GANADERÍA OVINALaw 27646Act No. 25.422. Modification.The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force
Article 1 - Amend Article 1 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 1: Institute a Regime for the Promotion, Development and Consolidation of the Ovina and Flame Livestock, henceforth the Regime, which shall govern with the scope and limitations set forth in this Law and the complementary rules that are determined accordingly. The Regime will be aimed at the sustained development of the production, transformation and marketing of livestock and its derivative products, through the continuous updating, modernization and innovation of the productive systems, fostering the sustainable development of their potentialities, the increase of value added and the horizontal and vertical integration of all the links of the chain, regional development and the federal character of the present Regmen, the occupancy of the rural environment.
Article 2- Amend Article 2 of Law 25,422, which shall be drafted as follows:
Article 2: Priority activities related to ovine livestock and flames covered by the Regime are: the improvement of productive efficiency; the improvement of the quality of production and the processes of added value in all the linkages of the chain; the increase, the improvement and the recomposition of the majadas and the incorporation of new technologies of production, industrialization and management; the productive and associative development The criteria, conditions and methodologies to be complied with shall be defined in the complementary standards set out accordingly.
Article 3- Amend Article 4 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 4: Human persons, legal entities, de facto societies and indivisous successions carrying out activities under this Act shall be beneficiaries of this Law, and shall comply with the requirements established by its regulation.
Producers and producers are considered to develop any of the forms of production under Article 1 of the present and to have the objective of achieving production for commercial purposes. Service providers are considered to be service providers to those who provide services related to the objectives set out in Article 1 of this Law.
Transformers are considered to those who produce, from the raw material, products derived or intended for the realization of the objectives provided for in Article 1 of this Law.
Those who trade raw materials or manufactured products related to the objectives set out in Article 1 of this Law are considered marketers.
They may not be beneficiaries of this Regime who register or have registered serious breaches of previously requested benefits, until they regulate their situation.
Article 4- Amend Article 5 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 5: In order to be eligible for the present Regime, applicants shall submit a work plan and/or an investment project, as appropriate, to the Provincial Executing Unit of the Regime referred to in Article 22 of the present, where the establishment is located and/or the activity subject to the request is carried out. Equal opportunities for the development and participation of women in the ovine and flame chain will be promoted.
The Implementation Authority shall regulate the operation and operationalization of the rules applicable to the submission of work plans and investment projects.
Article 5- Amend Article 6 of the Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 6: The Implementation Authority shall provide a differential treatment in economic benefits and in the requirements for the completion of small producers and producers and the sector of peasant and indigenous family farming defined in accordance with Article 5 of Law 27.118, which develop activity on small surfaces or have small maizes.
Article 6 - Amend Article 7 of the Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 7: The Authority for the Application of this Law shall be the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, being able to decentralize in the Provincial Executing Units the functions of convocation, analysis, approval, monitoring and control of the projects and work plans, and the intimation, collection and recovery of the funds granted in respect of Reintegrable Contributions (AR).
Article 7- Amend Article 8 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 8: The Authority of Application shall appoint the staff member with rank not less than the Director to act as the National Coordinator of this Regime, who shall be responsible for the implementation of the same.
Article 8 - Amend Article 9 of the Law 25,422 which shall read as follows:
Article 9: The Technical Advisory Commission on the Regime for the Promotion, Development and Consolidation of the Ovina and Flaming Livestock (CAT) is established within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
Article 9 - Amend Article 10 of Law 25,422, which shall be drafted as follows:
Article 10: CAT shall have advisory functions for the Implementation Authority and shall follow up on the implementation of this Regime, making recommendations it deems relevant to the achievement of the objectives sought.
Article 10.- Amend Article 11 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 11: CAT shall be chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and shall be integrated, in addition, by the National Coordinator of the Regime, one/a (1) representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, one/a (1) representative of the Secretariat of Food, Bioeconomy and Regional Development, one/a (1) representative of the Secretariat of Family, Peasant and Industry Women ' s participation in the constitution of CAT should be promoted. Each of the representatives shall also appoint an alternate to replace the holder in the event of his or her absence or impediment.
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries shall be replaced as President in case of absence or impediment by the National Coordinator of the Regime. The Implementing Authority shall issue the internal operating regulations of CAT.
Article 11. Amend Article 16 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 16: The Executive Power shall include in the Budget of the National Civil Service for TEN (10) years from the publication of this Law which extends the regime of law 25,422 and its amendments, an annual amount to be incorporated into the FRAO which shall not be less than PESOS OCHOCIENTS CINCUENTA MILLONES ($ 850.000,000).
Article 12.- Amend Article 17 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 17: The Implementing Authority, in conjunction with CAT, shall establish the criterion for the distribution of FRAO funds, with priority consideration of the number of sheep heads officially registered. Annually, the funds of the FRAO may be allocated up to CINCO (5%) to compensate for administrative, human resources and equipment costs, both at the national and provincial levels, which demand the implementation, monitoring, control and evaluation of this Regime.
Article 13.- Amend Article 18 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 18: Applicants may receive the following benefits:
(a) Reimbursable and/or non-refundable economic support for the implementation of the plan or project, variable by area, size of exploitation, type of plan or project of investment and proposed activity, as determined by the Implementation Authority, in accordance with the regulations;
(b) Bank loan interest rate allowance.
Article 14.- Amend Article 19 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 19: The Authority of Implementation, after consultation with CAT, may allocate annually until the VEINTE FOR SCIENT (20%) of the FRAO funds for other actions of general support to the promotion, consolidation and promotion of the ovine and flame cattle ranching that are considered strategic and that are national and regional.
Of the total allocated, a percentage not less than CINCUENTA per CIENTO (50%) of such funds should be determined to finance, in a mandatory way, the Programme for the Improvement of the Quality of Lana (PROLANA) and the National Programme for the Promotion of the Consumption of Carne Ovina, created by the Nros Resolutions. 1,139 dated 29 December 1994 from the ex-SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURA, GANADERIA And then MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND ARTWORKS AND PUBLIC SERVICES and 151 dated April 9, 2019 from the ex-SECRETARY OF GOVERNMENT OF AGROINDUSTRIA of the then MINISTERIO DE PRODUCTION AND WORK or those that in the future replace them.
The remainder of the above-mentioned funds shall be used to finance such actions as:
1. Conduct information campaigns and disseminate the scope of this Law.
2. Conduct market studies.
3. To carry out actions aimed at opening and maintenance of markets; as well as the implementation of geographical identifications, indications of origin, denominations of origin, organic certifications and standards of good productive, environmental, labor and animal welfare practices, among others.
4. Support provincial governments in the control measures of wild animal species predators of ovine livestock.
5. Assist producers economically in cases that affect majadas health and that exceed the budgetary capacity of the relevant national and provincial agencies.
6. Solvent campaigns to increase the use or consumption of any other product derived from the exploitation of the ovine and flame farm.
7. To finance studies at the regional level of soil regeneration, measurement of carbon balance, water and vegetation, as well as monitoring of over-pastoral and soil degradation processes, proposing recovery and control plans as a basis to inform an adequate evaluation and implementation of work plans and investment projects presented to the Regime.
8. Train the different links of the chain, technicians and professionals involved in the formulation and implementation of the investment plans and projects presented to this Regime.
9. Other activities, programmes and actions that the Implementation Authority considers strategic for the development of the chains of sheep and flames.
Article 15.- Amend Article 21 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 21: With regard to the financial and economic benefits provided for in this Regime, the Act shall be effective during the period of the extension of article 16 of this Law and until the full use of the funds of the FRAO has been the date of approval of the work plans or investment projects.
Article 16.- Amend Article 22 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 22: The Regime of this Law shall be applicable in the provinces expressly adhering to it.
To benefit from this Law, the provinces shall:
(a) To accede to this Law by signing a Specific Agreement with the Implementation Authority.
(b) To establish an inter-agency Provincial Executing Unit (UEP), which is responsible for the implementation of this Regime. The UEP will be chaired by a representative of the Provincial Executive Power from not less than the Director and must be integrated and operated in accordance with what is established by regulation, coordinating the functions and services of the provincial and communal bodies responsible for the development of sheep and flames with the Implementation Authority. The UEP will be responsible for ensuring the transparency of the operation of the Regime in its scope and ensuring that applicants have equal opportunities and conditions to access the benefits. The UEP will also be responsible for the verification of the documentation submitted by the applicants and the content of the projects, ensuring that they comply with the requirements set out in the regulations and avoiding approval of those applications that submit unconsistent data, non-compliance with basic requirements or serious technical and/or legal shortcomings. The UEP shall submit to the Implementation Authority its provincial strategic plan for the development of ovine and flame cattle, where the general objectives, specifics and lines of action are determined during the Exercise. The UEP will keep the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries informed of the progress of the projects.
(c) To comply with the other obligations set out in or to subscribe to the Agreements.
Article 17.- Amend Article 23 of Law 25,422, which shall read as follows:
Article 23: Any violation of this Law and the regulations that are determined shall, in a gradual and cumulative manner, be punished by:
(a) Total or partial expiration of benefits.
(b) Return of the amount of Non-Reintegrable Contributions (ANR).
(c) Immediate return of the total assessed contributions of the Reintegrable Contributions (ARs) pending repayment.
In all cases, the amounts to be refunded will be recharged with updates, interests and fines that establish the legal rules in force at the national level.
The regulation shall establish the procedure for the imposition of sanctions, guaranteeing the right of defence of alleged offenders.
Article 18.- Sections 3, 12, 13, 14 and 20 of the Act 25,422.
Article 19.- Provinces which, at the time of the publication of the present rule, are attached to the Regime, should update the Conventions signed with the Implementation Authority.
Article 20. The Implementing Authority shall propose to the National Executive the regulatory adequacy of the amendments introduced to Law 25,422 by this Law.
Article 21.- The provisions of this Law shall be interpreted in the sense of continuity of the regime originally established by law 25,422 and subsequently extended by law 26,680, with its other rules of change, complementary and regulatory.
Article 22.- Contact the national executive branch.
CLAUDIA LEDESMA ABDALA DE ZAMORA - SERGIO MASSA - Marcelo Jorge Fuentes - Eduardo Cergnul
e. 15/11/2021 No. 87563/21 v. 15/11/2021