MINING CODE Law 27.111 Decree 456/1997. Modification. Sanctioned: December 17, 2014 Enacted: January 20, 2015 The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 — Replace article 31 of the Mining Code (text ordered by decree 456 of 22 May 1997) with the following:
Article 31: When research works are carried out from aircraft, the permit may consist of up to twenty thousand (20.000) square kilometres per province, whether the applicant is the same or different persons, and the duration time shall not exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days counted from the date of granting the permit of the mining authority or the flight authorization issued by the aeronautical authority, which occurs in the last term. The request will contain the programme of work to be carried out, indicating also the elements and equipment that will be used in them.
In the provinces whose territorial extension exceeds two hundred thousand (200,000) square kilometres, the permit may consist of up to forty thousand (40.000) square kilometres without modifying the time already established.
The permit will be granted without another procedure and will be issued for one (1) day in the Official Gazette. The publication will provide sufficient summons to owners and third parties.
The permit may not affect other mining rights requested or previously granted in the area. The applicant shall pay, on a provisional basis, a canon of four pesos ($ 4) per square kilometer to be effective, in the form, opportunity and with the effects determined by Article 25 for requests for exploration permits.
Within five (5) days of the request for permission, the petitioner must accompany a copy of the flight authorization request submitted to the aeronautical authority, under the penalty of filing his request without further processing.
Applications that are not resolved within the thirty (30) days of their submission, due to lack of administrative impulse of the data subject, verified by the mining authority, shall be automatically discontinued and shall be filed without any requirement and notification.
The permissions to be granted will be noted in the registry of explorations and in those corresponding to the cadastres.
Successive permits of this class may not be granted on the same area or part of it, having to mediate between the expiration of one and the request of the other, the period of one hundred and fifty (150) days.
The mining authority may require the submission of the information and documentation referred to in the last part of Article 30, within the term and under the sanction provided by the same.
ARTICLE 2Replace Article 215 of the Mining Code with the following:
Article 215: The canon is set in the following form and scale:
1. For the substances of the first category set forth in article 3 and the productions of rivers and pleasures of article 4°, subparagraph (a), provided that they are exploited in fixed establishments under article 186 of this Code, three hundred twenty pesos ($ 320) for membership or unit of measure, of any of the forms contained in articles 74 to 80.
2. For the substances in the second category listed in Article 4°, except those in subparagraph (b), one hundred and sixty pesos ($ 160) per belonging, in accordance with the measures in Title 9, Section 1, hereby 2. Except also for this provision, the substances in Article 4 (a) as soon as they are included in the previous number and as soon as they are of common use.
3. Provisional concessions for the exploration or catheterization of the substances in the first and second category, whatever time it lasts, according to the provisions of this Code, will pay a thousand six hundred pesos ($1,600) per unit of measure or fraction, according to the dimensions set out in article 29.
4. Mines whose domain corresponds to the owner of the soil, once transferred to a third party or registered by the owner, will pay in the same form and scale of the previous articles, according to their category.
ARTICLE 3 — Replace Article 221 of the Mining Code with the following:
Article 221: Concessionaries of general socavones, in the case of article 128 and those of articles 124, 129 and 135, shall pay an annual canon of one hundred and sixty pesos ($160), in addition to the corresponding one, for each belonging of new or abandoned mine that they acquire in accordance with the provisions of articles 133 and 134; and in the case of article 135, they shall also pay a canon of eight hundred meters.
As to the obligation to invest capital, socavons are subject to the provisions of this Code for ordinary belongings.
ARTICLE 4 Contact the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. - JUAN H. STRADA. - Lucas Chedrese. - Gerardo Zamora.