Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: November 1, 2000.
Cast: November 29, 2000.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the agreement between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the PARAGUAY REPUBLIC FOR COOPERATION IN THE EJERClTO ARMS, signed in AsunciĆ³n .REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY el on 1 September 1995, which consists of TRECE (13) articles, whose photocopy of the law ARTICLE 2 Contact the National Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR DOS MIL.
# 25,356
PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Guillermo Aramburu. . Alejandro L. Colombo.
Agreed between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the PARAGUAY REPUBLIC FOR COOPERATION IN THE EJERCITO ARMS
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, inspired by the spirit of collaboration, considering the desirability of establishing new links of cooperation in the army weapon between the two countries, have resolved to celebrate the following:
Object of the Agreement
The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, in common agreement, may conclude military cooperation for technological, cultural and professional development in the Army Navy, to be channeled through the Army Attachment to the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the Republic of Paraguay.
Unit ratio
The members of the Armed Forces who stand out for cooperation, while remaining in Paraguay, will be incorporated and subordinated to the Military Attachment to the Embassy of the Argentine Republic as Military Technicians, henceforth "The Technicians".
Applicable rules
The Technicians shall be subject to the provisions contained in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which correspond to the technical and administrative staff of the Diplomatic Representations.
Privileges and Immunities
Technicians who should remain in Paraguay for more than two years shall enjoy the immunities and privileges of technical and administrative officials in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
Technicians who should remain in Paraguay for less than two years will only enjoy the immunities that correspond to them as technical and administrative officials of the Diplomatic Representation, but will not enjoy privileges.
Income and Permanence Regime
The technicians may enter, stay and leave the Paraguayan territory for the duration of their duties, being exempt from Law 470 on Migration.
The general coordination of the activities of the technicians will be carried out between the designated authorities of the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Paraguay and the Military Attachment to the Embassy of the Argentine Republic through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.
Use of Uniforms and Assignments
The technicians will be able to use their uniforms and grade badges, as well as those badges that were given "Honoris Causa" by the Government of Paraguay.
Expenditure and costs
The cost of cooperation, as well as the costs, salaries, wages, social and/or labour benefits that correspond to the technicians of cooperation, will be of absolute responsibility of the Government of the Argentine Republic.
Combined operations
When cooperation is involved in operations combined with the National Army of the Republic of Paraguay and involves the entry of military troops from the Argentine Republic to the territory of the Republic of Paraguay, the coordination of the latter shall be carried out with due notice in order to comply with the precept established by the National Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay in its Article 224, paragraph 5). For the purposes of this Agreement, no troops shall be considered to be sending military technicians who do not constitute combat units.
Coordination measures for combined operations
Combined operations, to be carried out in Paraguayan territory, shall be commanded by the Commander-in-Chief of the Paraguayan Armed Forces or by the Senior Officer designated by him.
Dispute Settlement
Any dispute that arises on aspects of cooperation shall be immediately raised to the consideration of both Governments, so that the issue may be resolved by direct negotiations.
Entry into force
This Agreement shall have a duration of five years, extendable for equal periods, after written communication between the Parties and shall enter into force when the exchange of ratifications occurs after each State Party has complied with the provisions of its respective domestic legislation on the matter.
This Agreement may be denounced by any Party at any time, with prior notice of six months.
Made in the city of AsunciĆ³n, on the first day of the month of September, nine hundred and ninety-five.