corner of the 35. All the above lots belong to the Villa Mascardi. From the southwest corner of the lot 35 a straight line that finds the north-west end of the northern head of Lake Guillelmo, continues along the east margin of the lake to its southeast head. From there on the west side of the old track of the national route 258, heading south, until its intersection with the left bank of the river Villegas. From there it continues along the left bank of the mentioned river to its mouth with the River Manso. From this intersection a straight line heading west to Mount St. Helena, following the water divide to the west, passing through Mount Bastion and bending northwest to Mount Aguirre on the border with the Republic of Chile. By the west, it borders the Republic of Chile to the Punta Blanca hill and a line heading north to find the southern border of the 7th lot of the western ensanche of the Colonia Maipú, at its intersection with the Chachín River. From here it continues along the right bank of the river and east bank of Lake Queni until you find the southwest corner of the XV lot. It continues in the north, along the southern border of the aforementioned lot and southwest of lot XIV, west and south of lot XIII until you find the northeast corner of lot XII, starting point of the present description.

ARTICLE 2 The area that is segregated following the modification of the limits of Nahuel Huapi National Park is desafecta of the national public domain, and is transferred, free of charge, to the province of Neuquén.

The description of the area limits is as follows:

Starting from the northwest corner of the pastoral lot number 14 of the Nahuel Huapi Colony will be measured north by the east side of the pastoral lot number 13, thousand two hundred (1,200 m). From this point with an internal angle of seventy and two (72°) degrees, a southeast route will be measured until you find the Ujenco creek; hence the boundary continues along the right margin of the creek to its mouth in the Nice River. From this place the limit constitutes the right margin of the cited river Bonito until you find the northern boundary line of the lote pastoril number 15. From here the boundary is formed by the north line of the pastoral lot number 15 and north of the pastoral lot number 14.

The mensura of this area will be practiced in the province of Neuquén, with the costs required by it.

The province of Neuquén will materialize the northern boundary of the area given within the three hundred and sixty (360) days to count from the date of validity of this law. The respective beacon shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the National Mensuras Regulations (Decree 10.028 of 1957, in force in the province of Neuquén).

The province of Neuquén, pursuant to article 1810 of the Civil Code, is entitled to register the transfer made in the respective property registry directly.

ARTICLE 3 Default of Law 23.290. ARTICLE 4 Contact the Executive.



PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Juan C. Oyarzún.