Law 27637
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Article 1-The period of validity of the scheme provided for in Article 75 of Law 25,565 is extended until 31 December 2031.
Article 2-Substitute the fourth paragraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565, which shall be worded as follows:
' The Executive Branch shall, by itself or through the implementing authority, be empowered to increase or decrease the level of the surcharge set out in this Article by up to 50% (50%), with the modalities it considers relevant. '
Article 3-For the regions and the department listed in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565, the benefits of the application of the scheme for residential users of the natural gas service shall be continued. Propane networks and gas indexed by networks and all users of the general service P of those localities supplied with propane gas indexed by nets to be applied under this scheme, which shall be equivalent to 50% (50%) of the full tariff tables established by ENARGAS. The differential rate set out in this article will not exclude benefits granted by other rules.
Article 4-The benefit provided for in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 is extended to the whole of the regions, provinces, departments and localities of sub-areas IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, V and VI, Annex I of the This law, of the bio-environmental zones used by ENARGAS, under standard IRAM 11603/2012, which were not incorporated into the current regime. Locations within sub-areas IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, V and VI, Annex I to this Act, and which in the future are supplied by the public natural gas service by networks and propane gas that are not covered by networks shall obtain in automatic form the established benefits. The distribution companies or sub-distributors of natural gas for networks and propane gas must be compensated for the application of differential tariffs to the consumption of the beneficiaries of the scheme.
For the new regions, provinces, departments and localities which are incorporated into the current regime of point (a), first paragraph, Article 75, of Law 25,565, the differential tariff tables for residential users of the gas service Natural gas networks and propane gas and all users of the general service P of those localities supplied with propane gas by nets which are applied under this scheme shall be equivalent to 70% (70%) of the Full tariff tables established by ENARGAS, with the exception of users (a) a residential property which satisfies one of the following eligibility criteria, which shall be subject to a tariff table equivalent to 50% (50%) of the full tariff table:
1. Holders of Universal Allowance per Child (AUH) and Pregnancy Allowance.
2. Non-contributory Pension holders who receive gross monthly income not exceeding four (4) times the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage.
3. Users and users enrolled in the Social Monotributo Regime.
4. Retired and retired; pensioners and pensioners; and workers in relation of dependency who receive a gross remuneration less than or equal to four (4) Vital and Mobile Minimum Wage.
5. Monotributist workers enrolled in a category whose annual monthly income does not exceed four (4) times the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage.
6. Users and users who receive unemployment insurance.
7. Electrodependents, beneficiaries and beneficiaries of Law 27.351.
8. Users and users incorporated in the Special System of Social Security for Employees of Houses of Law 26,844.
9. Exents in the payment of ABL or local taxes of the same nature.
10. Titles of Pension Vitality to Veterans of War of the South Atlantic.
The differential rate set out in this law shall not exclude the benefits granted by other rules.
Article 5-To the consumption by the public good entities, according to law 27.218, of the natural gas service by nets and propane gas indexed by networks of all the regions, provinces, departments and localities of the subareas IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, V and VI, Annex I listed in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 and in Article 4 of this Law, of bio-environmental zones used by ENARGAS, under the IRAM standard 11603/2012, the benefits under this scheme apply, which will be equivalent to fifty per cent (50%) of the full tariff tables established by ENARGAS.
The differential rate set out in this law shall not exclude the benefits granted by other rules.
Article 6-To the consumption by the users of the natural gas service by networks and propane gas indexed by networks of all the regions, provinces, departments and localities of sub-areas IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, V and VI, Annex I which are listed in point (a) of the first paragraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 and in the first paragraph of Article 4 of this Law, of the bio-environmental zones used by ENARGAS, under standard IRAM 11603/2012, the benefits apply within the framework of this scheme, which shall be equivalent to 50% (50%) of the tables Full tariff rates established by ENARGAS when they meet any of the following eligibility criteria:
(a) Civil associations with annual ordinary income less than the "G" category of the Monotributo Regime;
(b) Community suppliers with or without legal status, recognized in their provincial or municipal jurisdiction or who are registered in the National Register of Community Comers and Merenders of Civil Society Organizations (RENACOM).
The differential rate set out in this law shall not exclude the benefits granted by other rules.
Article 7-The benefit provided for in point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 is extended to the whole of the regions, provinces, departments and localities of sub-areas IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, V and VI, Annex I of the This law, of the bio-environmental zones used by ENARGAS, under standard IRAM 11603/2012, which were not incorporated into the current regime.
Article 8-The Executive Branch is empowered to extend the territories referred to in Article 75 of Law 25,565 and in this Law, subject to a comprehensive review every two years (2) years as a maximum period, with prior technical opinion issued by the Ente Regulation as regards point (a) of the first paragraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 and the first paragraph of Article 4 of this Law and the Secretariat of Energy in relation to point (b) of the first paragraph of Article 75 of Law 25,565 and of the Article 7 of this Law, which must be considered for this purpose the evolution of climatic factors with impact on the same. For this purpose, they may request additional reports which they consider necessary for other competent bodies or authorities of localities which are in the analysis.
The Executive Branch will send its final report to the Congress of the Nation.
The implementing authority may amend or derogate from the fulfilment of the eligibility criteria for access to a tariff table equivalent to 50% (50%) of the full tariff table, where the user's ability to pay or user is significantly affected by a situation of need or social vulnerability, as established by the regulation.
The Executive Branch, by itself or through the enforcement authority, is empowered to provide the mechanisms by which users and users can give up the present benefit, in order for them to arrive exclusively at users and those users who need it.
Article 9-Commune to the national executive branch.
NOTE: The Annex/s that integrates this (a) Law are published in the web edition of the BORA