Law 28/2010, from June 3, charge and credit of credit for dealing with the acquisition of material of safety equipment for the Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue since the General Council in its session of June 3rd, 2010 has approved the following: law 28/2010 of 3 June credit credit supplement, and to deal with the acquisition of material of safety equipment for the Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue preamble the draft budget for the financial year 2010 foresaw a provision to deal with the acquisition of material of safety equipment for the Department for the prevention and extinction of fire and rescue.
This corresponded to the forecast credits to finance the costs of fire-fighting equipment and facilities; of machinery and industrial equipment; on the other machinery and equipment; of vehicles and heavy vehicles; and communications equipment.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the costs of capital, with the exception of the transfers in the Commons and investment expenses provided for in the draft budget, pending approval and that had already been approved with the character of long-term costs, which the head of Government with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective and can put in force, respectively. In this case, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget of the preceding financial year and the effect of the credits approved by multi-annual character, in addition to the authorization to the Executive to make effective transfers in the Commons.
As a result, the Government does not have specific credits or no credits sufficient to deal with the cost of real investment benchmark, which is currently calculated on a total of 760,010.93 euros.
The character of urgency and necessity of the reference is justified by the fact that the Department for the prevention and extinction of fire and rescue must have these facilities in order to meet the urgent needs in the field of safety in fire extinguishing and rescue.
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 24 March 2010.
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit of a total amount of 509,010.91 euros to deal with the acquisition of material safety equipment by the Department for the prevention and extinction of fire and rescue, for budgetary as well: 730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv PROJ.-0001 Prev. and Ext. fires and rescue-60330 installations and equipment against fire, for an amount of € 28,353.10;
730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv PROJ.-0001 Prev. and Ext. fires and rescue-60380 machinery and industrial equipment, for a total of € 220,369.36;
730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv PROJ.-0001 Prev. and Ext. fires and rescue-60390 Other machinery and equipment, for a total of € 65,917.54;
730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv PROJ.-0001 Prev. and Ext. fires and rescue-60400 Vehicles, for an amount of € 150,225.92;
730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv-PROJ 0001 Prev. and Ext. and rescue-60880 communications Material, for an amount of € 44,144.99.
Article 2 approves a credit supplement of a total amount of 251,000.02 euros to deal with the acquisition of material safety equipment by the Department for the prevention and extinction of fire and rescue, to the following budgetary: 730 Department of prevention and fire extinguishing and rescue-730 org. Exec. Extin. Fire and Salv PROJ.-0001 Prev. and Ext. fires and rescue-60410 heavy Vehicles, for a total of € 251,000.02.
Article 3 This extraordinary credit and credit this supplement are financed by new borrowing.
Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 3 Josep Dallerès Codina General Syndic of June 2010 We the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra