MANEJO DEL FUEGO Law 27604 Act No. 26,815. Modification. The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
Article 1- Replace article 22 bis of Law 26,815 of Manejo del Fuego, which shall read as follows:
Article 22 bis: In the event of arson, whether these are caused or accidental, burning live or dead vegetation, in native or implanted forests, as well as in properly recognized protected natural areas and wetlands, in order to guarantee the conditions for the restoration of the burned surfaces, is prohibited by the term of sixty (60) years since its extinction:
(a) To make modifications to the use and destination of such areas prior to the fire;
(b) The division or subdivision, except that it results from a hereditary partition; the loteo, fractionation or plotting, is partial or total, or any real estate undertaking, other than the lease and sale, of particular lands.
(c) The sale, concession, division, subdivision, loteo, fractionation or plotting, total or partial, or any other real estate undertaking, other than the lease, of tax land; and,
(d) Any agricultural activity that is different from the use and destination of the surface at the time of the fire.
Without prejudice to the special protection that such affected ecosystems particularly obtain from national and local laws, such as from the international treaties adopted and ratified by the Nation in the field, which will apply further as soon as their rules are more extensive or comprehensive in their benefits to them.
Article 2°- Incorporate article 22 ter into Law 26,815, of Manejo del Fuego, which shall read as follows:
Article 22 ter: The prohibition established in Article 22 bis shall be extended if the Territorial Order of the Native Forests of the corresponding jurisdiction indicates it.
Article 3. Incorporate article 22 quater to Act No. 26,815 of Manejo del Fuego, which shall read as follows:
Article 22 quater: In the case of fires, whether these are caused or accidental, that they burn living or dead vegetation, in agricultural zones, meadows, pastures, bushes and in areas where the building structures are intermingled with vegetation outside the strictly urban or structural environment, in order to guarantee the conditions for the restoration of the burned surfaces and without prejudice to the wider environmental protection or the most extensive extinction of the land.
(a) The realization of real estate enterprises;
(b) Any agricultural activity that is different from the use and destination of the area prior to the time of the fire; and,
(c) The modification of the use of an area in order to develop intensive agricultural practices, except in cases where such practices and modalities had preceded the event.
Measures regarding the burned surfaces resulting from articles 22 bis, 22 ter and the present shall be inscribed in the records corresponding to each jurisdiction.
Article 4°- Contact the national executive branch.
CLAUDIA LEDESMA ABDALA DE ZAMORA - SERGIO MASSA - Marcelo Jorge Fuentes - Eduardo Cergnul
e. 24/12/2020 N° 67031/20 v. 24/12/2020