LEGISLATIVE FEDERAL COUNCIL Law 27.054 Federal Legislative Covenant. Adoption. Sanctioned: December 03, 2014 Cast: December 23, 2014 The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 — Approve the Federal Legislative Covenant on Health, which as Annex I is an integral part of this law.
ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.
LOVE BOUDOU. - JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. — Juan H. Estrada. - Lucas Chedrese.
Annex I
Federal Legislative Covenant
Article 1
Object. Consider the Federal Legislative Council for Health (Cofelesa) as a deliberative body of political origin that will aim to articulate and promote common health policies throughout the national territory.
Art. 2o- I
ntegration. The Cofelesa will be integrated with the members of the Health Commissions or its equivalent, whatever its name, of the Honorable Senate of the Nation, of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, of each of the provincial legislatures and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, be unicameral or bicameral.
Art. 3o-
Functions. The Cofelesa has the following functions:
(a) To study, advise and develop health legislation;
(b) Harmonize and promote the implementation of common health laws throughout the national territory; and
(c) Monitoring and monitoring the implementation of health laws.
Section I
Art. 4o-
Bodies. The organs of the Cofelesa are:
(a) Cofelesa Assembly (assembly); and
(b) Cofelesa Conduction Table.
Section II
Art. 5o-
Cofelesa driving table. It shall consist of one (1) President, one (1) Vice-President and one (1) Vice-President, elected by the assembly of its members.
Art. 6o -
Secretariats. The President shall designate, with agreement of the assembly, four (4) Secretaries who shall accompany him in his functions as long as his mandate lasts and shall carry out the activities corresponding to the Executive, Academic, Parliamentary Technical and Inter-Agency Relations Secretariats.
Secretaries must be legislators with a current or fulfilled mandate.
Art. 7o-
Meetings and quorum. The Cofelesa Steering Table will meet as often as it determines and its resolutions will be adopted by a mere majority of those present.
Art. 8o-
Attributions. The following terms of reference are attached to the Cofelesa driving table:
(a) To comply with and enforce the rules governing the functioning of the Cofelesa;
(b) Request expert advice and information for the study, development of legislative projects, review and control of the implementation of health laws;
(c) Determine the meeting place and date of the assembly;
(d) To appoint committees for the development of the tasks and functions assigned to it by the assembly;
(e) To execute the resolutions of the assembly;
(f) To exercise the representation of the Cofelesa before public and private bodies;
(g) Decide the convening of an extraordinary assembly in cases of urgency;
(h) To inform the assembly of the status of progress in the process of the projects that promote the Cofelesa in the different legislatures;
(i) To perform any other administrative act relevant to the achievement of the objectives of the Cofelesa.
Section III
Legislative Assembly of Health
Art. 9o-
Composition. Meetings. The Cofelesa Assembly is composed of all members of the Cofelesa in accordance with Article 2.
The assembly will be at least six (6) times a year, in different jurisdictions, at the place and date to be determined by the Cofelesa Board of Conduct.
Each jurisdiction will have two (2) votes.
Art. 10.-
Presidency. The Presidency of the assembly is exercised by the President of the Cofelesa Steering Committee. The President shall be replaced by Vice-Presidents 1 and 2nd by their order.
Art. 11.-
Attributions. The powers of the assembly are:
(a) Addressing matters incorporated into the agenda;
(b) Adopt the internal operating regulations of the Cofelesa;
(c) To adopt the bills that the Cofelesa will promote before the National Congress, the provincial legislative bodies and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Art. 12.-
Guests. The Cofelesa's governing bodies may invite representatives of official agencies, private entities, civil society organizations and recognized personalities of trajectory and adequacy linked to the field of health to participate in their meetings when the topic to deal with it so merits.
Art. 13.-
Legislators. Mandate fulfilled. Two (2) national, provincial and Autonomous City legislators of Buenos Aires, with a mandate fulfilled, who have integrated the Cofelesa, have the same rights and obligations as the members mentioned in Article 2.
Transitional arrangements
Art. 14.-
Federal Legislative Covenant. Ratification. The adoption of this regulation constitutes a Federal Legislative Covenant which must be expressly ratified by law of the National Congress and by laws of each of the respective provincial legislatures and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Art. 15.-
Lack of ratification. If the National Congress or provincial legislatures or the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires did not ratify this pact within one (1) year from the date of adoption of this regulation, their legislators may participate in the assembly with a voice, but without a vote, until the requirement set out in article 14.
The deadline may be extended by a decision of the assembly.
The present Federal Legislative Covenant on the Health of the Argentinians is signed in the Autonomous City of Good Aliens seven days of the month of August of the year two thousand nine.