Law 43/2010, of 30 June, extraordinary credit and credit fee to finance the monitoring and improvement of landfill of ash closed if since the General Council in its session of June 30, 2010 has approved the following: Law 43/2010, of 30 June, extraordinary credit and credit fee to finance the monitoring and improvement of landfill of ash closed if they reason the article 36.4 of Law 25/2004, of December 14, of waste provides that, after the end of a garbage dump, it is necessary to make the maintenance and monitoring to a duration of no less than five years for the landfills of inert and for a duration of no less than ten years for the other two categories.
In the framework of the monitoring of landfill of ash closed if the country, have been observed in the plant cover conditions and to the stability of the soil of the landfills that need to fix urgently to ensure the good condition, the integration and the permanence of the coverage; and also there have been deficiencies in security fences that need to be repaired to prevent the entry of animals that can damage the cover.
The game corresponding to these costs is anticipated in the budget bill for the year 2010.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the costs of capital, with the exception of the transfer and of the expenses planned investment budget project pending approval, that had been approved with the character of long-term costs, and that the head of Government with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective and can put in force, respectively. In this case, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget of the preceding financial year and the effect of the credits approved by multi-annual character, in addition to the authorization to the Executive to make effective transfers in the Commons.
As a result, the Government does not have specific credits or no credits sufficient to cope with the currents and charges of real investment mentioned, encrypted in 257,557.00 euros.
Seen that the character of necessity and urgency of this expense is justified by the fact that the Government should have the budgetary credits for dealing with amounts that are derived from surveillance and improvements of the ash landfills closed if, envisaged in the current legislation on this matter.
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 21 April 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for a total amount of 229,783 euros, for budgetary as well: 430 Department of the environment-environmental impact Area 432-PROJ-0064 environmental impacts and recovery of the environment-protection and environmental improvements 60770 and natural parks, for an amount of 211,374 euros 430 Department of the environment-environmental impact Area 432-PROJ-0064 environmental impacts and recovery of the environment-60380 machinery and industrial equipment , for a total of 18,409 euros.
Article 2 approves an additional credit for a total amount of 27,774 euros, for the next budget starting: 430 Department of the environment-environmental impact Area 432-PROJ-0064 environmental impacts and recovery of the environment-22790 other jobs abroad.
Article 3 this Bill is financed through budgetary as follows: 250 Department of Economics-253 area of economy-PROJ-0021 business innovation Office-10010 staff of special relationship, for a total of 150,000 euro 720 720-police department public safety Area and Citizen Proximity-PROJ-0001 Direc. gesture. Police Service-10010 staff of special relationship, for an amount of 50,000 euros 310 Dept. Rel. Inst. and European Affairs-Rel Services 310.-Europe Diplomatic-political and 10000 Portugal Embassy PROJ-0051-ambassadors, for an amount of 50,000 euros 570 Secretary of State for higher education and research-570 Jan Services Port. Cult. and Presidence. SUP.-PROJ-0001 PG Secretary of State of us. SUP. Rec.-10010 staff of special relationship, for a total of 7,557 euros.
Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 30 June 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Nicolas Sarkozy Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra