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Argentinean City Law Laws N? 346, 17.671, 19.945, 23.298, 25.432, 26.215 And 26.571 - Modification - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: LEY DE CIUDADANIA ARGENTINA LEYES N? 346, 17.671, 19.945, 23.298, 25.432, 26.215 Y 26.571 - MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 26.774

Amenities No. 346, 17.671, 19.945, 23.298, 25.432, 26,215 and 26.571.

Sanctioned: October 31, 2012.

Promulgated: November 1, 2012.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force

ARTICLE 1 - Amend article 7 of Law 346, which will be drafted as follows:

Article 7: Argentines who have attained the age of sixteen (16) years enjoy all political rights under the Constitution and the laws of the Republic.

ARTICLE 2 - Amend article 10 (b) and article 10 bis of Law 17.671, which shall read as follows:

(b) By fulfilling the person the fourteen (14) years of age, an opportunity to complete all data and background, including a new photograph. At this updating stage, which supplements the previous enlistment and registration, the corresponding national identity document will be delivered;

Article 10 bis: On the occasion of the first update of the identification data, the presentation of the certificate that accredits current schooling, extended by competent authority, will be required.

When processing the person the planned update at the age of fourteen (14) years, the certificate of approval of the Basic General Education will be requested, or the accreditation of current schooling.

ARTICLE 3 - Amend articles 1, 6, 12, 15, 18, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 35, 41, 43, 61, 68, 72, 73, 75, 75 bis, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 112, 125, 127 and 137 of Act 19,945, to read as follows:

Article 1: Native Argentines are electors and by option, from the age of 16, and naturalized Argentines, from the age of 18, who have none of the disqualifications provided for in this law.

Article 6: Elector's immunity. No authority shall be empowered to reduce the elector from twenty-four (24) hours before the election to the closing of the Composition, except for the case of flagrante delicto or when there is an order issued by a competent judge. Outside of these assumptions you will not be hindered in transit from your home to the place where it is installed, nor can you be disturbed in the performance of your functions.

Article 12: You must vote. Every elector has the duty to vote in the national election to be held in his district.

They are exempt from this obligation:

(a) Judges and their assistants who, by the rule of this law, must attend their offices and keep them open while the election act lasts;

(b) Those who on the day of election are more than five hundred (500) kilometres from the place where they should vote and justify that the removal is based on reasonable grounds.

Such electors shall be presented on the day of election to the nearest police authority, which shall extend written certification that accredits the appearance;

(c) The sick or disabled by force majeure, sufficiently proven, that prevents them from attending the act. These cases should be first justified by doctors of the national health service; in the absence of official, provincial or municipal doctors, and in the absence of these by private doctors.

Official reference professionals shall be obliged to respond, on the day of the Composition, to the request of the ill or impossible elector, having to go to their home to verify those circumstances and to give them the corresponding certificate;

(d) The staff of public service agencies and companies who, for reasons related to their implementation, should perform tasks that prevent them from attending the commission during their development. In that case, the employer or its legal representative shall notify the Ministry of the Interior and Transport of the respective payroll with ten (10) days in advance of the date of the election, issuing, separately, the relevant certification.

The falseness in the certifications provided herein shall make it passable to those who had granted it of the penalties set out in article 292 of the Criminal Code. The exemptions enshrined in this article are of an optional nature for the elector.

Article 15: National Registry of Electors. The National Register of Electors is unique and contains the following subregisters:

1. Elections by district;

2. Disqualified and excluded voters;

3. Outwardly resident voters;

4. From voters deprived of liberty.

The National Register of Electors consists of computerized records and printed documentary support. The computerized registration must contain, for each elector, the following data: surnames and names, sex, place and date of birth, domicile, profession, type and number of civic document, specifying which copy, date of identification and filiatory data. The status of absentee for enforced disappearance shall be disclosed in the appropriate cases. The application authority determines how the fingerprints, photography and signature of the voters are incorporated. The printed documentary support must contain in addition to the data established for computerized registration, fingerprints and the original signature of the elector, and photography.

It is up to the national electoral justice to update the profession of voters.

Article 18: Registration of offenders to the duty to vote. The National Electoral Chamber shall keep a record of offenders to the duty to vote set out in article 12. After each national election, it will draw up a list by district, with the name, surname and registration of voters over eighteen (18) years and under seventy (70) years of age of those who do not have a record of voting, which will inform the executive branch. The provincial governments and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be able to request the House the list corresponding to the voters of their district.

Article 25: From the provisional pads. The National Register of Electors and the subregistrations of electors in all districts are of a public nature, with the corresponding legal provisions of privacy, to be subject to correction by the voters registered therein. The provisional pads are composed of the data of the subregistrations of the electors per district, including the developments recorded up to one hundred and eighty (180) days before each general election, as well as the persons who reach sixteen (16) years of age until the same day of the composition. The provisional registers of voters shall contain the following data: number and class of civic documents, surname, name and address of the registered persons. They must be sorted by district and section.

The electoral courts may require the collaboration of the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior and Transport for the printing of the provisional lists and shall supervise and inspect the entire printing process.

Article 26: Dissemination of provisional pads. The National Electoral Chamber shall have the publication of the provisional registers and residents abroad ten (10) days after the closing date of the registration for each election, on its website and/or by other means it deems appropriate, with the corresponding legal provisions of privacy, to be eligible for correction by the voters registered therein. Publicity should be provided on the basis of any complaints and claims, as well as consultations to the provisional register.

Article 28: Elimination of electors. Procedure. In the same period, any elector or political party shall have the right to request, to the federal court with electoral competence, to remove or remove from the register the deceased electors, those registered more than once or those who are covered by the inability established by this law. Subject to summary verification of the facts invoked and of the hearing to be granted to the contested elector, if appropriate, the judges shall issue a ruling. If they made room for the claim, they will notify the National Electoral Chamber to have the annotation of the disqualification in the National Registry of Elections. As for the deceased or registered more than once, both computer records and paper supports will be removed.

The challenger may take notice of the subsequent proceedings and shall be notified in all cases of the final resolution, but shall not participate in the substance of the information that he or she shall deal with in the light of the tax agent.

Article 29: Final pattern. Prompt provisional registers shall constitute the final electoral roll for primary elections and general elections, which shall be printed thirty (30) days prior to the date of the primary election in accordance with the rules set out in article 31.

The register shall be ordered according to the territorial demarcations, the corresponding electoral tables and by alphabetical order by surname.

They will consist of the final table pattern intended for the composition, the order number of the elector, an individualization code that allows the automated reading of each of the electors, the data that for the provisional registers requires this law and a space for the signature.

Article 33: Errors or omissions. Periods to correct them. The voters will be empowered to ask, up to twenty (20) days before the election event, to correct the errors and omissions in the register. This may be done in person or by a certified letter with notice of reception, free of charge, and the judges shall have a note of the corrections and inscriptions to which there is a place in the copies of the court, and in which they must refer to the chairman for the election.

They will not give direct orders for the inclusion of voters in the copies already sent to the chairpersons.

Claims authorizing this article shall be limited only to the amendment of errors or omissions. The claims and objections referred to in articles 27 and 28 of this Act shall not be admissible, and they shall have to be formulated on the opportunities mentioned therein.

Article 35: Communication from civilian and military authorities regarding disabled voters. The civil and military authorities shall formalize, ninety (90) days before each election by communicating to the electoral judges the reference of the disqualified voters under the requirements of Article 3 and which are under their orders or custody or inscribed in their records.

Failure to comply with the obligations set out in this article, after thirty (30) days of the time period fixed therein and without the need for any requirements, shall involve the officials responsible in serious administrative misconduct. Electoral judges shall communicate the fact to the respective hierarchical superiors for appropriate purposes.

If the authorities mentioned here do not have under their orders or custody the constituents covered by the statute of limitations of Article 3, they will also inform the relevant judges within the time frame referred to by the first of them.

Article 41: Election tables. Each circuit will be divided into tables, which will be constituted with up to three hundred fifty (350) registered voters, grouped by alphabetical order.

If such a group of electors is made, a fraction below sixty (60) will be incorporated into the table to be determined by the judge. If a fraction of sixty (60) or more remains, an electoral table will be formed. Electoral judges may constitute electoral tables, in those circuits whose population nuclei are separated by long distances or geographical accidents that hinder the concurrence of the electors to the composition, grouping the voters considering the proximity of their homes and by alphabetical order.

Domiciled voters within each circuit will be sorted alphabetically. Once this operation has been carried out, they will be grouped into polling stations, in accordance with the provisions of this article.

Article 43: Attributions and duties. They have the following powers and duties, without prejudice to the provisions of Act No. 19.108 and Regulations for National Justice:

1. Proposing persons to serve as secretary, prosecretary and other jobs.

2. Apply disciplinary penalties, including the arrest of up to fifteen (15) days, to those who are in need with respect to their authority or investiture or that of the other officials of the Electoral Secretariat, or obstruct their normal exercise.

3. Impose the secretary, prosecretary or employees disciplinary sanctions subject to the provisions of the National Justice Regulations. In addition, in serious cases, they may request their removal to the National Electoral Chamber.

4. Receiving and responding to the claims filed by any elector and by the political parties ' agents, on the data contained in the aforementioned records.

5. Designate ad-hoc assistants for the conduct of electoral tasks, national, provincial or municipal officials. Designations shall be regarded as public burden.

6. Comply with the other functions that this law specifically entrusts to them.

Article 61: Judicial resolution. Within five (5) days thereafter, the judge shall issue a decision, with a specific and precise expression of the facts underlying it, regarding the quality of the candidates. The same will be appealable within forty-eight (48) hours before the National Electoral Chamber, which will be resolved within three (3) days by an informed decision.

If a final decision establishes that a candidate does not meet the necessary qualities, the list order of the holders shall be issued and the first alternate shall be completed, and the order of the holder shall also be transferred; and the political party to which it belongs may register another alternate at the last place of the list within forty-eight (48) hours of that resolution. In the same way the new substitutions will be made.

In the event of a waiver, death or incapacity, the presidential candidate will be replaced by the candidate for vice president. In the event of the Vice-President ' s vacance, the political group that has registered him must proceed to his replacement within three (3) days. Such a designation should be for an elector who has participated in the primary elections as a pre-candidate of the vacancy list.

All resolutions shall be notified by telegram, being signed after forty-eight (48) hours of notification.

The official list of candidates shall be communicated by the judge to the Electoral Board within twenty-four (24) hours of finalizing its decision, or immediately acting the same in its case.

Article 68: Members of the armed forces. Limitations of their performance during the election. The heads or officers of the national, provincial, territorial and municipal armed forces and police authorities shall not be able to lead groups of electors during the election, or to assert the influence of their positions to cope with the freedom of suffrage or to hold meetings with the purpose of influencing the elections.

The retired personnel of the armed forces, regardless of their hierarchy, are forbidden to attend the electoral act wearing their uniform.

The personnel of the armed and security forces in operation have the right to attend the uniform elections and carry their regulatory weapons.

Article 72: Board authorities. For the appointment of the board authorities, electors who result from a random selection shall be given priority by computer means in which their degree of instruction and age should be taken into account, to the electors who have been trained for that purpose and then to those registered in the Public Registry of Postulants to Bureau Authorities.

Each electoral table shall have as the sole authority an official who shall act with the title of president. An alternate shall also be appointed, which shall assist the President and replace him in cases determined by this law.

In the event of the election of President and Vice-President of the Nation, the officers designated for the first round shall also perform that function in the event of the second round.

Electors who have served as board authorities will receive a compensation consisting of a fixed amount for via.

Sixty (60) days before the date set for the commission, the Ministry of the Interior and Transport shall determine the amount to be liquidated for the via, establishing the procedure for payment to be made within the sixty (60) days of the commission, informing the federal judge with electoral competence of each district. If the second round is made, both compensations will be added and cancelled within the same period.

Article 73: Requirements. Presidents and alternates shall meet the following qualities:

1. Being a skilled elector.

2. To be between eighteen (18) and seventy (70) years old.

3. To reside in the electoral section where it should be performed.

4. Know how to read and write.

In order to verify the concurrence of these requirements, the Electoral Boards are empowered to request from the relevant authorities the data and background they deem necessary.

Article 75: Designation of the authorities. The federal court with electoral competence shall appoint the presidents and alternates for each table, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the primary elections and must ratify such designation for the general elections.

The board authorities shall be placed on the pattern of the table for which they are appointed.

The notifications of designation shall be issued either through the national mail or through the special communication services provided by the security agencies, whether national or provincial.

(a) The excuse of those who are appointed shall be formulated within three (3) days of notification and only duly justified reasons of illness or force may be invoked. Following this time limit, may only be excused for cases of concern, which shall be the subject of special consideration by the Board;

(b) It is a cause of exception to perform organizational functions and/or leadership of a political party and/or to be a candidate. It shall be accredited by certification of the authorities of the respective party;

(c) For the purposes of justification by the presidents or alternates of the sickness that prevents them from attending the election act, only the certificates issued by doctors of the national, provincial or municipal health shall be valid in that order. In the absence of the indicated professionals, certification may be extended by a particular doctor, and the Board may verify the accuracy of the certification by special practitioners. If falsehood is verified, the relevant tax agent shall be transferred to the relevant tax agent for the purposes provided for in article 132.

Article 75 bis: Registration of board authorities. National electoral justice will create a Public Registry of Postulants to Bureau Authorities in all districts, which will operate permanently. Those electors who wish to register and comply with the requirements of article 73 may do so in the district ' s electoral courts in which they are registered, through the computer media provided by the electoral justice system or in the post offices where there will be forms for that purpose.

The electoral justice will carry out the training of board authorities, in a presenceal or virtual way, with the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior and Transport providing the necessary support.

Article 86: Where and how the voters can vote. The electors may vote only at the voting table on which the list is set and with the enabling civic document. The president will verify whether the elector to whom the civic document belongs appears on the table's electoral roll.

For this purpose, it will match the personal data contained in the pattern with the same indications contained in the document. When by mistake of impression of any of the mentions of the pattern does not exactly match that of his document, the president will not be able to prevent the voter's vote if there is a match in the other records. In these cases the differences in the comment column will be noted.

1. If the name of the elector does not correspond exactly to that of his civic document, the president will admit the vote provided that, duly examined the number of that document, year of birth, domicile, etc., they were matched with those of the register.

2. Voting shall not be prevented either:

(a) When the name appears accurately and the discrepancy is seen about any or some data relating to the civic document (domesticism, type of document, etc.);

(b) When the photo of the elector is missing in the document, provided that he responds satisfactorily to the thorough questioning made by the president about personal data and any other circumstances that he stores to the proper identification;

(c) The elector included in the register with the enrolment notebook or duplicate civic notebook, tripled, etc., and presented with the national identity document;

(d) Elector whose document contains annotations of official institutions or agencies, blood group, etc.

3. The vote will not be admitted to him:

(a) If the elector displays a civic document prior to the one in the register;

(b) The elector who is presented with enrolment or civic notebook and is registered with a national identity document.

4. The president will record in the column of ‘observations’ of the shortcomings referred to in the preceding provisions.

Article 87: Inadmissibility of voting. No authority, nor even the electoral judge, may order the chairman to admit the vote of an elector who is not registered in the copies of the electoral roll.

Article 88: Right of the elector to vote. Anyone who appears in the register and displays his civic document has the right to vote and no one can question him in the act of suffrage. The presidents will not accept any challenge based on the inability of the elector to appear on the electoral roll.

It is excluded from the same one who is slashed with red ink in the table's pattern, not being able in such case to cast the vote even if it is alleged error.

Article 89: Verification of the identity of the elector. Tested that the civic document presented belongs to the same elector that appears to be registered as an elector, the president will proceed to verify the identity of the person appearing with the respective indications of that document, hearing the point of the party's prosecutors.

Article 92: Procedure in case of challenge. In the event of a challenge, the president will record it in the corresponding envelope. You will immediately note the name, last name, number and class of civic document and year of birth, and take the digit thumb impression of the contested elector on the respective form, which will be signed by the president and by the contesting prosecutors. If any of these will be refused, the president will put on record, being able to do so under the signature of any or some of the voters present. Then you will place this form within the above-mentioned envelope, which will deliver open to the elector along with the envelope to issue the vote and invite you to pass to the dark room. The elector may not withdraw from the form; if it does, it will constitute sufficient proof of truth of the challenge, except accreditation to the contrary.

The refusal of the contestant prosecutors to subscribe to the form will import the withdrawal and cancellation of the challenge; but it will suffice that one sign only to remain.

After the defendant has suffraged, if the president of the Composition considers the challenge to be substantiated, he is entitled to order that he be arrested on his order. This arrest may be lifted only in the event that the challenger gave monetary or sufficient personnel bail to the President ' s judgment, which guarantees his appearance before the judges.

The monetary bond will be one hundred and fifty pesos ($ 150) from which the president will receive. The amount of the bail and copy of the receipt shall be delivered to the official post office employee together with the electoral documentation after the completion of the composition and shall be forwarded by the latter to the District Electoral Secretariat.

The staff will be granted by a well-known and responsible neighbor who in writing commits himself to submit to the secured party or to pay that amount at the event that the challenged will not be presented to the electoral judge when cited by him.

The envelope with the voter's vote, together with the form containing his digital print and other references already noted, as well as the amount of the pecuniary bond or the written instrument of the personal bond, shall be placed on the envelope to which the first paragraph of this article refers initially.

The elector who, at the order of the chairman of the table, is arrested for being considered to have challenged his vote immediately shall be at the disposal of the Electoral Board, and the president, upon sending the record, shall notify the latter by registering the place where he shall remain in detention.

Article 94: Voting. Introduced in the dark room and closed outside the door, the elector will place on the top of his suffrage boot and return immediately to the table. The closed envelope will be deposited by the elector in the urn. The president, on his own initiative or at the well-founded request of the prosecutors, may order whether the envelope that the elector brings is the same as he delivered. In the event of joint national, provincial and/or municipal elections, a single envelope will be used to deposit all ballots.

The blind electors, or with a permanent or temporary disability or physical condition that prevents, restricts or deficates the exercise of the vote may be assisted by the chairperson of the table or a person of his or her choice, who duly credits his or her identity, in the terms of the regulations that are issued. This circumstance will be recorded in the table's pattern and in the closing record of the table, recording the data of the elector and the person who assists it. No person, except the chairman, may attend more than one elector in the same election.

Article 95: Voting confirmation. Continuous act the president will point out in the electoral roll of the voting table that the elector issued the suffrage, in the sight of the prosecutors and the elector himself. The elector shall also be given a record of the issuance of the vote containing the following data: date and type of choice, full name and surname, number of the elector and nomenclature of the table, which shall be signed by the president in the place for the purpose. The format of such record shall be established in the regulation. Such a record shall be sufficient for the purposes provided for in articles 8, 125 and 127 second paragraph.

Article 112: Scrutiny procedure. With the expiration of the term of article 110, the National Electoral Board shall conduct the final scrutiny, which shall be completed as soon as possible. To that end, the necessary days and hours will be given for the task to be uninterrupted. In the case of the election of the President and Vice-President of the Nation, the President shall do so within 10 days.

The final scrutiny shall, in the consideration of each table, be adjusted to the examination of the respective record to verify:

1. If there's any indication that she's been adulterated.

2. If you do not have substantial defects in form.

3. If accompanied by the other records and documents that the President has received or produced on the occasion of the election and scrutiny.

4. If you admit or reject the protests.

5. If the number of voters who covered according to the record coincides with the number of envelopes sent by the President of the table, verification that will only be carried out in the case of a complaint of a political party acting in the election.

6. If there are votes appealed, they will be considered to determine their validity or nullity, computing them together by electoral section.

Executed pre-established checks the Board shall be limited to carrying out the arithmetic operations of the results set out in the record, except as a means of claim by a political party acting in the election.

Article 125: No voting. A fine of fifty pesos ($ 50) to five hundred pesos ($ 500) shall be imposed on the elder elector of eighteen (18) years and less than seventy (70) years of age who shall cease to cast his vote and shall not be justified in the case of the national electoral justice within sixty (60) days of the respective election. When the non-emission is credited for any of the grounds provided for in article 12, a record shall be given. The offender included in the Register of Offenders in the duty to vote established in article 18 may not be appointed to perform public functions or employment for three (3) years from the election. The district electoral judge, if not that of the offender ' s domicile at the date provided for in article 25, shall communicate the justification or payment of the fine to the electoral judge where the elector was registered.

It will be sufficient cause for the application of the fine, the objective finding of the unjustified omission. Proceedings and court rulings arising from voters who do not consent to the application of the fine may include an offender or a group of offenders. The resolutions will be appealed to the uprising of national electoral justice.

Article 127: Constance of administrative justification. Communication. The heads of the national, provincial, of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or municipal bodies shall issue a record, according to the model that establishes the regulation, that proves the reason for the omission of the suffrage of the subordinates, clarifying when the same has been originated by acts of service by legal provision, being sufficient to have it as non-infruit.

Employees of the national, provincial, provincial, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or municipal, who are over eighteen (18) years and under seventy (70) years of age, will present to their immediate superiors the record of the vote, the day after the election, to allow the control of the performance of their duty to vote. If they do not do so, they will be sanctioned with suspension of up to six (6) months and in case of recidivism, they will be able to reach the cessation.

The chiefs in turn will give notice to their superiors, in writing and immediately, of the omissions in which their subordinates have incurred. The omission or inaccuracy of such communications shall also be punished with suspension of up to six (6) months.

Of the records that they issue will give account to the national electoral justice within 10 days of a national election. These communications will have to establish the name of the employee, the last address contained in his document, class, electoral district, section, circuit and table number in which he was to vote and cause for which he did not.

Article 137: Multiple registrations or adulterated documents. Fake case. Undue retention of civic documents. Six (6) months to three (3) years ' imprisonment shall be imposed, if it is not a more severe offence, the elector who registers more than once, or does so with apocryphal, annulled or other documents, or complains of false domicile.

The same penalty shall be payable for those who improperly retain civic documents from third parties.

ARTICLE 4 - Amend articles 1, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 20, 23 and 25 quater of the law 23.298, which shall read as follows:

Article 1: Elections are guaranteed the right of political association to be grouped into democratic political parties.

The groups are guaranteed the right to their constitution, organization, self-government and free functioning as a political party, as well as the right to obtain the legal-political personality to act in one, several or all electoral districts, or as party confederation, in accordance with the provisions and requirements of this law.

Article 2: Parties are necessary instruments for the formulation and implementation of national policy. They are exclusively responsible for the nomination of candidates for elected public office.

Nominations of non-affiliated voters may be submitted by parties provided that such a possibility is admitted in their organic letters.

Article 3: The existence of parties requires the following substantial conditions:

(a) Group of electors, united by a permanent political link;

(b) A stable and functioning organization regulated by the organic charter, in accordance with the internal democratic method, through periodic elections of pro-party authorities and agencies, in the manner established by each party, respecting the minimum percentage by sex established by law 24.012 and its regulatory decrees;

(c) Judicial recognition of his legal-political personality as a party, which entails his registration in the relevant public register.

Article 6: Corresponds to the Federal Justice with electoral competence, in addition to the jurisdiction and competence assigned to it by the respective organic law, the infringement of the effective validity of the rights, attributes, powers, guarantees and obligations, as well as of the records that this and other legal provisions rule with respect to the parties their authorities, candidates, affiliates and electors in general.

Article 20: For the purposes of this law, the elector ' s electoral domicile is the last annotated in the enrolment book, civic notebook or national identity card.

Article 23: To join a party is required:

(a) To be registered in the district ' s electoral subregistration requesting membership;

(b) Check the identity with the enrolment notebook, civic notebook or national identity card;

(c) To submit, by quadrupling, a form of application containing: name and address, registration, class, marital status, profession or trade and the signature or digital print, the authenticity of which must be certified in a manner by the competent public official or by the party authority to be determined by the executive bodies, whose name shall be sent to the Federal Justice with electoral competence; the affiliation may also be requested through the digital office.

The application files shall be supplied without charge by the Ministry of the Interior and Transport to the recognized parties or in training that require them, without prejudice to their preparation for them and in their charge, according to the model carried out by the Ministry of the Interior and Transport respecting measure, quality of the material and other characteristics.

Article 25 quater: Electors may formalize their waiver by free telegram or personally to the corresponding district electoral secretariat. To this end, a free telegram service is established throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic for the sender, to effect the resignations of political parties. The expense required by this service will be charged, through the system without prior payment, to the account of the Ministry of the Interior and Transport. The federal court with electoral competence once notified of the waiver of an affiliation, shall terminate it and communicate it to the party to which it has resigned.

ARTICLE 5° — Amend articles 3°, 4° and 6° of Act 25.432, to read as follows:

Article 3: In any project subject to binding popular consultation, the vote of the electorate under the terms of law 19,945 shall be binding.

Article 4: Any binding popular consultation shall be valid and effective when it has cast its vote not less than thirty-five percent (35%) of the voters registered in the national electoral roll.

Article 6: It may be subject to non-binding popular consultation, any matter of general interest to the Nation, except for those bills whose sanction procedure is specially regulated by the National Constitution, by the determination of the House of Origin or by the requirement of a qualified majority for approval. In this type of consultation the vote of the electorate will not be mandatory.

— Amend articles 18 and 27 of Law 26,215, which shall read as follows:

Article 18: Financial administration. The party shall appoint one (1) holder treasurer and one (1) alternate, or its equivalents according to its organic letter, older, with domicile in the corresponding district, having both to be affiliated. The designations with the respective identity and profession data shall be communicated to the federal judge with corresponding electoral competence and to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior and Transport.

Article 27: Responsible. Prior to the start of the electoral campaign, political groups, who submit candidates for elected public office, must designate two (2) financial and financial officials, who comply with the requirements set out in article 18 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, who will be jointly responsible with the Treasurer, for complying with the applicable legal, regulatory and technical provisions. The designations should be communicated to the federal judge with corresponding electoral competence, and to the Ministry of the Interior and Transport.

- Amend article 23 of Law 26.571, which shall read as follows:

Article 23: In the primary elections all voters must vote, according to the voter registration made by the national electoral justice system.

The same pattern will be used for the primary elections as for the general election in which persons who reach 16 years of age until the day of the general election will be included.

The elector will vote in the same place in the two (2) elections, except for exceptional reasons or for force majeure, which will be duly reported by the mass media.

— The national executive branch will implement a publicity and documentation campaign aimed at the renewal of the National Identity Document by young people of 14 (14) years of age under article 10, subparagraph (b) of Law 17.671, prior to the closing date of the provisional registers provided for in article 25 of Law 19,945.

— Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the terms of this law.

- Contact the national executive branch.



LOVE BOUDOU. - JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. — Juan H. Estrada. - Gervasio Bozzano.